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介绍了条形码阅读器类型及条形码识读原理,分析了发生条形码拒读或误读的原因,提出了解决方法。  相似文献   

条形码阅读器在现场采购图书中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
李伟 《图书馆建设》2004,(6):107-108
利用条形码阅读器作为图书现场采购查询系统的输入设备,应了解图书条形码与ISBN的关系,要注意条形码阅读器的正确接入和合理设置,以提高图书查重效率。  相似文献   

条形码是按照一定的编码规则编制的,用以表达一组数字或字母符号信息的图形标识符,条形码与有条形码识别功能的管理软件、条形码阅读器配套使用具有自动阅读识别作用,只要用扫描阅读器扫过条形码,计算机就可以快速、准确地自动识别并显示物体的相关信息,具有准确度高、可靠性强、经济、实用等优点.随着计算机应用的不断发展,目前条形码技术已广泛应用于商业、邮政、图书、仓储、设备管理、工业生产过程控制、交通等领域,档案管理中引入条形码技术,可方便档案借阅存取登记,有利于进一步提高档案管理的科学化、规范化和现代化水平,同时提高档案工作效能.  相似文献   

手持阅读器——拓展图书馆的服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了手持阅读器的分类、特点及其在北大图书馆的使用情况,分析了手持阅读器对图书馆的影响,总结了目前其在图书馆使用中的问题,并指出随着技术的改善和数字化资源的建设,手持阅读器在拓展图书馆服务等方面的作用不容忽视。  相似文献   

印刷型机器可读语言——条形码   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
条形码是目前唯一的印刷型机器可读语言 ,它在我国商品市场和邮电部门及图书馆流通系统中得到应用。本文叙述条形码读入计算机的基本原理和过程 ,介绍商业、邮电部门和图书馆系统使用的条形码编码方案 ,并对条形码信息资源利用的情况加以讨论。  相似文献   

裴新军 《图书馆工作》2009,(3):35-37,40
结合中专学校图书馆实例,分别介绍了条形码自制、粘贴、使用这三方面的经验。从条形码的设计开始,到最后使用,整个过程均有所论及,详细研讨了各工序细节,重点介绍了“图书编号位数的确定”等实用内容。  相似文献   

结合一中专学校图书馆实例,分别介绍了条形码自制、粘贴、使用这三方面的经验。从条形码的设计开始,到最后使用,整个过程均有所论及,详细研讨了各工序细节,重点介绍了“图书编号位数的确定”等实用内容。  相似文献   

E—Book与图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了便携式电子阅读器限e-book的特点及市场情况,着重介绍了这种新型电子图书在图书馆的使用,以及图书馆员如何对它进行收藏、编目、检索、制定相应的阅读规则的情况。  相似文献   

RFID条形码的更新换代技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在图书馆界应用近二十年的条形码技术将有可能被近年来得到各界广泛重视的RFID技术取代。RFID技术是一种无线射频技术,它由电子标签、阅读器和天线组成。电子标签内含有IC芯片,可以记录图书的一些基本信息,含有比条形码多得多的信息,所以又把它称为智能标签,电子标签是一个可以替代现代条形码和磁针的升级换代技术。RFID技术在图书馆的应用,使图书馆的管理更趋于科学化,将图书馆从数字化图书馆推向了智能化图书馆。  相似文献   

目前,电子图书成为越来越多读者的阅读选择,电子阅读器作为电子图书的载体,也日益受到出版人和读者的关注.本研究选取阅读活跃的在校大学生作为阅读主体,新兴的手持电子阅读器作为客体,通过问卷调查方式,对电子阅读器接受和使用影响因素进行实证研究,以探讨电子图书的载体及其内客对于读者的适用性,读者接受、使用和阅读电子阅读器的倾向,以及电子阅读器的未来发展趋势,为电子阅读器制造商、运营商和电子图书出版人提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

Thanks to the sociotechnical capabilities of the Internet, readers, young and old, have been able to establish a vibrant community centered on a shared love of Young Adult novels. On YouTube this community is known as BookTube; here readers review, critique, and endlessly discuss Young Adult books. Within this community there are several popular BookTube “celebrities” who function as boundary spanners—connecting everyday readers to authors and publishers. This innovative use of social media by Young Adult readers has helped to create a community that transcends the isolated and solitary boundaries usually associated with reading.  相似文献   

图书馆按需打印的实践与未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按需打印是出版行业的一次革命性变革,它使出版的形态发生变化,将对图书馆的未来发展产生重要影响。对于读者服务来说,自动印书机(EBM)的打印目录数据库增加了读者获取文献的渠道,其运用使读者能够根据需要自我汇编图书并打印。对于图书馆文献收藏策略来说,EBM+PDA模式将图书馆员从以往的揣测式采访的困境中解脱出来,使购买的文献就是真正流通的文献。但EBM存在价格昂贵、作者和出版商认可程度不高、没有配套适用的著作权法及相关法律等问题。  相似文献   

