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北京市中高等职业教育衔接问题的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对北京市中等职业教育和高等职业教育衔接现状的分析,指出当前衔接中存在的问题,并试图提出解决问题的若干对策。  相似文献   

市场经济的发展与高等教育财政体制改革   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着我国从计划经济向社会主义市场经济转轨 ,计划经济条件下形成的高度集中的高等教育财政体制已不适应高等教育发展的需求。 2 0世纪 80年代初以来 ,我国高等教育财政体制在高等教育拔款体制、高等学校经费使用制度、经费分配方式等方面进行了一系列改革。这些改革反映了社会主义市场经济的发展客观上要求高等教育资源配置应符合透明性、公平性和效率性的三项基本原则。随着市场经济的进一步发展 ,高等教育财政体制的改革将会不断深化 ,不断完善  相似文献   

高等教育大众化的制度变迁与路径选择   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
高等教育毛入学率达到某一阈限时,高等教育系统的状态会发生重大的变化。要顺利地推进高等教育大众化,必须建立与大众化入学人数相适应的、符合本国国情的高等教育体系和制度。我们面临着规模的快速扩张与体系制度变革滞后的矛盾,必须打破制度变迁对原有路径的依赖,从"单一化路径"转向"多元化路径"。"多元化路径"的制度安排重点,是培育形成多元的经费投入渠道和多元的调控力量和手段。  相似文献   

This paper reviews findings from a longitudinal study of students making the transition from FE to an ancient university. This paper compares the younger and older students' reasons for higher education study. Our analysis of the quantitative data suggests that the older students had different reasons for entering university. We use the qualitative data to investigate the meanings participants attributed to higher education study in order to make sense of the patterns in the quantitative data, drawing on Wenger's perspectives on identity development as encompassing participants' trajectories in relation to communities of practice. The findings show a positive picture of the motivations of the whole cohort but the mature students seemed to have a particularly rich understanding of the meaning and relevance of their studies. The study therefore has implications for policy-makers and teachers as they seek to make use of the positive aspects of greater diversity.  相似文献   

The transition into higher education is a critical time for all students. A positive early experience provides a strong foundation for future academic success whilst a negative experience can be destabilising for a new learner. To date, research has primarily focused on full-time undergraduates in order to explain the reasons for high attrition rates at the end of the first year. Less is known about the experiences of part-time undergraduates despite the fact that they make up over one quarter of the total student population (HESA, 2015). This article reports on a study to investigate the initial experiences of a group of part-time undergraduates who have chosen to undertake a degree at a small study centre run by one university. Using a mixed methods research approach, the research captured the lived reality of the experience and identified the contributing and negating factors that can influence a successful transition. Perceptions of the level and type of support provided for students during transition were gained from both staff and students. The findings confirm a heterogeneous group. Despite being highly motivated, the early transition period was generally characterised by a sense of trepidation and self-doubt as students took their first steps in higher education. The research highlights the complexity of the initial decision-making process for part-time students and the barriers they face. It concludes that a flexible but unified approach, involving tutors and the wider support services, is needed, as unique students require unique responses to their transition needs.  相似文献   

顺应全球化:发展中国家高等教育的变迁与改革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着全球化经济就业模式的变化及对技能的需求 ,高等教育的内涵出现了变化。旨在满足国家优先发展战略的自上而下的高等教育投资政策已难以满足大众的迫切需求 ,基于个人和社会需求的自下而上的决策观更能满足人才、职业全球流动性日益增加的社会现实。根植于学术研究的知识生产模式难以在新形势下发挥作用 ,而与自下而上的政策建构相适应的知识生产模式 ,将有利于发展中国家在国际高等教育市场中保持竞争力  相似文献   

曾经适时的和适宜的高职教育就业导向,在当前经济发展方式转变、社会转型的重大转折过渡时期,其挑战和机遇都是前所未有的。为积极应对十七大提出的“以创业带动就业”的新型就业发展新战略要求,高职教育就业导向应通过“三管齐下”的举措——着力训练与提高学生的综合能力、更加重视创业教育、实现从能力本位向人格本位的转变,逐步实现从传统型向创新型的模式转变。  相似文献   

The transition from high school to college entails a change in legal status for individuals with learning disabilities. As students leave high school and the dominion of P.L. 94-142, they enter a setting structured by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. How does this change in legal status affect student rights and responsibilities? Do students with learning disabilities need specific skills to facilitate their legal transition into higher education? Is current transition programming addressing To investigate these questions, basic provisions of P.L. 94-142 and Section 504 were reviewed. Implications of the change in legal status were discussed, and existing transition programs were examined. Guidelines are proposed for incorporating legal transition skills in future transition programming.  相似文献   

