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[目的/意义]通过对PIE-J的系统解析,使PIE-J在中国获得更多的关注与了解,以期电子期刊供应链上的各方合作优化电子期刊元数据,解决电子期刊难以搜寻这个长期困扰各方的问题。[方法/过程]通过归纳、实例分析等方法对PIE-J的制定背景、意义、主要内容、应用情况及其对中国电子期刊展示与标识的启示进行分析。[结果/结论]PIE-J通过简明的语言和形象的例子对电子期刊元数据的标识进行详细指引,可提高开放链接质量,提高使用者对期刊文章的查找效率和准确率,进一步完善与发展电子期刊。在我国目前尚未出台电子期刊标识标准的情况下,中国电子期刊出版商或供应商如能参照PIE-J优化电子期刊元数据,对于提高自身产品的竞争力,促进国内及海外市场的开拓将大有裨益。  相似文献   

In recent years academic journal publishers have explored a variety of new business models. The Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress), founded by professors in 1999, now publishes 39 electronic‐only journals. bepress's own model rests on three principles: improve, but do not break, the traditional journal; allow non‐subscribers to read articles as guests; and offer reasonable and sustainable prices to libraries. This model has resulted in steady growth. Even in the shifting landscape of open access, there remains a place for professional journal publishers who offer innovative improvements, traditionally qualified content, and reasonable prices.  相似文献   

司顺奇 《编辑学报》2012,24(1):25-26
针对高校学报沿袭的办刊理念和管理模式,分析高校学报管理链中各利益方在体制创新中的利益制约关系,提出了政府主导、政策倾斜、学科统筹、专业划分、市场介入的以科技期刊编辑部为主体的出版体系与发展模式,充分发展并利用现代流通技术和手段,为即将到来的科技期刊体制机制变革做好心理准备和知识准备。  相似文献   

内修外求:创办更具影响力的高校学报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玥  李明德  张行勇 《编辑学报》2016,28(2):150-152
虽然中国高校学报办刊水平在不断提高,办刊模式也在逐步优化,但仍存在影响力低下的问题.主要表现在:对内窗口功能不断弱化,已无力反映主办单位的学术水平;对外影响力徘徊不前,期刊开放性逐渐萎缩;对新兴编辑出版技术应用滞后而削弱期刊的影响力.依据教育部和国家新闻出版广电总局发布的《关于进一步加强和改进高校出版工作的意见》,提出内外兼修创办更具影响力高校学报的措施:对内密切关注主办单位的优势研究领域,创造条件增强学报的窗口功能;对外不仅要提升学报的国内影响力,也要提升国际影响力;敢于创先,积极应用新兴技术助推学报影响力的提升.  相似文献   

为他人做嫁衣:也谈科技期刊编辑的作者服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张敏 《编辑学报》2017,29(3):304-306
合理调节编辑、作者之间的关系是科技期刊发展的关键.科技期刊编辑的作者服务是建立编辑与作者关系的桥梁,有利于稳定和扩大作者队伍,营造良好的学术道德氛围,树立期刊良好的品牌形象.科技期刊编辑应通过坚守职业道德,加强学科专业和编辑业务理论学习,尊重作者,服务作者,积极应用新媒体技术,构建与作者互相尊重、互相进步的和谐关系,最终达到提升期刊影响力的目标.  相似文献   


The World Wide Web site tor Cataloging & Classification Quarterly(CCQ) was created to address a serious need-timeli-ness-in communicating the results of research among librarians, while at the same time providing a number of new benefits to enhance the journal's relationship to its readers. Brought online in early 1995, it was the first such Web site for a professional journal in librarianship, and its characteristic method of making abstracts available well in advance of the print version anticipated a practice later employed by journals in a variety of other fields. Historical background to electronic texts is discussed in context with the beginnings of the CCQ Web page, along with providing an orientation to the relevant aspects of the still-evolving World Wide Web. By using the CCQ Web page as an example, an attempt to characterize the current state of electronic journal publishing will be outlined. With the decision early this year by CCQ's publisher, The Haworth Press, Inc., to begin a pilot program of publishing a select number of its some 160 journals via the World Wide Web, the CCQ Web site can be regarded as an influential forerunner for the publisher's development of electronic journals.  相似文献   

学术电子期刊规范化与标准化浅探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,国内对于电子期刊规范化和标准化缺少专门、系统的研究和应用,虽然现有的适用于印刷型期刊的规范和标准的主要内容基本上也适用于电子期刊,然而,后者无论是在内容上,还是在技术实现上都有着自身特殊的要求。因此,本文主要从电子期刊的特性要求出发,探讨其规范化与标准化问题,并对电子期刊规范化与标准化的作用、意义、内容及制定原则进行了研究,同时重点介绍了ONIX、COUNTER等国际标准以及相关的国际与国内标准,并提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

