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教师教育的课程设置始终存在着教育理论与教育实践的关系问题。杜威的教师教育课程思想具有前瞻性和时代性。其主要观点为:提倡借鉴其它成熟专业课程的经验;教育理论课程优先,延迟广泛的实践学习;提倡学科内容专业化:提倡教育理论学习伴随着广泛实践工作;提倡学习广泛的学科;提倡未来教师的学科内容教学要与中小学教育相对应:重视实践工作;如何教教育理论课和学科内容;提倡至少完成两年中学后学校科目的深奥的学科内容学习.然后集中教育理论及其相关的科目学习(尤其是心理学)。  相似文献   

The arts are recognised for their potential to humanise and enrich educational experience, but hold a lowly position in the hierarchy of school subject-based curricula. This limits the time, and thus the influence, they can have. Whilst schools welcome the idea of a curriculum rich with both arts and science subjects, resistance to realising this is often advanced in terms of the proportion of curriculum time required for different subjects. Arguments for STEAM education, whilst apparently challenging this and valuing the potential of the arts, have reinforced its servant role. Drawing on research into a particular project, where the perspectives of the arts and sciences inform and enrich how the other is experienced and understood, we reframe this problem. Firstly, drawing on Massey’s conception of space-time, we argue that one can conceive of more than one subject occupying the same curricular space on a school timetable. Secondly, informed by Geertz, we consider what the culture of the arts and the sciences offers, suggesting that this appears to reflect what teachers have valued. We argue that foregrounding the culture of school subjects, and particularly the culture of the arts, as part of a multicultural frame can facilitate rich and engaging educational experiences. Rather than being positioned as competing for time or status in the curriculum, a focus on culture emphasises how the co-existence and interplay of multiple subjects broadens, develops and thus enriches children’s educational experience. It also enables a different conception of, and thus role for, the arts in schooling.  相似文献   

Knowing the subject matter of a secondary‐school science subject   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper examines the fundamental yet largely neglected distinction between school subjects and academic disciplines in the discourse on teachers’ specialized subject‐matter knowledge. It analyses and critiques the curricular positions embedded in that discourse in the light of five possible relationships between school subjects and academic disciplines. Invoking Dewey’s logical‐psychological distinction and research findings, the paper argues that the subject matter of a secondary‐school science subject instead of the subject matter of its parent academic discipline lies at the heart of secondary‐school science teachers’ specialized subject‐matter knowledge. Knowing such subject matter entails knowing five intersecting dimensions: the logical, the psychological, the pedagogical, the epistemological, and the sociocultural. Implications are drawn concerning theorizing about what secondary‐school science teachers need to know about the subject matter they are expected to teach, subject‐matter preparation for teaching, and the development of secondary‐school science curriculum materials.  相似文献   

In 1894, when John Dewey came to Chicago, US educational leaders were reshaping the elementary school, high school, and college, institutions initially aimed at different social groups, into three 'levels' of a more integrated K-16 system. At the same time, Dewey's fellow reformers were furthering the 'new education' by advocating activity-based, cooperative subjects, including nature study and manual arts for the elementary school curriculum. In The School and Society (1899), Dewey addressed the two problems of how to integrate practical co-operative activities with academic subject matters and how to connect the subject matters and learning methods of the three educational 'levels' to provide continuity throughout the curriculum and between it and out-of-school experience. The School and Society, one of the best known of Dewey's early educational writings, argued that the success of 'new education' was 'inevitable', because it was 'part and parcel of the whole social evolution'. Dewey noted that the opportunities children previously possessed for practical learning in home and neighbourhood production had been eliminated once production moved to urban factories. The earlier common schools had merely added a layer of literacy and numeracy to the base of practical thinking abilities formed outside of school. Schools in the industrial city, however, simply had to provide these opportunities themselves. Dewey's conception of experience-based practical learning to form habits of inquiry and co-operation securing democratic life was a masterful synthesis of the 'new education', and The School and Society became an educational classic inspiring educators for a century. The Educational Situation (1902), by contrast, has received little attention. The tone is decidedly less upbeat. Far from proving 'inevitable', Dewey says, the 'new education' has come up against unanticipated obstacles because it is not an 'organic part' of the 'educational whole'. The institution, he says, remains structured by mechanical features of school organization and administration that determine educational experience 'even on its distinctively educational side'. The new education will fail unless educators can put in place a new organizational and administrative structure that both conforms with the external realities of industrial society and supports new experienced-based learning activities. The three chapters of The Educational Situation analyse the difficulties inherent in fundamental structural change, and propose structural reforms for the elementary school, high school, and college. In chapter 1, which originally appeared in 1901 as a separate essay and is reprinted here, Dewey carefully delineates the interplay between organizational and administrative structures and curriculum. His analysis of the problem of curriculum change anticipates the contemporary work of such scholars as John W. Meyer, Robert Dreeben, and 388 j. dewey Larry Cuban-and defines an issue which, arguably, has not been explored as systematically in the 100 years that have followed the publication of The Educational Situatio. Leonard J. Waks  相似文献   

