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Looking for laws     
S. French 《Metascience》2006,15(3):437-469

Fara P 《Endeavour》2008,32(2):44-46
Although Aristotle was often portrayed during the early modern period, his imagined appearance varied widely. When modern interpreters try to impose definitive meanings on pictures, they run the risk of overlooking symbolic resonances which can be just as significant as direct representation.  相似文献   

李航 《未来与发展》2009,30(2):46-49
研究生群体是包括硕士研究生与博士研究生在内的群体,随着国家的扩招政策由本科及以下向研究生的延伸,该群体在找工作时开始面临巨大压力。研究生群体求职问题在微观层次上的原因从根本说是由“职位供需的内卷化”造成的。而内卷化造成的求职困境问题需要社会资本这样的替代性资源来缓解。本文通过上海和沈阳两地高校的个案访谈在微观层次上较为深入地探讨了研究生群体在求职过程中对各种资源尤其是社会资本的运用以及实际的求职效果。  相似文献   

达勒姆(Dahlem)不仅仅是一个传奇.在德国,几乎没有其他地方像柏林的这片土地那样,在科学史各个丰富的方面--包括令人质疑的方面--表现出如此强烈的活力.在马普学会历史档案馆馆长亨宁(Eckart Henning)的陪同下巡游他的“领地“,就如同在历史的时光中漫步,著名学者的创新精神始终伴随着我们的游程.……  相似文献   

Greene MT 《Endeavour》2006,30(2):55-59
Computer climate models are some of the most complex scientific structures ever conceived. Consisting of hundreds of thousands of equations and running on supercomputers capable of trillions of operations per second, they chart the evolution of past and future climates across thousands of years. These simulations are breathtaking in their qualitative detail and vastly ambitious in their quantitative exactitude. However, their progress has recently been challenged by the very size and complexity of the models, factors that are also paralleled in the communities of scientists that build them. This complex co-evolution of computers and scientific communities gives us insight into the promise and limits of sciences driven by exponential increases in computing power.  相似文献   

Looking to the Internet for models of governance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
If code is law then standards bodies are governments. This flawed but powerful metaphor suggests the need to examine more closely those standards bodies that are defining standards for the Internet. In this paper we examine the International Telecommunications Union, the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association, the Internet Engineering Task Force, and the World Wide Web Consortium. We compare the organizations on the basis of participation, transparency, authority, openness, security and interoperability. We conclude that the IETF and the W3C are becoming increasingly similar. We also conclude that the classical distinction between standards and implementations is decreasingly useful as standards are embodies in code – itself a form of speech or documentation. Recent Internet standards bodies have flourished in part by discarding or modifying the implementation/standards distinction. We illustrate that no single model is superior on all dimensions. The IETF is not effectively scaling, struggling with its explosive growth with the creation of thousands of working groups. The IETF coordinating body, the Internet Society, addressed growth by reorganization that removed democratic oversight. The W3C, initially the most closed, is becoming responsive to criticism and now includes open code participants. The IEEE SA and ITU have institutional controls appropriate for hardware but too constraining for code. Each organization has much to learn from the others.  相似文献   

Quantum technologies can be presented to the public with or without introducing a strange trait of quantum theory responsible for their non-classical efficiency. Traditionally the message was centered on the superposition principle, while entanglement and properties such as contextuality have been gaining ground recently. A less theoretical approach is focused on simple protocols that enable technological applications. It results in a pragmatic narrative built with the help of the resource paradigm and principle-based reconstructions. I discuss the advantages and weaknesses of these methods. To illustrate the importance of new metaphors beyond the Schrödinger cat, I briefly describe a non-mathematical narrative about entanglement that conveys an idea of some of its unusual properties. If quantum technologists are to succeed in building trust in their work, they ought to provoke an aesthetic perception in the public commensurable with the mathematical beauty of quantum theory experienced by the physicist. The power of the narrative method lies in its capacity to do so.  相似文献   

Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms provide a promising way to harness the power of current quantum devices. In this framework, parametrized quantum circuits (PQCs) which consist of layers of parametrized unitaries can be considered as a kind of quantum neural networks. Recent works have begun to explore the potential of PQCs as general function approximators. In this work, we propose a quantum-classical deep network structure to enhance model discriminability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In CNNs, the convolutional layer uses linear filters to scan the input data followed by a nonlinear operation. Instead, we build PQCs, which are more potent function approximators, with more complex structures to capture the features within the receptive field. The feature maps are obtained by sliding the PQCs over the input in a similar way as CNN. We also give a training algorithm for the proposed model. Through numerical simulation, the proposed hybrid models demonstrate reasonable classification performance on MNIST and Fashion-MNIST (4-classes). In addition, we compare the performance of models in different settings. The results demonstrate that the model with high-expressibility ansaetze achieves lower cost and higher accuracy, but exhibits a “saturation” phenomenon.  相似文献   

《数学新课程标准》中明确提到:"数学教学是数学活动的教学,数学教学要和学生的生活实际紧密联系在一起,立足于已有的生活经验,让学生和数学过程相亲近;要重视立足于学生的实践经验和已有知识学习和理解数学。"所以,小学数学教师在教学中应和学生的生活实际相联系,把生活资源充分挖掘出来,积极探析生活中的相关信息,按照数学从生活中来而又服务于生活的新理念,把经验数学化、数学问题生活化,为学生提供更多的机会,让其从周围熟悉的事物中学习和探究数学。  相似文献   

科研人员的情商探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在知识经济时代,科研人员无疑是知识和财富的主要创造者,他们的创造能力直接体现在他们的创造水平上。因此,对个体智力重要组成部分的情绪智力的研究,是当前一个亟待解决的理论和实际问题。本文对此进行了初步而系统的探讨。  相似文献   

数字图书馆建设:回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔慧 《中国科技信息》2006,(18):205-206
本文探讨了数字图书馆建设已取得的成绩及我国数字图书馆发展中面临的主要问题,并指出具有中国特色数字图书馆发展的基本模式。  相似文献   

余彩霞  焦玉英 《情报杂志》2006,25(8):62-63,66
关系技术是网络时代建立和发展客户关系的一个全新的概念,即通过数据挖掘、数据分析实现客户关系管理的技术。它能够将对客户数据的持续搜集和理解转变为可行动的信息,即将信息转变为行动。基于此,探讨了关系技术与客户关系管理的整合、关系技术在企业客户关系管理市场中的应用以及中国企业发展关系技术的必然性。  相似文献   

网络信息资源组织工具—搜索引擎发展之回眸与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
包冬梅  邱君瑞 《情报科学》2001,19(7):780-782
本文回顾了目前网络信息资源组织的主流-搜索引擎发展进程,并提出解决网络信息组织中采集和词汇控制方面的方法。  相似文献   

2006年12月13日,上海高级人民法院对一起计算机软件著作权侵权纠纷案作出终审判决,认为原告为将其开发的应用软件捆绑在自己生产的产品上使用而专门设计的输出文件格式,已经超出了《著作权法》规定的技术保护措施的范围,被告破解该软件输出数据文件格式的行为不属侵权行为。本案是自我国2001年修改《著作权法》以来,第一起涉及利用技术保护措施实现产品捆绑销售的案件。该判决对今后类似案件的审理,以及未来相关产业的有序发展具有深远的指导意义。  相似文献   

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