科学杂志的未来   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
科学论文肯定还将长期存在,因为如果只进行研究而不发表结果,投入的时间和金钱就不能产生效益,不少人把科学杂志仅仅看作是论文的合订本,这样科学杂志是否还将长期存在,便不象科学论文那样肯定,然而,一项由学术与专业学会出版商协会(Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers,ALPSP)完成的研究表明,科学论文的潜在作者十分看重期刊的声望,影响因子和同行评议的质量,优秀的期刊还汇聚有关领域的研究兴趣,推进着学科的进步,日趋明郎的是,电子数据库或者电子期刊将难以替代印刷版期刊,这不仅因为作者喜见自己的作品刊在高质量的期刊上,而且还因为电子产品在长期保存方面的许多问题,这些以及有关细节将予讨论。  相似文献   

对赵乃编著的《电子期刊管理——体系、方法与实践》一书进行述评,认为其系统论述了有关电子期刊管理体系的相关问题,是一部理论与实践相结合的著作,具有选题前沿、新意较多、注重实践的特点。指出该书提供了一些新的内容、新的视角和新的方法,很有意义,是电子期刊研究领域的一个新的成果。认为该书既可作为高校信息管理类相关专业的教科书,又可供图书馆以及信息管理部门工作人员参考。  相似文献   


In 2001-02, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) Library tested and implemented secure Web ordering and delivery of journal articles, using Prospero for interlibrary loan, photocopy service, Circuit Librarian service, and document delivery between library branches. The goal was to deliver photocopied and interlibrary loan journal articles faster than campus mail, U.S. mail, or the courier service. In December 2001, eight staff began delivering articles electronically to one remote site as part of the Library Electronic Article Delivery (LEAD) pilot project. Electronic desktop delivery has since expanded to serve two branch libraries and UTHSCSA, San Antonio, and South Texas healthcare professionals. By reviewing the basis and describing the three phase pilot project, the author hopes to articulate the implementation of a new electronic service in a medical library.  相似文献   

The British Library, under the auspices of the Joint Committee on Legal Deposit's sub‐committee for e‐journals, is conducting a pilot project to lay the groundwork for possible legislation for the legal deposit of electronic journals. One component of the project has been to understand the production environment that governs the creation of the published data, the content management systems that publishers have deployed and the ways in which publishers are able to distribute content to their partners. This work is a snapshot of a cross‐section of the UK journal‐publishing industry taken in May 2005.  相似文献   

This is a brief report on a pilot project funded by the European Commission TEMPUS programme concerned with the modernisation of the university libraries in Syria and the enhanced visibility of the research outputs of the Syrian academic community. As background, it outlines the current state of the country's electronic and scholarly publishing, and the development of national and university computer networks. It reviews the project's contribution to introduction of automated library management systems with online catalogues and institutional repositories, and the expansion of journal collections. The issues likely to impact on further developments are discussed. Aspects of current professional education, including a shortage of qualified librarians with contemporary professional knowledge and skills, inhibit development. Other major challenges are the lack of effective strategic planning and poor management systems.  相似文献   

科技期刊可持续发展几个瓶颈问题及其对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析新常态下科技期刊发展的制约因素,以基层期刊人的视角,就期刊可持续发展提出一些建议.在解读2015年国家出台的有关科技期刊2个文件的基础上,结合文献分析和案例调查,分析“期刊资源供给侧结构性改革”和“遏制学术不端行为”这2个期刊发展瓶颈问题.首先需要制度创新,做好期刊业改革的顶层设计;其次要做好供给侧结构性改革,重点扶持有发展潜力的期刊做大做强;最后要优化学术环境,防范学术不端行为,构建优良的期刊发展生态.在政府推动改革的大背景下,“十三五”是壮大优质期刊群,提升期刊国际化水平的关键时期,学术环境的整治将会推动个刊的良性发展.  相似文献   

张建军  高森  任延刚 《编辑学报》2017,29(2):184-186
传统媒体与新媒体的融合是大势所趋.医学期刊也面临同样的媒体融合问题.如何完成医学期刊传统纸媒和新媒体的融合,促进期刊发展,使之“1 +1 >2”,是每个医学期刊编辑需要思考和探索的问题.文章介绍地处沈阳的《中国实用内科杂志》发挥地方医学媒体特色,结合国家健康宣教的新理念,践行办刊宗旨,通过临床医学推广和健康宣教服务等活动,增强品牌特色,实现媒体融合.  相似文献   

情景敏感的集成期刊服务系统建设与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
回顾CSDL对于科技期刊资源建设和所提供的服务,分析期刊系统整合与服务集成目前所面临的问题,在参考国外相关机构的解决方案后,结合CSDL的现状和发展需求,提出建设和实现情景敏感的集成期刊服务系统,介绍集成期刊服务系统的建设目标和思路,详细描述基于知识库的情景敏感的系统设计和系统实现,最后总结目前存在的问题和可能发展。  相似文献   

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