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随着我国经济和可以将的进一步发展,资产评估在社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用,同时,在高校,资产评估专业实践性的教学也越来越受到大家的重视,可以说,资产评估专业实践性的教学环节在整个的资产评估专业的教学中有着重要的地位,发挥着重要的作用。在资产评估专业的实践性教学环节中,立体式实战演练法对于资产评估专业的教学有着重要的作用,受到教学工作者和研究者的关注。基于这样的一种背景,探讨资产评估专业实践性教学的体系如何构建,同时对于立体式实战演练法在资产评估专业实践性教学环节中的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

曾义  魏巍 《佳木斯教育学院学报》2011,(5):184+186-184,186
实践教学是实现高职培养目标的重要内容,做好实践教学评价是实践教学不断完善、创新的重要渠道。本文通过分析目前实践教学评价中存在的问题,构建了有效的实践教学评价理论依据和价值取向,制定了评价标准和评价体系的运作规范,从而指导如何进行有效的实践教学评价。  相似文献   

改革实践教学体系 培养应用型人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践教学对培养学生综合应用专业知识的能力以及创新能力起着至关重要的作用。本文在探讨实践教学的现状与存在问题的基础上,剖析实践教学体系改革的必要性,结合我校人才培养目标,构建应用型人才培养模式的实践教学体系,提出了具体的执行措施与方法。  相似文献   

作者十几年来坚持对卡尔.马克思哲学给予了“以人为本”的“实践人本主义”的解释,受到了诸多同仁的批评。该文综述了我国五十多年来哲学界中的“唯物主义哲学”和“唯心主义哲学”的遭际,并答复了诸位同仁的批评,最后坦白了自己是怎样从“以人为本”的“实践人本论”到“以心为体”的“实践心本论”,承认了自己犯下的“主观唯心主义”的可能错误。  相似文献   

高校的普遍扩招、学生的英语水平参差不齐极大地增加了外语教学的难度,从而促使一种新的教学模式——分层次外语教学法在大学英语教学中应运而生。本文就分层次外语教学法实施的前期准备、具体操作原则和方法、运作结果及存在问题进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

工程实践能力:培养应用型人才的关键   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:51  
本文结合学院人才培养目标及专业实际,设计了应用型人才工程实践能力培养体系,简介了学院培养学生工程实践能力的措施的效果。  相似文献   

班主任工作量化考核的实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温州财税希望小学从1998年2月起进行了“班主任量化考核方法的实验”,制定和 完 善了《班主任学期量化考核评价细则》,把纷乱复杂的班主任工作行为转换为简单有序的 分数列,力求做到评价的公正、规范、科学、民主,提高班主任评价和管理的水平。  相似文献   

针对软件工程课程设计时间有限、要求内容多、实用性和创新性要求强的特点,基于IBM Rational软件平台,提出由时间、任务和指导方式组成的三位一体的软件工程课程设计立体组织形式.以“实用性、应用性、创新性、突出重点”为指导方针,模拟项目组安排实验进度、分配任务、裁剪实验内容,最后提出文档分项量化评分表,从项目、文档和创意3个方面综合评定学生成绩.  相似文献   

Evaluation of educational programs has accelerated dramatically in the past quarter century. With this expansion has come clear methodological improvement involving randomized control studies and other approaches for establishing causation that considerably strengthen their internal validity. Such studies are, however, conducted within individual countries with the institutional structure of the schools and the national labor markets, and they are seldom replicated either within or across countries. A natural question is whether the results of an individual high-quality educational evaluation in one country can be reasonably applied in other countries. This paper focuses on existing research into differences across countries that, while generally impossible to incorporate into program evaluations, potentially have direct effects on key elements of policy and on the outcomes that can be expected. In particular, available cross-national studies on a variety of topics suggest using caution when generalizing evaluation results across countries, because student results are likely to vary systematically with a number of fundamental country-level institutional characteristics that are not explicitly considered in within-country evaluation analyses. Unfortunately, there is currently too little replication of basic research studies to provide explicit guidance on when and where cross-national generalizations are possible.  相似文献   

通过对教学质量评价研究的综述,运用层次分析法与灰色综合评价法建立科学的、可量化的实践教学质量评价模型,以利于实践教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