Data about the readership of JLA is shared with readers. A general review of the articles that have been contributed to the column emphasizes their countries of origin, the topics, and readership of each. Global readers are then considered without inclusion of USA readers’ data. Some countries rank very high because they have many readers, while others are much lower. Is this a question of readers’ ability to use English language, or is it a reflection of reader interest in content? The data is general information about use, the number of downloads, and does not extend sufficiently to answer such a question. But it does show a statistical sketch of readers and the countries they represent. Additional discussion is then given to the articles that have been written for the column, and gives prospective future authors some suggestions that include possible future topics of interest. Geography, culture, and an international view are what set this column apart, and are the keys of opportunity for future contributors to have their professional voice expressed in a global discussion.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial, independent digital media sites arose in response to disruption in the journalism industry brought on by emerging technologies. This study explores this trend in Latin America from the perspective of audiences. Based on surveys of readers of entrepreneurial digital news sites in Guatemala and Nicaragua, this mixed-methods study offers a snapshot of who these readers are and what they are interested in. Results showed readers of the Guatemalan and Nicaraguan news sites valued equally quality journalism and innovation, but differed when it came to the importance they placed on the sites’ business models. This study also illuminated a new dimension of innovation, one from the readers’ perspective. While some respondents associated innovation with use of new technologies, in general readers defined innovation as unique (to the region) and alternative (to mainstream media) ways of doing journalism; their definition, unlike that of journalists, was not necessarily technologically driven.  相似文献   

Older adults who identify as readers and choose to read for pleasure in their everyday lives are understudied despite the persistence and pervasiveness of this kind of reading. The phenomenology of reading and critical age studies inform this pilot project that uses in-depth interviews conducted with five readers who are between the ages of 75–90?years and who live in Canada. Data analysis followed principles of close reading and thematic analysis. Findings privilege the voices of the older readers and show how their experiences of reading can be analyzed using the metaphor of reading as a lifeline that, in turn, bridges with notions of resilience and embodied information practices. Reading for pleasure supports resilience and a reflective stance on life among older adults. The findings call for other researchers to engage more readily with older adults and will be of use to librarians and others who provide services, programs, and resources to older adult readers.  相似文献   

强化编目工作中的读者服务理念   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了编目工作与读者服务的关系,并从完善读者检索体系的角度,强调编目员在工作中应强化读者服务理念,加强与读者的沟通,将编目规则与读者的阅读心理、检索需求及检索习惯有机结合,进一步拓展编目工作的深度与广度,提供高水平的读者服务.参考文献14.  相似文献   

Medical Libraries are too concerned with their customers and not interested enough in their wares. The number, nature, behavior, and satisfaction of readers and the book use by readers are extensively analyzed. Though important for library operation, such studies tend to make library staff regard and treat readers as impersonal members of a study population.As opposed to critical analysis of readers, little effort is made in this direction with respect to journals. It is, therefore, proposed that medical libraries take a hard look at the journals they offer and classify and display them in A, B, C, and D categories. The following benefits might be envisioned: the reader would be helped in looking up a subject that is not in his immediate field of specialization, the occupancy of valuable space by poor journals would be prevented, medium quality journals would strive to improve themselves, and it is even possible that poor and superfluous journals would be put out of business.  相似文献   

梁亮  方瑛 《图书与情报》2012,(3):100-103
RFID被图书馆称为是第三代图书馆自动化管理技术,对杭州图书馆读者的RFID及OPAC的使用现状进行问卷调查,结果显示读者对RFID的满意度与使用频率较高,总体评价良好,担心没完成借还手续是影响读者使用RFID的主要因素,自助借还机需在"一站式"服务等方面加以改进,OPAC系统需在信息的冗余处理方面加以改进。  相似文献   

图书馆面临着如何吸引读者注意力、怎样调动读者积极性、如何掌握信息导航的主动权等系列问题。图书馆应借鉴虚拟币运作机制。推行具有透明性和持续性特点的读者积分制。给每一位读者以必要的关注。这有利于图书馆深化读者奖励机制。有利于科学度量读者对馆藏文献的注意程度,有利于读者参与图书馆文化的共建。  相似文献   

This paper examines what readers value in printed and electronic journals based on the experience of the SuperJournal Project. Data were collected at the start of the project on how academic readers use printed journals and the library, their views on the advantages and disadvantages of print as a medium, and their expectations for electronic journals. At the end of the project, they were asked what they valued in the electronic journals delivered by SuperJournal and what they would most value in future services. Core requirements for electronic journal services are a wide range of journals, timeliness, fast access and ease of use. The key benefits from the user's point of view are convenience, saving time and efficiency.  相似文献   

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