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The positive association between central exams and student achievement is well documented, but little is known about the long-term effects of central exams on labor market outcomes. This study exploits variation in exam systems across German states and educational tracks to investigate potential long-term effects of central exams on labor market earnings and unemployment probabilities. Results show that central exams are associated with higher earnings among pupils from the lowest educational track and with lower unemployment among pupils from the lowest and highest educational tracks. We also show that the association between earnings and exam grades is higher when grades are obtained in central exams, which should increase students’ incentives to study in states with central exams. In summary, we provide first evidence that central exams may have long-term impacts on the labor market.  相似文献   

PhD programmes are considered as transmission channels to provide specialisation and skills to students who will be employed as highly‐qualified workers or researchers. Focusing on the Spanish case, they are exerting a positive influence on workers’ careers since doctorate holders have a privileged situation in the labour market. This article analyses international mobility's effects on some aspects associated with doctorate holders’ careers such as their wages and how their current employment is related to their doctoral studies. The methodology applied consists in developing, on the one hand, a wage econometric specification and, on the other, a probit model, taking into account the possible mismatch between the training acquired in the doctoral studies and the educational requirements of the current job. In both cases, the dependent variables are explained by a set of regressors and a dummy variable showing whether doctorate holders have spent time in another country once completed their doctoral studies.  相似文献   

Curriculum decisions are increasingly seen as technocratic or bureaucratic problems, rather than democratic issues that must be deliberated over. As such, curriculum decisions are placed in the hands of a small minority of bureaucrats and business elites who assume the only purpose of education is to prepare children for college and/or the labour market. Within these times, it is essential to revisit classics works in order to move forward a critical theory of the curriculum. To develop a critical theory of the curriculum, I shall revisit two classic books in curriculum studies—R.S. Peters’s Ethics & Education and Michael Apple’s Ideology and Curriculum. I place Michael Apple and R.S. Peters in conversation with each other because both believe, albeit differently, that the curriculum ‘stands in need of justification’: both agree the curriculum must be publically justified through democratic deliberation. Furthermore, Apple and Peters develop different sets of tools for a critical theory of the curriculum—Apple provides tools for critique and Peters tools for the normative standards. However, both inadequately develop the normative standards for determining when the curriculum is democratically justified. These normative standards, I argue, are developed by Habermas’s critical theory of discourse ethics which is capable of building upon and expanding the insights of Apple and Peters.  相似文献   


The labour market rewards for a number of required human capital competences are analysed using a sample of young European higher education graduates. Factor analysis is applied to classify competences by jobs into eight orthogonal groups, namely participative, methodological, specialised, organisational, applying rules, physical, generic and socio‐emotional competences. Estimates for the total rewards for competences are obtained through conventional wage regression, whereas estimates of the total rewards are derived in terms of job satisfaction through ordered logit regression. Explanatory variables include personal characteristics, job attributes, occupational titles, fields of study, type of higher education institution and country dummies. Results on wage rewards show that jobs with higher requirements of participative and methodological competences are best paid; conversely, jobs with higher requirements of organisational, applying‐rules and physical competences are worse paid. Results on total rewards suggest that jobs with higher requirements of competences increase graduates’ satisfaction, the only exception being applying‐rules competences.  相似文献   


Doctoral employment outside universities has been increasing, as universities cannot employ all doctorate holders. Nevertheless, it has been argued that the shift from doctoral programs to the non-academic labour market has been limited. In this qualitative study, more than 800 verbal answers given by doctorate holders to a pair of open-ended questions were content-analysed to explore doctorate holders’ perceptions of the non-academic labour market and the reputational problems they relate to their employment. The study identifies four reputational problems which doctorate holders relate to their employment: the oversupply problem, the overeducation problem, the consistency problem and the communication problem. By identifying potential reputational problems on the doctorate holders level, this research contributes novel information in terms of both theory development and practitioner insights.


This paper focuses on the internal degeneration of the Marxist educational theory flowing from Bowles & Gintis (1976) and Willis (1977). It explores five interlinked ‘debilitating problematics’ ‐‐ the base/superstructure metaphor, Left functionalism, relative autonomy, resistance theory and the education for autonomy/revolution dilemma ‐‐ which have simultaneously formed the backbone of Marxist educational theory and constituted the roots of its theoretical weaknesses. The general argument is that these weaknesses are so deep‐seated that Marxists interested in theorising capitalist schooling need to start afresh. The paper points towards some possible starting points for new Marxist thinking on capitalist schooling, the preferred option being an analysis of labour‐power. One consequence of taking labour‐power as the starting point for a Marxist analysis of education is that it entails the dissolution of Marxist educational theory’. Instead, educational theory and politics become subordinated to a concern with the social production of labour‐power in capitalism.  相似文献   

