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OECD从终身学习的框架出发,对学生的阅读、数学和科学三个方面进行评估.在该评估项目中,OECD对学生评价的功能、评价主体、收集信息的方式以及评价方法都做了新的阐述,分析了影响学生成绩的因素--学生性别、家庭背景、学习环境和学校组织等,使政策制定者更清楚地了解影响教育成功的因素.  相似文献   

由经济合作及发展组织(OECD)策划的“学生能力国际评估计划”(简称PISA)计划显示,香港学生在数学、解难能力及科学三方面成绩优异,在41个国家或地区的排名中跻身三甲,其中数学能力更排在首位。调查同时显示,香港的“尖子”生与成绩稍逊学生的得分差距小于全球平均标准,反映了香港教育能够兼顾成绩优与劣的学生。然而,香港学生的阅读能力相较上次调查结果,跌至全球第10位。  相似文献   

升入高中以后,相当多的学生在数学学习中表现出较大的不适应.高中数学与初中数学相比,存在知识点多,内容抽象、逻辑性强等特点,加之初中教师在教学中过于注重各种题型的机械重复训练,学生自主探究学习能力受到限制,使得部分学生在高中数学学习中难以跟上教学节奏.一、预习高中数学教学内容广度、深度和难度大大增加,再加上安排的课时相对较少,必然造成教学进度偏快,留给学生消化理解的时间相对较少,因此,要想在课堂上紧跟老师的思  相似文献   

PISA是经济合作与发展组织发起的国际学生评估项目(The OECD Program me for International Student As-sessment),对主要工业化国家15岁学生进行三年一次的知识和技能调查,调查的内容为阅读、数学和科学能力.PISA由经合组织的成员国政府组织开展,由国际专家共同进行评估工作,其结果在不同的国家和文化背景下都具有可比性.中国也将参与到这项调查中来.  相似文献   

学生对数学学习的兴趣直接决定了他对数学这门学科的努力程度。本文通过研究高一年级学生数学学习兴趣的现状,进一步探讨分析高一年级学生数学学习兴趣的培养。  相似文献   

新课标指出:义务教育阶段的数学课程的基本出发点,应遵循学生学习数学的心理规律,应该使学生获得对数学理解的同时,在思维能力、情感态度与价值观等方面得到进步和发展。学生“情感态度与价值观”第一次出现在国家数学课程的指导性文件上,并且与“知识技能”、“数学思考”和“解决问题”一起组成义务教育阶段数学课程的总目标,令人耳目一新,这必将对我国今后的数学产生积极和深远的影响。那么如何保护学生良好的数学情感与态度呢?[第一段]  相似文献   

高一学生学习数学的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 问题的提出众所周知 :每一位学生从初中到高中不仅有一个教学内容衔接的问题 ,而且还应有一个学习方式如何调适的问题 ,数学学科尤其如此 .但我们却常常听到高中数学老师埋怨 :初中数学内容就那么一点点 ,炒来炒去把学生的大脑都搞僵化了 ,这样的学生到高中一点也不适应 ,叫我们怎么教 ?而家长却一头雾水 :孩子在初中时 ,数学那么优秀 ,到了高中怎么就不行呢 ?教师的直觉与责任感告诉我们 :事情远非如此简单 ,而教育界在此方面的研究还不够 ,同时每个学段都程度不同地存在类似的问题 ,如许多高考尖子进入高校后 ,他们的成绩远没有他们早…  相似文献   

针对高中扩容后,高一学生的数学学习出现严重分化、大面积学生掉队的问题,提出运用"九商"成功论激励学生上进精神,认真定好学习计划,坚持每周学习自评估的措施,经过在两个班进行了一年的对比"实验",上述措施收到较好效果.  相似文献   

一、课题的提出 爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是最好的老师”。学生对某个科目的学习兴趣如何,直接影响着他对这门课程的学习效果。因此,在教学中,培养学生的学习兴趣至关重要。作为一名一线的数学教师,我选择这一课题的目的是,了解高一学生学习数学兴趣的现状,以及影响他们学习数学兴趣的因素,从而,在今后的教学中有意识地去培养他们学习数学的兴趣,提高数学教学的效果。[第一段]  相似文献   

学习困难是中小学生中较为普遍的现象,它阻碍学生的健康、全面发展,影响教育质量。数学学习困难问题是学习困难学生的子问题。以往的一些研究对学生非智力因素中的情感因素研究较少。针对这种情况,本文以教育心理学、学习理论为指导,在考察了国内外已有研完的基础上,对我省凡所中学进行了抽样调壹和分析,从中概括出了数学学习困难学生的情感特征.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the impact of PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) on international scientific journals. A bibliometric analysis was conducted of publications included in three main scientific publication databases: Eric, EBSCOhost and the ISI Web of Knowledge, from 2002 to 2010. The paper focused on four main questions: who carried out these studies, in which academic journals have the articles been published, what has been the evolution of these publications and what were the main article topics? The study concludes that PISA has had a considerable impact on the scientific research, reflected primarily by university-based authors from the areas of education and social sciences analysing student performance. The evolution since 2007 seems to indicate that more articles will be published in coming years through the initiative of researchers (rather than the editorial boards), even from other scientific areas, thus increasing the number of topics of analysis.  相似文献   


Based on concerns about the item response theory (IRT) linking approach used in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) until 2012 as well as the desire to include new, more complex, interactive items with the introduction of computer-based assessments, alternative IRT linking methods were implemented in the 2015 PISA round. The new linking method represents a concurrent calibration using all available data, enabling us to find item parameters that maximize fit across all groups and allowing us to investigate measurement invariance across groups. Apart from the Rasch model that historically has been used in PISA operational analyses, we compared our method against more general IRT models that can incorporate item-by-country interactions. The results suggest that our proposed method holds promise not only to provide a strong linkage across countries and cycles but also to serve as a tool for investigating measurement invariance.  相似文献   

