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Ensuring young children’s competence to participate meaningfully in the informed consent process is a troublesome ethical issue. Evolving recognition of the influence of context and relationship, researcher perspective, and researcher responsibility to provide adequate support has advanced understanding of how this might be achieved. Here, we report the findings of the pilot trial of a new approach that used an ‘interactive nonfiction narrative’ to enhance young children’s capacity to provide meaningful informed consent. This innovative approach employs (re)telling strategies and technology (interactive) to convey factual information about the research (nonfiction) via a story (narrative) to promote participant understanding. Case studies of two 3-year-old boys and their mothers captured participants’ understanding of the informing and consent process. Data collection in the child’s home took place over 11 weeks and included conversations with children and semi-structured interviews with parents on three occasions, together with videos of children interacting with the informing story. We found that children understood many of the key concepts, including the research problem and how they could ‘help’ (participate). Children also understood that they could cease their participation, with one boy exercising his right to opt out towards the end of the study.  相似文献   

Programs for gifted girls should not be reinforcing existing stereotypes. The academic, social and counseling approaches used for gifted girls must broaden values, needs and interests with programs that encourage and motivate.  相似文献   

In complex cognitive domains such as air traffic control, professionals must be able to adapt to and act upon continuing changes in a highly advanced technological work environment. To function optimally in such an environment, the controllers must be able to regulate their learning. Although these regulation skills should be part of their training, this is not usually the case. This study evaluates a training program that integrates air traffic control skills with regulation skills. The participants were 29 air traffic control students who followed either the original training program (n = 12) or a new program (n = 17) in which the development of regulation skills was embedded in the training of domain specific skills. Compared to students in the original program, the students in the new program showed increased self-efficacy in the use of self-regulated learning skills with improved performance in domain specific competences. The implications of these findings are discussed with regard to the daily training practice of complex cognitive skills.  相似文献   

Limited processing capacity constrains learning and performance in complex cognitive tasks. In traditional instruction, novices' failure to adequately learn cognitive tasks can often be attributed to the inappropriate direction of attention and the related high or excessive load that is imposed on a learner's cognitive system. An instructional design model for the training of complex cognitive tasks should provide instructional strategies that control cognitive load. We propose such a model and recommend research in which the cognitive load of instructional manipulations is systematically investigated and determined with mental-effort based measures.  相似文献   

本文从高职院校毕业生的就业现状来进行分析,论述以就业为导向,以社会需求为目标,进一步提高高职院校学生综合素质的意义、方法及对策。  相似文献   

The interactive effects of the cognitive and the affective domains are sometimes overlooked in attitudinal research. The possibility exists, however, that knowledge may be an essential element of attitude formation. The researcher hypothesized that some instances of ethnic prejudice (ethnocentrism) are the result of faulty or inadequate knowledge. This study, therefore, focused on the affective outcome of instruction in two cognitive concepts of cultural anthropology. Using a fixed effects 2 × 2 treatment by blocks multivariate analysis of variance with two measures of effect, highly significant results were obtained.  相似文献   

甘肃省城乡收入差距短期预测及长期趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,以“城镇居民人均可支配收入”与“农村人均纯收入”之比衡量的甘肃省城乡收入差距经历了缩小与扩大的交替螺旋式的发展轨迹。ARMA模型预测结果表明,在短期内,甘肃省城乡居民收入差距总体趋于缩小,但期间略有反复。基于时间序列的收敛性分析表明,甘肃省城镇居民人均可支配收入与农村居民人均纯收入的时间序列趋于收敛,即在长期内甘肃省城乡居民收入差距趋于缩小。  相似文献   

ObjectiveMajor depression is often accompanied by deficits in cognitive functioning and lowered executive functions. However, not all depressed patients show impairments in these domains. The aim of this study was to examine whether different kinds of childhood adversity might account for cognitive deficits in patients with major depression.MethodsNinety-one patients with major depression (DSM-IV) and 40 healthy controls completed a neuropsychological test battery assessing memory, processing speed and executive functions. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) was used to measure the severity and number of incidences of sexual, physical and emotional abuse and physical and emotional neglect.ResultsPatients with major depression had a significantly higher number of traumas and reported more severe emotional abuse, emotional neglect and physical neglect than healthy controls. Patients performed less well in memory tasks, general knowledge and processing speed than healthy controls. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that the overall number of traumas was significantly associated with poorer general knowledge, lower processing speed and impaired executive functions in patients with major depression. A second model including all CTQ-subscales simultaneously demonstrated an association between physical neglect and poorer verbal learning, and physical abuse and diminished executive functions.ConclusionA higher number of childhood adversities may influence general knowledge, processing speed and executive functions in patients with major depression. In addition, physical abuse and neglect seemed to be associated with verbal learning deficits and poorer executive functions.  相似文献   