This paper uses one national case to illustrate how diverse ideological agendas of central state agencies contest the discursive space within which major education policy reforms are developed. In Aotearoa New Zealand in 1988, ‘self‐managed’ schools were promoted ostensibly to allow parents more say in their children’s education and local school administration. The Tomorrow’s Schools reform policy texts included an existing social democratic partnership rhetoric, positioning principals as professional leaders working collaboratively with elected parent boards of trustees. However, the new ideology of ‘parental choice’ of school within a local schooling marketplace, underpinned by a chief executive or market managerial model of principalship, was later operationalised through mechanisms of ‘steerage’ from the centre. To explain this shift, we examine selected policy text pre‐cursors to the reforms and identify how contrasting forms of ‘principal’ and ‘teacher’ identity emerged within social democratic, neo‐liberal and market managerial ideologies. We further show that while radical (Treasury) market liberal arguments for labour market deregulation and consumer choice failed to gain widespread support, the State Services Commission preferred market managerialist strategies for promoting public accountability of schools (based on aggregate student achievement outcome data and centrally determined national educational priorities) were successfully embedded during the 1990s.  相似文献   

In Germany, the Abitur grades awarded at the end of upper secondary education are critical in the allocation of sought-after university places. Drawing on a representative sample of 3526 grade 13 Abitur students in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, this article examines whether and to what extent grading is affected by the mean achievement of the school serving as frame of reference (“group-referenced grading”), and to what extent this influence differs for coursework and examination grades in mathematics and English as a foreign language. Overall, the results indicate that the higher level of standardization of the central Abitur examinations makes examination grades less susceptible to frame-of-reference effects than are coursework grades.  相似文献   

By "higher education" is meant all types of tuition provided by universities, colleges, and other post-secondary educational institutions which may be attended by students who have either completed their three-year upper secondary program and have passed their final examination, or who can prove that they have reached a corresponding level of competence. Higher education used to be the prerogative of those who had passed their final examination at the old gymnas (high school); this examination, known as examen artium, may be defined as the Norwegian equivalent of the British GCE "A" Level examination, the German Abitur, or the French baccalauréat.  相似文献   

The German education system does not traditionally rely on standardized testing. However, when the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study revealed an average performance of German students compared to other participating countries, a particular proportion of low-performing students, and remarkable disparities between the federal states, German policy makers decided for a major reform of the education system. A core piece of this reform was the introduction of National Education Standards. For science education, these standards were heavily influenced by the PISA results and its underlying framework. That is, with the standards, a paradigm shift took place from the German notion of Bildung towards the Anglo-American notion of literacy. With the introduction of these standards, a new field of empirical educational research was created: research on models of scientific literacy or competency models as a basis of benchmarking the standards. This article describes the German education system before PISA, summarizes the major findings from PISA, and describes how these findings informed the formulation of the performance standards for science education. It also details the measures undertaken to benchmark these standards. Finally, it provides insight into the issues with developing and benchmarking performance standards and points out future areas of research on evidence-based decision making in educational policy.  相似文献   

This article, written by a researcher on international comparisons of childhood, contends that educational expectations towards preschool education in Germany have been low for over two decades. Particularly in the 1980s, during a period of stable economic growth, policy for the early years of childhood was primarily discussed in terms of child care, in order to allow more mothers to enter the labour market. Recently, however, the educational potential of the early years is being revisited in a lively debate. Since 1996 a German law guarantees every child beyond age 3 the right to attend a kindergarten and entitles parents to choose a kindergarten suited to their needs and to their expectations concerning educational quality. What, however, is meant by ‘educational quality'? The author and a group of childhood researchers and educational journalists investigated beliefs and suggestions for ‘best practice’ in early education (the ‘World knowledge of seven year olds’, 1996‐1999, project based at the Deutsches Jugendinstitut and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science.) In 150 in‐depth interviews people of all ages, from diverse strata of society and with varied professional experience, outlined their views on what they believe a 7‐year‐old boy or girl should have encountered, learnt to master or to question during their preschool years. The study results in a more tangible notion of what is meant by ‘key qualifications’ and ‘basic skills’ in the early years and how to promote them in a holistic way.  相似文献   

Nowadays, women outperform men in educational attainment in many countries. Still, large variation between countries remains. Emancipatory contexts in which individuals are raised might explain these differences in male–female educational attainment, both over time and across countries. This study examines individual and contextual factors that affect educational attainment of men and women for cohorts born between 1950 and 1982 across 33 countries. Possible explanations for differentiation over time and across countries relate to women’s labour market participation and an emancipatory normative climate, indicated by degree of religiosity. We employ multilevel models on data (N = 138,498) from 6 waves of the European Social Survey and the US General Social Survey (2002–2012) to test our hypotheses. Results show that a higher level of female labour market participation in early adolescence improves women’s performance in education, whereas high levels of religiosity during that phase negatively affect women’s educational attainment.  相似文献   

Inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) has often been considered to play a prominent role in the development of human capital in the host economy by introducing a foreign wage premium into the labour market. However, extant evidence on IFDI labour market effects is inconclusive, especially in emerging economies. We investigate for the case of Mexico whether foreign wage premia have an effect on educational outcomes of young cohorts that were 15 years old at the time of IFDI arrival in their municipality of residence. Results suggest that increasing foreign wage premium for unskilled jobs, both in manufacturing and services, has negative effects on a cohort's subsequent educational outcomes. The effects of foreign wage premium for skilled workers, however, are not significant but may lead to positive educational outcomes. The long-term implications of losses accruing from low investment in human capital do not only affect individuals but regions as well.  相似文献   

