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美语American English分美语口语(spoken American English)和美语笔语(written American English)。美语口语的特点习惯用法即idiomaticuse很普遍。所谓idiomatie use就是不能仅从字面上去理解,否则就会闹出笑话,或者造成误会。这就不禁让人想起几个小遭遇或小故事:  相似文献   

陈强 《红领巾》2009,(6):23-23
英式英语(British English)和美式英语(American English)除了在语音上略有区别外,在口语表达方面也有差别。请看下面几句的表达(前为英式英语,后为美式英语。)  相似文献   

美国人所说或所写的英语有别于英国人所说或所写的英语,因此有美国英语(American English)与英国英语(British English)之分。美语是在美国的特定条件下发展起来的英语,美语与英语有差异,但非两个不同的语种。什么是美语看美国原版影片,有时会听到片中人把God[god]读成刺耳的[ga:d],这是美语发音。 1823年,英国曼彻斯特的一个纺织技师Macintosh发明了一种作涂料用的橡胶液,制成防水布。故雨衣一词在英语为macki-  相似文献   

英国英语(British English)和美国英语(American English)在表达同一意思时常常会使用不同的词汇,或相似或完全不相同。以下每组例词中前一个为英国英语,后一个为美国英语。请欣赏。  相似文献   

土豆(potato)是美国人最钟爱的蔬菜之一。土豆的吃法花样繁多,其中炸薯条(French fries)和炸薯片(potato chips in American English or potato crisps in British English)最受美国人的欢迎。当今的美国,炸薯条和炸薯片已成为老少皆宜的休闲食品(food)。  相似文献   

语言学与词典编纂的关系密不可分,语言学中的许多研究成果,尤其是语用学的研究成果大量应用在词典编纂中.词典应该既充分描述语言知识,又反映语用知识.文章从意义和语境等语用学概念阐述了语用学理论在《麦克米伦高阶美语词典》(以下简称《麦克米伦词典》)(Macmillian English Dictionary for Advanced Learners of American English)编纂中的应用,认为词典中语用信息对学习者正确而又得体地使用语言有巨大的帮助作用.  相似文献   

章继宁 《海外英语》2013,(2X):265-267
British English and American English are two varieties of English. American English derived from British English and they have many similarities and differences. British English and American English are different in pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary and customary usage/syntax, etc.  相似文献   

本文以《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)为理论基础,尝试从批判性思维的视角试对新教材American English In Mind进行外部评价,并通过学生调查问卷数据分析和教师访谈,探讨英语教材评价的有效途径,以及新教材使用过程中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

在学习中,有些同学可能认为所有的形容词都会有比较等级,其实不然,有的形容词就没有比较等级。现简单归纳如下:一、表示国籍的形容词无比较等级,如Chinese(中国的),Japanese(日本的),American(美国的),English(英国的),Australian(澳大利亚的),Indian(印度的),Canadian(加拿大的)等。二、表示方位的形容词无比较等级,如east(东方的),west(西方的),left(左边的),middle(中间的)等。三、表示绝对概念或已达极限的形容词无比较等级,如blind(瞎的),dead(死的),whole(整个的),excellent(极好…  相似文献   

This paper investigated how phonological differences affect mutual intelligibility by means of the phono-statistic measure developed by Yang (2006). To illustrate the correlation between accent and intelligibility, this paper compared American English with Taiwan English, an expanding-circle variety of English spoken in Taiwan. This sound comparison provides insight into phonological intelligibility, separating the subjective factors of human judgment in supplement to participant-based research on perceptual intelligibility between two varieties of English.  相似文献   

潘丽欣 《海外英语》2013,(23):228-229
The thesis is just trying to analyze American college slang from sub-cultural perspective on the basis of combining linguistic knowledge,the knowledge of American slang and American college slang with the knowledge of subculture,which is helpful for English learners to learn American English better.  相似文献   

梁兵 《海外英语》2013,(16):71-74
The growth of American English (AE) was based on British English (BE), as we know, when we speak of their differences, however, they are not easily accepted, although they indeed exist. Here, I will illustrate this point from three questions. First, how American English growed? Second, how British and American English came to be different;? Third, where the grammatical differences lie?  相似文献   

从各类外语考试的改革中,我们深切感受到,社会看待外语人才选拔的目光越来越集中到综合语用能力上。TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)和IELTS(International English Language Testing System)等为非英语国家学生提供的英语水平考试都包括阅读(Reading)、听力(Listening)、口语(Speaking)、写作(Writing),而且比重都是1:1:1:1。  相似文献   

姜波 《海外英语》2012,(11):7-8
The ownership of the English language has always been a hot issue in the field of language studies.With the emergence of world Englishes,the position of British English and American English has been challenged.A few models have been examined to illustrate the relationship among British English,American English and world Englishes.And finally,the nature of English as an international Eng lish is also discussed.  相似文献   

American English与British English不仅仅从发音上存在着差别,而且在所表达的意义上也有差异。下面就看看美国人Angus到英国人Bather家做客时闹出的笑话吧。  相似文献   

2005年三月至八月整整半年时间,在市委组织部干部教育中心的精心安排和组织下,我带着区委组织部领导和局领导的重托。随孟菲斯团来到位于美国中部密西西比河畔的孟菲斯大学参加培训。半年中,我们在盂菲斯大学商学院旁听一些课程,在IEI强化美语口语和听力,在FedEx(联邦快递)公司见习观察,还广泛考察了美国社会和文化等层面。  相似文献   

赵西清  张平 《考试周刊》2011,(12):97-98
人们大都认为,英式英语(简称英语)在词汇和一些其他的方面比美式英语(简称美语)高雅。半个世纪以来,文学界的研究者也曾多次尝试分析美语的特点以证实这种观点。基于很多人对美语的偏见,本文通过陈述和美国的历史和文化紧密相关的美语词汇的创新性、保守性、丰富的俚语和行话等特点,表明美语和英语在所谓的粗俗和高雅之间是没有区别的,并以此除去美语学习者对美语的误解。  相似文献   

王飞 《英语辅导》2011,(4):32-34
文章认为当今大学生英语口语学习中存在的问题主要是:不敢开口说,语言素材积累不够,缺乏口语训练环境和思维习惯四个方面。针对这些问题,笔者借鉴ABC外语培训学校“三维口语训练法”的教学理念,总结出了一套简易可行的适合于大学英语教学的口语教学方法,简称为“RREA环”,即由背诵(Recite)、复述(Repeat)、英语角(English Corner)、分析(Analysis)组成的英语口语教学循环体系。  相似文献   

贾钟琦 《海外英语》2011,(11):373-374
This paper begins with a brief introduction to the two branches of the English language.Analyze the differences pronunciation between American English and British English,then demonstrates the reason why cause the different.Firstly,about four hundred years ago,people from Britain,German,France and many other parts of the world came into the U.S.They not only brought their rich cultures but also their languages too.Secondly,because of its territory expansion and economic development,American English become stronger.And then in different vowels and consonants analyze the differences of pronunciation between American English and British English,and set some examples.  相似文献   

Under the New Curriculum Reform, the English teaching materials have changed, there are several units involved in British and American drama, British and American poetry in junior school. From these teaching materials, we can see that New Curriculum Standards require students to understand the British and American literature in the process of English learning. To meet the needs of New Curriculum Reform, the introduction of literature become a necessity in English language teaching. This paper systematically analyzes the necessity and meaning of literature infiltration in English teaching. It aims to explore how to permeate literature knowledge in English class.  相似文献   

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