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The most recent Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) (2009) mathematical literacy results provide evidence that in Western English-speaking countries, including Australia, the gender gap in achievement appears to be widening in favour of males. In the study reported in this article, the aim was to explore the effects of gender, school type (a measure of socioeconomic background), school learning setting and geographic location on mathematics performance amongst the highest achievers (top 2 %) in the grade 12 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) mathematics subjects based on results reported in a metropolitan newspaper. The analyses revealed that over the period 2007–2009, males, students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds and those attending metropolitan schools predominated amongst the highest achievers in all three VCE mathematics subjects. Students in single-sex settings, particularly males, were also over-represented. For each factor, the dominance was more pronounced as the level of difficulty of the mathematics subject increased.  相似文献   

Psychiatry is one speciality in medicine which, by virtue of its special needs and requirements, needs to use videotape recording techniques in teaching and training. The author describes their increasing use in a large hospital.  相似文献   

杨禄华 《嘉应学院学报》1994,(2):125-130,141
广东是我国目前经济最发达的地区之一,但广东经济的发展并不平衡,邻近港澳的深圳、珠海、广州及珠江三角洲地区经济发展很快,而广东的一些山区经济虽然有较快的发展,但与珠江三角洲相比差距仍然甚大。一些贫困山区的人民至今未能解决温饱问题。本文从广东山区的自然环境的角度,去探索山区贫困的自然因素,以便改造自然,消灭贫困,达到全广东省的共同富裕。  相似文献   

电视广告是最精练的电视叙事形态。电视广告中的声音主要有画外音、人物语言、音乐和音响。电视广告的叙事离不开声音,声音是是对画面的补充与延伸。电视广告运用声音叙事也是由广告本身的传统与特性所决定的。本文将结合个案,从叙事视角、叙事时序、叙事时限、叙事扩展等方面对电视广告声音叙事的特征与功能进行分析。  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the extent to which innovative activities vary among Canada's community colleges and to what degree specific organizational characteristics correlate with institutional innovativeness. The hypotheses were derived from an extensive literature on innovation theory, largely centered in the private sector. The research methodology was modelled after organizational innovation studies in the structural‐functional paradigm.

Data on specific innovations, both initiated and implemented, together with a number of organizational variables, were gathered from a sample of fifteen community colleges across Canada. The results confirmed that innovativeness does vary among institutions and also correlates positively with concentrations of support function specialist positions and with levels of macro‐environmental funding for innovative activity. The study also confirmed that an inverse relationship exists between innovative activity and measures of centralization of authority.

In general, it was found that findings reached in studies of innovation involving private sector organizations were applicable to the community college sector.  相似文献   

In the light of previous research, the author concludes that general comparison of the relative effectiveness of instructional media, either with each other or with class teaching, is likely to be inconclusive and should be abandoned in favour of investigation of individual characteristics of the media in relation to specific audiences.

Two examples of such specific investigations are given, both with respect to childen of infant school age. In the first it is indicated that the loss of the third dimension inherent in all pictorial presentations is a serious handicap to the communication of information, especially with the youngest children and that verbal cues offer no help in overcoming the difficulty. In the second, it is shown that children have difficulty in following the use of close‐ups, necessitated by the low definition of television and that cutting to the close‐up is harder to follow than zooming.

In both cases, no link is found with the Piagetian stage of development and hence hope is held out that the difficulties might be reduced by appropriate pre‐instructional training programmes  相似文献   

This article presents the results of two studieshypothesizing that nonintellectual learning dispositionsare as important as intellectual assets in predictingthe success of college students. The first study was conducted with a low-risk francophonepopulation (N = 298) and indicated that the Test ofReactions and Adaptation in College (TRAC:nonintellectual dispositions) predicts the collegesuccess of first-year students above and beyond thatpredicted by the high school rank (academicdispositions) and a French-language measure of aptitude(intellectual dispositions). The latter measure added noadditional variation to the high school rank in predictingsuccess. These results were replicated in a second studyconducted with an American student population who wereacademically at risk (N = 179) and using the Scholastic Aptitude Test as a measure ofintellectual dispositions. Findings are discussed interms of their implications for selection, screening,and intervention for first-year collegestudents.  相似文献   

本文讨论了生长调节剂、分散剂和超声波的生物效应以及它们在生物技术中的应用现状和前景.  相似文献   

基于AHP理论建立一种国家推进大众体育参与欲望因素筛选评估模型。通过此筛选模型对刺激欲大众体育参与欲望因素进行筛选,比较优劣,从而科学的、有效的筛选出适合刺激大众体育参与欲望的因素体系。避免了盲目、主观上造成对运动资源的极大浪费和大众体育参与欲望不高的不良影响。  相似文献   

调整和解决劳动者的利益矛盾是我国现时期发展生产力的关键问题。我国正处于社会转型时期,贫富悬殊加剧、失业增多、私营企业中雇主与雇工阶层出现、腐败现象严重等社会问题。成为影响劳动者利益实现的因素。为了更好地实现劳动者的利益,我们必须坚持党的基本路线不动摇,以人民的利益为出发点和归宿点制定经济发展战略,认真贯彻和实践“三个代表”重要思想,加快建立社会保障体系,通过各种途径和手段保证劳动者的利益需求,加强法制建设。  相似文献   

理性的职能是使“主观和客观、理论和实践、知和行的具体的历史的统一”,非理性并非洪水猛兽,而是启导理性的始端。中国是一个小生产者的王国,非理性的感情,常常冲击着理性思索。社会主义市场经济的提出、建立、发展,是理性同非理性较量的结果  相似文献   

当代中国法律文化既是对我国社会主义经济,政治的反映,同时又对社会主义经济,政治的发展起着巨大的推动作用。它是马克思主义普遍真理同当代中国法律实践相结合的产物,是充分吸收了中国传统法律文化的精华和世界各国法律文化的优秀成果,将法律文化的本土资源,国外优秀成果与时代产物有机地统一起来的法律文化。因此,当我们建设当代中国法律文化之时,就必须认真分析和准确把握其影响因素。  相似文献   

苏联解体以来,俄罗斯外交政策在复杂多变的国际环境下,历经叶利钦时期幼稚型的亲美主义、大国民族主义以及普京务实型全球主义的艰难历程,但俄罗斯外交政策的制定始终与全球化浪潮密切相关。其对外政策的形成不仅反映了俄罗斯对全球化的认知,同时,也反映了俄罗斯对全球化的抗拒与排斥,使其外交政策更加趋于务实化,更加注重自身的国家利益。  相似文献   

A sample of 162 young Australian elite and non elite competitive female gymnasts were administered the Sport Competition Anxiety Test for Children, the Coopersmith Self‐esteem Inventory, the Perceived Competence Scale for Children and the Children's Nowicki‐Strickland Internal‐External Control Scale. Stepwise discriminant function analysis showed that the elite gymnasts could be discriminated from non elite on the basis of higher levels of general, physical, and cognitive competence, and higher levels of self‐esteem. The results supported the findings of previous investigations and indicated clear differences in psychological factors between elite and non elite gymnasts.


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