在实践教学中培养学生解决实际问题能力的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会需要有较强解决实际问题能力的学生,实践教学是培养学生解决实际问题能力的一个重要环节。结合目前教学改革的趋势,针对专业课比重相对减少的情况,通过采用在实践教学中引入实际问题,在实践教学中融入科学研究,实践教学与理论教学相融合等教学措施,使学生熟悉实际问题并学会解决实际问题的方法,培养学生解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

CIPP评价模式是对课程从背景、投入、过程、影响、成效、可持续性和可推广性进行综合性地评价。文章在分析土木工程制图课程实践教学评价现状的基础上,应用CIPP评价模式,构建了土木工程制图课程实践教学评价体系,以促进教学改革,提高教学质量,培养高素质应用型人才。  相似文献   

With the proliferation of computer networks and the increased use of Internet‐based applications, many forms of social interactions now take place in an on‐line context through Computer‐Mediated Communication (CMC). Many universities are now reaping the benefits of using CMC applications to collect data on student evaluations of faculty, rather than using paper‐based surveys in Face‐To‐Face (FTF) classroom settings. While the relative merits of CMC versus FTF student evaluations have been researched extensively, there is limited research published about the ways students respond to the questions from either mode of data collection. This paper reports on a research study to analyse the communication differences between student scores from FTF student evaluations and CMC evaluation questions from end of semester evaluations from a university in the Middle East region. In addition to the questions about communication mode differences between two evaluation questions, several demographic variables were measured to determine any interaction effects. The results of our study suggest that the type of communication channel mitigates the responses that students make on CMC evaluations vis‐à‐vis FTF evaluations of faculty. In particular, even though there were significant differences found at the aggregate level between CMC and FTF evaluations, when the course and instructor are controlled for, there were no significant differences reported. In addition, several differences were noted depending on the type and level of the course being studied. Also, we found that students are more likely to express more extreme responses to scale questions in CMC than FTF evaluations. Administrators should consider these potential differences when implementing on‐line evaluation systems.  相似文献   

从知识的教育学到实践的教育学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哲学化和科学化是自夸美纽斯以来教育学发展的两条路径,由此形成了思辨决定论、自然决定论和社会决定论三种教育学知识体系。其共同特点是其所试图建立的学科体系与教育活动本身相悖,教育学知识的价值取向迷失。要改变这种状况,就要消解教育学知识的抽象性和唯我性,把目光投向更为丰富多彩的教育实践。这个转向是对现有教育学研究中心课题及一系列相应的研究理路、思维方式的根本性转换。面向实践的教育学要关注生活的价值,由对教育活动及人的成长的外在原因的说明,转为对人的内在的自我批判意识的唤醒和对现实教育的批判和反思。  相似文献   

借助大纲指出解决实际问题的能力的含义 ,从 5个方面阐述培养学生解决实际问题的能力的途径  相似文献   

近年来出现许多“中国高校排行榜”,特别是在互联网上传播,产生了较大的社会反响,同时也有一定的负面效应,因此应该引起关注,并能正确认识和估价高校排行的若干影响因素,作出适当调控。  相似文献   


Whilst systematic reviews, meta-analyses and other forms of synthesis are considered amongst the most valuable forms of research evidence, their limited impact on educational policy and practice has been criticised. In this article, we analyse why systematic reviews do not benefit users of evidence more consistently and suggest how review teams can optimise the impact of their work. We introduce the Beyond Synthesis Impact Chain (BSIC), an integrated framework of practical strategies for enhancing the impact of systematic reviews. Using examples from health professions education, we propose that review teams can optimise the impact of their work by employing strategies that (1) focus on practical problems and mindful planning in collaboration with users; (2) ensure reviews are relevant and syntheses reflexively account for users’ needs; and (3) couch reports in terms that resonate with users’ needs and increase access through targeted and strategic dissemination. We argue that combining practical principles with robust and transparent procedures can purposefully account for impact, and foster the uptake of review evidence in educational policy and practice. For systematic review teams, this paper offers strategies for enhancing the practical utility and potential impact of systematic reviews and other forms of synthesis.  相似文献   

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