21世纪,印度贯彻新时期教育政策,对高中课程进行了一系列改革:课程设置注重学术性与职业性结合,课程内容强调多样性与应用性结合,课程管理强调统一性与多样性结合,课程评价强调多样性与现实性结合。本文总结了印度高中课程改革的经验与问题,分析了印度高中课程改革的发展趋势:强调课程的公平性取向、民族化取向、职业化取向。  相似文献   

作为实用主义哲学思想的鼻祖,杜威课程观本质上反映了实用主义思想。陶行知继承和发展了杜威的教育思想,提出了具有中国特色的"生活教育"理论,这是中国教育家学者将外国教育理论进行创新研究和本土适应性改造的典范。陶行知课程观,根植于"生活教育"理论,又是其生活教育理论的有机组成部分。陶行知课程观主要包括课程目标观、课程内容观、课程实施观三个方面的内容。深入分析这些内容,对我国当今课改不乏有益的启示。  相似文献   

农村初中校本课程开发现状及其原因探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
校本课程开发是农村初中课程改革中的一项重要内容.在经济欠发达地区农村初中课程改革的实施过程中,校本课程开发在取得一些成就的同时,也存在着诸如对校本课程内容理解不准确,校本课程实施时间无法得到保障等问题.究其原因,既有校本课程开发环境的问题,也受到了校本课程开发主体等因素的影响.  相似文献   

学校课程制度在课程改革中具有重要作用,它是学校课程顺利运作的基础,有利于学校特色的创建,也有利于教师和学生的发展。但是,目前中国学校课程制度建设存在着主体单一、内容不够合理、执行乏力等问题。为此,探究实现学校课程制度建设主体的多元性、促进学校课程制度内容的合理化、加强学校课程制度的执行力等解决策略很有必要。  相似文献   

“文”着重于精神、思想、观念一类无形的内容.在学校里,文化就是课程,而文化立校也就是课程立校.好的学校,好的校长,会比较自觉地重视观念文化、精神文化及相应的课程,尤其是隐性课程.发展学校文化需关注体制本身的问题,唯有在体制上“去行政化”,才能让真理至上的旗帜飘扬在师生员工心中,这就是极珍贵的学校文化.  相似文献   

杜威实用主义哲学及其"新教育"思想是研究性学习综合实践活动课程的哲学基础,加德纳多元智力理论是其心理学依据,陶行知"知行合一"与苏霍姆林斯基"研究性学习法"是其历史传统和教学论背景。研究性学习作为课程形态进入高中课程体系,属于活动课程、综合课程、必修课程、国家课程、校本课程。研究性学习国家课程校本化的实施需从制度建设、常态管理、师资培训、校本特色几个方面着力。  相似文献   

首先提出开发校本化德育课程是解决当前小学德育教学实效性不足的重要策略,进而分析小学校本化德育课程开发对学校教育、学生发展和教师教学的价值,最后基于以上的理解,结合实践总结了学校校本化德育课程建设的三方面经验,即依据社会需要建设德育校本活动课程、让学生参与德育校本活动课程建设和依据学校特色资源建设德育校本活动课程。  相似文献   

对高师体育教育专业课程设置的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗亮 《培训与研究》2003,20(6):102-103
本从对高师体育教育专业的课程设置的现状进行反思入手。对课程设置进行了思考、探索。提出了新的课程设置方案,同时对构建课程体系时应注意的若干问题提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

近几年来澳门的课程改革出现了一些新的动向,澳门政府明确了当前及今后一段时间内课程改革的任务,即为中小学各个阶段的教育制定课程框架,并规定学生须达到的基本学力要求。此外,课程改革的新动向还表现在课程理念、课程内容、课程实施以及课程管理等方面,使课程改革呈现出了新的特点。同时,由于澳门的课程改革起步较晚,一些历史原因的影响还在起作用,所以澳门的课程改革仍面临着一些比较突出的问题,如师资问题和教科书问题等。  相似文献   

