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The rapid growth of educational programs for older adults has occurred in the general absence of overall planning or guiding principles. A model educational program (the Rosa Keller Campus) is described that was established using an explicit set of principles for creating successful multi‐institutional and disciplinary programs. In addition, the overall model incorporates methods of reducing barriers that prevent older adults from participating in education. The model delineates the organizational structure of the program and the conduct of both basic and applied research as integral components of the program.  相似文献   

Financial uncertainty and projections of changing enrollment patterns of students are forcing community colleges into positions of maximum flexibility. As a result, they continue a trend of increased reliance on part‐time instructors to deliver their services. This trend is noted by full‐time faculty as cause for alarm. Allegations of poorer quality instruction provided by part‐time instructors cannot be documented. However, it is clear that part‐time employee practices in the areas of selection, orientation, evaluation, and development need dramatic improvement. Implications of this research point to the need for college administrators to reexamine management procedures with regard to part‐time faculty.  相似文献   

With the number of older Americans increasing, many colleges and universities are attempting to serve the needs of this population by offering tuition reductions, alternative scheduling, and special courses to older learners. Consequently, more and more older persons appear to be returning to colleges and universities on a part‐time or full‐time basis. However, many of these older students may not be receiving maximum benefit from their educational experiences, owing to hearing impairments. This article discusses obstacles and problems that confront the older hearing‐impaired student in the classroom and presents possible management solutions.  相似文献   

Until now Dutch historical youth studies have not focussed on the family as an educational environment. However, since World War I pedagogues have had high hopes of parents as educators of their teenage sons and daughters. On the basis of research into advice literature the author shows how family educationalists contributed to curtailing the ‘dangers’ of adolescence. Parents were recommended to loosen the reins on their adolescent children. This advice was based on different psychological theories. At first a physiological interpretation dominated educational thinking. During the twenties Adler's Individual‐psychology shifted attention to the relational aspect of the parent‐child interaction as well as to continuity in the educational relationship. In the thirties new psychological development theories gave birth to the concept of a ‘negative phase’ at the start of adolescence, followed by a neutral and even a positive phase concerning individual mental growth. This brought about a less negative appreciation of adolescence, regarding it as just one of the ‘troublesome phases’ in childhood. Only after World War II psychoanalysis made family educationalists shift their attention more exclusively to young children. Adolescence was no longer regarded as pathogenetic.


This study examined images of aging women as depicted in advertisements from three periodicals during a ten‐year period. Five major variables were considered in this content analysis: the frequency with which aging women appeared, the types of products involved, the setting, the value orientation, and the change in the image of older women over time. Differences between time periods and among magazines were analyzed. Findings of the study and its implications for educators and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

The number of educational programs for older adults is increasing. It has been proposed that older adults maintain or increase their subjective well‐being by participating in such programs. Indeed, many educational programs targeted for older adults have objectives that deal with enhancing subjective well‐being. However, program evaluations that assess the subjective well‐being of participants are infrequent. A literature search located only seven research reports including data on the impact of educational programs on the subjective well‐being of older adults. The studies mostly were pre‐experimental, contained a variety of outcome measures, and yielded inconclusive results. In this paper, we discuss a global and multidimensional perspective of subjective well‐being encompassing the constructs of happiness, morale, and life satisfaction by specifying their location on temporal, cognitive, and affective dimensions. We also point out that current scales used to assess these constructs may be inappropriate, because the content of specific items may be inconsistent with program objectives. Recommendations are offered, in terms of measurement and research design issues, for upgrading the evaluation of educational interventions targeted for older adults.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of three types of instructor intervention into the self‐pacing of remedial college English students: (1) a stern warning about the procrastination problems of PSI courses given at the beginning of the course, (2) a telephone call to students falling behind a recommended pace, or (3) a postcard mailed to students who are behind a suggested rate of progress. During statistical analyses no significant (but positive) relationships were found between pacing treatments and the mean number of (a) accumulated grade points; (b) course completions; and (c) the proportion of withdrawals, incompletes, failures, and successes. Advantages of PSI appear to remain despite alteration of self‐pacing.  相似文献   

In this paper,a method of multipoint pseudorandom combined excita-tion with the orthogonal reciprocal repeated sequences(ORRS)is presented on thebackground of the on-line identification of multivariate system.The capacity of therestraint to the identification error caused by the non-random D.C.drift of the mul-ti-input excitation with the ORRS in the multivariate system is also discussed.Thevalidity of the method described in this paper is proved by the modelling tests of themulti-plate rotor system.  相似文献   

This article seeks to demonstrate that in the burgeoning spiritual memoir literature of those leaving Ultra-Orthodoxy, scant attention is paid to the negative impact of schooling, yet it may be a significant contributing factor to the decision to leave traditional practice and community. Differing educational expectations for girls and boys—an amplified focus on modesty for females and scholarship for males—can become constricting and, ultimately, oppressive. Highlighting these inequities in other similar parochial systems or traditional but more progressive schools may shed light on how specific messaging may work counter to desired educational outcomes.  相似文献   

An age‐related decline in performance is typically observed in research on tasks that rely on cognitive processing. However, such declines must not be accepted as indisputable evidence that the learning efficiency of older adults is necessarily impaired. Cognitive factors such as a production deficiency in long‐term memory and/or a retrieval deficiency do operate to depress the performance of older adults. However, a number of noncognitive factors such as functional and pathological sensory deficits, psychomotor slowing, poor physical and mental health, and insufficient or excessively high motivation also mitigate against optimal performance in the aged. The learning efficiency of the aged may be improved through the use of teaching and learning techniques designed to compensate for the negative effects of both detrimental cognitive and noncognitive factors.  相似文献   

Changes in the new Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1990 have added to existing state and regional accrediting agency pressures for competency‐based instruction. Because of these increasing pressures, deans, department chairs, and administrators of federal vocational funds administered under the act are, and will continue to be, required to provide evidence that their programs are competency based. A three‐step model to competency‐based programs as well as administrator guidelines for needed documentation are presented.  相似文献   

Recently, Patterson and Dancer (1987) suggested a model wherein persons who normally come in contact with older hearing‐impaired persons can be trained to assist the older hearing‐aid user in adjustment to amplification. Their four‐phase educational model offers an alternative to traditional aural rehabilitation programs by using personnel from senior centers, nursing homes, and state and local agencies as program providers.

The present article elaborates more fully on the training that protocol providers will receive from audiologists certified by the American Speech‐Language‐Hearing Association. Providers will be carried through five stages: empathy, effective communication skills, knowledge of the interaction of aging and hearing loss, the phases outlined in the Patterson and Dancer model, and guidelines for referrals. Objective‐based provider and client response criteria are outlined for moving the client from the initial receipt of the hearing aid to its ultimate acceptance and use on a doily basis.  相似文献   

It is worth to mention that Eq.(19) can be found alternatively first by describing the boundary conditions at each of the sampling points to obtain a set of linear equations with respect to the modal coefficients Then, determining the number of sampling points in order that the number of linear equations be twice the number of unknowns  相似文献   

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