提出了1种基于灰狼优化算法的长短期记忆(long short term memory,LSTM)模型。结合灰狼优化算法全局收敛的优点,将其应用于长短期记忆网络中参数的优化,克服了传统的长短期记忆网络所采用的随时间反向传播(back propagation through time,BPTT)算法易于收敛于局部最优的缺点。将所提出的模型应用于时间序列预测,实验结果表明,其性能优于基于BPTT的LSTM。  相似文献   

Tracking students’ learning states to provide tailored learner support is a critical element of an adaptive learning system. This study explores how an automatic assessment is capable of tracking learners’ cognitive and emotional states during virtual reality (VR)-based representational-flexibility training. This VR-based training program aims to promote the flexibility of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in interpreting, selecting and creating multimodal representations during STEM-related design problem solving. For the automatic assessment, we used both natural language processing (NLP) and machine-learning techniques to develop a multi-label classification model. We then trained the model with the data from a total of audio- and video-recorded 66 training sessions of four adolescents with ASD. To validate the model, we implemented both k-fold cross-validations and the manual evaluations by expert reviewers. The study finding suggests the feasibility of implementing the NLP and machine-learning driven automatic assessment to track and assess the cognitive and emotional states of individuals with ASD during VR-based flexibility training. The study finding also denotes the importance and viability of providing adaptive supports to maintain learners’ cognitive and affective engagement in a highly interactive digital learning environment.  相似文献   

成本法核算投资收益体现了收付实现制和谨慎性原则。建立备查簿有利于准确计算投资收益。  相似文献   

阳光体育运动的本质是吸引更多的青少年走到阳光下、走向大自然参与体育锻炼活动,但是目前普通高校阳光体育运动的开展还存在着领导和教师不重视、学生锻炼场地不足、缺乏评价监管体制等问题.因此,长效机制构建的研究对于普通高校阳光体育运动能否长期可持续的发展下去将起到重要的作用.  相似文献   

BackgroundUniversity of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center has offered Interdisciplinary Training Program (ITP) for Child Abuse and Neglect since 1987. However, there are limited evaluations on multidisciplinary/interprofessional training for early professionals in the field of child abuse and neglect.ObjectiveThis study aimed to examine the effects of the ITP on young professionals in developing their careers and taking leadership roles in the field of child abuse and neglect.MethodsThe anonymous online survey was conducted for students who completed in the ITP from 1989 to 2016 (n = 405, with contact information out of total 508 graduates). One hundred seventy nine alumni (44.2%) responded to the survey.ResultsSatisfaction for the ITP was high (m = 9.3, sd = 0.97 on a 10 point scale with higher numbers being positive). Their current contributions to the field of child abuse and neglect were widely seen in child advocacy (43.0%), clinical treatment (39.1%), primary prevention (29.6%), or research (27.9%). Graduates reported they made 133 presentations to civic or professional groups and published 69 articles since they finished the ITP.ConclusionThe ITP trainees have made significant contributions to the field in clinical treatment, research, and child advocacy. Alumni were highly satisfied with their experience and continue to see the importance of the ITP to their jobs and career.  相似文献   


This paper considers a number of explanations promoted by governments over the last two decades to explain Britain's economic decline. It is argued that the explanations are only partially based in economic realities and are contrived to legitimise broader agendas for policy initiatives. The inadequacy of the education and training system emerges as a recurrent theme and has, as a consequence, been subjected to considerable change. However, other explanations for economic decline have been offered: lack of enterprise, lack of flexibility in the workforce and lack of competitiveness. These explanations are examined for their coherence and continuity and for their implications for education and training.  相似文献   

建设仿真职业训练环境的校内实训基地,是培养技术应用型人才的重要保障.实训基地的建设除了重视硬件设备的建设,还应注重职业环境的营造,从而在中职校内实践教学基地的仿真职业环境的创建中将这一理念贯彻始终.  相似文献   

弘扬长征精神关键在于实际行动的转化,使广大青年在实现中国梦的进程中汲取力量,形成合力。  相似文献   

文章阐述了对外汉语教学模式设计的研究成果。理论层面:首次将教学模式分为上位、中位、下位三个层次;提出理想教学模式应具备“五性”;明确教学模式设计是动态的系统工程。实践层面:介绍了长期进修教学新模式的设计理念和具体内容,认为长期进修教学属“准常规语言教学”,具有技能训练的全面性、强化性;“输入”内容的充分性、多样性;教学原则的实践性、交际性;教学环节的层级性、循环性。针对这一特质,新模式的创新点主要有三点:一是增加“输入”,尤其是增加词汇量,以求较多“输出”;二是增加练习量,促进语言要素习得;三是增加任务教学比重,通过“用中学”,切实提高交际能力。  相似文献   

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