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This introduction highlights the speakers and their topics presented at the Libraries eResource & Emerging Technologies Summit (formerly known as the MidSouth eResource Symposium) held at Mississippi State University (MSU) Libraries on August 3, 2012. The Summit was co-sponsored by EBSCO Information Services, North American Serials Interest Group's Continuing Education Committee, and MSU Libraries. Electronic resources continue to consume library budgets while remaining critical for today's researchers and students. Libraries must demonstrate their value and continually remind their stakeholders of the importance of these electronic resources and just how vital access to this digital information is. This year's Summit presentations focused on the acquisition, access, and management of eResources, and provided attendees with knowledge of new and emerging technologies related to electronic resources and the digital environment.  相似文献   


This paper, based on a presentation given at a continuing-education conference at Mississippi State University (MSU), explains how to catalog electronic journals. Among the topics discussed are what e-journals should be cataloged, the need for collection development policies, and the fields used by MSU Libraries to catalog their e-journals.  相似文献   

When Michigan State University (MSU) Libraries decided to make the foray into virtual reference, the first thing that needed to be done was to decide on the software to use. This article discusses the process used including the items considered essential (deal-breakers) for software to make the first cut, what other features needed to be included, and what features would be useful but were not critical. A literature review of some useful current articles on virtual reference is included. The vendor and software ultimately selected was not one of the original vendors; how MSU Libraries was able to evaluate and select Docutek is presented. A matrix for software comparison is included in the appendix.  相似文献   

Libraries are in an unprecedented period of change. The predominant publishing model is moving from print to digital. Libraries seek to strike the right balance between providing information that today's researcher needs just in time and preserving materials in print for tomorrow's researcher just in case. Legal resources present even greater challenges. This article will reflect how two organizations, the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA) and NELLCO, an international consortium of law libraries, are currently working together toward a collaborative solution.  相似文献   

Matt Goldner, the OCLC Product & Technology Advocate, delivered the keynote address at the MidSouth eResource Symposium, held at Mississippi State University, Mitchell Memorial Libraries on August 11, 2011. From a service provider's perspective, Goldner shared some emergent but critical issues that arise with the electronic revolution and how these issues might affect the future of academic libraries. The focus of this presentation is centered on how librarians should work actively and positively to seek solutions to those issues.  相似文献   

Bibliographic records in the Innovative library catalog at Kent State University Libraries had fallen out of synchronization with the Libraries’ holdings represented on OCLC's WorldCat database. The Libraries made a decision to undertake a batch reclamation project with OCLC to re-synch their holdings on WorldCat. This project was beneficial for both parties. OCLC received a clean copy of the Libraries’ database, while the Libraries were able to improve the quality of their local bibliographic data and address problem areas in the catalog. This case study is intended to provide a reference for other libraries considering OCLC batch reclamation projects.  相似文献   


Mounting digital images of art objects on a Web site is only the first step in providing patron access to such materials. Libraries and museums have a responsibility to provide not only high-quality digital reproductions but also high-quality access from an integrated library catalog with controlled vocabulary and consistent access points. While some digital collections may have excellent internal searchability and require no more than collection level cataloging in a library's OPAC, others may demand cataloging of individual components of the collection. A particular collection's significance, its potential audience, the types of access required, as well as factors such as its size and cohesiveness need to be considered before becoming locked into a specific Web designespecially when it is that of another institution.

This paper examines several online library catalogs in which records for art objects as well as historical objects and natural history specimens have been merged, with varying degrees of success, and briefly addresses a modest proposal to catalog ceramic objects at the Ohio State University Libraries. The importance of consistent subject access in a merged catalog, regardless of the thesaurus or thesauri used, is stressed. Library consortia and bibliographic utilities may offer an economically appealing alternative for libraries that cannot design and construct their own digital libraries but these external organizations often have limited capability for-or interest in-modifying the design for a particular library and even less interest in cataloging the collections. Libraries, too, must be faulted for simply listing available electronic resources, either alphabetically or in broad subject categories, on a separate portion of their Web page and failing to provide full catalog records in their catalog. Finally, it is emphasized that the current debate over the viability of MARC 21 versus other metadata standards remains largely irrelevant to the importance of continuing to cultivate a monolithic online catalog, maintaining cataloging standards, and not mindlessly developing what amounts to a separate, rudimentary catalog solely for electronic resources.  相似文献   


The Michigan State University (MSU) Libraries' Website has a case of TMI: too much information organized by librarians for librarians. Finding relevant information about various library services, including the 24/7 Distance Learning Support Line, and access points to scholarly resources is often cumbersome, and given the limited time and staffing available in Web Services, it was impractical to embark on a comprehensive Website redesign. Instead, the implementation of two systems, LibAnswers and the A–Z Database List in LibGuides v2 CMS, served as a means for addressing the TMI issue and improving the usability of the MSU Libraries' Website. This case study will map the MSU Libraries' experience of implementing the LibAnswers and the A–Z Database List from early vision to launching the end product, as a means for resolving the “too much information” issue and improving the usability of the library's Website.  相似文献   


