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This study examined the relationship of perceptual learning style and teaching style of 138 junior college educators. The Perceptual Learning Style Inventory developed by James and Galbraith (1984) was used to determine learning style preference. The authors modified the inventory to assess preferred teaching style. The Spearman's rho procedure was employed to determine if a correlation existed for the entire group of educators and for each subgroup by major teaching area, sex, years of teaching experience, and by educational attainment. A high correlation existed for all variables except in three subgroup variables. Findings indicate that junior college educators tend to teach the way they prefer to learn. Implications for practice are provided that encourage educators to examine the teaching/learning process in an effort to make it a more effective and rewarding experience for instructors and learners  相似文献   

Two studies investigated (a) the art preference of young children for realistic, stylized, and abstract styles; and (b) the influence that exposure to art has on these style preferences. In the first study, 41 preschool children (19 females, 22 males) were individually administered an art style preference task comprised of nine prints, three of each style, of well known paintings. Both color and subject matter variables were controlled. A rank ordering of responses indicated a preference for abstract over realistic and stylized paintings. A second group of preschoolers (22 females, 20 males) were administered the preference task both before and following exposure to a painting ranked as one of the least preferred in the previous study. The three treatments were (a) classroom exposure, (b) home exposure, or (c) exposure through classroom discussion about the painting and the artist. Analyses revealed that all three types of exposure increased preference for the selected painting as well as preference for other paintings in that style. The importance of providing opportunities for young children to experience art is discussed in relation to capabilities of young children, as indicated by the results of the two studies.  相似文献   

沈义父的《乐府指迷》是南宋末期词发展到新阶段的理论总结,具有鲜明的词学价值取向和时代精神,包含了深刻的词学批评理论。《乐府指迷》正视词体发展至南宋中后期的现实,在词体的音乐性和书面化的关系、词体风格如何面对俚俗和古奥两种偏向等问题提出了深刻的见解,主张既要正视词体已经基本上成为书面文学形式的现实状况,又要尽可能地保持词体的传统的音律特性;对于词体风格,既反对俚俗,又批评古奥,提出了"文雅"、"含蓄"、"柔婉"的标准。更为重要的是,《乐府指迷》树立了以周邦彦词为理想的标准,对词体的发展以及后世词学史产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

Hemispheric laterality may be a useful concept in teaching, learning, training, and in understanding more about human development. To address this issue, a measure of hemispheric laterality was compared to musical and mathematical ability. The Human Information Processing Survey (HIPS) instrument, designed to measure hemispheric laterality, was administered to 101 participants who were then asked to provide a measure of their conceptual aptitude for mathematics and music. Scores were then compared through canonical correlation to test the hypothesis that perceived mathematical ability may be explained by left-brain hemisphere preference and musical by the right hemisphere. A relatively strong correlation was found between music ability and right-brain hemisphere preference. A relationship between math and left-brain hemisphere preference or integrated brain processing scores was found to be marginal. Ramifications to learning are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the relationship among trainees' counseling experience, familiarity with specific client symptomatology, case conceptualization integrative complexity (i.e., the ability to differentiate and integrate knowledge related to specific client symptomatology), and preference for supervisor style. Data from 100 beginning practicum to intern‐level counselor trainees revealed that general trainee experience and familiarity with specific client symptomatology were related to trainee case conceptualization integrative complexity. However, contrary to developmental models of counselor supervision, neither trainee experience, familiarity with specific symptomatology, nor trainee case conceptualization integrative complexity significantly predicted preference for supervisor style.  相似文献   

屈原《九歌》,近人多以为其中有对唱。《九歌》中到底哪些篇是对唱,哪些篇是独唱;哪些诗句是男唱,哪些诗句是女唱;哪些诗句是巫唱,哪些诗句是神唱;对唱是正与神的对唱,还是神与神的对唱,抑或是主巫与群正的对唱;各家都根据自己的理解而定,纯粹“以意为之”,没有什么客观标准。事实上,《九歌》本是祭歌。祭歌中所反映的全部乐神活动,都是由巫师执司其事的。巫师在祭祀鬼神时,一身二任,既代表他(她)自己,又装神弄鬼,诡称鬼神已经附体,代表着鬼神。同样的,巫师所唱的祭歌,则时而以巫师的口吻唱,时而又以鬼神的口吻唱,但都出自巫师一人之口。作为祭歌的《九歌》,正是巫师的独唱或合唱(独唱者一人而兼神、巫两种角色),而不是男与女、神与正或主巫与群巫的对唱。  相似文献   

