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Using content analysis of the New York Times and USA Today, this study investigates the framing of immigration in two policy debates: on the Border Protection, Anti-terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (H.R. 4437) in 2006 and on the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act or Arizona Senate Bill (S.B.) 1070 in 2010. The bills crystallized various discourses on immigration in American society. Drawing on literature on media discourses, news frames, and framing processes, the article examines the attempt of mainstream mass media to reduce the complexity of immigration into palatable talking points. The findings demonstrate that through framing, the media create diametrically opposed representations of immigration and contemporary immigrants but at the same time normalize dominant ways of thinking and talking about immigration that sustain and consolidate power relationships.  相似文献   

美国开放存取运动中的政策博弈   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对2003年以来美国开放存取法案进行深入而全面的政策博弈研究,具体内容包括:美国开放存取运动政策博弈的各方参与者、博弈的具体内容、各方参与者的博弈策略、政策利益,并对美国的Sabo法案、NIH法案、CURES法案和FRPAA法案等展开对比分析;并在对美国开放存取政策深入分析的基础上,给出我国推动开放存取运动的政策建议。  相似文献   

美国数据库立法保护议案述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来美国数据库保护议案的内容从早期宽泛的权利、狭窄的例外、较高的保护水平到权利的适当限制、合理使用范围增宽,以及试图将数据库特别权利保护制度定位在反不正当竞争法上。其目的是维护数据库制作者与使用者之间的利益平衡。表2。参考文献14。  相似文献   

基于文献调查与内容分析,解析由图书馆专门法、图书馆相关法、图书馆行业标准与规范3部分组成的英国图书馆法律制度体系及其作用。其中,图书馆专门法包括全国性和地区性的图书馆法,如《公共图书馆和博物馆法》、《大英图书馆法》、《苏格兰公共图书馆法》等,它们在规范与指导英国图书馆事业发展中起到了关键作用;图书馆相关法如《版权、设计和专利法》、《版权和相关权利条例》、《信息自由法》等,对英国图书馆事业的发展起到支撑作用;图书馆行业标准与规范如《威尔士公共图书馆标准》、《图书馆与信息专业人员职业行为规范》等,是英国图书馆界不可或缺的行为准则。  相似文献   

专家咨询组织一般被称为“智库”,在行政决策中设立专家咨询制度是为了确保行政决策的科学性与民主 性,防止权力滥用,维护公共利益。美国通过《联邦咨询委员会法》及其配套制度将专家咨询制度法治化,我国近年来 虽然也出台了一些行政规范,但因忽视了制度本身程序的正当性,导致这些规范性文件不足以使智库发挥其应有的作 用。本文在专家咨询制度中引入正当法律程序作为法理基础,从程序的参与性、公开性、中立性等价值出发,分析我 国行政决策专家咨询制度存在问题,提出相应的完善建议。  相似文献   

The article argues that the Privacy Act of 1974 requires revision during the 1980s to reflect more fully the challenges posed to personal privacy by new forms or applications of information technology. The revised Privacy Act should establish a permanent mechanism for the articulation of privacy interests at the federal level in the form of the kind of Privacy Protection Commission originally proposed in the Senate version of the Privacy Act of 1974. The appropriate characteristics of such a regulatory mechanism, and the consequences of not having such an agency at present, are discussed.  相似文献   

The Crown corporation is a prominent institution in Canadian government. The most important Crown corporations are, however, exempted from Canada's Access to Information Act.This article briefly describes the history and present importance of Crown corporations, and then analyzes their exemption from the Act. The total exemption of Crown corporations from the Act is found to contradict the traditional notion of ministerial responsibility. It also subordinates public access to information regarding such issues as public safety and environmental impact to the economic interests of the corporation. The article concludes with a review of more recent developments, including the revised Financial Administration Act, which determines how Crown corporations report to Parliament.  相似文献   

论《爱国者法案》对美国图书馆的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
罗曼 《图书情报工作》2005,49(2):134-136
美国图书馆界历来重视用户的隐私保护,通过一系列法律和政策限制政府机构获取用户信息,防止利用技术手段侵犯用户的隐私权。2001年出台的《爱国者法案》直接影响到图书馆用户的隐私权,弱化了图书馆用户的隐私保护。为此,美国图书馆界采取推动立法和充分发挥现有法律的作用等应对措施来确保用户的隐私权。  相似文献   

This essay charts a critical intersectional rhetoric as a means for understanding the articulation of a Civil Rights Movement (CRM) analogy in marriage equality campaigns. Analyzing the campaign against Proposition 8, California's version of the Defense of Marriage Act, I argue that the use of such analogizing elides difference, prevents meaningful and complex conversations about power and oppression, and makes visible the material intersectional tensions between and among communities of color and gay and lesbian communities and how these discourses further marginalize those that identify as queer people of color. Through criticism of campaign commercials, movement strategy, and the protest rhetoric after the proposition passed, I argue that CRM analogy discourse historicizes racism, privileges white gay identities, and exacerbates divisions that prevent coalition building.  相似文献   

Small libraries must find every opportunity to save money. They can do so by reevaluating bindery procedures and deciding to repair books in-house. This article details how one small college library created an in-house mending operation and significantly reduced bindery bills. It outlines the necessary steps in the decision process for handling and repair of books and lists sources that will be helpful to others who may want to begin such a program.  相似文献   

