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合情推理有“归纳”和“类比”两种推理模式,这种推理是建立在观察、实验的基础上,通过“类比”来产生“联想”,或者通过“归纳”来进行“猜想”,是一种“发现未知”的思维形式. 在解析几何的某些问题中,我们常常可以通过类比、归纳,从中发现“圆、椭圆、双曲线、抛物线”的一些共同性质.  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》中明确指出“归纳和类比是合情推理的主要形式”,第一学段“初步学会选择有用的信息进行简单的归纳和类比”,第二学段“进行归纳、类比与猜测,发展初步的合情推理能力”,第三学段“体会证明的必要性,发展初步的演绎推理能力”,小学阶段以发展学生初步的合情推理能力为主要目标。虽然课改进行了这么多年,但是多数教师对合情推理“只闻其名,未见其人”,有些教师甚至认为培养学生的合情推理能力只是一种理念性的东西,难以实现。针对合情推理被提出很久但多数教师尚未对其进行深入研究的现状,本期我们尝试着探讨以下问题:合情推理的内涵是什么?它与逻辑推理有什么联系和不同?合情推理的主要形式有哪些?怎样培养学生的合情推理能力?  相似文献   

吴兴文 《数学教学》2010,(8):20-21,34
高中数学新课程增加了有关“合情推理”的内容,一方面使学生完整地接触各种推理方式,另一方面使学生学会类比,学会归纳,学会猜想.归纳猜想是一种很重要的能力,我们以往对此有所忽视,有时候猜想比证明更重要.但是猜想不能代替证明,从归纳猜想到演绎推证往往隔着一道坎,它需要更多的智慧,  相似文献   

《墨经》中所论譬、侔、援、推是以"类同"为根据的类比推理,运用中遵守"异类不比"的基本规则.系统阐释四种推理的内涵、特征,可见我国先秦类比逻辑的基本架构.  相似文献   

对合情推理能力的考查,是近年中考数学试题的一个新特点.数学推理不仅包括分析、综合、抽象、概括等演绎推理方式,即逻辑推理方式,而且包括观察、实验、猜想、调整等合情推理方法.逻辑推量通常依靠抽象思维,合情推理通常依靠直觉思维,中考试题主要考查学生的观察、猜想、不完全归纳、类比和联想的能力.下面以近年中考试题为例  相似文献   

中西方的类概念,中国的推类思想,西方的类比推理可以统称为一种逻辑思维,即类思维。类思维在逻辑史中占有重要位置,中国逻辑史讲推类,西方逻辑史讲类比,而推类实际上也是一种类比,类思维是人类创新思维的基础,也是打通中西方逻辑的一个关节。要推类或是类比得先知类,中西方关于类的概念其内涵不尽相同,但就中国古代的推类和传统形式逻辑中的类比而言,两者却是机理相通,都是“类同理通”,只是中国的推类更重内容而轻形式,但两者对于整个逻辑的发展同样重要,在人类文明的进程中,类比生发了比喻,推进了认知。  相似文献   

推类是以墨家逻辑为主体的中国逻辑的主导推理类型。构成“推类”的主要成分是“名”、“辞”、“理”、“类”,刘徽《九章算术注》对这些推类成分有深入的论述。  相似文献   

推理是由一个或几个已知判断得出新判断的思维形式。它有两类:一类是论证推理,另一类是合情推理。我们的教学现实强调、重视论证推理,忽视合情推理。笔者认为,要培养创新性的人才,必须大力加强对合情推理的教学与研究。正确认识合情推理的意义和特征所谓合情推理就是从具体的事实经验出发,通过观察、实验、类比、联想、归纳、猜想等手段而进行的一种推理。这种推理的途径是从观察、实验入手,通过类比而产生联想,或通过归纳而做出猜想。这就是说,合情推理的条件与结论之间是以联想或猜想作为桥梁的。根据合情推理的含义,我们认为,合情推理有…  相似文献   

数学推理,是从数和形的角度对事物进行归纳、类比、判断、证明的过程。它是数学发现的重要途径,也是帮助学生理解数学抽象性的有效工具。《数学课程标准》指出:“学生应通过义务教育阶段的数学学习,经历观察、实验、猜想、证明等数学活动,发展合情推理能力和初步的演绎推理能力。”本文结合教学实践谈谈培养学生数学推理能力的教学策略。一、引导学生运用观察、实验、归纳、类比等方法提出数学猜想猜想,是对研究对象或问题进行观察、实验、分析、类比、归纳后,根据已有的知识和经验进行的符合情理的推测性想象。提出数学猜想是发展合情推理…  相似文献   

<正>合情推理中的类比推理主要体现在数学概念、法则、性质之间的类比;数学公式、解析式结构的类比;数学图形特征的类比;数学思想方法之间的类比等。笔者根据自己的学习经验对此作简要归纳,以抛砖引玉。一、数学概念、法则、性质之间的类比例1若数列{a_n}(n∈N*)是等比数列,  相似文献   

体验、反思性学习命题下的高师心理学教学是学生主动参与、具有丰富体验及反思活动的过程.教学要注重课堂内强化学生体验,引导学生反思,促进学生感悟,从而提高课堂教学效果.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with emotional highs in experiential learning and, more specifically, determining triggers that lead to emotional highs. The research aims not only to understand the invisible side of emotions, but also genuinely consider how learners make sense of their experiences. To study the triggers of emotional highs, a deliberate decision was made to approach the phenomenon as an experience. Hermeneutic phenomenology is used as an overarching methodology. The study focused on experiences of 15 adult learners who participated in 1 of 3 experiential learning courses. The 3 courses were residential, lasted 4–8 days and took place with an equal number of days indoors and outdoors. Learners were asked to make sense of their lived experience through surveys, reflection and semi-structured interviews. Eight themes of emotional high triggers emerged, including Sense of being pushed, Out-of-me experience and Escaping one’s environment.  相似文献   

