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By reflecting on a variety of cartoon representations of teachers and their work, this paper outlines a semiotic approach to undertaking research on teachers’ professional cultures.  相似文献   

Planning for shared schooling in Northern Ireland requires a re-consideration of the decision-making processes that underpin the choices made by parents and a re-thinking of the nature and purpose of alternative modes of educating young people from the different communities together. The article provides evidence that demand for existing integrated schools in Northern Ireland is growing at a rapid rate and that there is a need to ensure that school places are provided where demand exists. Given recent developments in Scotland, however, in relation to shared schools, it is suggested that new approaches may involve examining the application of this policy to Northern Ireland and, also, opening debate concerning the potential for further development of new forms of shared schooling. These new possibilities offer opportunities to enable young people to encounter a broader range of peers and experience more diverse cultures while retaining the support of the current Controlled (Protestant) and Maintained (Catholic) sectors. The fraught journey towards integrated education in a divided society has implications for European societies where religious belief, intertwined with ethnicity, has been implicated in communal discord and conflict.  相似文献   

Background: Integrated schools were established in Northern Ireland in the early 1980s. With an explicit intention to build better relations between Catholics and Protestants, it has an intuitive appeal in a society which has long experienced sectarian division. Whilst the sector has attracted considerable research, less is understood about how parents’ perceive the approach adopted by schools to build intergroup relations.

Purpose: The present article seeks to address the gap in the literature by exploring parents’ views of integrated education. Drawing on theories of intergroup contact, the paper seeks specifically to explore how parents and head teachers perceive and negotiate the approach that the schools adopt to build intergroup relations.

Method: In an attempt to probe the deeper meanings that participants attach to integrated education, a qualitative research approach was adopted; semi-structured interviews were carried out with 17 parents and 2 head teachers in two integrated primary schools.

Findings: Through the data analyses, three main aspects were evident. Firstly, the study reveals something of the relational dynamic between head teachers and parents and the significance of this relationship for determining how intergroup relations are pursued in integrated schools. Secondly, it highlights the nebulous nature of identity salience and the practical challenges of making identity salient within mixed identity contexts. Finally, the study suggests the value of qualitative approaches for exploring intergroup contact initiatives.

Conclusions: Overall, the paper demonstrates the inherent challenges of establishing an integrated school where good relations will be developed when multiple interpretations of what constitutes an appropriate response to difference and diversity prevails.  相似文献   


The 1992 Education Project Report of the Standing Advisory Committee on Human Rights draws attention to the imbalance in science and technology provision between Catholic and Protestant schools in Northern Ireland and to differences in the science curriculum experienced by boys and girls. The concern of the Commission is that differences in science provision may adversely impact upon the employment prospects of Catholics and girls in careers which require scientific skills and knowledge. This article argues that poor science provision adversely impacts upon a much wider range of careers, namely, all careers where entry is regulated through cognitive tests. The widely‐employed AH5 test is used to represent the selection test component of the selection procedure. For a representative 1‐in‐4 sample of all Northern Ireland lower sixth form pupils, and all sub‐samples thereof, it is demonstrated that, in a selection procedure involving the AH5 test, Catholic girls are most likely to be deselected.  相似文献   

Sociologists exploring educational injustice often focus on socio-economic segregation as a central measure of injustice. The comprehensive ideal, furthermore, has the idea of socio-economic integration built into it. The current paper argues that socio-economic segregation is valuable only insofar as it serves other, more fundamental values. This matters because sometimes policy-makers will find themselves facing trade-offs between increasing integration and promoting the other, more fundamental values that underpin the value of integration.  相似文献   

Racist attitudes towards, and attacks on, the minority ethnic populations in Northern Ireland (NI) have increased dramatically over the last number of years. Despite the increased media attention regarding racist attacks, the fallacy that racism is not a major problem in NI is an enduring one. However, there is a growing recognition that minority ethnic communities experience a diverse range of racial harassment. Education is a mode promoted by national and European governments as the vehicle in which anti-racism programmes can be delivered. This article suggests the impending introduction of a statutory citizenship education (CE) component to the revised NI curriculum from September 2007 can play an important role in tackling the high levels of racism being experienced by the minority ethnic population in NI.  相似文献   

