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姜艺  黄永  夏义堃  李鹏程  陆伟 《情报学报》2021,40(2):152-162
传统的关键词自动抽取常以候选词的出现频次、位置等非语义信息构建特征,并未考虑关键词在学术文献中承担的特定语义角色,即词汇功能。通过对现有数据统计,本文发现作者标注关键词中约有67.99%是研究问题或研究方法词。因此,本文将关键词的词汇功能分为三类:"研究问题""研究方法"和"其他",在传统的词频特征以及位置特征基础上,融合词汇功能特征,使用计算机领域的学术文献基于分类和排序两种思想进行关键词抽取实验。实验结果表明,融合词汇功能后,关键词抽取效果得到明显提升。相较于基准实验,二分类模型的准确率Acc和F值分别相对提升24.63%和25.19%,达到了0.840和0.666;排序模型的MAP、NDCG@5和P@5分别相对提升168.32%、189.50%和148.30%,提升至0.813、0.828和0.447,证明了学术文献词汇功能特征在关键词自动抽取中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

科技期刊学术质量评价体系的动态优化   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:11  
姜联合 《编辑学报》2001,13(5):251-252
在科技期刊学术质量评价静态指标(影响因子、被引频次、即年指数)的基础上,提出测定科技期刊学术质量发展趋势的动态指标-趋势指数,及测定期刊学术质量稳定性的动态指标-稳定指数。据此对科技期刊学术质量评价体系进行动态优化,并对国内外24种植物学期刊运用层次分析法进行了综合指数的评价。  相似文献   

传统学术评价方法与h指数的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析学术评价的对象、定义及作用的基础上,比较了传统学术评价方法与h指数的优缺点,指出学术评价是一个复杂的课题,我们在具体评价某人或机构的学术成就时,要结合学科特点、评价目的及评价方法自身特点,综合运用这些方法,客观地、合理地进行学术评价。  相似文献   

获奖图书的学术评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙宇 《出版科学》2008,16(3):46-48
选取21种医学获奖图书作为样本,通过清华同方引文数据库和维普引文数据库,借用引文计量分析方法,统计图书被引频次、作者被引频次、作者h指数、出版社h指数。研究结果显示h指数可以作为图书学术评估的一个定量评价。  相似文献   

大学的学术矩阵和学术迹探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
用新型学术测度——学术矩阵和学术迹对15所国外著名大学和8所中国著名大学进行了量化测评,在展示1年-3年-5年学术迹演化曲线的同时,用学术矩阵对个别中外大学进行了个性化比较,揭示出国内外大学的差距。大学的学术迹T与h指数存在较强正相关关系。学术矩阵和学术迹方法适用于各类学术个体和学术团体测评。  相似文献   

以Web of Science为来源数据库,以上海交通大学的Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)为样本来源,测算世界著名大学及代表性学科的h指数,分析h指数的分布特点,并进行h指数与ARWU评价指标体系之间的关联性分析。结果表明:学科间h指数不同,不具有跨学科可比性;h指数与ARWU评价指标体系之间存在很强的相关关系。  相似文献   

馆藏核心期刊的综合评价法——主成分分析法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提出用主成分分析法来评价馆藏核心期刊,论述其原理和方法,指出主成分分析法可 科学地确定各指标的权重,判定影响整个评价体系的主要因素,同时指出其不足之处。  相似文献   

为弥补在传统学术交流领域中仅仅通过文章引用和期刊影响因子进行学术质量评价的局限性和时滞性,本文提出并构建了以引文指标衡量学术影响力和以altmetrics指数衡量网络影响力的加权模糊运算模型,认为该评价模型适用于对自媒体环境下的人文社科学术文献进行质量评价,从而能够从多个维度全面反映人文社会科学学术文献的真实状况和水准。  相似文献   

论文围绕一种全新的学术评价方法--h指数,从h指数的提出谈起.阐述它对期刊的评价和衡量机制,分析其对论文作者个人学术成就的评价原理,并和传统的学术科研评价体系进行比较,在充分肯定其进步意义的基础上指出其存在的缺陷和不足之处,预测其未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

作为当代中国著名的图书馆学情报学家和图书馆学情报学教育家,周文骏先生半个多世纪在一线工作、科研、教学等方面都为我国图书情报事业做出了杰出的贡献,以"文献交流论"为代表的思想体系影响博大而深远。先生为人处世淡泊宁静、襟怀坦荡,老骥伏枥依然心系图书情报事业和教育,也为后学树立了楷模。  相似文献   