按照康德的逻辑轨道,形而上学是以理念总和为研究对象的。而当时的形而上学玩弄的是虚假的辩证,用只能使用在经验对象的理智来论证用纯粹理性才能论证清楚的问题,结果出现了普遍的“二律背反”。康德认为要使形而上学成为可能,只能通过理性的批判使形而上学成为先天综合判断。康德的错误在于忘记了思维的自我是不能脱离于经验的,不知道形而上学是不能用科学来要求的。  相似文献   

The paper positions education and learning in the context of Gilles Deleuze's ethico-political philosophy oriented to becoming-other amidst experiences and events. Deleuze's unorthodox affective epistemology is inseparable from ethics in terms of real-life consequences at the level of practice. The paper presents the critical and clinical analysis of experiential events as texts comprising a mode of the informal pedagogy in terms of creating new concepts, meanings, and values for experience. The logic of sense foregrounds ethical evaluations of experience with regard to multiple directions we might take in novel situations, which disrupt common sense with problems that do not yet yield answers as univocal and unidirectional solutions. The paper conceptualizes a model of the new ethics of integration as a follow-up to the ethics of care in education informed by the relational self-other dynamics and moral interdependence.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed the experiences of an educational leadership doctoral student and aspirant to the professoriate (protégé) and an educational leadership professor (mentor) during our two-year mentoring relationship. Collaborative autoethnography was employed, and our analysis relied primarily upon a process-oriented model of mentoring. Four main themes emerged: (a) reciprocal trust, (b) experiential learning, (c) stability and change, and (d) mutual benefit. Our relationship also was marked by several critical features, and we described the timing and sequence of the socialization experience. This productive mentoring relationship offers a detailed model for doctoral students and faculty members who wish to pursue a similar relationship. From our research, we also contribute to the broader mentoring literature, in which previous researchers have rarely delved simultaneously into mentor and protégé experiences. Scholars who study mentoring will gain from insights into the manner in which anticipatory socialization unfolds, as well as critical features that emerge and evolve in the process.  相似文献   

妙语这一有意味的美学形式的诞生的前提条件是建立在观念相似性上的同一。其深层心理发生机制在于逻辑与旧逻辑或错误逻辑的某种匹配关系,其功能表现为心灵缺失的满足与美这理想的生成,妙语之解释,最后得出妙语因其能创造新感觉,酿造新情感,恢复认知理性以及它所蕴含的不可重复的,瞬间的,个性化的,经验的意义而担当了令人解放的责任意味。  相似文献   

情境认知理论和体验式学习理论强调知识在实际情境中的迁移,重视学习者在学习中的情境体验和经验对学习的重要作用。基于这一理论,可以建立面向情境体验的在线学习课程框架。该框架采用“主题一专题一体验圈”的组织形式,强调导学情境、交流研讨、多媒体呈现、拟真任务设计、反思与总结等策略。将这一设计框架应用到《多元智能教学应用》在线学习课程实例的设计与开发中,可以得出两点主要结论:一是在情境体验学习理论的指导下,学习者的整体学业成绩高于平均水平;二是学习者对该在线课程的总体框架和学习体验的满意度均较高。  相似文献   

The portfolio method of assessing past experience for the award of academic credit is being nationally promoted by the Council for the Advancement of Experiential Learning (CAEL). The portfolio method has evolved since 1974 and is used in a number of colleges and universities. The project-syllabus method was developed by the author in 1969 to support experiential credit for students in sponsored experiences. Beginning about 1973, the project-syllabus method was also used to support credit for past experiences in some areas. These two methods are contrasted, comparisons made to traditional classroom methods, and strengths and weaknesses analyzed.D. Keith Lupton, the Guest Editor for this issue, is the Director of the Off-Campus Term Program, University of South Florida.  相似文献   

物理是一门以“理性”和“严谨”为标识的科学,因此,学习物理需要缜密集中的思维逻辑力,物理课堂教学需要更多的“理性化”的特点。但感性是人类认识活动的起点,加之物理的本源及物理规律与人类生活经验有密切的联系,“感性”便可成为高中物理教育的一个新朝向,而通过视频展示、人文诠释、活动体验和实验操作这四种方式可以激活物理课堂,渗透“理性”思维,从而实现课堂活力的充分迸发。  相似文献   

For a number of years the University of Lethbridge has been working to develop a model for experiential education which is appropriate for liberal arts students. To this end, a four-year experimental project was initiated in 1973 to develop such a model, adapting already established principles of Cooperative Education. The result of this experiment—that traditional Coop was not the appropriate vehicle—led to a more inclusive experiential educational model, which allows for both employment and volunteer experiences, involves the awarding of academic credit, and places the onus on the student to demonstrate through various forms of documentation the relationship between his or her field experience and academic program. While there always will be difficulties in assessing the credit value of learning gained from a practical experience, the University of Lethbridge has, through an approach that involves the realization of specific learning objectives, developed a program that fits well into the liberal arts framework.  相似文献   

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