爱尔兰作为一个多民族的国家,一直备受国内多元文化的冲击、种族冲突与宗教矛盾问题的困扰。而爱尔兰国内的跨文化教育历史悠久,经历早期发展、演变、深化发展等阶段,直至今日仍颇受社会各界重视。爱尔兰小学开展的跨文化教育实践主要有:以课程为导向的跨文化教育内容、注重打造包容性与跨文化性的学校规划、在课堂准备中落实跨文化教育理念等形式。  相似文献   

This paper critically considers teacher education in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It was stimulated by an exchange programme between student teachers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for a period of school‐based work in each other's jurisdictions. It examines recent curricular developments, partnership with schools, college requirements and cultural diversity. It also contrasts the effects these have had on student teacher preparation, classroom delivery and tutor involvement in student teacher development. The highly prescribed and assessed Northern Ireland curriculum will be contrasted with that of the Republic of Ireland, which appears to offer more in terms of freedom, flexibility and independence in planning. Different supervisory practices and responsibilities for the assessment of student teachers' practical teaching will be compared in both jurisdictions. The tutors in the Republic of Ireland exercise more control over student teachers' preparation and professional development for teaching, while in Northern Ireland the partnership arrangements have given more influence to schools. The paper illuminates the shift of locus of control and influence of Colleges of Education in Northern Ireland in the education of student teachers, while in the Republic of Ireland Colleges of Education have retained their influence. The curricular expertise of supervisors in the Republic of Ireland is recognized and accepted by the schools, while in Northern Ireland the rise in significance of curriculum expertise in the Curriculum Advisory and Support Service (CASS) of the Education and Library Boards has undermined the influence and expertise of college tutors.

Cet article considère en critique l'éducation de professeur en Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande. Elle a été stimulée par un programme d'échange entre les professeurs d'étudiant d'Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande pendant une période d'école a basé le travail dans des juridictions de chacun. Elle examine des développements curriculaires récents, l'association avec des écoles, des conditions d'université et la diversité culturelle. Elle contraste également les effets que ceux‐ci ont eus sur la préparation de professeur d'étudiant, la livraison de salle de classe et la participation de précepteur dans le développement de professeur d'étudiant. Le programme d'études fortement prescrit et évalué de l'Irlande du Nord sera contrasté avec celui de la République de l'Irlande, qui semble offrir plus en termes de liberté, flexibilité et indépendance dans la planification. Différentes pratiques et responsabilités de surveillance de l'évaluation de l'enseignement pratique des professeurs d'étudiant seront comparées dans les deux juridictions. Les précepteurs dans la République de l'Irlande exercent plus de contrôle de la préparation des professeurs d'étudiant et du développement de professionnel pour enseigner tandis qu'en Irlande du Nord, les arrangements d'association ont donné plus d'influence aux écoles. Le papier élucide le décalage du lieu de la commande et influence des universités de l'éducation en Irlande du Nord dans l'éducation des professeurs d'étudiant, alors que dans la République de l'Irlande, les universités de l'éducation ont maintenu leur influence. L'expertise curriculaire des surveillants dans la République de l'Irlande est identifiée et admis par les écoles, alors qu'en Irlande du Nord l'élévation de la signification de l'expertise de programme d'études dans le programme d'études consultatif et le service de support (CASS) de l'éducation et des conseils de bibliothèque, a miné l'influence et l'expertise des précepteurs d'université.

Este papel crítico considerar profesor educación en Irlanda del Norte y república Irlanda. Fue estimulado por un programa del intercambio entre los profesores del estudiante de Irlanda del Norte y la república de Irlanda por un período de la escuela basó el trabajo en cada otras jurisdicciones. Examina progresos del plan de estudios recientes, sociedad con las escuelas, requisitos de la universidad y diversidad cultural. También pone en contraste los efectos que éstas han tenido en la preparación del profesor del estudiante, la entrega de la sala de clase y la implicación del profesor particular en el desarrollo del profesor del estudiante. El plan de estudios altamente prescrito y determinado de Irlanda del Norte será puesto en contraste con el de la república de Irlanda, que aparece ofrecer más en términos de la libertad, de la flexibilidad y de la independencia en el planeamiento. Las diversas prácticas y responsabilidades de supervisión del gravamen de la enseñanza práctica de los profesores del estudiante serán comparadas en ambas jurisdicciones. Los profesores particulares en la república de Irlanda ejercitan más control sobre mientras que la preparación de los profesores del estudiante y desarrollo del profesional para enseñar en Irlanda del Norte, los arreglos de la sociedad han dado más influencia a las escuelas. El papel ilumina la cambio del lugar geométrico del control e influencia de universidades de la educación en Irlanda del Norte en la educación de los profesores del estudiante, mientras que en la república de Irlanda, las universidades de la educación han conservado su influencia. La maestría del plan de estudios de supervisores en la república de Irlanda se reconoce y aceptado por las escuelas, en mientras que en Irlanda del Norte la subida de la significación de la maestría del plan de estudios el plan de estudios consultivo y el servicio de ayuda (CASS) de la educación y de los tableros de la biblioteca, ha minado la influencia y maestría de los profesores particulares de la universidad.

