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人们总希望自己的论点胜过对方,有时候不惜为了无足轻重的细节而争论。对于别人哪怕是一点点的让步,也会显得非常高兴。因此,在谈判中,有技巧的谈判者总是故意在无关紧要的环节上退让,以换取对方的信任。  相似文献   

80/20原则与图书馆管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王玮 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(2):35-36
本文在介绍80/20原则核心思想的基础上,分析了80/20原则在图书馆管理中的意义和可行性。  相似文献   

80/20效率法则(the80/20principle),又称帕累托法则、帕累托定律、最省力法则或不平衡原则。意大利经济学家和社会学家维尔弗里多·帕累托(VilfredoPareto,1848-1923年),正是以“帕累托效率(ParetoEfficiency)”而闻名于世。对于“80/20效率法则”,里查德·科克有一个精彩的描述:“在因和果、努力和收获之间,普遍存在着不平衡关系。典型的情况是:80%的收获来自20%的努力;其他80%的力气只带来20%的结果。”这个法则告诉人们一个道  相似文献   

本文通过对80/20原理的阐述,论证了在数字付费电视发展中采用大客户管理的可行性、必要性及具体的操作思路,对将来数字电视相关项目的顺利开展提供理念上的依据及思路。  相似文献   

Commenting on online news articles must be considered an online staple—an established practice among news consumers that is currently being funnelled from the Web pages of news organizations to third-party platforms such as Facebook. The paper at hand adopts an exploratory approach and provides insights into the fervency and popularity of commentators and comments on the Facebook pages of two Swedish and two Norwegian newspapers. The results indicate that while immigration issues are a common topic in both countries, the Swedish context stands out by also featuring high degrees of commenting activity in relation to issues of gender equality. Identifying a series of differences in how these opportunities to comment on news are used in each country, the Swedish context appears to offer a wider range of opinions among the most fervent commentators in comparison with Norway. A similar tendency is found among the most “liked” comments.  相似文献   

谌立新 《河北科技图苑》2009,22(4):89-90,96
研究认为:“20%与80%企业管理法则”是以20%的骨干力量带动80%的人力资源,强调了骨干的核心作用;“80%与20%巴特菜法则”是以80%的优势精力解决20%的难题,强调了主要问题与次要问题的关系。采用迁移的方法,将两者有机地结合起来,运用于体育院校图书馆人力资源的开发和管理之中,可以充分发挥体育院校图书馆人力资源的效率,从根本上解决体育院校图书馆人力资源和服务水平的问题。  相似文献   

由80/20到九法则所想到的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《长尾理论》和《世界是平的》两本图书所论述的现象带有普遍性。阅读习惯的无缝对接,再谈“概念图书馆”,数字统计谨防误区,文献结构比例由谁做主,是在《世界是平的》中所谈到的几个问题。世界是“平”的,旨在真正了解读者的阅读行为;从80/20到九法则,旨在说明利用一次也是利用,这种利用占据全部读者比重的绝大部分,值得重视。  相似文献   


This article describes the changes over the past 20 years in the job of reference librarian. Using typical reference questions and quotes from leading law librarians in the early '80s, the author compares current practice and explains the differences in the time, place, and manner of legal reference. Although answering questions may be done today more quickly and efficiently than 20 years ago, the increase in demand and expectations make the job more challenging than ever.  相似文献   

In the introduction to a police audio recording of Bristol Palin describing her family’s involvement in an Alaska house party brawl, CNN anchor Carol Costello commented: “This is quite possibly the best minute and a half of audio we’ve ever come across.” The incident, however, involved an alleged assault—an act that mainstream journalism generally reports in a serious manner. Costello’s glib treatment of the event could therefore be seen as potentially breaching the boundaries of professional practice, which brought a widespread media response from both mainstream organizations and right-leaning blogs. Through textual analysis of these items, this study illustrates the challenge of conducting media boundary work—and the role strain that results—when the subject of a story occupies space within both entertainment and news spheres.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a history of the union organizing of the American Newspaper Guild at Thomson Newspapers’ Peterborough Examiner in Canada from 1968 to 1969. It examines the communication tools that union members used to facilitate this labor organizing and “bite back” at the profitable Thomson chain. Peterborough newsworkers went on strike from November 1968 to April 1969 over union recognition. During the strike, the union members built an unprecedented alliance with Ontario university students, collaboratively launching a strike newspaper called the Peterborough Free Press. Expanding on the concept of temporary labor convergence, this paper considers how strike newspapers can be seen as a form of alternative journalism that newsworkers use as a campaigning tool to communicate their struggles to the public and put pressure on news corporations to bargain with them. This case study is situated in the local institutional contexts of labor relations at the Peterborough Examiner and the news industry in Peterborough, where Thomson Newspapers had a media monopoly. It is based on labor standpoint and signal juncture analyses of union archival documents and newspaper content. The research ultimately suggests that newsworkers should not only focus on communication tools but also build bridges with community members.  相似文献   

This paper examines representations of mental illness in popular film, particularly Richard Ayoade’s The Double and Dan Gilroy’s Nightcrawler. As I argue, both films trouble typical Hollywood narratives of mental illness by situating schizophrenia and psychopathy, for instance, within a socioeconomic context, specifically relations of production under late capitalism and the unfettered self-interest of neoliberalism. If mental illness is a product of the postindustrial workplace in The Double, it becomes a prerequisite for success in Nightcrawler, providing a cinematic depiction of mental illness at odds with the “personal pathology” paradigm that dominates the current neoliberal landscape.  相似文献   

姚明。李想。郭敬明。春树。韩寒。张悦然。 因为他们出生在1980年或此后10年间,“大人们”某次脑筋急转弯,称他们为“80版”,所有生在其中的人都成为了统一的一个版本符号。[编者按]  相似文献   

Culture Digitally is a community of scholars, originally convened by Tarleton Gillespie (Cornell University) and Hector Postigo (Temple University). With generous support from the National Science Foundation, the group supports scholarly inquiry into new media and cultural production through a wide range of projects and collaborations, including a scholarly blog and periodic workshops. For more information on projects and researchers affiliated with Culture Digitally, visit culturedigitally.org or follow @CultureDig on Twitter.

This is the latest in the series of Culture Digitally’s “dialogues.” On occasion, we invite two or more participants to engage in an intellectual back-and-forth, on a point of interest that emerges from discussions at our meetings, around blog posts, or based on evident, shared interests. In these dialogues, scholars are encouraged to grapple with contemporary issues in media, but to do so quite a bit faster than the glacial pace of publishing typically allows. We imagine them as the digital equivalent of the scholarly exchange of letters between pre-eminent scientists. The thinking is meant to be raw and provocative, a chance for the dialogue participants to prod each other beyond their own certainties.

The scholars in this dialogue were convened by Joshua Braun in response to the recent public and media discourse surrounding the security breach at Sony Pictures Entertainment and its film, The Interview.  相似文献   

一本编校人员业务培训讲义在分析"销售国债至少80万元以上"的语病时说:"80万元以上"与"至少80万元""实际上两者意思是相同的,选择其中一种说法即可"。科学地分析这2种说法,意思不完全相同:"80万元以上"是">80万元",而  相似文献   

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