该研究从Reid的感知学习风格角度,按照Moore的交互分类标准,针对网络多媒体教学现状,分析网络多媒体环境下的外语学习者感知学习风格和交互倾向性,旨在对学习风格和交互倾向之间的关系进行探讨和分析。其研究方法采用描述性研究法,使用定量和定质数据相结合的分析手段,即对定量数据进行描述性的相关关系统计处理,对个人半开放式访谈、参与性观察,以及网络多媒体外语学习周记等定质数据进行归纳法的描写性分析,以求推断提出理论假设。研究结果表明:网络多媒体环境下的工科外语学习者学习风格趋向动觉型和体验型学习风格;交互方式的心理需求明显趋向为师生交互;群体型学习风格与师生交互、生生交互具有显著的正相关关系;体验型学习风格与师生交互具有显著的正相关关系;其他四种学习风格与三种交互类型均不相关。  相似文献   

在音乐审美过程中,因为音色这一客体的不具象性、无语义性,往往不像其他音乐表现手段(旋律、节奏、调式、和声)引起人们的重视.但是,音色作为音乐表现的一种要素,仍有其独特的存在方式和自身规律,有与创作主体、审美主体构成的由实践到认识的关系.文章从音乐实践美学的观点,对音色审美中的心理基础问题、个性与风格问题、历史与现实问题等进行了分析和研究,以求音色这个古老而又待于不断开拓、深化的领域在理论上更加完善,在创作、表演、欣赏等方面有更全面、更周密的理性思考.  相似文献   

音乐剧的音乐形式是歌剧化的,它是古典歌剧艺术的现代传承,是现代音乐戏剧的主流。古典风格音乐剧的演唱中具有独特个性,文章从古典风格音乐剧及其流行演唱风格、剧目、歌曲等方面对音乐剧具体的演唱环节进行了分析。  相似文献   

音乐剧的音乐形式是歌剧化的,它是古典歌剧艺术的现代传承,是现代音乐戏剧的主流。古典风格音乐剧的演唱中具有独特个性,文章从古典风格音乐剧及其流行演唱风格、剧目、歌曲等方面对音乐剧具体的演唱环节进行了分析。  相似文献   

Infants interact reciprocally with their caregivers from the moment of birth. The actions of one affect the other in a manner that resembles an intricate dance. The article proposes a sociocultural model of reciprocity that focuses on the interdependent relationship between infants and their caregivers. Relevant variables include the age, sex, developmental history, and behavioral style of the infant and the caregiver's knowledge of infants' development, level of experience and education, disciplinary style, and temperament. Further, the influence of families and cultural expectations on caregiving practices are discussed within the framework of the model. After a review of the literature, selected activities are suggested to promote infants' interaction with their social world.  相似文献   

余华后期小说的变化是有目共睹的,本文侧重分析他的小说在叙事风格上所受到的音乐方面的影响,以及这种影响体现在他的小说中的种种表象,同时也对他后期小说中所蕴涵的幽默和快乐的因素做了和音乐相关的解读。  相似文献   

德彪西是法国民族的天才,是在世纪之交时最具有独创性的伟大作曲家,他那精美、朦胧、空幻、飘逸的艺术风格特征,在钢琴艺术史上独树一帜。德彪西的钢琴音乐不但对钢琴演奏技术提出了新的课题,而且要理解和体验它们,还要从听觉感受、观念意识、心灵体验上,都要超越传统进行全方位的更新。  相似文献   

This study explored differences that might exist in comprehension when students read digital and print texts. Ninety undergraduates read both digital and print versions of newspaper articles and book excerpts on topics of childhood ailments. Prior to reading texts in counterbalanced order, topic knowledge was assessed and students were asked to state medium preferences. After reading, students were asked to judge under which medium they comprehended best. Results demonstrated a clear preference for digital texts, and students typically predicted better comprehension when reading digitally. However, performance was not consistent with students' preferences and outcome predictions. While there were no differences across mediums when students identified the main idea of the text, students recalled key points linked to the main idea and other relevant information better when engaged with print. No differences in reading outcomes or calibration were found for newspaper or book excerpts.  相似文献   

