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就新课标而言 ,数学课堂教学的目标不再是单一的知识与技能 ,而是知识与技能、过程与方法以及情感、态度与价值观三方面的整合 ,因此 ,目标教学的各环节都应该更加关注每一个学生的发展 ,突出学生主体 ,突出师生交往的互动、互惠关系以及学习方式的多样化 ,要制定适合于学生的、有可操作性的和便于实施的、明确的、具体的目标。总之 ,在新课程理念下 ,目标教学的各环节都应为学生营造民主、和谐、宽松的学习气氛 ,在师生平等的基础上求得新的发现 ,实现教学相长、共同发展  相似文献   

正确认识多媒体教学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
如何利用多媒体教学来提高教学质量和效果,是教师在教学过程中不断探索的问题。依据自己近年在多媒体教学过程中的经验,在本文中提出怎样正确认识多媒体教学并解决如何进行多媒体教学的问题。  相似文献   

The article presents some aspects of an approach to disciplinary teaching phenomena that adopts the new perspective of comparative didactics. This approach consists of implementing research projects that examine teaching problems in a comparative study of various specific didactics.In the first part of the article, examination of the origins of school knowledge leads to the proposal of a new tool for analyzing the phenomena of didactic transposition in a broader perspective. In the second part, a new tool is proposed for analyzing in-class teaching phenomena for different disciplines.  相似文献   

The article presents basic information on the strand of psycho-pedagogy of creativity—a unique perspective on creativity teachers’ education in Europe and the world. Psycho-pedagogy of creativity is a major in pedagogy studies, run in Poland, at the Warsaw Academy of Special Education. Our aim is to educate specialists who are open, sensitive and well prepared content-wise in identifying and developing children's and youth's creative potential. We also aim at introducing the studies that function in a wider social context, and presenting the situation of Poland after systemic transformation. It seems that information of this type may prove interesting to researchers and practitioners that deal with education of creativity.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse Polish history teachers’ perceptions of the role of historical education in the context of nationalism, class and locality. Drawing on the results of qualitative research conducted in the post-industrial and post-German city of Wa?brzych in Poland, we argue that teachers are not fully aware of the role of nationalist politics in representations of the past. Teachers regard these nationalist representations as natural and taken for granted. They are not only unable to assume responsibility for promoting nationalism among students but also reproduce a dominant nationalist discourse by using history to nurture their students’ attachment to the idea of a homogeneous and solidary nation that transcends class divisions and erases local specificity. They see their role primarily in terms of reinforcing the dominant structures of collective memory in their pupils.  相似文献   

质性评价——教学评价发展的新取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着评价理论的发展,量化评价主导教学评价领域的格局已经打破,质性评价的方法越来越被广泛地运用于教学评价之中,其重视过程中的生成价值、强调评价的真实性、尊重学生个性等特点使教学评价能对整个教学过程作出真实、完整的价值判断。  相似文献   

Framed by a question around vulnerability in narrative inquiries, we show the multiple ways that vulnerability is evident in narrative inquiry. We take up the concerns around vulnerability to show how, as narrative inquirers, we are searching to find ways to think with vulnerability and with what others have called neglected narratives. Drawing on one study with Aboriginal youth and their families, we make visible how questions of vulnerability need to be considered in framing of research puzzles, selecting participants, and moving from field to field texts to interim and final research texts. In composing final research texts, we struggled with the notions of vulnerability that are placed on Aboriginal youth by labels and single stories. These assigned vulnerabilities lead to interpretations that could create experiences of judgment. We returned again to the importance of making experiences visible, in order to shift understandings of who Aboriginal youth are, and are becoming, in a complex world that will not write over or ‘erase their Indianness’ nor their or our vulnerabilities. We showed the ways questions of vulnerability are inextricably interwoven into narrative inquiry.  相似文献   

近年来,外语教师教育研究已经开始认识到了外语教师在推动和理解外语教学中的核心作用。为了更全面地理解外语教学过程,笔认为:应该将教师置于外语教师教育研究的中心。因为外语教学过程的复杂性以及如何学会教学是很难以外在旁观的角度来体认的。故而,用叙事学方法探索外语教师对教学的所知,对于探索教师如何理解她们在课堂中的教学有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

成人高等函授教育是成人高等教育的重要组成部分,面对终身教育和学习型社会的快速发展,面对高等教育大众化、信息技术时代的到来,如何提高函授教育的质量及函授教育教学活动的实效性,已成为当前函授教育的重要课题。本文从教育理念、课程体系、面授教学和考试制度等影响函授教育教学质量的关键因素出发,谈些对策,以期引起更多管理者的关注,从而促进成人高等函授教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

The teaching of professions in which technical and manual acts combined with excellent judgment are used to enhance the safety of people, poses challenges to educators. Book learning combined with mock or simulated situations goes a long way, but ultimately “in-the-field” instruction and learning is necessary to qualify trainees for many occupations such as doctors, pilots, firefighters, police officers, and many others. The dilemma is how to teach potentially life-altering techniques in a real-life setting without compromising the safety of the recipient of the service being taught. Using the exemplary model of surgical teaching in the technology-heavy and high-tension world of neurosurgery, the authors attempt to explore this ethical and practical dilemma.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to share my perceptions and reflections on the experience of introducing elements of autonomy in a constrained educational setting in Argentina. I recorded these perceptions in teaching diaries written weekly after each class for the academic year 2005 (over 35 weeks). These teaching diaries are part of a larger, long-term, qualitative action-research study aimed at introducing some elements of autonomy in my University-based classroom for the first time, and diary writing as a vehicle for channelling my reactions to the innovation. The teaching diaries portray my feelings, emotions, values, and beliefs and offer testimony of my professional growth as I struggled to modify my classroom practices to make my teaching more responsive to my beliefs about good pedagogy within the constraints at my University.  相似文献   

