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This paper presents the findings from a project investigating management development for SME managers using an action learning programme, combining both face-to-face workshops and a virtual action learning environment. This programme was undertaken as part of the ENSeL (Engaging Networks for Sustainable eLearning) project, which was supported by the European Commission. The project aimed to address three main objectives: reworking results from previous European projects to disseminate to a wider audience, creating a learning network amongst the project partners and to undertake three learning trials with SMEs in UK, France and Italy. This paper principally addresses the findings from the UK trials, which ran between February and April 2005, and provides valuable learning to all those interested in developing future learning programmes aimed at SMEs.  相似文献   


The children's book, The Indian in the Cupboard, by British author Lynne Reid Banks, provides a case study which contrasts American Indian and non-Indian perspectives about stereotypes of Native Americans in children's literature, as reflected in the review literature. Exploration of the reasons why the book is becoming a classic in children's literature reinforce the need for teachers, librarians, and parents to find a role in: encouraging practitioners to understand what constitutes stereotypes of American Indians; educating potential teachers and librarians about cultural diversity; including works reflecting the voices of Native Americans in library collections for children; using caution when relying on book reviews; helping children learn critical thinking skills that enable them to recognize stereotyping; and providing and hearing the voices of Native Americans explaining why portrayals of Indian characters are often fantasized literary constructions.  相似文献   

教学过程的本质是一个"交互"过程,这种"交互"存在于教师与学习者之间、学习者与学习者之间,而教学效果则取决于学习者在参与各种"交互"时的有效性.在网络教育中,要提高教学质量,其关键是教的一方(教师)和学的一方(学习者)如何尽最大努力来提高这种"交互"的有效性,而提供教育的机构则要为这种"交互"提供一个合适的环境,从技术层面对通讯质量提供应有的保障.本论文从网络教学助学机制、课程知识管理机制、以学习者为中心的教学交互机制、网络校园文化氛围、课程评价机制、网上助教管理运行机制等六方面,阐述了华东师范大学网络教育学院从"传递教学模式"到"交互教学模式"转换过程中的思考、研究与实践.  相似文献   

Visual ethnographers increasingly use hypermedia for research, representation and teaching and learning. This article discusses these uses by reflecting on Visualising ethnography, a teaching and learning ‘gateway’ web site about the visual in the ethnographic process housing interviews, authored works, exhibitions, introductory texts and links. Here I situate the web site in relation to other visual anthropology web sites, discuss key characteristics of hypermedia for teaching and learning and representation and analyze both how authors, the web developed and I constructed our contributions, and users' responses. Finally I discuss the role and potential of such web sites for contemporary representation, teaching and learning in visual ethnography. Many new web sites are developing; how might they ‘live together’ and interrelate online? And what are the implications for the sorts of teaching and learning sites that might be developed in the future?  相似文献   

The need for manufacturing strategy is driven by varying customer demand; global competition; and rapidly advancing technology, equipment, and manufacturing methods. Decisions in process technology improve manufacturing outputs (Miltenburg, 2008). It is necessary to understand the implications of process technology for manufacturing cost, quality, delivery, flexibility, performance, and innovativeness to develop successful manufacturing strategy. This case study assesses process technology decisions compared with the competition in a packaging product manufacturing company in India.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - E-Learning has been massively used in higher education, one of which is in Universitas Indonesia. The e-learning system in Universitas Indonesia is called...  相似文献   

The interactions of a primary school teacher with her class during two sessions of science are analysed to find the extent to which the teacher can be considered to be assisting the performance of her class. The qualitative analysis is in terms of both Tharp and Gallimore's six assisting behaviours and Coulthard's 'initiation-response-feedback' pattern for typical classroom discourse. The teaching shows features which suggest children's science concepts are being developed and features which are consistent with assisted performance, though it is not possible to show a causal relationship between these two aspects. It is suggested that there would be potential for exploring assisted performance further as a framework for teaching for conceptual development in primary science.  相似文献   

This case study presents the new career guidance helpline managed by the South African Qualifications Authority in South Africa, a middle-income country. The National Qualifications Framework and Career Advice Helpline represent a national equity-driven initiative using technology to expand access. The model has drawn on contemporary international research and models of innovative systems, while modifying the design for local relevance. It illustrates the need for broadening the parameters in the career guidance profession.  相似文献   

