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We continue to publish extracts from the discussion papers presented by participants at the CEPES Round Table on the Contribution of Higher Education in Europe to the Development of Changing Societies, held in Bucharest from 21 to 23 September 1976. Previous papers were published in the January‐February 1977 issue of this Bulletin.

The full text of these papers and the working documents of the Round Table will be published by CEPES, in the near future, in the form of a monograph.  相似文献   

We continue to publish extracts from the discussion papers presented by participants at the CEPES Round Table on the Contribution of Higher Education in Europe to the Development of Changing Societies, held in Bucharest from 21 to 23 September 1976. Previous papers were published in the January‐February 1977 issue of this Bulletin.

The full text of these papers and the working documents of the Round Table will be published by CEPES, in the near future, in the form of a monograph.  相似文献   

The aim of the CEPES Round Table on The Contribution of Higher Education in Europe to the Development of Changing Societies (Bucharest, 21‐23 September 1976) was to exchange ideas and experience on the role of higher education in Europe in view of the general changes in present‐day society, and also with regard to the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Co‐operation in Europe. The following eleven participants took part in the meeting:
  • Professor György Adam (Hungary), Rector of Budapest University;

  • Professor Gunnar Adler‐Karlsson (Sweden), Roskilde University;

  • Professor Hélène Ahrweiler (France), President of the University of Paris I;

  • Professor Johan Galtung (Norway), Director General of the Inter‐University Centre of Post‐Graduate Studies in Dubrovnik;

  • Dr. Stefan Kwiatkowski (Poland), Deputy Director of the Institute of Science Policy and Higher Education in Warsaw;

  • Professor Mircea Malita (Romania), Bucharest University,’ Counsellor to the President of the Socialist Republic of Romania;

  • Professor Manfred Nast (GDR), Secretary to the Council of Higher Education Institutions of the German Democratic Republic;

  • Professor James A. Perkins (USA), Chairman of the International Council for Educational Development (ICED);

  • Professor Branko Pribicevic (Yugoslavia), Belgrade University;

  • Professor Ludwig Raiser (FRG), President of the Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice‐chancellors of the European Universities (CRE);

Professor Yuri Zhdanov (USSR), Rector of Rostov University.

Also at the meeting were observers and representatives from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Council of Europe, International Association of Universities (IAU), the European Cultural Foundation and Association des Universités Partiellement ou Entièrement de Langue Frangaise (AUPELF).

The meeting was opened by the Representative of the Director General of UNESCO, Mr. René Ochs, Director of the Division of Higher Education and of Training of Education Personnel.

H.E. Mrs. Suzana Gddea, Minister of Education and Learning of the Socialist Republic of Romania, addressed the meeting during the inaugural session on behalf of the Romanian Government.

We give below a summary of the discussions. This is not an official report of the meeting. (For further information on this meeting and its follow‐up see page 32 in this issue.)  相似文献   

Quite a large number of international meetings devoted to issues concerning higher education are organized each year. The problems of their contribution to the further development of higher education and research in this field are raised in a thought‐provoking article written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Professor E.A. van Trotsenburg, President of the European Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (EARDHE) and Director of the Institute of International Science and University Didactics, University of Klagenfurt.  相似文献   

In this issue of the Bulletin we are publishing the last resumes of papers, presented during the Symposium on New Forms of Higher Education in Europe (Bucharest-, 13-15 January 1976), by participants from Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and the USSR.

The full text of these papers and the working documents of the_ Symposium have been published by CEPES in the'form of a monography. Copies of this, which include texts in English and French, can be received on request to CEPES.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后期以来,中国迅速跻身为世界经济发展最快的国家之一,与此同时,中国的高等教育也被推到了国家和地区发展的最前沿。本篇论文就这一背景下中国高等教育传统与现代性的交互作用进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

Developments in higher education in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe are of interest to a large number of the Bulletin readers. In the context of the topic on which this issue of the Bulletin is con‐centrated, the following information is presented. It is based on an article entitled “Recent Trends and issues in Higher Education in Eastern Europe”, which was written by Professor Stefan Kwiatkowski, Deputy Director of the Institute of Science Policy, Technological Progress and Higher Education in Warsaw.  相似文献   