利用质的研究方法,研究了—位随班就读学生在普通学校的学习情况。结果发现,学校和部分教师对此学生的态度不够积极,对他的教育教学缺乏针对性。研究结果启示我们要加强对随班就读学生的个别化教学,以满足他们的特殊教育需要。  相似文献   

学生的外语口语表达能力是决定其外语水平的主要因素之一。因此必须把口语能力的提高视为外语教学放到最为突出的地位上。将对话教学引入外语口语教学对改革传统教学模式,提高口语教学的质量具有非常重要的意义。在外语口语对话教学中,教师与学生是对话的主体和实施者。在教学过程中,只有积极发挥教师的主导作用,尊重学生的主体性,促进两者的紧密、有效协作,才能实现对话教学整体效能的最大发挥。  相似文献   

The present paper examines the measurement invariance of the adjusted version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire (PRQ) by Goldan & Schwab (2018; 2019). A cross-country comparison between students from Germany (N = 885) and Saudi Arabia (N = 888) is conducted that examines invariance not only across countries but also across gender. Results confirm the two-factorial structure of the scale (“personnel resources” and “material and spatial resources”). Configural and partial metric invariance was also established across both groups. Furthermore, an ANCOVA was used to show that perceptions of resources and perceptions of inclusive teaching practices are positively interrelated. This finding can be interpreted as an indicator for criterion validity of the PRQ. As expected, German students perceive a significantly higher level of resources than their peers in Saudi Arabia. Finally, the importance of adequate provision for the successful implementation of inclusive education and its assessment is discussed.  相似文献   

How might a pre-service teacher ‘teach against the grain’ and challenge their pre-existing assumptions about the profession? By deconstructing and reconstructing my schooling experiences and the social and cultural discourses and practices that have shaped and defined me, I hope to interrupt my conditioning and avoid revisiting my unhappy school experiences upon future students [Miller, A. (2006). The teaching urge: and seeking amnesia. English in Australia, 41(1), 18–24., p. 18]. I am trying to break the cycle of social reproduction and domination and become the type of teacher who liberates rather than domesticates. In this article I use ‘autoethnography’ and ‘mystoriography’ to analyse my professional development and to imagine and enact a teaching identity based on Garth Boomer's ‘pragmatic–radical’ educator. Pragmatic radicalism provides a strategic means of surviving and undermining hegemonic school systems while revolutionising the politics of the classroom. Pre-service teachers can challenge the socialisation process and build teaching identities that break the traditional ‘authoritarian–transmission’ model. Critical reflection on identity construction and past school experiences is essential to this endeavour.  相似文献   

Design Elements for a CSCL Environment in a Teacher Training Programme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the design of a Telematic Learning Environment (TLE) in which student teachers learn collaboratively, we consider three clusters of design elements as important: the Telematic Work Environment, the guidance of the instructor and the task instruction. We will have a look at the way group and task behaviour, triggered by these design elements influence the collaborative outcomes. Experiments have revealed that the technical environment is not as important as we had expected beforehand. This research shows that the task instruction (pre-imposed structure, role taking and intrinsic motivation for the task) and the group process itself have far more impact on the online collaborative work of the student teachers.  相似文献   

混合方法研究:美国教育研究中的新范式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
混合方法研究是指研究者在同一研究中综合调配或混合定量研究和质性研究的技术、方法、手段、概念或语言的研究类别。它是在美国质性、定量两种研究方法范式的争论中产生的。其理论基础是实用主义和系统哲学。混合方法研究程序设计包括确定研究问题、确定研究目的、选择研究方法、收集资料、分析资料、解释资料、使数据合法化、得出结论并撰写最终报告等步骤。其突出优势是在研究中能增加交叉性优势,压缩非重叠性弱势,提高研究的效度与信度。  相似文献   

社会科学研究正经历着从实证主义向建构主义的范式变迁.特殊教育研究长期以来较好地坚持了科学实证主义的传统,但新的范式的接受和应用较慢.本文从方法论的角度探讨了质的研究范式与特殊教育研究之间的关系,从价值追求、实践和理论发展三个方面提出当今特殊教育的发展需要质的研究方法;认为特殊教育的研究应该走向多元的研究范式,即在坚守实证科学精神的同时,纳入建构与人文主义的情怀,在进一步规范逻辑验证性质的量的研究的过程中,加强对归纳探索性质的质的研究范式的探索与运用.文章最后倡议:特殊教育研究者积极转变研究范式,加强行动研究、叙事研究和个案研究等质的方法的运用,藉此丰富特殊教育的实践,探索丰富多彩的、具有本土化特征的特殊教育理论与模式.  相似文献   

Empirical studies and meta-analyses conducted during the past 35 years led to the development of a number of theoretical frameworks of teacher effectiveness. In this paper, we aim to summarize the main characteristics of three dominant frameworks within the field of educational effectiveness and discuss both their conceptual differences and their similarities, as well as, the different observational instruments used by each one to capture instructional quality. Specifically, the three frameworks are: a) the dynamic model of educational effectiveness; b) the International System for Teacher Observation and Feedback (ISTOF); and c) the Three Basic Dimensions of Teaching Quality (TBD). These frameworks were also used to analyze three videolessons for comparing the quality of teaching through the lens of each respective framework. Based on the results of the three lesson analyses, possibilities for combining different generic frameworks of effective teaching to provide a more complete view of teaching quality are discussed.  相似文献   

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