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田恬  陈广仁 《编辑学报》2017,29(3):205-209
评述国内外编辑团体出版的各项道德规范,从重复发表、一稿多投、剽窃、未公开的利益冲突、作者署名、数据造假、研究伦理7个方面,比较国际出版道德委员会(COPE)、国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE)、欧洲科学编辑学会(EASE)制定的道德规范的异同.分析表明:3家机构制定的学术道德规范形式不同,内容各有侧重,但影响力还有提升空间;中国制订科技期刊编辑出版道德规范时应借鉴国内外的成功经验,甄别出期刊编辑关心的核心问题,采用适合的内容和形式,制订符合中国学术出版生态的编辑实践指南;在指南出台后,应积极进行推广培训,切实应用于学术出版中.  相似文献   

陈芳 《编辑学报》2012,24(2):154-155
科技学术期刊编辑工作流程中,常常强调论文文稿的编辑加工和校对,而其中应做的一些服务性工作往往被忽视。本文指出了学术论文出版后编辑工作中经常遇到的一些服务缺失问题,阐明编辑在解决这些问题时应采取的措施,并阐明在学术期刊编辑工作中做好编后服务的重要性及其深远意义。  相似文献   

Countries in East Asia – specifically China, Japan, and South Korea – are rapidly emerging as major contributors to global research output. However, owing to barriers in language and culture, it is possible that authors from these countries face unique challenges in getting published. Moreover, as submissions from these countries increase, journal editors may be able to spot some trends in the problems encountered when processing these submissions. This study presents the results of two surveys – one involving non‐native English‐speaking authors from East Asia and another involving international journal editors. The surveys were designed to throw light on the challenges East Asian authors face in the publication process and the perceptions journal editors have of submissions from East Asian countries. Here, we present and discuss the survey results, highlight gaps in the perspectives of authors and journal editors, and make recommendations to bridge these gaps.  相似文献   

专题策划是打造精品期刊的重要途径。《山东医药》编辑部联合知名医院特色科室推出骨外科系列专题,至今已出版3期。通过实践和创新,对大型专题策划的编排思路和技术要点有了全面认识和独特的见解。认为编辑在专题策划的组织实施过程中应制订完善的编辑出版计划,并具有丰富的医学专业知识、良好的沟通协调能力和独具匠心的创新能力。  相似文献   

Conference proceedings are one of the most important forms of communication for computer scientists. This study investigated the policies of a large number of computer science journals with regard to the republication of papers which had already appeared in conference proceedings. Nearly one‐quarter of journal editors would not republish such papers other than in special circumstances (such as a special conference issue), and almost all of the remainder would do so only after substantial updating and expansion of the original paper. Many specified the amount of content that should be new: 30% was the proportion most frequently mentioned. Thus, many sections of text may be identical to the original paper. However, some journal editors do not appear to consider this self‐plagiarism provided the original publication is properly cited. Nevertheless, such (re)publication is likely to lead to high similarity scores in CrossCheck; in this field, therefore, journal editors need to exercise particular discretion when evaluating CrossCheck results.  相似文献   

刘清海 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):449-451
在国内目前论文造假现象比较严重的情况下,科技期刊不得不付出大量的心血用于防范学术不端文献的发表。本文作者在工作中偶然遇到因作者所留电话号码归属地与作者单位不一致而发现的代写代投论文这一事实,总结出代写代投论文的稿件基本信息的一些特点,为编辑同人从论文基本信息入手发现学术不端的线索提供参考,并再次呼吁编辑同行提高防范学术不端论文的警惕性,当好学术出版的守门人。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of an advisory role that librarians successfully developed with faculty editors to increase the visibility and readership of an open access scholarly publication. The study represents an example of how expertise among liaison librarians and other library service professionals can be leveraged in new consultancy roles in support of evolving library service models. It also depicts local application of a hybrid model for librarianship that combines the functional specialist and subject librarian liaison roles in implementing advisory activities and recommendations. The liaison librarians successfully used their knowledge of scholarly communications and applied innovative bibliometric analysis to help enhance the discoverability and user experience of an online journal publication. The librarians made specific recommendations for optimizing journal website content organization, search functionality, metadata standards and marketing opportunities that were subsequently implemented by the editors and platform managers. The faculty editor places a high value on these recommendations, and the librarian advisory role continues to develop. Our study also outlines many of the essential considerations that scholar-editors and librarian advisors can use to help implement open access scholarly publishing projects successfully.  相似文献   

发表偏倚的原因、后果与预防研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨扬  沈志超  靳纯桥 《编辑学报》2002,14(3):170-172
从4个方面对发表偏倚这一现象进行了研究: 1)发表偏倚的定义;2)发表偏倚产生的原因以及作者、编审者、资助者在选择性出版研究结果中所起的作用;3)发表偏倚的后果;4)发表偏倚的多项预防措施.  相似文献   

论医学学术期刊的健康传播作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
欧阳菁 《编辑学报》2009,21(3):200-202
医学学术期刊是健康传播的一种方式,对传播和交流学术思想、沟通情报信息、推动医学学科的发展有重要意义,但是,医学学术期刊的健康传播过程也存在信息的选择方式较传统、出版时滞长、表现形式单一和受众面相对小等问题.医学编辑应该努力提高专业素养,提高稿件处理效率并不断学习大众媒体多样化的表现手法,以更好地发挥医学学术期刊的健康传播作用.  相似文献   

