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IT革命推动了90年代美国经济经历了以“新经济”为特征的稳健增长,本文剖析了IT革命对美国经济增长的直接贡献和潜在影响,研究表明IT革命正在改变着美国社会的生产方式并且提升了美国经济的劳动生产率和全要素生产率,在此基础上,本文还对美国经济的增长前景作了简要预测。  相似文献   

我们正在经历着新经济的艰难时期,市场经过惨跌,互联网行业中的伤亡正在增加.在新闻媒体中,dot com(互联网公司)成为了dotbomb(互联网炸弹),e-tailing(网上零售)成为了e-failing(网上失败),B to C和B to B也变成了Back to Consulting(返回咨询业)和Back to Banking(返回银行业).于是,有了许许多多的议论.到底这些是终结的开始抑或是开始的终结?  相似文献   

以信息化和全球化为实质,以知识为基础的新经济正越来越受到全球的广义关注。本文概要阐述了“新经济”概述 ,“新经济”与泡沫经济的区别及新经济的特点,并提出我国抓住机遇,迎接新经济的到来的建议。  相似文献   

陈洪彬 《科技与管理》2003,5(2):98-99,103
新经济并不是是所谓的美国“新经济”,其作为人类社会经济发展的一个必然阶段,又与传统经济有着本质上的区别,21世纪的中国,面对新经济的到来,必须充分了解和认识新经济的实质,详细阐述了新经济的内涵,特征及其所遵循的规律,为中国迎接新经济的挑战奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

1新经济的特点什么是新经济?可谓众说纷纭.从严格的科学意义来讲,新经济是指一定发展阶段的美国经济.更明确地讲,所谓新经济,是指美国在20世纪90年代的经济现象与特征.新经济的出现,是人类发展历史上的一个重要里程碑,它标志着那种大规模的工业化时代已经接近尾声,人类社会正在步入一个以智力资源为主要依托的时代.新经济的特点表现在:①知识是最基本的生产要素.与农业经济、工业经济相比,新经济的基本生产要素已经发生了根本变化.在所有创造财富的要素中,知识是最基本的生产要素,知识具有与其他生产要素所不同的特点:一是容量的无限性;二是更新的快速性;三是辐射的广泛性;四是空间的兼容性.  相似文献   

新经济的新规则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

新经济自发轫以来,就新闻不断,争议不绝。那么,它的前景如何?在中国的现实环境中会有怎样的机遇? 自2000年以来,对网络经济的看法分岐越来越大,几乎每天都有新的信息出现,总体来看,关于前景的预测和结论,都对网络经济和以网络经  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(3):104450
Economic complexity offers a potentially powerful paradigm to understand key societal issues and challenges of our time. The underlying idea is that growth, development, technological change, income inequality, spatial disparities, and resilience are the visible outcomes of hidden systemic interactions. The study of economic complexity seeks to understand the structure of these interactions and how they shape various socioeconomic processes. This emerging field relies heavily on big data and machine learning techniques. This brief introduction to economic complexity has three aims. The first is to summarize key theoretical foundations and principles of economic complexity. The second is to briefly review the tools and metrics developed in the economic complexity literature that exploit information encoded in the structure of the economy to find new empirical patterns. The final aim is to highlight the insights from economic complexity to improve prediction and political decision-making. Institutions including the World Bank, the European Commission, the World Economic Forum, the OECD, and a range of national and regional organizations have begun to embrace the principles of economic complexity and its analytical framework. We discuss policy implications of this field, in particular the usefulness of building recommendation systems for major public investment decisions in a complex world.  相似文献   

伴随资源与环境经济学的兴起,生态系统服务价值化经济理论逐渐成为研究主流,发展至今先后呈现三个阶段特点:一是生态系统的使用价值阶段,二是生态系统服务价值货币化评估阶段,三是生态系统服务市场化阶段。生态系统服务价值评估经济学方法得到广泛运用,但是由于生态系统服务的复杂性,经济学评估方法还有待继续深化及改进。在生态系统服务价值标准化评估的基础上构建生态系统服务指数(ESI),推动“绿色财富”革命具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(8):104568
Economic complexity offers a potentially powerful paradigm to understand key societal issues and challenges of our time. The underlying idea is that growth, development, technological change, income inequality, spatial disparities, and resilience are the visible outcomes of hidden systemic interactions. The study of economic complexity seeks to understand the structure of these interactions and how they shape various socioeconomic processes. This emerging field relies heavily on big data and machine learning techniques. This brief introduction to economic complexity has three aims. The first is to summarize key theoretical foundations and principles of economic complexity. The second is to briefly review the tools and metrics developed in the economic complexity literature that exploit information encoded in the structure of the economy to find new empirical patterns. The final aim is to highlight the insights from economic complexity to improve prediction and political decision-making. Institutions including the World Bank, the European Commission, the World Economic Forum, the OECD, and a range of national and regional organizations have begun to embrace the principles of economic complexity and its analytical framework. We discuss policy implications of this field, in particular the usefulness of building recommendation systems for major public investment decisions in a complex world.  相似文献   

“新经济”被越来越多的人接受和认可,它将推动各国产生新的经济革命。首先在新经济的背景下分析了新经济增长理论,然后在此基础上进一步分析了当前中国经济发展所面临的机遇和挑战,最后阐述了中国迎接新经济的对策。  相似文献   

This study investigates the use of variable compensation to motivate new product development managers and its impact upon the performance of new product development projects. Using data from 56 projects, the paper examines how technology-intensive firms compensate their product development managers. The study finds a positive and significant relationship between the use of short-term economic incentives and project performance; however, the slope of this relationship is not linear and its intensity (slope) decreases as the percentage of variable compensation increases; furthermore, the relationship is contingent on the level of project uncertainty. The results also indicate that higher project uncertainty is associated with a lower level of variable compensation. Moreover, organizational structure, through its effect upon the allocation of uncertainty among organizational participants, also affects the level of variable compensation.  相似文献   

以分析知识管理理论依据为基础,阐述了知识管理的价值所在,并探讨了现代企业知识管理战略模式及其实施方略,即建立面向知识活动的沟通与信息网络、建立组织内外的知识传递与合作网络、建立面向知识工作者的激励机制、营造知识共享的企业文化。  相似文献   

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