Today's learners operate in digital environments which can be largely navigated with no human intervention. At the same time, libraries spend millions and millions of dollars to provide access to content which our users may never know is available to them. Through the Open SESMO (Search Engine & Social Media Optimization) database project, Montana State University (MSU) Library applied search engine optimization and structured data with the Schema.org vocabulary, linked data models and practices, and social media optimization techniques to all the library's subscribed databases. Our research shows that Open SESMO creates significant return-on-investment with substantial increased traffic to our paid resources by our users as evidenced through analytics and metrics. In the core research of the article, we take a quantitative look at the pre/post results to assess the Open SESMO method and its impact on organic search referrals and use of the collection analyzing data from three distinct fall semesters. Returns include demonstrated library value through database recommendations, connecting researchers to subject librarians, and increased visitation to our library's paid databases with growth in organic search referrals, impressions, and click-through rates. This project offers a standard and innovative practice for other libraries to employ in surfacing their paid databases to users through the open web by applying structured and linked data methods.  相似文献   


Over the past year and a half, Colorado State University Libraries has used the Program in Cooperative Cataloging's (PCC) core record standard when cataloging non-depository and pre-1976 federal documents. Although the Libraries is not a PCC member, and so not involved in its Bibliographic Record Cooperative Program (BIBCO) it began experimenting with this standard as a means to facilitate a more efficient way of cataloging federal documents. This paper provides background to the Libraries' decision to use the core standard; describes the core cataloging standard, noting especially PCC's emphasis on the importance of the cataloger's judgement in applying the standard; and comments on the Libraries' use and assessment of core cataloging.  相似文献   


Mississippi State University (MSU) Libraries recently held its first library-centered First-Year Experience course. To develop an appealing class for first-semester students, the authors turned to game-based learning in conjunction with a portion of the school identity to teach the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy that they hoped would resonate with the students. This article discusses the games that were implemented along with the corresponding IL framework and assessment of the course. The authors were able to increase student scores from 66.4% (pretest average) to 84.31% (post-test average).  相似文献   

It's conference time again! There is an exciting programme in prospect in this year's biennial Health Libraries Group (#HLG2018) conference covering key elements of library and information workers’ daily practice. Uppermost in everyone's mind is the importance of ongoing personal and professional development with the Health Libraries Group Continuing Professional Development Panel putting this into practice as they host regional peer support sessions for presenters in the period leading up to the conference. As the official journal of the Health Libraries Group, the Health Information and Libraries Journal is similarly keen to support presenters in the practical task of translating their presentations into papers. Do get in touch if you would like advice on what to do next.  相似文献   

Scott Wasinger, Senior Director of Sales, eBooks & eAudiobooks at EBSCO Publishing, presented eBooks on EBSCOhost at the MidSouth eResource Symposium held at Mississippi State University Libraries on August 11, 2011. Wasinger briefly talked about how EBSCO Publishing acquired NetLibrary and the changes EBSCO made in order to create the platform/integration into EBSCOhost, which included expanded business models, content growth, and collection development options. Wasinger provided information on EBSCOadmin, EBSCO's lease and enhanced PDA models, downloading e-book options, introduction of the ePub format, and EBSCOhost Collection Manager.  相似文献   

This article revisits discussion from “The Florida State Libraries Resource Sharing Initiative: Unity Among a Disparate Group” (Schmidt & Smith, 2012) on the implementation of a new resource sharing program within the Florida State University Libraries called UBorrow. The program and its effects are assessed after 2 years with comparison to the project launch's original predictions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the university libraries' response during the COVID-19 pandemic and determine their working practices, services patterns, strategies applied, and role played. This study is a qualitative exploration by collecting data through in-depth interviews of purposely selected Heads of seven university libraries. The interview recordings were transcribed, translated, and analyzed thematically. The majority of the university libraries were physically closed for patrons in this pandemic but engaged with the users. Libraries revamped their web pages, reassigned resources, and planned robust online offerings. The university portal and other social media tools were less used communication tools during the pandemic. Library staff worked from home and there was a sense of over burden because of 24/7 connectivity and without any formal working policy addressing the new working routines. University librarians felt that digital divide, lack of digital literacy skills, and slow internet speed were the major barriers in their transition from physical to online mode and less use of library's online resources and web portals. Libraries see their individual and collective roles of societal and educational dimensions during these uncertain times. The study also made recommendations for the betterment of libraries' role in such situations.  相似文献   

An Oregon State University Libraries (OSUL) study group's review of its current policies, practices, and costs provides an illustrative case study of the challenges in managing government documents during this period of transition from print to digital. In its exploration of more aggressive approaches to greatly increasing access to electronic collections and reducing the size of the print footprint, OSUL learned that the current requirements of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) hamper such efforts. This case study provides background on prior internal studies, OSUL's participation in a shared housing agreement, statistics on size and current usage of its government documents, and the costs to receive, process, and provide access to its document collection. It concludes with the recommendations for OSUL to be as proactive as it can be under the current FDLP rules and regulations while bringing projected costs to manage government documents more in line with higher priorities.  相似文献   

Health library and information workers no longer find themselves restricted to presenting at purely local or national health‐related library events, a diversity evidenced by the two conferences supported by CILIP's Health Libraries Group this month, June 2019. The Health Libraries Group is an official sponsor of #EBLIP10, the 10th international Evidence Based Library and Information Practice conference, which encourages us to think about the evidence we collect and use to inform practice. The Health Libraries Group also strengthens its links with EAHIL: The European Association of Health Information and Libraries by aligning the content of this year's Virtual Issue of the Health Information and Libraries Journal with EAHIL 2019s themes of evidence‐based practice, impact & assessment, and technology uptake, available at: https://bit.ly/2 PAZw2X.  相似文献   

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