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The study reported in this article used grounded theory methodology to investigate older adults accounts of their use of information technology (IT). A small number of SeniorNet Wellington members volunteered to be interviewed about their experiences with and opinions about computer technology. It was found that participants began using computers because technology was associated with modern life, leading them to recognize the potential that IT had to offer them. Their present, mostly positive, attitudes toward IT were strongly linked with the personal usefulness of IT and direct experience with and personal ownership of IT. Study findings illustrated how involvement with and use of IT by older adults is cyclic and serves to reinforce continuing involvement. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are also discussed.  相似文献   

A growing number of older adults develop new roles and identities in their retirement years. They may be trend‐setters in creating new norms for future generations of retirees. Research conducted by the North Carolina Center for Creative Retirement at the University of North Carolina at Asheville on middle‐class, well‐educated retirees with professional or managerial prior work roles indicates that these retirees want volunteer, leadership, and learning opportunities. A study of 101 alumni of the center's leadership for seniors program showed how institutions of higher education can play a prominent part in facilitating the development of roles and norms that often transcend the general public's ideas of what retirees can do and contribute.  相似文献   

The educational needs of 103 adults aged 55‐75 were investigated. Using an approach that focused on existential needs prior to assessing their educational needs, and adopting a procedure that helped the group to identify their most basic needs, the inquiry found out that the educational needs expressed through this method considerably differed from those found through traditional checklist methods and are closely related with the major problems of older people at and after the retirement period.  相似文献   

从文化资源的角度研究了图书资料价值问题,以价值发现和价值创造的思路讨论了图书资料的开发利用及其现状,以期实现图书资料带给社会的巨大财富效应。从版本、类别、作者、时空、收藏方式以及再版售买、租借、汇编成书、载入传媒、融入教研课题和社会服务、基本保障等方面,指出了价值发现和价值创造的方法和途径,为图书资料资源的开发利用提供一种新思路、新方法和新的价值观。价值发现和价值再创造是图书资料最有创新价值的开发利用。  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of time series data (T1 = preprogram; T2 = postpro‐gram; T3 = 6‐month followup) collected for the first year class of an older adult teacher training program (N = 35; mean age = 69.1 years) documents that the elderly learn and retain materials learned at different rates. Variables such as age, sex, teaching experience, education, and race/ethnicity all potentially play a role in differentiating the learning process. Evaluation results further confirm that the initial acquisition of leadership skills by older adults is no guarantee that those skills will be maintained successfully over time. There may also be a false sense of confidence in some older learners that is gained simply by their having successfully completed an organized course of training. Study findings lead to recommendations emphasizing the importance of promoting resilient skills capacity in the teaching domain by older adults by means of a variety of skills‐preservation program techniques inlcuding the provision of educational seminars, “retooling” sessions, and reunion programs subsequent to the offering of the initial teacher training program.  相似文献   

Negative attitudes toward older adults are often thought to be diminished in cultures that preserve gerontocratic tendencies. Little empirical evidence concerning this belief, however, is extant in the literature. The present study employed an adjective‐generation instrument to measure attitudes toward the elderly. This instrument was administered to young adults in rural northern Thailand, a culture which is widely reported to maintain a strong tradition of filial piety, and to young adults in the United States, a culture in which widespread ageism is suspected. A significant interaction was observed; contrary to initial expectations, Thai students were somewhat more negative about elders than were their American counterparts. Results indicate that gerontocratic traditions within a given society do not necessarily insulate the aged from negative stereotyping.  相似文献   

On investigation of Union College, a two‐year college in New Jersey, it was discovered that senior citizens failed to take advantage of free college classes, for deep‐seated psychological as well as logistical reasons. In 1979, the college launched a program of bringing classes to older Americans in their own settings (Y's, churches, senior housing complexes, etc.) in subjects and at times of their own choosing. Clearly meeting a great need, the program expanded until it reached nearly 600 students in 25 classes. Success is in large part due to the work of skilled, compassionate teachers. An ongoing teacher‐training regime with emphasis on gerontology keeps them abreast of new techniques and ensures a continuing exchange of ideas. In the course of this training, it has become evident that much remains to be learned about education and the older adult. As a consequence, a joint research project of Union College and the Rutgers University Institute of Aging has been planned, with the Union College classes serving as a field test of the program and more generally of the impact of education on older Americans.  相似文献   

