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Selling journals to consortia and other large customers is increasingly difficult for small publishers, and yet libraries want their journals. The ALPSP Learned Journals Collection (ALJC) was put together, after considerable research, as an attempt to overcome this problem for ALPSP member publishers. Working through Swets Information Services, 247 journals from 25 publishers can be sold as a single package. Despite the difficulties, a single publisher agreement, customer licence, and pricing and revenue‐sharing model were all agreed upon. Customer reactions indicate that this is a real win–win solution for publishers and libraries.  相似文献   


This article examines the role that business librarians can play in conveying the importance of thorough patent research in the start-up life cycle. It provides a summary of the components of the start-up life cycle and due diligence research as it pertains to entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. An overview of patent research resources and locations is provided, with particular focus on PatentsView, a web-based patent data visualization and analysis tool.  相似文献   

The bankruptcy of two major serial agents within twelve years calls into question whether academic libraries are appropriately monitoring and overseeing the business partners to whom we entrust very large sums of money. The background events leading to the financial collapse of RoweCom/divine and Swets Information Services are reviewed and compared, along with a discussion of industry mechanisms to judge financial stability. Without adherence to financial best practices libraries risk being “left holding the bag” of problems, blame, and lost serial money.  相似文献   

In the current environment of widely dispersed and disparate electronic data sources, collection managers increasingly need tools such as decision support systems to routinely perform common types of collection analysis: collection comparison, usage, package deals, and resource sharing. Four commercial decision support systems, Serials Solutions’ 360 Counter, Thomson Reuters’ Journal Use Reports, Swets’ ScholarlyStats, and Serials Solutions’ Ulrich's Serials Analysis System, are considered for their strengths in the above types of analysis and across five additional dimensions: Project COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) reports supported, analysis tools, custom data sources supported, reporting features, and product support. Current issues and future trends are discussed.  相似文献   

论文以美国杨百翰大学图书馆为例,分析纸本图书和电子图书的多样化PDA采购模式,利用成本、使用次数、平均使用成本等指标评估.研究PDA采购模式的优势和疑虑,结合Swets公司2013年推出的MyiLibrary PDA应用程序,得出结论:PDA采购模式是未来图书馆构建高质量馆藏的发展方向.  相似文献   


Frank Clasquin, founder and first director of Swets & Zeitlinger's Moscow office, died September 25, 2002. Before assuming this position, he was Vice President and CEO of The Faxon Company (USA). The article tells of some of his experiences in Moscow.  相似文献   

国际科技医药出版商联盟(STM)2011年发布了《STM文献传递声明》,给出了文献传递工作的五条指导原则,从版权豁免、跨境文献传递、出版商提供单篇文献订购、尽职调查和传递给终端读者的方式等方面对图书馆非返还型馆际互借(文献传递)服务进行了限制。《STM文献传递声明》的实施将大幅增加馆际互借双方的成本,致使一些图书馆放弃或缩减这项服务,同时出版商推出的PPV(Pay Per View)服务将在文献传递中占有一定的位置,馆际互借现有格局将被改变。参考文献10。  相似文献   

As the perceived credibility and availability of conventional sources of applicant information wanes, employers increasingly use online information to evaluate prospective employees' fit. This qualitative study explores how employers communicatively frame online screening—or cybervetting—to inform fit assessments during personnel selection. Findings suggest that employers legitimize cybervetting by framing the practice as risk work (i.e. due diligence and professional identity work), reputation management, efficient, fun, and transformative. Findings evidence shifting understandings of how fit assessments occur and what constitutes a “good fit” and an ideal worker as employers extend organizational surveillance beyond conventional work roles and contexts. Recommendations include assessing cybervetting's effectiveness at accomplishing risk, reputation, and efficiency goals; complicating singular notions of identity; considering bona fide information environments when developing employment legislation; and expanding training to improve employers' and workers' socio-technical and communicative competencies.  相似文献   

宋孝彬 《大观周刊》2012,(44):93-93
公司人格否认制度,是指公司在某一特定的法律关系中,因被滥用,规避法律义务,或逃避契约义务,而丧失独立公司人格之特性时,司法机关采取否认公司的独立人格和出资者承担有限责任的一般原则,直接要求法人的出资者对公司的侵权人承担无限责任以校正失去平衡的公司出资者群体和公司债权人群体之间两权利益体系的制度。  相似文献   

美籍华人图书馆员成就简述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美籍华人图书馆员以智慧、勤奋和具有吸收美国文化的能力而得到美国政府和图书馆界的赞赏。尽管面对重重困难与挑战 ,华人图书馆员在创建东亚图书馆、分编东亚及中文图书资料、推动图书馆自动化进程等方面都做出了杰出贡献。参考文献 5  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical industry produces an abundance of special‐purpose knowledge, flooding the markets it is most interested in. To gain the largest scientific impact and market value from research, drug company articles placed in medical journals are often written under the names of independent medical researchers. Pharmaceutical company statisticians, reviewers from a diverse array of company departments, medical writers, and publication planners are only rarely acknowledged in journal publications, and key company scientists only sometimes acknowledged. The public knowledge that results from this ghost‐managed research and publication is a marketing tool, providing bases for continuing medical education, buttressing sales pitches, and contributing to medical common sense and further research. In the pharmaceutical industry, knowledge is a resource to be accumulated, shaped, and deployed to best effect. In this paper, I describe this process and discuss ways in which it might be addressed.  相似文献   

塑造高素质馆员队伍促进图书馆文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塑造高素质馆员队伍是促进图书馆文化建设的基础。文章结合工作实践,主要论述了高素质馆员应具备的"三个基本要素":敬业、勤业、精业,以及塑造高素质馆员的方法和途径。  相似文献   

孙宝琦是一个在汉冶萍公司发展历史中扮演重要角色和起过重要作用的人物。晚清时期,因具有相似的家庭环境和早期的人生经历,孙宝琦同盛宣怀建立了良好的私人友谊,并十分关注汉冶萍的发展。辛亥革命后,汉冶萍的发展形势急剧恶化,面临中央政府的"国有"、地方官绅的"省有"及日本的合办等多重挑战。为维护汉冶萍的既得利益并使其能继续发展,孙宝琦以汉冶萍和轮船招商局为抓手,尽力调和盛宣怀与袁世凯之间尖锐的利益冲突。为此,孙宝琦还参与推动轮船招商局和汉冶萍所谓的"国有",获得袁政府的支持,消弭了地方官绅的攘夺。日本提出"二十一条"后,汉冶萍公司成为中日交涉的重大议题之一。在袁政府的部署下,孙宝琦卸任外交部长,专事折冲日本提出的中日合办问题,为接管汉冶萍作准备。1915年底,为谋取政府的资金支持,孙宝琦为汉冶萍公司牵线1200万元的通惠借款,最终因日本干预而流产。在担任公司近十年的董事长期间,孙宝琦虽政务缠身,无法深度参与汉冶萍公司的经营与管理,但在很多关键时期利用其特殊身份为稳定汉冶萍大局和创造良好的发展环境做出了自己的努力。  相似文献   

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