SOLO是一种源于皮亚杰发展阶段论的评测工具,其初衷是为了诊断并改进教学。PISA则是生发于实践并得以大规模运用的评测工具,其评价目的是为了进行国际比较。通过对SOLO水平层次与PISA评估等级水平之间的比较分析发现,SOLO各层次水平特征与PISA多数评估等级的陈述有着内在一致性。  相似文献   

This paper first provides a brief overview of the history and current usage of the concept of competence in academic research, and then undertakes a critical discussion of how the term is currently used in educational policy. The running example used throughout the paper is competence in foreign language learning. The PISA study is discussed to demonstrate how the concept of competence has come to prominence in the international discourse on education in recent years. Following this, particular attention is given to the situation in Germany where there has been a shift towards competence as an aim of teaching in recent years, coupled with an increased focus on standards and accountability. The relationship between competence and standards is examined critically, since some authors appear to use the two interchangeably whether or not this is justified. Finally, the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) and a German curriculum document are examined critically with regard to their use of the concept of competence.  相似文献   

专业视野中的PISA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近来,国际学生评估项目(PISA)备受国内外关注。PISA项目缘于发达国家对基础教育质量的反思,是一项以改善教育政策为导向的跨国测试研究。本文解读了PISA测试独创的素养及其内涵结构,探究了PISA研究试图解释的学生素养形成与学生个人参与及学习策略间的关系,分析了PISA研究试图发现的学生素养与家庭影响、学校均衡、教育公平的关系。本文认为,公平而卓越正在成为发达国家和国际组织衡量基础教育质量的新尺度;多维度、多学科、重数据与国际参照已经成为教育研究与教育评价的重要发展方向;教育政策的制定应该建立在研究、数据和证据的基础上。  相似文献   

关于三项著名国际学生评价项目的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全国教育进展评价 (简称NAEP)、第三次国际数学和科学教育的再研究 (简称TIMSS -R)和国际学生评价项目 (简称PISA)是当前国际间最为著名的学生评价项目 ,本文拟就 2 0 0 0年NAEP的 8年级评估、TIMSS -R的 8年级评估和PISA三项评价项目的数学和科学领域评估做一比较 ,以便我们了解这些评估的实施背景、基本框架和评估内容  相似文献   

The outstanding performance of students in four Chinese provinces and municipalities in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 is inextricably linked to local resource support, excellent education traditions, and ongoing curriculum and teaching reform. However, deepening education reform requires attention to existing challenges, including large inter school gaps, the shortage of teachers in urban and rural areas, as well as students’ heavy schoolwork burden and low level of well-being. Therefore, several policy suggestions are proposed accordingly: gaining insight into and developing higher quality and fairer education, pursuing effective actions of education reform, and exploring innovative pathways to address educational problems.  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative supply of teachers has a significant influence on student academic performance. Based on the samples collected from four provinces and municipalities in China for the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018, this study analyzes the effects of the supply of teachers on the academic performance of 15-year-old students through a hierarchical linear model (HLM) as well as a quantile regression model. The study has found that the shortage of teachers and the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree significantly affect student academic performance, and the supply of teachers with higher degrees has a decreasing marginal benefit on student academic performance; its best marginal benefit on student academic performance is achieved when the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree reaches about 75%. For students in different academic performance subgroups, the marginal benefit of an increase in the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree in schools is higher for “top students” than for “students with learning difficulties.” In terms of the difference between urban and rural areas, the shortage of teachers in rural schools is more prominent than that in urban schools, and teachers with higher degrees tend to cluster in core cities. The marginal benefit of an increase in the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree is higher for improving student academic performance in rural areas. Therefore, it is recommended to design a policy of differentiated compensatory earnings for rural teachers, and efforts should be enhanced to promote programs for supporting high-quality teachers. In addition, the allocation of teachers should follow the principle of “differentiated equity,” and more differentiated teaching strategies should be adopted for students with different academic abilities.  相似文献   

During recent years, many schools have started to implement information and communication technologies (ICTs)-based learning devices (such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and active boards) in the classroom settings in order to increase learning outcomes. The aim of this study is to find which activities and outcomes are evident in the usages of computing devices and how those devices aid elementary-level students in their learning activities. The study includes five overt participant observations at some schools in a Swedish municipality including unstructured interviews and explains the findings through activity theory and the Alberta Education Framework for Student Learning . The major activities found were dealing with the (1) educational application assignments, (2) storytelling, (3) report writing and (4) practical interaction assignments. We concluded that ICTs aid students in becoming more concentrated, focus driven, engaged and amused, thus learning becomes more interesting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the salient characteristics of the ‘Question-Answer Process’ (QAP) in senior high school chemistry class between pre- and in-service teachers. We first developed the ‘Instrument of Question-Answer Process’ (IQAP), and then, applied it to compare salient characteristics of QAP between pre- and in-service teachers. Data collection consists of classroom observation and structured-interview. Participants are seven pre-service and seven in-service chemistry teachers. The results are: (a) Both pre-and in-service teachers ask most of the questions and students ask few questions; (b) Pre-service teachers ask more lower cognitive level questions, while in-service teachers ask more higher cognitive level questions; (c) Pre-service teachers tend to ask non-volunteer students while in-service teachers tend to ask volunteer students to respond; (d) Pre-service teachers tend to be ‘no feedback or ignore’ after students provide answers and both pre- and in-service teachers seldom guide students to reflect on answers; and (e) The frequency of authority of ‘student’ in pre-service teachers’ class is much higher than those in in-service teachers’ class, while the frequency of authority of ‘teacher and student’ is much lower than those of in-service teachers’ class.  相似文献   

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