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何富臣 《英语辅导》2002,(12):31-31
Once there lived a very old peasant in a village.His name was Jack.He had a horse.It was almost as old as him.  相似文献   

It was Mr Hill‘s birthday. He was one hundred years old and many people came to his birthday party, A reporter(记者) came to the party and asked him a few questions.  相似文献   

Mr Smith was in troublethose days. He drove a car forMr Black, a rich business-man. He worked hard and theshopkeeper liked him. But hecouldn‘t work when he dranktoo much. And once he al-most fell into the river whenhe drove along the bridge. MrBlack became angry and wasgoing to send him away. Hehad a big family and wasafraid of that and promisedhe would stop drinking atonce. The man told him towait to be dealt with. OneMonday morning, Mr Smithcame into the office, with twobadly burned ears. “Whathappened to your ears?”asked Mr Black.  相似文献   

One day a huge rock fell from a mountain. The rock stopped in the middle of the road in a village. It was like a bigball. Some of the strongest men in the village tried to move therock. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn‘t move it away. They tried to push it, they tried to roll(滚动) it and they tried topull it with rope, but nothing worked.  相似文献   

Pat Hogan was traveling around the country in the car. One evening he was driving along a road and looking for a small hotel when he saw an old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, “I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?“  相似文献   

屈振亚 《英语辅导》2001,(12):23-23
Have you ever seen the man in the moon?If you look closelyat the moon on some nights, you can see the face of the man in themoon. Some people say that they can see an old man carryingsticks. Others see a girl reading a book. These pictures are madeby the mountains (山脉) and plains (平原) of the moon.  相似文献   

郝昌明 《英语辅导》2002,(11):10-10
It seems to be strange to youblind spot on the eye.Here is a nexperiment (实验)that can make something disappear,when one eye is open.  相似文献   

One day, an old farmer took a bag of wheatto town. On the way, ,the bag of wheat fell offthe horse. He couldn t lift the bag onto thehorse because it was too heavy. He hoped thatsomeone would come and help him.  相似文献   

A man is going to the house of a friend.  相似文献   

任民 《英语辅导》2000,(9):24-25
They’re Jim’s father and mother.此处Jim’s并不是Jim’s的的缩写形式,而是名词的所有格,意为“吉姆的”。“’s”所有格形式相当于汉语里的“……的”,通常是来表示有生命东西的所有关系。  相似文献   

在英国古代流行着这样的赡养习俗:当儿子继承家庭的土地等财产的时候,要与退出生产领域的父母订立一份"赡养协议",说明赡养的各项细节及维护协议的措施方法。当父母没有得到适当照顾时,他们可以依据协议维护自己的权益。在以协议作为保障的同时,社区邻里也起着监督作用。赡养责任的承担与财产转移密切相关,以财产转移为赡养介质,谁继承谁赡养,谁赡养谁继承,无论继承人是谁。这种赡养方式,虽不尽合于我国的国情和传统,但对于我国老人权益的保障和家庭赡养关系的法治化却具有现实的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中俄边境华俄后裔集聚地和哈尔滨、上海等城市的俄侨社区,曾流行浓厚的东正教习俗,并留下了大量的东正教教堂、“木刻楞”等俄式建筑,其饮食、服饰中俄兼备,会话、姓氏和命名等则采用汉俄双语制。这种影响一方面增添了中国民俗的多元化色彩,另一方面俄俗本身在有限的区域内也或多或少地被改造或嬗变。  相似文献   

一些和死亡、殡葬有关的汉字,反映了我国古代先民的殡葬习俗。最初,这些殡葬习俗都表现了生者对死者的怀念之情。随着物质文明的进步与发展,这些习俗逐渐复杂起来。生者对死者的怀念之情,蒙上了迷信的外衣,严重地制约了精神文明与物质文明的进步与发展。沿袭下来的殡葬方式到了非改不可的时候了。  相似文献   


This paper challenges a foundational conjecture of the Religion in Education Dialogue or Conflict (REDCo) project, that increased interest in religion in public and political life as manifested particularly in education is evidence of counter-secularisation. The paper argues that rather than representing counter-secularisation, such developments represent an emergent and secularising European civil religion facilitated through European religious education.  相似文献   

Some outcomes of an environmental knowledge and attitudes survey in England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research in Science Education -  相似文献   

九隆传说蕴涵了哀牢氏族特定历史时期较为丰富的民俗文化信息。沙壹"尝捕鱼水中"体现出了哀牢氏族的物质生产(渔业)民俗;沙壹"触沉木若有感,因怀妊,十月,产子男十人……名子曰九隆"、"九隆兄弟皆娶以为妻"则是哀牢氏族成员关于诞生、命名及婚姻的人生礼仪民俗;"诸兄以九隆能为父所舐而黠,遂共推以为王"、"分置小王,往往邑聚,散在溪谷"反映了哀牢氏族血缘型、军政性和地缘型的社会组织民俗;"种人皆刻画其身,象龙文"是哀牢氏族的民间信仰民俗的依据;"衣皆着尾"则是对哀牢氏族物质生活民俗中的服饰民俗的生动刻画。九隆传说中所蕴涵的民俗文化既是哀牢氏族民族个性和民族精神的体现,又是其民族文化赖以生存和发展的土壤。  相似文献   


The number of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) schools has increased rapidly in China in recent years. However, access to schools offering the IBDP remains restricted to a relatively elite minority of China’s population due to enrolment barriers for Chinese nationals and relatively high school fees. An implication is that students potentially remain in physical, cultural and socio-economic isolation from host communities. Within this context, this study explored how, and the extent to which, two core components of the IBDP – namely, the Learner Profile and Creativity, Action, Service – help foster inter-cultural understanding between students and other communities within Chinese society. To this end, in mid 2013 interview data were gathered from IBDP teachers, IBDP administrators, and IBDP students from five elite IBDP schools in Beijing and Shanghai. Findings revealed a perception that the Learner Profile could provide a strong theoretical appreciation of the norms and values of other cultures, while Creativity, Action, Service could break down physical divides by offering students an opportunity to interact with people of different cultures and socio-economic groups. Nevertheless, interviewees also noted tensions with the implementation of these components in the context of results-oriented elite IBDP schools in China.  相似文献   

Easter Customs     
复合节是基督教会的重大节日,纪念耶稣基督在十字架上受刑死后第3天复活。根据西方教会传统,在春分节(3月21日)当日见到满月或过了春分节见到第一个满月之后遇到第一个星期日即为复活节。根据东方教会传统,如果满月恰好出现在这第一个星期日,则复活节再推迟二周。因此,复活节可能在3月22日至4月25日之间。复活节的民俗因地而异,吃复活蛋是最流行的活动,寓复活再生之意。  相似文献   

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