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This article examines whether Elinor M. Brent-Dyer’s Chalet School books—a series of girls’ school stories spanning the late 1920s to the early 1970s—can be regarded as historical sources for the study of physical education and dance in girls’ boarding schools during this period. An overview of her experience as teacher and headmistress, an examination of the training and role of PE teachers during this time, and observations on the role other staff played in games coaching and dance teaching confirms that this children’s literature is an accurate representation. The incorporation of contemporary details in her writing, through referencing current events for example, strengthens the case for acknowledging this. However it is concluded that the source becomes less accurate in the latter half of the series when Brent-Dyer lost contact with the education world and with young people.  相似文献   

One hundred years ago, Upton Sinclair, in The Jungle, exposed the deplorable working conditions of eastern European immigrants in the meatpacking houses of Chicago. The backdrop of this article is the new Jungle of the 21st century—the hog plants of the rural Midwest. Here I speak to the lives of the Mexican workers they employ, and, more specifically, the science-learning experiences and aspirations of third-shifters, Jesús and María. I use these students’ stories as an opportunity to examine the take-up, in education, of the concept of hybridity, and, more particularly, to interrogate what I have come to regard as the “third space fetish.” My principle argument is that Bhabha’s understanding of liberatory Third Space has been distorted, in education, through teacher-centered and power-neutral multicultural discourse. I call for a more robust approach to hybridity in science education research, guided by the lessons of possibility and constraint contained in Jesús’ and María’s third-shift third space lives.
Katherine Richardson BrunaEmail:

Katherine Richardson Bruna   is an Assistant Professor of Multicultural and International Curriculum Studies at Iowa State University. She does ethnographic research on the experiences of newcomer Mexican adolescents in science education, informed by her transnational work on a particular sender-receiver community relationship in the changing American heartland.  相似文献   

Little research has been concerned with gauging Māori–medium teacher education students’ academic confidence in bilingual settings making the development of appropriate curricula and broad policy a difficult task. Drawing on a convenience sample of 84 primary teacher education students on a three-year B.Ed Māori-medium program, this study uses self-reported measures to assess students’ academic confidence and preparedness in English and Māori. Results suggest that the students are less academically confident in Māori than in English, and that this discrepancy is most pronounced in academic speaking and reading. Consequently, it is proposed that curriculum developers place emphasis on the development of both Māori academic speaking and reading throughout the course of Māori-medium teacher education programs. Finally, it is argued that standardised assessments that track both confidence and preparedness, and the productive and receptive abilities of Māori-medium teacher education students throughout university would bolster the regeneration of Māori-medium education in New Zealand.  相似文献   

ln this article,we attempt to see Human Resource Development(HRD), and everything that could be called HRD, as it currently exists in U.S. organisations, and to understand its emergence from narrow, fragmented, and mechanical conceptualizations to more holistic ones. It is our view that any intentional organisational activity centered on human development, whether on individual development or on the development of cultures that enable individuals to work together effectively, could legitimately be seen as HRD. This view of HRD, we further believe, enables us to see more fully what is happening and why. Later in this paper, we will offer a definition of the field that is consistent with this comprehensive conceptualization.  相似文献   

德国宝马(BMW)是驰名世界的汽车企业,也是高档汽车生产业的先导,素以生产豪华轿车、摩托车和高性能发动机而闻名于世。宝马公司创建于1916年,总部设在慕尼黑。宝马也被译为“巴依尔”,宝马公司的全称是“Bayerische Motor en Werhe Ag”,BMW就是这三个单  相似文献   

高中语文第二册,《猎户》一文:写红色崖三面坡上栽种的檞树和马尾松,蓊郁苍翠,看样子怕已经成活六七年了.其中“檞”字编者注成[jiě],我认为应读[hú],不应读[jiě].[檞]  相似文献   

lintroductionTileproblemsraisedinthedevelopmentandmaintenanceoflargeandcomplexsoftwaresystemsinacompetitiveanddynamicenvironmenthavebeenstudiedfi.omvariousperspectives.Theterm'softwarecrisis'describesthisproblemandmanyeffoltshavebeenmadetoovercomeit.Reusa…  相似文献   

Visual phonics is an instructional program to provide print awareness, alphabet knowledge, and sound-letter correspondence for children with hearing loss who experience difficulty developing a foundation of phonemic awareness skills. Its purpose is "to clarify the sound symbol relationship between spoken English and print" (Waddy-Smith & Wilson, 2003, p. 15). It is implemented in numerous school districts, particularly in California and Florida, and can be learned in a 2-day workshop. Administrators, teachers, and speech pathologists see potential benefit in using Visual Phonics to help students with hearing loss raise their achievement scores in reading and spelling. However, it is critical to note that Visual Phonics has virtually no research base. Researchers, teachers, and speech pathologists are called upon to collect their data and begin research on the effectiveness of Visual Phonics. This is a case in which the research-to-practice gap must be closed.  相似文献   

The sixth-form college sector is often marginalised in policy and academic discourse, where the much larger school and further education sectors dominate. This paper sets out to describe the sector’s key features, assess its position within the wider education system and consider its future in an increasingly competitive education market. The research involved discussions with senior managers and teachers, as well as analysis of policy documentation from within and without the sector.  相似文献   

School Effectiveness Research: an Ideological Commitment?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the international momentum of the school effectiveness movement continues, its exponents remain largely impervious to criticism. This paper argues that while they may not readily align themselves with the individualistic aspects of Conservative social philosophy, their methodology necessarily secretes an atomised social ontology. The charge of ideological commitment rests on the fact that the essentially positivist epistemology employed by school effectiveness researchers presupposes an ontology of closed systems and atomistic events. Thus any notion of the structuring of life-chances is automatically ruled out of court. The reciprocity of social ontology and methodology is explored in order to account for the myopia of the school effectiveness movement.  相似文献   

