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慧眼识别DPI…真正的?可导址的?在字典里查分辨率这个词,您会得到类似这样的解释:分辨率是区分两个分离但距离很小的物体的能力。高分辨率意味着这种区分能力强您可以非常容易地区分邻近物体。高分辨率的图象具有高清晰度,我们通常认为这样的图象是优质图象。衡量...  相似文献   

这是一段写在《山西省建设厅1986-2000年公务活动照片》前面的文字. 有幸在山西省建设厅办公室度过了本世纪的最后15年,使我得以比较完整地目睹了这一机关以及它所领导的众多行业在这段时间的发展和变迁.随着时间的推移,这段时间已经陆陆续续变成了过去.  相似文献   

A seasoned collection management librarian explores aspects of job satisfaction in academic librarianship, including following one’s conscience, making good use of abilities, and incorporating outside interests.  相似文献   

新闻贵新,不但立意要新,内容要新,而且标题也要新。目前,报纸上有许多套语式的标题,可以说是千题一面。前年,安徽日报登过一篇通讯,标题是《烈火无情人有情》,贴切自然,寓意深刻。可是,时隔不久,别的报上也标出《烈焰无情人有情》的标题,安徽日报自己又相继标出《洪水无情人有情》、《大雪无情党有情》等标题。这种“……无情……有情”式的标题,在其他报纸上也常有所见,使人望之生厌。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》第95条确定了我国内地与香港特区开展司法协助的法律依据。但对如何开展司法协助,在什么层面上开展协助,以及如何依据双方都参加的国际条约开展司法协助,在理论界扣实际部门都有不同意见,致使两地司法协助一直没有」实质性的突破。本文在分析《关于香港特别行政区法院相互委托送达民商事司法文书的安排》和《关于内地与香港特别行焉区相互执行仲裁裁决安排》的基础上,论述了两地司法协  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):222-227
Courses: Research Methods; Theory

Objectives: To begin the semester with an engaging activity that introduces students to basic metatheoretical assumptions and help them find themselves in the world of research  相似文献   

我国古人不仅用“金”、“玉”来赞颂酒的香醇甘美,还曾把“酒酽”与“春浓”相提并论,认为酒的气息与春天的气息相同;把“酣酒”与“染香”相提并论.认为酒的气息与花香一样迷人。  相似文献   

△浙江省永嘉县岩头镇岩头文学社: 我们文学社里的文友都说贵刊是本适合我们读的好刊物.但作为一本刊物必须吸引更多的读者,这就需要扩大版面和增加内容。我建议:贵刊从现在的46页增到98页,价格从现在的4角提到6角5分。栏目除保留原有的外,可增加以下内容:1.报告文学入门讲座;2.新闻摄影园地;3.习作园地;4.新伺名词解释;5.当前报道精神;6.怎样采访和快速笔录;7.纪实文学讲座;8.电影电视讲座。△中国工商银行北京市分行朱章印: 1985年9月,我参加了北京广播电视大学文科专业的学习。虽然课程多,时间紧,但我仍坚持看《新闻与写作》,它对我的电大学习有很大的帮助。今年新学期,我们专业开设了“古代文书选”课程。由于基础差,一段时间内,学习古文不知从何下手,总钻不进去。在我一筹英展时,我从单位订的《新闻与写作》(1987.3)上看到了成人高考语  相似文献   

我虽然是办地市报的,但由于职业习惯和工作需要,除了每天读大报、研究大报之外,也常常读小报、研究小报。大报有大报的看头,小报有小报的味道。尤其是县市报,直接面临‘前沿阵地”,靠近基层读者,有很多方面值得地市报借鉴。当然,任何事物的发展总是优劣并存的,县市报也是如此。我觉得,办好县市报,关键在于如何发挥优势,避免劣势,创出特  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence that social and emotional support have on attributional confidence in the brother‐brother relationship. Two‐hundred thirteen males reported on the relationship with their brother. Social support dimensions of relational support, interpersonal depth, relational conflict and emotional support were examined as a function of attributional confidence. Results indicated positive relationships between social support dimensions of relational support and interpersonal depth with attributional confidence. Relational conflict was negatively related to attributional confidence. No significant relationship between emotional support and attributional confidence was observed.  相似文献   

In this article, we build on Stigler and Becker’s (1977) “consumption capital theory” and propose a novel conceptualization of film quality for the analysis of motion picture franchises. Generally, this theory predicts that the utility consumers derive from a particular good or service increases with prior consumption. We test our theoretical conjectures by drawing on the population of sequels that were running in the US between 1992 and 2011. The empirical results point to the explanatory power of the proposed framework. Film executives may use our findings to improve the profitability of their sequel productions. From a theoretical point of view, consumption capital theory allows for a more refined analysis of sequel performance along different dimensions. Moreover, it may provide a fruitful basis for the analysis of other serial media content, including books, TV, music, and games.  相似文献   

1990年,在麦苗儿吐青、油菜绽蕾的季节,我奉命随县团委组织的团员青年去南化塘祭扫烈士墓,同时采访省七五项目——郧县滔河水库。同去采访的还有郧阳电视台记者黎立和郧县报记者杨道云。汽车沿着盘山公路转来绕去60公里跨桥入镇。晚上下榻南化塘镇政府。第二天早饭后,我们几名记者随着参加去滔河水库义务劳动的青年们过小径,登山坡向滔河水库进发。采访非常顺利。告别滔河,时已午后4点,最后一  相似文献   

西伯利亚的寒流在风雪高原肆虐。位于帕米尔高山峡谷之中的达木斯山乡,寒流顺沟而下,更是奇冷无比。达木斯人冬天不敢笑,因为天太寒冷,一笑嘴就裂口出血。冬天,达木斯山乡听不到笑声。可是,1987年11月26日这个寒夜,纷纷扬扬的大雪,还有那呼啸的寒风,都没能掩盖住从乡长塔西·斯地克家院内传出的欢声笑语。瞎眼老人阿西木,倚靠在炕头,倾听着寒风送来的笑声,捋着齐胸的白胡子,咸慨地自语:我老汉活了80年,还是第一次在寒夜中听  相似文献   

HILJ readers may have encountered the phrase library 2.0 which has polarised librarians, with some sceptical whether library 2.0 offers anything new. Others are confident that the convergence of service goals and ideas with emerging Web 2.0 technologies will lead to a new generation of library services. Andrew Tattersall's article, 'How the Web was Won', belongs in the latter camp. His thesis is that Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 have opened up a whole new world for exploration by information and library professionals. Although the Web has created problems for the modern day explorer, potentially there is a bright future for information professionals if they are to succeed in deploying the resources.  相似文献   


Librarians today are faced with many choices when acquiring information and directing their users to the sources they need. This is most evident with serials. The choices have become more confusing with new options requiring libraries to determine what a full text purchase actually buys, how to be sure users can identify the material needed, and then how to acquire the actual material in the most appropriate media. Providing access by the piece is a valid solution that can help lead to the transition to full text online journals. This article critiques the use of the British Library Document Supply Centre's “inside” service and its use at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library (UIUC). The article concludes with a review of the components of a good document delivery system.  相似文献   

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