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教师发展策略即教师成长的重要手段。在不同的成长阶段,教师应侧重不同的发展策略。文章根据教师在成长过程中主要目的的变化,将教师的成长过程分为职业定向、职业适应、职业调整和职业成熟四个阶段,并在此基础上依次提出富有针时性的教师发展策略。  相似文献   

教师专业发展是指教师个人职业能力的成长和进步,教师的成长是贯穿整个职业生涯的。教师在与教育对象的互动过程中,能够不断调整自己的思想观念、价值取向,丰富自己的专业知识,提高自己的教学技能,满足自身各个不同时期不同层次的需要,从而表现出与其职业发展阶段相适应的教师角色行为。可以说,教师的专业化成长是一个从业的过程。通过这一过程,教师得以更新专业结构、提升专业水平、获取持续发展的经验。 一、青年教师的群体优势和劣势  相似文献   

教师职业社会化与教师管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业社会化指教师个体在知识、经验、能力和个性等方面不断适应教师这一特殊社会角色的过程,可以简要地将教师职业社会化理解为职业成长的过程,也就是教师在职业上变得更加成熟的过程。在这方面研究中较具特色的是斯特菲的研究,它将教师的职业社会化过程分为六个阶段:实习教师阶段;新教师阶段;专业化教师阶段;专家型教师阶段;杰出教师阶段;退休教师阶段。作为学校管理可依据这一理论,来制定与之相对应的评价标准,为所有的教师成长创造条件,对处于不发展阶段的教师提供更富有针对性的帮助。  相似文献   

专业成长是职业幸福感的一个因素,而职业幸福感是专业成长的一个动力。从教师心理发展的角度出发,考虑到教师自身个体可持续发展的需要,探索促进其成长的策略,我们通过调查问卷,了解教师发展的不同需求,努力做到尊重教师的内在需求,制定规划,让教师在成长体验中感受幸福;以期在校本研修中提升教师的职业幸福感,从而促进教师的专业成长,成就幸福教师,幸福学生。  相似文献   

采用定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,调查了重庆市黔江区农村小学教师专业成长的现状。影响农村小学教师专业成长的内部因素包括知识结构与水平、教学经验与技能、职业发展动机、自我评价机制等;外部因素包括国家教育政策、学校文化氛围、家庭环境等。促进教师专业成长必须坚持多元化策略,教育主管部门、学校和教师自身都要采取不同的方式,在教师成长的各个阶段进行有效的引导和帮助。  相似文献   

新教师是高等职业院校教育事业发展的动力,在高职院校师资队伍建设中有着举足轻重的地位,新教师培养是高职院校师资队伍建设的重要内容。对新教师的职业成长进行关注与研究,根据新教师的职业成长规律制定相应的新教师培养制度,采取有针对性的培养举措,能够大力促进新教师成长。本文在职业发展阶段理论的指导下,对高等职业院校新教师职业成长路径进行探究,从新教师职业成长的必要性以及职业成长的目标着手,根据新教师职业成长所经历的适应阶段、调整与成熟阶段、停滞与更新阶段、退出阶段等各个阶段的特征与需求,研究促进新教师职业成长的相关措施。  相似文献   

教师专业阶段化发展是把教师的发展历程视为一个分阶段不断发展的过程。采用访谈作为收集质性资料的方法,运用内容分析法开展质性研究,将教师发展阶段分为新手阶段、能力构建期阶段、职业稳定期阶段和专家阶段,并将教师专业发展与职业周期、生命周期以及家庭周期有机融合,多视角解读教师专业发展各阶段影响因素,给出教师专业阶段发展的具体策略。研究表明,对新手教师的激励措施和支持体系应重点关注其对组织系统的融入以及对教师角色的理解;对能力构建期教师应重点关注其教学技能的改进,给予其学习的机会;对职业稳定期教师应重点处理职业高原、职业倦怠或专业成长机会缺乏的问题,以促进理论知识与实践应用的深入融合;对专家教师则应满足其分享专业才能的需要,以任务导向和破解专业发展难题为主要着力点。  相似文献   

本文分析了新手型、熟手型和专家型教师处于专业发展不同阶段在教学策略、工作动机、职业承诺和职业倦怠的特点,指出应依据教师专业发展不同阶段的特点采取相应的教师教育措施:加强对新手型教师成长的干预;充分认识熟手阶段的敏感性和关键性;充分发挥专家型教师的优势。  相似文献   

教师教育是当前教育研究中的热点问题,文章从教师成长的三个哲学层面:本我、自我、超我,思考教师成长的需求,运用教师成长三阶段理论,论教师从新手成长成为专家教师的途径,是沿着职业养成、职业自我认定、职业自我更新的一个梯度上升过程,同时呼吁对外语教师的成长应该从心理过程和环境过程予以关注。  相似文献   

本文分析了新手型、熟手型和专家型教师处于专业发展不同阶段在教学策略、工作动机、职业承诺和职业倦怠的特点,指出应依据教师专业发展不同阶段的特点采取相应的教师教育措施:加强对新手型教师成长的干预;充分认识熟手阶段的敏感性和关键性;充分发挥专家型教师的优势。  相似文献   