作者英文工作单位的作用、规范化及审读加工   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张淑艳 《编辑学报》2002,14(4):266-268
分析科技期刊论文作者英文工作单位的作用,探讨工作单位构成要素的英译原则、规范化及审读加工方法,研究联系人与联系地址的标注问题.认为:编辑应按照准确、规范、统一的标准,对一期刊物及一种刊物不同期次内的英文工作单位进行修改加工和校对;编辑须注意建立中、英文工作单位资料库,研究、借鉴国内外期刊中的英文工作单位翻译方法和规律,不断提高编辑加工水平.  相似文献   

刘莉  王晓丽  崔桐 《编辑学报》2018,30(2):134-136
随着社会的进步与发展,情商的重要性越来越引起人们的重视.在科技期刊的编辑流程中,编辑在与作者和审稿专家进行沟通和交流时,也应当注重情商理论的应用.编辑在不同的阶段,对不同的交流对象,应采用不同的交流方式,但都应以真诚和尊重为基础、有同理心、多进行换位思考,这样在获得对方肯定和认同的同时,也会得到对方的支持与信任.融洽的人际关系、高尚的职业道德、高度的责任感和良好的交流态度能够帮助编辑更好地发挥职业作用,实现职业价值,也更有利于期刊长期、健康、稳定的发展.  相似文献   

徐志英 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):503-505
学术论文的发表极其依赖于高质量的同行评议,尽管同行评议不尽善尽美,但能帮助作者提高论文的写作水平以及编辑人员的编辑水平。研究发现,对审稿质量做出最佳贡献的预测因素包括是否为大学附属医院工作的审稿人或研究生毕业10年内的年轻人。目前进一步改善审稿方法的效果很有限,因此有专家建议对审稿人进行正规培训。期刊及其编辑在选择审稿人时,要考虑他们具备何种知识和技能,是否有丰富的审稿经验。这有助于期刊编辑出版单位选择到合适的审稿人,并提高审稿质量。  相似文献   

李怡 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):490-491
结合科技期刊编辑工作的特点及自己成长的体会,总结"边干边学,自我提高"的学习方法。认为:要调整心态,静下心来做编辑;要有针对性地学习与刊物相关的专业知识以及法律法规;在工作中学习,培养文稿编辑加工的能力。  相似文献   

不同文种"一稿两投"的国际规范及我国应采取的编辑政策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
钟紫红 《编辑学报》2002,14(3):188-190
就生物医学论文以不同的文种、在不同的国家再次发表的行业国际规范进行调研,认定同一论文以不同的文种在国内外生物医学期刊上相继发表不属于国际生物医学期刊界违反版权法和科学道德的一稿多投行为.提出为了既有利于扩大我国高水平的生物医学科研成果在国际上的影响,又能使这些成果在国内学术期刊上有所反映,满足国内广大读者的需要, 可以将在国际生物医学期刊上发表的英文论文以中文全文再次发表在国内生物医学期刊上, 或以"述评""摘要"等多种形式在国内生物医学期刊上予以介绍.然而中文全文的再次发表必须是有选择的、有比例的,同时必须满足国际规范的各项规定和要求.  相似文献   

程琴娟  焦阳  宋轶文  李博 《编辑学报》2022,34(2):215-218
在中国科技期刊卓越行动计划的资助下,《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》围绕多个学科、多个领域进行了专题出版实践与探索.其专题策划思路是,立足于多元化的学科群,围绕国家战略、面对现实问题、跟踪学术热点进行问题挖掘,通过开展多种形式的学术活动保障专题策划的成功.摸索出4种组稿方式,分别是作为国内高水平学术会议合作期刊出版平...  相似文献   

Keyword: Journal     
Given the proliferation of open-access, non-profit publication outlets for cultural studies scholars, what are the possibilities for a journal like Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, which remains tied to a print model and a for-profit publisher? This short essay considers publication of critical work as both an intellectual exercise and a strategic activity, and argues for the necessity of attending to both aspects of scholars' labor. Understanding publication as a professional strategy also implies particular ethical and political responsibilities for a critical journal that exists as an association journal, and it implies particular responsibilities for reviewers and editors.  相似文献   

从主编的素质、期刊的来稿审定和办刊宗旨,以及期刊发行等方面对具有百余年连续出版史的美国《国家地理》进行研究分析,指出了让我国科技期刊编辑们大可师法之处.  相似文献   

袁鹤  王晴 《编辑学报》2021,33(6):705-708
阐明撰写编辑学论文对科技期刊编辑自身成长、编辑团队建设和期刊影响力提升的重要作用。结合四川大学华西口腔医学院编辑部撰写发表编辑学论文的实践,认为撰写编辑学论文可以从办刊工作经验、出版热门话题、新兴技术应用、编辑工作实践、期刊发展状况、不同学科专业、突发公共事件等方面进行选题,以供编辑同人参考。  相似文献   

Universities have had to develop new strategies to raise their profile in the international marketplace. In Malaysia, as in many other nations, publication in ISI‐ranked journals is a crucial factor. This focus is causing a strain on national journals that suffer from a lack of content, institutional support, and national recognition. This paper presents data about Malaysian journal publishing and the study questioned editors in chief of Malaysian journals to obtain opinions of the problems they encounter and possible solutions. Data were collected through interviews. The participants in the study highlighted four main issues that resulted in a weak publishing environment: institutional reputation building (academic reputation), researcher prestige/image building, lack of focus on local journal issues by legislators, and a weak publishing culture. The article concludes that the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education should pay attention to national initiatives in countries such as India and Australia that recognize national journals and reward researchers for publishing in them.  相似文献   

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