Sie dieses Papier betrachtet kritisch Lehrerausbildung in Nordirland und in der Republik von Irland. Es wurde durch ein Austauschprogramm zwischen Kursteilnehmerlehrern von Nordirland angeregt und die Republik von Irland während einer Periode der Schule gründete Arbeit in den jeder des anderen Jurisdiktionen. Sie überprüft neue Lehrplanentwicklungen, Teilhaberschaft mit Schulen, Hochschulanforderungen und kulturelle Verschiedenartigkeit. Sie kontrastiert auch die Effekte, die diese auf Kursteilnehmerlehrervorbereitung gehabt haben, Klassenzimmeranlieferung und Tutormiteinbeziehung in der Kursteilnehmerlehrerentwicklung. Der in hohem Grade vorgeschriebene und festgesetzte Nordirlandlehrplan wird zu dem der Republik von Irland kontrastiert, das scheint, mehr in Freiheit, Flexibilität und Unabhängigkeit in der Planung ausgedrückt anzubieten. Unterschiedliche Überwachungspraxis und Verantwortlichkeiten für die Einschätzung des praktischen Unterrichts der Kursteilnehmerlehrer werden in beiden Jurisdiktionen verglichen. Die Tutore in der Republik von Irland üben mehr Steuerung über Vorbereitung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer und Fachmanentwicklung für das Unterrichten während in Nordirland, die Teilhaberschaftsvorbereitungen haben gegeben mehr Einfluß zu den Schulen aus. Das Papier belichtet die Verschiebung des Ortes der Steuerung und Einfluß der Hochschulen der Ausbildung in Nordirland in der Ausbildung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer, während in der Republik von Irland, Hochschulen der Ausbildung ihren Einfluß behalten haben. Die Lehrplansachkenntnis der Inspektoren in der Republik von Irland wird erkannt und angenommen durch die Schulen, während in Nordirland hat der Aufstieg in der Bedeutung der Lehrplansachkenntnis im beratenden Lehrplan und im Beistandsservice (CASS) der Ausbildung und der Bibliothekbretter, den Einfluß und die Sachkenntnis der Hochschultutore untergraben.  相似文献   

A key concept in contemporary Catholic educational discourse makes a distinction between religious education and catechesis. This distinction is based on the assumptions of faith commitment on the part of catechesis and the focus on cognitive outcomes on the part of religious education. Many official documents on Canadian Catholic school education, however, reflect an understanding that closely associated catechesis with religious education or fail to sufficiently distinguish between the two. The article argues that changes in contemporary culture make catechetical models of religious education problematic and that Catholic schools in Canada would be well served by an approach that emphasizes the educational goals of religious education. This is not to say that catechesis has no place in religious education but this is best achieved by making use of cognitive and effective outcomes in lesson planning and realizing that the school as a whole has many opportunities to foster catechesis.  相似文献   

Higher education participation in Northern Ireland is higher than England and Wales and second only to Scotland. This paper charts the progress of participation and examines its social characteristics. Uniquely within the UK, approximately one-third of Northern Ireland entrants come from working class backgrounds. Catholic and female participation has also increased significantly but the participation of mature entrants is lower than in the rest of the UK. High participation levels have been achieved, however, by large numbers of entrants leaving to study in Scotland and England. There is a significant undersupply of higher education places in Northern Ireland when compared with either Scotland or Wales. With the costs of higher education being increasingly borne by individual students and their families there is already evidence that more students would prefer to remain in Northern Ireland to study. Increasing pressure on places is driving up A-level entry requirements and many students are forced to leave Northern Ireland to study or not to study in higher education. These developments threaten the advances made by particular social groups. Lifting the MASN cap in Northern Ireland is a significant policy objective.  相似文献   

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