The paper describes a case study of the development and implementation of a policy to monitor teachers’ classroom practice in a secondary comprehensive school in Wales, UK. The change process is interpreted from an affective standpoint to explain how the experience of feelings and emotions shapes organisational practice. In particular, the interpretation illustrates how affective experience may influence the distinction between espoused and in use theories, which may in turn have an effect on individual and organisational resistance to change and the success of the implementation. Differences between espoused and in use theories may increase both organisational anxiety and resistance in a self-sustaining cycle. We argue that when the anxieties and emotions of organising in schools are allowed to surface in the change process and are reflected upon, the espoused and in use theories are more likely to correspond and organisational anxiety and resistance to change to decrease.  相似文献   

土遗址所处的环境不仅是影响土遗址自然寿命的关键因素,同时也是确定各种保护措施的重要依据。本文根据对杭州良渚遗址进行的调查,提出可用含水量、相对湿度、潮湿系数三个参数,定量地界定"潮湿环境",即下述三个条件有一条满足即可以界定为潮湿环境。1.当与土遗址紧邻土体的年均含水量大于25%或者直接与水体相邻,并且使遗址土体的年均含水量大于18%;2.当土遗址周围年平均空气相对湿度大于76%;3.当土遗址所处地区的潮湿系数大于1.50。同时也可依据这三个参数数值的大小进一步将土遗址的潮湿程度细分为,高度潮湿、中度潮湿、低度潮湿等。  相似文献   

Utilizing heuristic task analysis (HTA), a method developed for eliciting, analyzing, and representing expertise in complex cognitive tasks, a formative research study was conducted on the task of e-learning course development to further improve the HTA process. Three instructional designers from three different post-secondary institutions in the U.S. were selected for interviews. The interviews focused on three e-learning course development cases (one from each institution), and the participants were asked to articulate their underlying thoughts and principles for designing e-learning courses. Overall, the HTA process worked well in the sense that the study could elicit procedural steps and sub-steps involved in e-learning course development and heuristic knowledge with which the instructional designers performed each step. On the surface, the e-learning course development processes that the instructional designers used looked more alike than different, entailing major steps such as meeting with faculty, developing content, monitoring courses in progress, and debriefing the instructor and students. The underlying principles and knowledge that guided each instructional designer through the processes, however, were unique in that each instructional designer constructed her own heuristics to accommodate the myriad contextual factors that arose in her work setting. The study also discussed the challenge of identifying the simplest yet most representative e-learning course development case with multiple experts and suggestions for further improving the HTA process were also presented.
Ji-Yeon LeeEmail:

E-learning (EL) has become an increasingly popular mode of instruction in higher education due to the continual advances in Internet and multimedia technologies. Since many universities are adopting EL, an understanding of the critical factors involved in the implementation of EL technology can help to ensure the successful integration of EL in university administration planning and operations procedures. The objectives of this paper are twofold: to examine approaches to EL usage in universities in Thailand, and to report on a preliminary investigation into factors that influence EL implementation at the Thai tertiary level. Patterns of EL implementation from four cases are presented. Results from in-depth qualitative interviews with administrators, instructors, and students showed that three main factors and one key barrier influence the degree to which EL implementation was successful. The three factors are characteristics of the organization, the instructor and the Internet environment. Of these factors, the organizational component, including both the university policy towards EL and the organization of the EL unit itself, was the most important. The instructors’ perceptions of the benefits of EL and the ease of use also contributed to implementation success, as does Internet accessibility. The key barrier was found to be student preference for instructor-led learning. Implications for both university and EL unit administrators as well as for instructors are suggested for the continued development of EL in Thai universities and similar educational contexts.  相似文献   

The integration of computer technologies into everyday classroom life continues to provide pedagogical challenges for school systems, teachers and administrators. Data from an exploratory case study of one teacher and a multiage class of children in the first years of schooling in Australia show that when young children are using computers for set tasks in small groups, they require ongoing support from teachers, and to engage in peer interactions that are meaningful and productive. Classroom organization and the nature of teacher–child talk are key factors in engaging children in set tasks and producing desirable learning and teaching outcomes.  相似文献   

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