This article attempts to map the business and economics curriculum and explain some of the reasons for it being as it is; and to examine the number of students choosing to study the subjects and the ‘perceived relative value’ of studying economics and business studies. In 1988 a National Curriculum was introduced for all 5–16-year-olds in state schools in England but curiously neither business studies nor economics were mandatory subjects. In England, government education policy has influenced the development of the business and economics school curriculum in four main ways: first, in defining a core curriculum; second, in changes in school type; third, in the treatment of the academic/vocational divide; and, finally, in the development of a qualifications framework. With a new government elected, changes in education policy will therefore have an impact on the study of these subjects. We argue that while business and economics are very popular options for study by 14–19-year-olds, this area of the English curriculum needs further strengthening, and that all students should have the opportunity to study business and economics in some form to develop their own economic wellbeing and to better understand the world in which they live.  相似文献   

2004年,普通高中信息技术课程改革正式开始实施。目前已经有十余个省份参与了高中信息技术课程实验。高中信息技术课程实施的一个关键点就是教学方法的选择与采用,这也是目前高中信息技术教师最感困惑与迷茫的。我们根据问卷调查以及教师访谈,对目前四种主要的高中信息技术教学方法进行了分析与比较,并提出了"理性看待、多样采用、创新应用"的教学方法应对策略。  相似文献   

日本高中的课程采用学科和科目相结合、学分制等设置方法,对学生综合素质的培养有很大促进作用。针对我国高中目前素质教育落实情况不佳的现状,通过采取对比的方法,分析其对我国高中的课程设置的启示,即应考虑学生需求,力求课程设置多样化、弹性化以及实行学分制,并在此基础上提出我国高中课程设置应注重实践能力、加强法制化建设等建议,力求提高我国高中素质教育的水平。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国高中课程改革与高考改革关系演变经历了创立与政治化、改革与错位、深化与协同三个发展阶段。高中课程育才与高考选才是两种不同性质的活动,高考科目仅是全部高中课程科目的一部分,高中课程标准也只是选择高考内容的依据之一,这导致二者形成错综复杂的关系。为了加快推进教育现代化、建设教育强国,建议健全高中课程实施的督查机制、增强高中学业水平考试功能与作用、优化高考科目设置、深化高考内容改革,以提升高中课程改革与高考改革的协同育人成效。  相似文献   

Interest in progressive education ideas has often been accompanied by advocacy for greater use of interdisciplinary and holistic learning approaches, as these are considered beneficial in conceptual, curriculum, and pedagogical terms. The paper reviews the possibilities for progress on this basis and contextualises the paper around three concurrent watershed moments in Scottish education: the end of the five-year programme implementation phase of a Curriculum for Excellence; the half-century anniversary of comprehensive schooling (1965–2015); and the centennial anniversary of the publication of Democracy in Education by John Dewey. Following a brief outlining of the Scottish policy context, the paper analyses the influence of Dewey on conceptions of curriculum integration and interdisciplinary learning and their connections with curriculum planning, effective pedagogical practices, and whole school reforms. Analysis describes the areas of conceptual clarity required and reviews how exactly versions of interdisciplinary learning might operate in practice. It is argued that the learner-led ideals championed by Dewey can still provide guidance and traction to help ensure that policy and practice gains are more than modest and variable. However, progress is likely to be greatest if school organisational changes accompany alterations to the curriculum and pedagogical culture in schools.  相似文献   

规划学校课程是在三级课程管理体制下学校获得的课程权力,它体现了传统教育观念的转变和新课程改革在学校一级的延续和深入。学校在进行课程规划中需要以课程政策、课程理论、变革理论、学校现状和学校愿景为基础,对学校的课程愿景、组织团队以及课程的诸多方案做出规划。规划学校课程可以采取内生模式、外引模式和分化模式等策略进行。学校课程的实施与学校课程规划同样重要,是学校课程理想与学校现状不断磨合的过程。它需要对学校现状进行分析,明确制约课程实施的关键因素,为提升这些因素做出努力,并在课程实施过程中渗透研究、评价与调整等行为,以进一步拓展学校课程。  相似文献   

唐亭婷 《成才之路》2022,(9):124-126
课程设置是指各级各类学校开设的反映课程总体规划的教学总科目及课时安排,对提高育人质量具有重要意义.课程是教育教学活动的基本依据,是师生联系、交往的纽带,也是实现教育目标、培养全面发展人才的保证.规范课程设置标准、找出课程设置中的问题,是教育教学实施的关键.文章立足贵州省城乡小学课程设置的比较,找出差异,找到问题,提出建...  相似文献   

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