Trotz hoher Studentinnen- und Absolventinnenzahlen in den meisten Studienrichtungen ist der Anteil der Frauen an akademischen Spitzenpositionen noch immer gering. Die Gründe für dieses Missverhältnis liegen in einer Reihe spezifischer Schwierigkeiten, mit denen Frauen bei universitären Laufbahnen konfrontiert sind. Die Politik der Europäischen Union verfolgt seit 1999 das explizite Ziel, Frauen stärker in der universitären und außeruniversitären Forschung zu verankern. Mit dem Vertrag von Amsterdam wurde auch der gemeinschaftsrechtliche Rahmen neu gestaltet. Das UG 2002 hat "Frauenförderung" und "Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern" zur Aufgabe der Universitäten und damit zu einem zentralen Teil ihres Bildungsauftrags erklärt. Die Europäische Strategie des "Gender Mainstreaming" wurde so in eine innerstaatliche, alle Universitätsorgane bindende Verpflichtung umgesetzt. Der Beitrag behandelt die rechtlichen Möglichkeiten der vollrechtsfähigen Universitäten zur Frauenförderung und bewertet Reichweite und Wirksamkeit der neuen Rechtslage.  相似文献   

Games play a significant role in childhood, fuelling hours of engagement and social interaction, and probably much learning as well. Board games, card games and outdoor games (such as Tag) first come to mind, but more recently, games have also gone digital. In this piece, we offer a new perspective by placing games within the established construct of ‘playful learning’. We review key elements of playful learning and the two subtypes: free play and guided play. We suggest that games promote learning in ways similar to other playful learning situations. Games involve fun, a sense of curiosity and an inhibition of reality, in active, engaging, meaningful and socially interactive contexts. We argue that games therefore belong alongside free play and guided play to form a trio of playful learning experiences. This perspective adds to a growing understanding of the role of games in supporting children’s learning and development.  相似文献   

在美军地面部队的推进中 ,M 1A2主战坦克无疑是大军的中流砥柱。M 1A2主战坦克是在海湾战争中大出风头的M 1Al坦克的改进型 ,也是世界上第一种数字化坦克。据美军称 ,与MIAl相比 ,M 1A2的进攻能力提高 54% ,防御能力提高 1 0 0 %。M 1A2主战坦克的主炮仍为 1 2 0毫米滑膛炮 ,但发射的是新研制的M 82 9型尾翼稳定贫铀弹壳穿甲弹 ,在 2 0 0 0米距离上可击穿 80 0毫米厚的均质钢装甲 ,伊拉克任何一种坦克都不堪其一击。加上配有经过改进的火控系统 ,M 1A2能够发现并准确攻击更远的目标。M 1A2还给车长配备了独立的热像夜视仪 ,增强了目…  相似文献   

继往开来:Charles M. Reigeluth学术思想探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
查尔斯·M·瑞格鲁斯是美国著名的教学设计专家。文章回顾他了的学术生涯和贡献,结合教育技术发展的历史,讨论了瑞格鲁斯对前人教学设计理论的继承与发展,也分析了他学术理论的不足,并揭示了他对处于发展初期和转型阶段的中国教育技术的特殊启示。  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(1):63-78

Se presenta la experiencia de innovación didáctica en una escuela municipal de música que cuenta con la asesoría de un equipo de universidad. Se explicitan los referentes conceptuales y los principios de la propuesta, y se describe el funcionamiento y los factores que caracterizan su aplicación y desarrollo. Con ella se intenta un cambio sustantivo del enfoque y metodología caracterizados por la construcción compartida del conocimiento musical en torno a actividades de escucha, interpretación y creación; de representación y expresión por medio de diferentes lenguajes. La confluencia de innovación, formación del profesorado e investigación explican la continuidad y calado de la experiencia. Su desarrollo es responsable de la formación de equipos mixtos de profesionales de diferentes niveles y categorías, coordinados en las tareas del diseño y evaluación de la experiencia. La difusión de los trabajos y el intercambio con otros profesores de escuelas de música cohesiona el equipo y enriquece la experiencia.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2):153-165

El lenguaje interno (LI) es un tipo de soliloquio dialógico, oral o silencioso, en donde uno es, a la par, ambos o todos los interlocutores. Se revisan algunos estudios contemporáneos sobre el LI enfatizando que algunos de estos estudios asumen la caracterización hecha por Vigotski de que el LI es lenguaje compactado, elíptico, predicativo cuya transcripción sería incomprensible. El objetivo fue analizar un corpus de soliloquios lúdicos de niños preescolares y establecer si cumplen los criterios señalados por Vigotski. Se analizaron 408 emisiones de voz de los soliloquios lúdicos de 7 niñas y 4 niños mientras jugaban con muñecos en una situación controlada. Los soliloquios fueron videograbados y transcritos en un formato que permitió su análisis oracional y enunciativo en contexto. El 73% de los enunciados tuvieron oraciones y un 27% no, por lo que estos últimos sólo se comprendían en el contexto dialógico. La mayoría de los soliloquios no correspondieron a la caracterización vigotskiana, se identificó claramente el sujeto y el verbo y su transcripción fue comprensible. Puesto que la modalidad de LI fue de soliloquio lúdico, los datos sugieren la necesidad de ampliar el corpus de soliloquios bajo otras condiciones como el soliloquio no lúdico para confirmar o acotar la caracterización del LI.  相似文献   

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