This article presents a number of historical themes that are relevant to emerging efforts in the religious education of older adults. Drawing on themes in Jewish, Christian, Confucian, and other world religions the author indicates that religious bodies have shown respect for the elderly, especially for their abilities as teachers and counselors. Older adults have pursued learning either by living in close connection with religious communities or in separate institutions under the sponsorship of religious bodies. Religious traditions have urged study and contemplation as suitable activities for their older members. The increased numbers of older adults in religious bodies is a problem that can be turned into educational challenge and opportunity.  相似文献   

This study evaluated knowledge and attitudes of undergraduates regarding nutrition and health of the aged and students' intentions of pursuing career involvement with older adults. The participants evaluated were undergraduates from three mid-western universities (n=1,755). The majority of those surveyed were uninformed and unlikely to pursue career involvement with older adults. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A growing need exists to identify and develop meaningful retirement roles for older adults in a variety of settings and modes. College and university campuses provide a particularly stimulating environment for involvement of the retired population not only as lifelong learners but also as contributors to the functional operation of the institution. A national survey was conducted to explore the extent to which programs have been initiated to involve older adults in meaningful volunteer tasks, responsibilities, and roles on university campuses. Emeritus faculty and staff may find these opportunities conducive to continue to perform useful service to the university. Data suggest that although significant barriers exist that hinder the smooth development of service‐oriented programs for the elderly on university campuses, the feasibility of these programs has been demonstrated and a substantial number are currently in operation around the country. Positive outcomes resulting from establishing older adult service programs include improvement of intergenerational communication, reduction of ageism, provision of useful services to educational institutions, and enhancement of the quality of life in retirement.  相似文献   

Education and training play major roles in the lives of older adults. They serve preventive, facilitative, remedial, and preparatory functions. In this paper we present demographic changes related to education, outline motives and educational needs of older adults, examine the role of education in reducing the decline in mental functioning, discuss the need to engage underserved segments of the population, and offer suggestions for designing educational programs for older adults.  相似文献   

This article provides an analysis of the “computerization of library‐information technology”. Its author begins by listing the basic tasks in the computerization of libraries in higher education institutions, these being the study of the traditional library‐information technology, the definition of the subject area, the synthesis of the language facilities, and the definition of the structure and content of input and output documents. The article takes as its example the library‐information system which was elaborated and is now in use at the research library of the N.E. Bauman Technical Institute in Moscow, a system which makes use of personal computers. The system as a whole is illustrated with reference to the experience gained in the use of the computerized library technology which is applied in the processing of new library acquisitions and in information retrieval. The author also explores the ramifications of this technology with regard to all the stages in the computerization of university libraries.  相似文献   

Many older adult have an interest in learning to use computers. The study reported in this article examined whether older adults' attitudes toward computers can be influenced by direct, customized computer training. Thirty older participants who registered for introductory computer courses offered at a SeniorNet computer lab completed the Attitudes Toward Computers Questionnaire (ATCQ) before and after class participation. Attitudes were assessed on seven dimensions. There was borderline statistical significance for the “comfort” attitude dimension, which assesses the respondent's feeling of comfort with the computer and its use. No significant differences were found for the remaining six attitude dimensions. The results underscore the importance of the intervention design in eliciting attitude change. Based upon the findings of this research, several actions have taken place to increase comfort and efficacy and to control attitudinal dimensions, thereby providing more meaningful experiences for the participants.  相似文献   