The academic year 2012/13 marked a major milestone in the history of Hong Kong higher education as it witnessed the admission of two markedly different cohorts of Cantonese-speaking freshmen to the city’s English-medium universities: those embarking for the last time upon the traditional 3-year programme modelled on the British system of initial disciplinary specialisation and those commencing the new 4-year programme featuring an American-influenced first year of general education. This article presents the findings of a study which sought to compare the perceptions and experiences of the two cohorts on the challenging process of adjusting to the demands of university study. It was hypothesised that students in the 3-year cohort (3YC) would experience fewer difficulties adjusting to university learning and teaching than the 4-year cohort (4YC) as it was assumed that their A-level programme (years 12–13) placed greater emphasis on university-related skills, practices and habits of mind than the new senior-secondary curriculum (years 10–12). This hypothesis was tested by means of a survey completed by 1480 students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University towards the end of the academic year. The results largely support this hypothesis, although the evidence suggests that both cohorts had adjusted moderately well to university study by the end of the year. The results indicate that the principal difference between the two cohorts and the key to the 3YC’s smoother transition was their greater confidence and competence in English, which presumably stemmed from their extra year at school and the greater depth of the traditional sixth-form curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this chapter is to explore the problems in school-to-college transitions for Native Americans, particularly the Navajo. Two possible explanations are given. First, the transition is affected primarily by characteristics of the community that are unrelated to minority or ethnic status, such as socioeconomic status, bilingual status, and rural location. Second, the transition is affected primarily by characteristics that are unique to the Navajo, reflected in their theology, cosmology, traditions, and culture. Literature on the Native American transition to higher education is summarized and contemporary educational practices are examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines students’ perspectives on the main transitional challenges experienced when commencing higher education. It explores which students are most affected by the transition and is the first paper to provide an overview of student recommendations to help improve the transition in an Irish context. The study involves large‐scale surveys and focus groups across four higher education institutions and explores a range of transitional challenges (including academic, social and course‐specific aspects). Over 1,100 student suggestions to improve transition are analysed and many of these recommendations could be easily implemented beyond Ireland. Ten overall recommendations are made which include, among others, specific supports for mature students and those with longer commuting distances, course‐specific introductory skills modules to be given by current students, a first year ‘starter’ pack with course‐specific orientation materials, and the introduction of a student‐shadowing programme for prospective students.  相似文献   

While research into educational inequalities emphasises childhood socio‐economic status, this study adds another dimension of status into the analysis; namely, the child’s own social position among its peers. The aim was to examine whether socio‐economic status and peer status can both be linked to educational transitions and, if so, whether they constitute overlapping paths. In a second step of analyses, the relationship between peer status and adult unemployment was investigated. Data were derived from a longitudinal study using a 1953 cohort born in Stockholm, Sweden. Our results suggest that children with higher socio‐economic status and children with higher peer status are consistently more likely than their lower status peers to proceed to the next level of education, and that the effects of socio‐economic status and peer status hardly overlapped at all. Furthermore, educational differences by peer status seem to involve consequences for the studied subjects’ contemporary labour market opportunities.  相似文献   

Neoliberal higher education reforms in relation to quality assurance, managerialist practices, accountability and performativity are receiving increasing attention and criticism. In this article, I will address student assessment as part of the technologies that increasingly govern academics and their work in universities. I will draw on Foucault’s theories of governmentality and subjectification, and discourse analysis that have framed the research conducted with 16 academics in one university in the UK. While academics in the study expressed frustration with neoliberal reforms in general, and assessment policies in particular, they tended not to demonstrate overt resistance within their university systems. The reasons for this will be questioned and analysed in relation to a neoliberal mode of government where power relations shaping academic subjectivities are diffuse and pervasive. I will discuss the ways in which academics understand and act within these power relations, and I will also demonstrate a variety of covert practices that academics tend to apply when coping with the neoliberal technologies of government such as assessment.  相似文献   

The transition from higher education to the labour market is an important period for youngsters, characterised by extensive changes which act as triggers for learning. Furthermore, students’ educational background and the (in)congruence with their work context is important. Accordingly, the aim of this systematic review is to explore the role of learning and fit in the transition process. Results indicate that most emphasis is put on theoretical knowledge, communication, problem-solving, and learning skills. Although the perception on what has to be learned differs for employers, educators, and graduates, each group valued generic competences most. Results show that transfer can be experienced in three ways and the need for learning at work is stressed. Concerning fit, four types of fit are distinguished: vertical, horizontal, competence, and person-environment fit. Several personal background characteristics are shown to influence fit and findings indicate that fit has an influence on career progress and personal resources.  相似文献   

In recent years, music at Leaving Certificate level has come under increasing focus in media and higher education discourse as an easy option. In particular, scant attention has been paid to the musical knowledge and skills needed in the transition to higher music education within the Irish context. This paper addresses the perceived gap in knowledge through an examination of documents and student and lecturer experiences in higher music education. Findings reveal that students who have access to private music tuition because of their greater cultural, social and economic capital have a distinct advantage in higher education over those who have relied on the state for music education. Moreover, there would appear to be a shift in emphasis from practical to theoretical knowledge in the transition to higher education. More critically, the paper argues for a reappraisal of curriculum and knowledge at both levels in light of the implicit privileging of epistemic access to ‘powerful’ knowledge in private music education.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国高等教育制度变迁形成了政府主导的自上而下的强制性变迁的路径依赖。这种方式在高教转轨初期发挥了重要作用,随着高等教育各项宏观政策的确立,强制武变迁不利于高教事业的进一步发展。本文首先分析了强制性高等教育制度变迁的弊端和形成此种路径依赖的原因.进而提出了突破高教制度变迁路径依赖即实现高教制度变迁方式由强制性向诱致性或强制性与诱致性相结合的方式转变的对策。  相似文献   

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