The increasing dominance of educational markets means that quality of higher education has the character of open signifiers of periodic occurrence, embedded institutionally as ways of consensual communication on how to go on as smoothly as possible. This promotes the growth of context dependent and local interpretations of how to meet in agreement regarding quality in everyday practices. All interpretations are contextualised and as a result are nullified outside the context in which they occur. Discourses on quality promote flexibility and create periodic legitimacy through discursive nullification processes. On the other hand, institutions have to adopt standards in education as a measure of outcome indicators for benchmarking. When quality is replaced by standards and if standards are equivalent to labour market relevance this might signal the beginning of overall external control over higher education. In the long run it will hardly benefit educational programmes if institutions of higher educations fail to ‘stand for’ quality that, in the very least, can supplement the fulfilment of politically determined targets and standards. In this way the market will have not only graduates who are going into employment but also engaged citizens who can transform and challenge the market.  相似文献   


To address the changing needs of the labour market better, higher education institutions have increasingly aimed to enhance their teaching quality and the learning experiences of their students. Therefore, a key concept of the missions of contemporary educational institutions is to improve students’ employability after graduation. Although extensive initiatives have been undertaken, educational mismatch remains intensely debated and may seriously challenge the greater use of limited human resources in Taiwan. In this study, a vocational-oriented department (baking) of a local well-known university was chosen for a case study. A holistic approach from student admission to entry in the labour market is adopted to analyse student learning, teaching, curriculum planning, and structural and enterprise demands to estimate the extent to which these graduates fit the requirement of employers. Research findings indicate multiple gaps in skill formation, intended labour needs, and career ladders. These gaps bring profound implications to questions about strengthening the linkage or transitioning from higher education to the labour market.  相似文献   

Background:?The labour market for classroom teachers in England is a mixture of free-market capitalism and state workforce planning, interlaced with ideological and political interventions such as the introduction of new routes into teaching and the capping of class size.

Purpose:?The article examines the relationship between the teacher labour market and the economy in order to predict how it will be affected by government's attempt to manage the current economic crisis.

Sources of evidence:?In doing this, it draws upon a data set which tracks teacher supply and demand in England over the last 20 years.

Main argument:?The lack of articulation between workforce planning and the free market in teacher labour is traced across the two economic cycles from the upswing of the late 1980s through the recession of the early 1990s and the recovery of the late 1990s through the so-called ‘goldilocks’ period up to 2008 when the recession, generated by the banking crisis, engulfed the western world. The variations in the market are analysed along with factors impacting on the fluctuations of the teacher labour market

Conclusions:?The article concludes that there has been a lack of articulation between workforce planning and the free market in teacher labour, often exacerbated by the unintended consequences of political decisions. It predicts how this will impact on the workforce as government strategies attempt to reduce the financial deficit and encourage the private sector to stimulate the economy.  相似文献   

This article deals with the question of how the segmentation of higher education participation connects with the segmentation of the graduate labour market into jobs with different levels of quality. With data comprising educational and labour market histories of graduates with Master's degree from nine European countries, the author analyses how graduates with traditional higher education careers come off on the European labour market compared to those with non‐traditional educational careers. When examining the quality of the employment that graduates obtain early on in their career, three criteria are applicable: the job stability and the quality of the education‐job match to both the level of their studies and skills. The method used in the analysis is logistic regression. Results indicate that being a traditional/non‐traditional graduate does affect the odds of finding proper employment; however, whether the influence is positive or negative greatly varies with respect to gender; the number of graduates with the same type of educational career on the local market and the criteria used to evaluate the adequacy of the employment.  相似文献   


Three key researches bearing on YTS are analysed: that of the IMS (Institute for Manpower Studies) which provided the training rationale for YTS; an important economic analysis (Chapman &; Tooze 1987); and Raffe's long‐term study derived from the SYPS (Scottish Young People's Survey). A series of ‘contradictions’ are examined which are likely to undermine YTS, the most serious being MSC's ambiguous role as a manager of both employment and unemployment. The IMS rationale is defective and ideologically based but has become institutionally entrenched. In practice it proves counterproductive, particularly with regard to the OTF (Occupational Training Families) system. Because of this YTS does not meet real labour market needs; there has been a reversal of the roles of supply and demand. Raffe argues that improving the quality of YTS has no bearing on its success or failure. He stresses the ‘primacy of context’ over content, arguing that unless labour market contexts are changed, YTS cannot succeed. In the educational context a ‘vicious circle of low status’ is identified with YTS which it will be hard to break. Recommendations are made which include (a) a second year which is industry — rather than occupationally‐based; (b) unconstrained movement across OTFs in order to reduce a counterproductive bias in that system; (c) YTS should be financed by government and not by employers in order to combat uneven coverage of training endemic in the ‘voluntary’ system; (d) there should be an expansion of the ‘credentialling’ sector of YTS; (e) and/or an expansion of higher status places in the ‘contest’ sector. YTS is then set against current changes in MSC and government policy regarding education and training.  相似文献   

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