Semistructured interviews were used to identify memory strategies used by 35 older adults. Five types of tasks were used: paired‐associate learning, free recall, serial recall, rule learning, and reading comprehension. For the first three tasks, two types of materials were developed: experimental and everyday. The nine memory activities were presented separately. Participants were asked to describe the strategies they would use for each activity. Order of presentation for the experimental and everyday materials was counterbalanced. Examination of the frequency data revealed differences in the number and type of strategies reported for the five types of learning tasks. An analysis of variance revealed that the group receiving the three everyday tasks first reported a significantly greater use of strategies on all tasks. These results indicate that the elderly may have limited repertoires of alternative memory strategies and that the types of materials used can significantly affect their performance.  相似文献   

Although there has been an increase in the use of older adults as peer counselors, little is known about the effects of such training on the peer counselor students. In order to be an effective counselor, the older adults must not only examine their own lives, but they must also disclose their life experiences as well as their personal feelings to their clients. It was thought that these processes of self‐examination and self‐disclosure would result in a reappraisal of the older adults’ attitudes and feelings about themselves. The present study sought to examine the degree of personal growth experienced by older adult participants of a peer counselor training course. It was found that the training course attracted individuals who were self‐assured in their ability to deal with the problems of their lives and who wanted to assist others gain the same degree of self‐confidence. Furthermore, it was found that the training course served to increase the participants’ levels of self‐confidence and self‐reliance while at the same time training the students to use these qualities to help others.  相似文献   

Many educators and planners point out that higher education faces a series of historically significant developments in communications technology. The response to these developments will have a strong impact on the whole system of higher learning. The following article analyses trends as well as their potential consequences, using as an example the situation in the United States. This article is based on the editorial written by George W. Bouham, Editor‐in‐Chief and Publisher of the US magazine “Change”.  相似文献   

This paper describes a Phase I pilot study for the future development and field testing of a prototype CD-ROM program called the MEMORY WORKOUT. The MEMORY WORKOUT helps older adults increase and monitor changes in their daily physical and cognitive activity levels and these effects on physical functioning and memory. A holistic, multimodal model of memory provides the theoretical base for the design of the program. The primary purpose of this program is to enhance users' appreciation for the immediate and longer term benefits of exercise and physical activity on daily mental and physical function. Phase I results with 24 older adults (mean age = 71.2 years) indicate significant cross-sectional relationships among exercise time, exercise efficacy, and word list memory, and moderate to strong interest in improving memory and physical activity. Using Phase I prototype information, the goal of a Phase II project is to produce a complete, interactive, multimedia CD-ROM program that includes fitness training, assessment, and simulation components that are appropriate for adults over age 60.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the relationship between anxiety and cognitive performance in older adults. We asked 27 older adults, self‐selected on the basis of their concerns about decrements in intellectual functioning, to perform a series of cognitive tasks to assess crystallized (Gc) and fluid (Gf) intellectual abilities. Volunteers also completed questionnaires concerning their beliefs about their task performance specific to each ability, as well as measures of both generalized and intellectual self‐efficacy, everyday cognitive failures, and concerns about illness and aging. Cortisol was measured as an indicator of anxiety and Epstein‐Barr virus levels were assessed to determine nonspecific physiological changes. Results indicated that in the self‐selected “anxious” sample, there was a significant negative correlation between cortisol and self‐efficacy related to the most difficult measure of Gf. The only other significant (negative) correlation was between cortisol and generalized self‐efficacy. As expected, EBV levels were not correlated with any of the performance or self‐efficacy measures taken. Possible explanations of these findings are discussed as they relate to varying levels of performance and concerns about the loss of skills among older adults.  相似文献   

The question of what is uniquely possible for the older adult learner is seldom asked by adult educators. Dealing with a population whose educational experiences are largely pedogogical, instructional programs have often attempted to continue this model of teacher‐selected content and methodology. This paper is a review of an experimental educational program designed to provide experiential activities related to learning needs and potentials of the older adult. The nature of the format allowed participants maximum opportunity to. identify and achieve personal learning goals. Evaluation procedures were designed to test the hypothesis that older adults respond meaningfully to programs designed to meet their needs rather than the educator's preconceptions. Results of the study indicate successful achievement of the goals of the project and an expanded level of psychosocial functioning of the older adults.  相似文献   

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