Cognitive style and instructional preferences   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between learners' cognitive styles and their instructional preferences. The sample consisted of 240 business studies students at a UK university. Subjects' cognitive styles were assessed using the Cognitive Styles Analysis (which assesses the wholist-analytical and verbaliser-imager dimensions of style) and their instructional preferences assessed using an instructional preferences inventory which consisted of three sub-inventories (instructional method, instructional media and assessment method). Overall subjects favoured dependent methods, print based media and informal assessment methods. There was a significant main effect of wholist-analytical style on collaborative method preference (role play, group discussions and business games) and non-print based media preference (overhead transparencies, slides and videos). There was an interaction of the two dimensions of style and gender in their effect on informal assessment method preferences (individual and group assignments and multiple choice and short answer-type questions). The findings are discussed in terms of: (i) models of the cognitive style construct; (ii) the practical implications of individual differences in style and preference.  相似文献   

章对古典主义和浪漫主义时期的音乐风格进行了分析总结,指出音乐的风格的变化好似在假向理性思考和倾向个性表现这两种流派之间所作的钟摆式的运动,当然,随着历史的不断发展,每一新的流派的风格无论如何接近某种倾向的极端,都不是简单的重复。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the relationship between sexual abuse and academic achievement in an adolescent inpatient psychiatric population. Individual factors expected to influence this relationship were measured to explore the way they each interacted with sexual abuse and its relationship to academic achievement. METHOD: Eighty-one adolescent psychiatric inpatients participated in the study (aged 12--18 years: M=16.0). Participants were administered tests of academic achievement (dependent variable) and intelligence, and completed a number of self-report measures of their experience of different types of maltreatment, their perception of the parenting they received, socio-economic status, substance abuse, and psychopathology. RESULTS: Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that intelligence was the main predictor of academic achievement (uniquely explaining 26% of the variance). A number of interaction effects were also significant indicating that intelligence, substance abuse, internalizing behavior problems, externalizing behavior problems all influenced the relationship between sexual abuse and academic achievement. DISCUSSION: Examining the impact of sexual abuse is complex because it is typically an experience embedded in a range of other risk factors, such as poverty, family dysfunction, and other types of maltreatment. This study demonstrated coexistence between sexual abuse and a number of other variables, including other maltreatment types and parental overprotection, underscoring the requirement for complex models of research that more accurately reflect the experience of abused children.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed increased research interest from psychologists in constructs which describe individual differences among athletes in their choice of cognitive strategies in competitive situations. Two such constructs are ‘explanatory style’ (or the typical manner in which people seek to explain the events that they experience) and ‘attentional style’ (or their characteristic preference for certain concentration strategies). The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate the relationship between these stylistic constructs and athletic performance. Following a review of relevant trends and issues in research on this topic, a case study is presented in which the preferred attentional strategies of marathon runners are explored. Finally, some conclusions are drawn about the empirical and theoretical benefits for psychology which arise from the study of cognitive style constructs in sport performers.  相似文献   

We examined the associations between academic achievement and arts involvement (access to a musical instrument for the child at home, participation in unspecified after-school arts activities) in a sample of 2339 11–12-year-olds surveyed in the USA between 1998 and 2008. We compared the contributions of these variables to other kinds of cognitive stimulation at home (e.g. books), participation in after-school sports, and socioeconomic factors. Involvement in after-school arts was positively related to academic achievement only for those children who also reported access to a musical instrument. Access to a musical instrument predicted academic achievement independently of socioeconomic status. We consider the possibilities that the results may be indicative of differing parental attitudes in homes with musical instruments and/or a causal link between instrumental music learning and academic achievement.  相似文献   

This study investigated how particular within-group variables (gender, marital status, and duration of stay in the United States) affected Korean international students' perceived preferences for counselling style (directive vs. nondirective). It was found that counselling style and the within-group variables considered interacted to affect differentially Korean international students' perceived preferences for counselling style. Female students showed stronger preference for a directive counselor and a significant interaction was found among marital status, duration of stay, and counselling style.  相似文献   

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