《图书馆服务法》、《图书馆服务与建设法》和《图书馆服务与技术法》是三部美国联邦图书馆法,分别颁布于1956年、1964年和1996年,本质上是一部法律的演变与继承。论文阐述了美国联邦图书馆法的发展历程,分析了美国联邦图书馆法的立法目的、立法理念和立法特点,并指出从美国联邦图书馆法的演变发展可以清晰地看出信息服务的发展趋势:以人为本、图书馆角色多元化、图书馆服务系统化。  相似文献   

易晓阳 《图书情报工作》2012,56(15):139-142
通过介绍美国《研究著作法案》(RWA)从提出到撤回的始末,分析法案的立法背景,继而对旨在确保经过同行评审的私人研究著作的连续出版和完整的RWA条文进行深入解读。在此基础上,提出信息封建主义日益扩张值得警惕;集体行动是科学界权利救济的路径选择;开放获取才能提升科学与学术研究共享动能。  相似文献   

The Wagner Act of 1935 (the National Labor Relations Act) transformed unionization and collective bargaining from legally‐acknowledged rights difficult to exercise into federally‐protected rights. The National Labor Relations Board was established as a legal body that could punish employers for violating workers’ rights to organize. A narrative analysis of the competing stories provided by the proponents and opponents of the Act reveals how consequence, context, and values interact in a narrative framework to legitimate social change in policies and to realign value structures.  相似文献   

为所有居民服务既是公立图书馆的原则,也是公立图书馆的理想,这个宗旨如何在美国实现,作者对此详细观察并深入分析其历史过程。尤其重视关注1960年美国公立图书馆行业对于为所有居民服务的思想认识变化过程。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the divergent requestor privacy policies of professional librarians and the administration of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and urges the federal government to adhere to librarian ethics in order to protect FOIA requestors. Section 1 of the paper provides information about the origins and purpose of the FOIA. Section 2 offers an overview of the philosophical and historical origins of library patron privacy ethics, discussing both the ethical basis for patron privacy and actual instances where library records have been sought for government surveillance of private citizens. Section 3 describes the state library laws that protect library requestors, as well as federal laws that protect non-FOIA requestor privacy rights, including the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA), which protects video rental records. Section 4 of the paper warns that, in the digital era, it is more important than ever to safeguard personal information like that contained in FOIA requests to prevent the stifling of information seeking activities in the United States. By modifying laws tomeet the needs of the “information age,” the United States government can embrace and utilize the ethical standards that are at the foundation of librarianship, and protect the principle that information should be free and available to the American populace.  相似文献   

In response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the USA PATRIOT Act greatly expanded the ability of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to use National Security Letters (NSLs) in investigations and the contexts in which they could be used by relaxing the standards under which NSLs could be employed. NSLs allow investigators to acquire a significant amount of information about the subject of an investigation, and the range and frequency of uses of NSLs has risen dramatically since the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act. An outstanding question with NSLs is whether they are being used in a manner that violates the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution. This article explores the relationships between NSLs, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the Constitution. The paper reviews the legislative history of NSLs, synthesizes the First and Fourth Amendment issues and key judicial decisions related to NSLs, and analyzes the extent to which the USA PATRIOT Act Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 adequately addresses challenges to the constitutionality of NSLs. The paper concludes with an examination of NSLs within the greater information policy context in the United States, as the expanded usage of NSLs—even if entirely constitutional—raises the possibility of chilling the freedom of expression.  相似文献   

Offshore broadcasting pirates, transmitting radio shows from international waters back into the borders of nation-states, have been largely examined from a media-communications perspective. Drawing on pirate stations broadcasting into Britain I argue that new insights into the regulation of this phenomenon can be formed if it is considered not only as a media-communications venture, but likewise a maritime one. Following the Marine &c. Broadcasting (Offences) Act 1967, Section 42 of the Broadcasting Act 1990, and the surveillance missions which ensued, I contend that these were not only aerial strategies designed to deal with an aerial problem (that of broadcasting), but also sea-based strategies, designed to deal with a maritime problem (that of broadcasting from ships and forts at sea). I thus propose re-thinking the ways in which successive British administrations regulated the radio pirates, paving the way for an alternative understanding of this phenomenon in media history.  相似文献   

The Federal Register Act statutorily mandated an official gazette for the Federal Government to provide better accountability for administrative regulations, rules, and orders, and greater transparency in the creation of such law. The later establishment of the Code of Federal Regulations and the enactment of the Administrative Procedure Act added enhancement and incentives to the original act. The National Archives and Record Administration recently celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of this publication. The overview of the origins, development, and legacy of the Federal Register provided here was prepared as a background text for an invited lecture by the author at National Archives headquarters marking the creation of the Register and its heritage.  相似文献   


Librarians with an interest in electronic reserves were, for the most part, disappointed by The Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act). The Act provided classroom instructors with relatively clear guidelines as how they could use copyrighted materials online classes without violating the law. Mention of libraries, however, was conspicuously absent and the Act offered no direct guidance for what sort of library materials could be placed on the Internet. The guidance it offers though is more indirect. It gives some sense of how the legislative branch views the rights and responsibilities of educators in the use of online materials. It will offer guidance to the judiciary when, inevitably, a copyright dispute involving electronic reserves ever goes to court. It is important that librarians understand the TEACH Act and what it meansto education.  相似文献   

从公民信息获取权保障视角审视我国《档案法》存在的问题,指出我国《档案法》未明确规定公民享有获取档案信息的权利,对公民获取档案信息的目的进行不合理的限制,对公民可获取的档案信息的范围界定不明确,并存在救济制度及监督机制缺失等问题。针对这些问题,提出我国《档案法》应明确赋予公民获取档案信息的权利,应采用除外式明确界定公民可获取的档案信息的范围及构建档案信息公开公益诉讼制度等修改建议。  相似文献   

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