This article outlines the activities of the Council of Europe in favour of inter‐university co‐operation and exchange. First, the role and tasks of the CC‐PU and then the work programme of the Council of Europe on higher education and research are examined. With regard to academic mobility and European inter‐university co‐operation, the Transfrontier Regional University Co‐operation Programme, the European Postgraduate Training Programme, and the Inter‐university Co‐operation Programme between Europe and Latin America are described. Finally, both the European Networks for Scientific and Technical Co‐operation and the Open Partial Agreement on the Prevention of, Protection Against, and Organisation of Relief in Major Natural and Technological Disasters and their constituent activities are evoked.  相似文献   

论高等教育的基本性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育究竟具有什么样的性质?答案众说纷纭。有两种具有代表性的观点:一是认为高等教育的基本性质是教育的专业性;二是认为高等教育的基本性质是学问的高深性。本文在评析这两种观点的基础上,提出了关于高等教育的“三性说”,即高等教育具有学术性、职业性和人文性,三者相辅相成,存在和统一于各种类型的高等教育之中,构成高等教育的基本性质体系。  相似文献   

The strength of specialist careers advisory services in United Kingdom universities is linked to the in loco parentis tradition and also to the tradition of occupational flexibility on graduation. The evolution of such services from appointments boards to careers services is traced in terms of three sequential changes: the impact of counselling, the growth of careers education, and the move towards an open‐access style of delivery. The overlap of roles between careers services and teaching departments is analyzed in relation to individual guidance and placement, and particularly in relation to careers education. The extent of overlap tends to vary between vocational, semi‐vocational, and non‐vocational courses. The emergence of the concept of personal transferable skills has encouraged new forms of partnership between careers services and teaching departments. This development raises questions about where careers services should be located organizationally within higher education institutions. Should they, for example, be aligned to other student services, to academic services, or to marketing services? What organizational benefits do institutions seek from such services? Are they part of the core offer made to students, or additional.services which are open to. review in terms of their specific costs and benefits?  相似文献   

After its founding in 1222, but particularly after the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453, the University of Padua came to play a very important role in the intellectual development of religious and secular elites in the Balkans, in the Christian community of Constantinople itself, and in Russia. In particular, between 1600 and 1800, graduates of this university influenced aspects of literature, art, philosophy, scientific progress, and, above all, the development of higher education. The graduates of Padua and of institutions in Eastern Europe, influenced by teachers who had been trained at Padua, came to form what the author calls a “Paduan Brotherhood”, whose members had a similar intellectual outlook.  相似文献   

Poles have traditionally attached great importance to education. Both the beginning of the Communist period in Polish history and the nascent post‐communist period have been characterized by great emphasis on education on the part of the government and by great interest in it on the part of the people. Education, particularly higher education, will play a major role in preparing Poles to face the rigours of the market economy. It is called upon to provide skills in a number of areas not previously covered in a satisfactory way. informatics, electronics, business administration, and banking. A major means of delivery will have to be distance education. Despite the urge of many Poles to get rich very rapidly, education must continue both to stress traditional values and to further European educational integration.  相似文献   

Using a data set on 12,000 UK graduates, weexplore graduates' satisfaction with the contributionthat higher education (HE) has made to their generaldevelopment. Using an ordered logit model, weinvestigate which graduates are the most likely to evaluatefavorably the contribution of their HE. We makeinferences about the relationship between the type of HEand its contribution to general development across a number of facets. Exploiting the historicalcomposition of the data, we also examine the extent towhich these contributory effects of HE to generaldevelopment erode or diminish as the graduates age. This approach permits some critical insightinto whether HE influences development over the courseof one's life.  相似文献   

The idea that higher studies are confined to a few years of one's early life and separated from later periods of work, is being changed, by the thought that the periods of study and gainful employment can be suitably interspaced throughout the adult life span, to the. advantage of both the individual and society. However, the implementation of the principle of lifelong education will not come about until many barriers and habits have been overcome in higher education, the world of work and public opinion. These problems, mainly in the context of higher education, are analyzed in the following article, which is based on a paper by Dr. M.M. Chambers of the Department of Educational Administration, Illinois State University (USA). The paper was presented during the 4th International Conference on Higher Education held at the University of Lancaster, UK (29 August ‐‐ 1 September 1978).  相似文献   

This article gives a bird's eye view of tertiary level environmental education programmes in Greece. As the author points out, environmental education in this country got off to a late start because of a late perception of the need for them. By the end of the 1980's, environmental components had been introduced into teacher training programmes, into the universities both as full course programmes in certain universities and as enrichment courses in most of them, and into the offerings of adult and vocational education. What has evolved is a satisfactory and pragmatic range of offerings to which more must be added to meet increased demand.  相似文献   

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