邓衍林,我国图书馆学家、目录学家和参考咨询专家,曾在文华图书馆学专科学校、西南联合大学师范学院、美国哥伦比亚大学研究院求学,先后在江西省立图书馆、国立北平图书馆、哈佛燕京图书馆、联合国秘书处工作,1956年冲破阻挠返国,服务于北京大学图书馆学系,受到周恩来总理三次接见。后担任全国图书联合目录编辑组组长,为我国联合目录事业做出了突出的贡献。目前国内尚无专文探讨其生平、著述与贡献。本文详考其生平,重点揭示了他的图书馆职业生涯以及他在创办昆明天祥中学、任职联合国秘书处和组织领导我国联合目录事业上的贡献,并对其主要著作《中文参考书举要》《中国边疆图籍录》《参考工作与基本参考书》等进行分析,总结了他在我国图书馆学史上的学术地位和贡献。参考文献86。  相似文献   

This research analyzed a dataset of academic libraries' posts on Facebook. It applied a text and data analytics approach to a dataset collected from the Facebook posts of academic libraries at the top 100 English-speaking universities, as listed by the 2014 Shanghai World University Rankings. The dataset is from a two-year posting history of 18,333 unique posts, 113,621 likes, and 3401 comments. Less than a quarter of the libraries had more than 2000 post-related likes, and only seven received more than 100 comments on their postings. Content analysis identified the most prevalent single word (unigrams), bigrams (two-word sequences), and trigrams (three-word sequences) in high and low engagement content. Semantic analysis identified the semantic categories for posts with high and low engagement. The findings can assist academic libraries in their social media strategies for engagement, marketing, and visibility.  相似文献   

As the demand for library assessment grows, academic libraries are becoming more interested in Web analytics. Data are automatically gathered and provide information about a wide variety of online interactions. Libraries have long used simple counts such as visits and page views, but have more recently begun to choose strategic benchmarks, also known as key performance indicators (KPIs). Many common KPIs were created for commercial websites and are challenging to adapt for libraries. However, the underlying concepts are sufficiently valuable that libraries should explore their use. By evaluating the validity of web metrics, libraries can further the development of standards and benchmarks to support future investigations. This article discusses how commercial web metrics might be adapted for use in academic libraries. First, the limitations of web analytics are presented. Major key performance indicators used in the commercial sector are reviewed in the academic library context. Finally, the article discusses how the various indicators might support specific library website goals and decisions and uses local data to illustrate one example case. As libraries choose web analytic methods, they should deliberately evaluate their validity. Over time, this will slowly build the profession's ability to use web analytics more effectively for library assessment.  相似文献   


The primary purpose of an academic library Web site is to serve as a portal to library-acquired content. Navigational design of a library Web site affects the user's ability to find and access content. At Albertsons Library, the goal of the navigational design of the Web site is to mimic user behavior on the Web site to help them access information and articles from over 300 different library vendors. Coordinating with different vendors makes tracking the navigational flow of user behavior difficult with the tool Google Analytics. Using the events feature in Google Analytics, the team responsible for Web design was able to track user flow, and was able to quantify how many users were actual “drop-offs” versus those that were clicks into library resources. Decisions made after acquiring these data resulted in a Web site with a 10 percent or less bounce rate, and decreased the number of clicks required for users accessing the library's content.  相似文献   

周连宽先生(1905.2.10~1998.12.17)是我国著名的图书馆学家、目录版本学家、档案学家、历史地理学家,中山大学资讯管理系教授和创办人之一.编辑出版《周连宽教授文集》既是周连宽先生的遗愿,也是学术界多年来的期盼.  相似文献   

英语学术论文的写作与发表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文论述了用英语撰写学术论文的框架结构、写作特点与顺序、语言文字、格式要求以及投稿的注意事项。  相似文献   


Analyzing serial issues of a monographic nature as a mechanism for connecting users to topical content has been a longstanding practice at the Iowa State University Library. Although studies have shown that monographic analysis of selected journal issues is a method of providing access to topical issues that citation databases often do not provide, the labor cost in providing original cataloging for some of these issues remains high. This article details the rationale and decision making that resulted in the implementation of a new process for reducing the amount of monographic analysis that is provided for uniquely titled journal issues.  相似文献   

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