This paper describes a method of analysing teacher growth in the context of science education. It focuses on the identification of pathways in the development of secondary school teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) by the use of the interconnected model of teachers’ professional growth (IMTPG).The teachers (n = 12) participated in a one-year action research project focused on their individual concerns related to teaching science. The use of the IMTPG revealed that teachers use different pathways of learning to develop different aspects of their PCK. For each PCK component, three distinct pathways could be identified, two of which clearly were associated with professional growth. When examining these two pathways in detail, it was found that (1) teachers learned about new instructional strategies and assessment methods mostly through literature reviews and discussions with peers and (2) teachers who analyzed and reflected on student learning as it happened in their classrooms developed understandings that helped them to select and apply instructional strategies to further promote student learning. Both the analytical method as well as the identification of the different developmental pathways help to better understand teacher development in the context of classroom practices.  相似文献   

发展性教师教育评价关注评价客体的个体差异性,以发展性、主体性、终身性为特征,旨在提高师范生专业认同感、培养教师职业胜任能力以及职业认同感、通过任务驱动缓解职业倦怠.为了解决评价理念方面的困惑,元评价能力发展不平衡,以及与终结性评价引发的冲突,提出充分体现教学评价中学习者的主体地位,注重人文关怀;优化教师招聘制度,进一步...  相似文献   

The distinction between general early childhood education and special education on the issue of the essential characteristics of play, developmental appropriateness, and an emphasis on teacher directiveness, external contingencies, and correct products may help explain the relatively small body of work focused on teaching preschool children with developmental concerns how to appropriately engage in play with toys. Appropriately designed intervention is not only compatible with the concept of play, many children require intervention to support their continued development. The purpose of this paper is to explore the applied research in which object-related play skills of preschool children with developmental concerns are enhanced through intervention strategies. Guidelines for teaching toy play will be presented and strategies to promote generalisation and maintenance will be discussed.  相似文献   

教师成长贯穿于职业生涯全过程,是教师在不同成长阶段中所呈现的专业和精神上的进阶式可视化的能动型映照。基于教师职业发展阶段理论、建构主义学习理论和教师发展影响因素论,立足高职院校教师成长的现实必要,构建“专业—精神”共生的教师成长“五阶梯”,在此框架结构下提出培养教师成长意识和成长型思维、设计贯穿生涯发展的教师培养体系、重塑教师成长方式、营造平等民主自由的支援性环境等推动策略,以期为高职院校教师发展提供新思路。  相似文献   

Recent educational policy in India has repositioned elementary school teachers as active, reflective practitioners, not just ‘deliverers’ of syllabus material. This article examines innovations in teacher support in Rajasthan's government schools through the ‘Quality Education Program.’ Drawing on qualitative research of collaborative learning processes, the paper discusses two support strategies used by the program: professional dialogic interactions and modeling of pedagogic strategies, which paralleled introductory or developmental phases within a ‘collaborative apprenticeship model’ of teacher professional development. In doing so, the paper outlines the potential of situated, collaborative approaches for Indian in-service teacher education and education development reform, more broadly.  相似文献   

文章基于对国际教师教育发展历程的考察,归纳分析了美国职前教师教育中有效促进职前教师专业学习与成长的教育实习指导策略,以供国内师范院校开展教育实习活动时借鉴、学习。  相似文献   

This study characterizes how learning and teaching differs as the responsibility for choosing curriculum goals and the strategies to reach those goals shifts between teacher and the students. Three different pedagogical approaches were used with 125 seventh‐grade and eighth‐grade students. All three curricula focus on electromagnetism, and were taught by two teachers in different schools over a two‐week period. When students had control over the strategies employed to reach goals, their engagement stayed high. All three curricula advanced student understanding to some degree; however, large and significant gains were seen only for the pedagogy in which teachers set the specific learning goals and students had control over how to achieve them. Microdevelopment, a principle by which short‐term learning recapitulates the stages seen in long‐term developmental growth, is found to be a useful framework for curriculum development and for analyzing changes in student understanding. In general, initial “tinkering” activities are best followed by attempts at representing phenomena, only then to be followed by abstract conceptualization. On balance, we find that students benefit most from freedom to control the procedures that they generate in response to well‐structured goals presented by the teacher.  相似文献   

只有教师不断成长和发展,才有学生的不断成长和发展。因此,作为学校管理者,必须有"教师第一"的思想。在打造一流教师队伍的过程中,校长要率先垂范,引领教师铸造"硬功",彰显"外功",打造"内功";要用制度增强教职工的认同感、归属感,形成共同的价值追求;对于处于不同发展期的教师,学校应采取不同的引领方式和策略。  相似文献   

提高班主任管理工作效率非常重要,它可以营造良好的成长环境,提升学生的学习质量,促进学生健康成长。文章针对班主任管理工作存在的问题,从强化对学生的人性化管理、提升学生的自我管理能力、多跟学生进行友好的沟通、加强与学生家长的合作、注重以身作则等方面,对提高班主任管理工作效率的策略进行研究。  相似文献   

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