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为了解特区初中生性知识、性心理、性伦理观念和性行为的现状,探讨这个年龄段学生性教育的主要原则,笔用自编中学生青春期性教育问卷,对深圳市两所中学322名初一、初二年级学生进行了问卷调查。结果表明,目前学校青春期性教育不能满足学生的需求;学生缺乏普遍性生理知识;部分学生尚未形成正确的性观念;对婚前性行为和早恋持不正确的态度。初中生性教育亟待加强,在教育的内容、方式方法上有待改进。  相似文献   

当代社会,中学生性生理发育由迟缓变为超前,性意识由封闭趋向开放,使得性成熟前倾和社会性成熟滞后的矛盾冲突更加明显。但是,仅仅把青春期的这种矛盾冲突看做是“险关”、“危险期”是十分片面的,实际上这正是开展青春期性教育,促进学生性健康发展的良好契机。而学校设置专门课程又是进行青春期性教育的最佳选择。因为在现代社会。个体的青春期主要是在学校度过的,学校教育具有家庭、社会所无法具备的系统性、计划性、组织性,这是家庭和社会教育那种自发的、偶然的教育行为所难比拟的。专门设置的课程能够集中、突出、充分地体现和发挥学校教育的优势。然而。由于过去学校课程设置未能很好定位,学校课程开设状况未能充分发挥“学校是进行青春期性教育的主渠道”的作用,因而导致了中学生性生理、性心理发育与青春期性教育滞后的反差。所以笔者认为,学校设置青春期性教育课程是青少年了解和把握自己、获得完整的教育的需要,是使社会健康稳定发展的需要。青春期性教育课程设置可以较好地起到以下几方面的作用:  相似文献   

关于构建和完善青春期性教育课程的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、青春期性教育课程设置是中学生成长和社会发展的需要当代社会 ,中学生性生理发育由迟缓变为超前 ,性意识由封闭趋向开放 ,使得性成熟前倾和社会性成熟滞后的矛盾冲突更加明显。但是 ,仅仅把青春期的这种矛盾冲突看做是“险关”、“危险期”是十分片面的 ,实际上这正是开展青春期性教育 ,促进学生性健康发展的良好契机。而学校设置专门课程又是进行青春期性教育的最佳选择。因为在现代社会 ,个体的青春期主要是在学校度过的 ,学校教育具有家庭、社会所无法具备的系统性、计划性、组织性 ,这是家庭和社会教育那种自发的、偶然的教育行为所…  相似文献   

我国青春期性教育进入了一个蓬勃发展的时代,但我们也应该清醒地意识到我国的青春期性教育还存在很多问题:青春期性教育还没有成为一门独立的学科,在中学也没有设立独立的课程,而只是零星地渗透在其他学科的教学之中,没有形成完整的体系;目前正在实施的新课程中,青春期性教育主要是在初中的思想品德、历史与社会和高中的体育与健康、生物中开展的,也没有纳入正轨的课程体系,没有统一的规划;学校没有专职从事青春期性教育的教师,学科教师对青春期的性生理、性心理,性安全卫生、性医学、性道德、性艺术、性化缺乏整体性知识,无法保证对中学生进行青春期性教育的系统性和全面性;由于部分学校领导和教师的观念陈旧,有些学校对性教育的知识轻描淡写,有些教师干脆就避开课本中的性生理、性教育一章而不讲;学校、家庭、社会三位合一的立体网络系统尚未形成,无法保证青春期性教育的效果。[第一段]  相似文献   

调查显示,中学生性知识现状堪忧,家庭性教育亟需改进,学校性教育瑜不掩瑕.对此,家庭与学校应正确认识性教育的系统性和构建三位一体性教育体系的重要性;充分发挥学校性教育的主阵地作用;家庭性教育要增强科学性.  相似文献   

1.中学生性教育遭遇三难目前,北京市已有40所学校的初一年级开展了性教育。专家和教师普遍认为,对初中生进行性教育刻不容缓。但目前开展性教育有三难:第一,难在社会和学校的阻力。(很多人观念滞后,认为一教育反而会诱发学生谈恋爱);第二,难在没有配套的教材;第三,难在性教育师资力量不够。  相似文献   

为了解特区初中生性知识、性心理、性伦理观念和性行为的现状,探讨这个年龄段学生性教育的主要原则,笔者用自编中学生青春期性教育问卷,对深圳市两所中学322名初一、初二年级学生进行了问卷调查。结果表明,目前学校青春期性教育不能满足学生的需求;学生缺乏普遍性生理知识;部分学生尚未形成正确的性观念;对婚前性行为和早恋持不正确的态度。初中生性教育亟待加强,在教育的内容、方式方法上有待改进。  相似文献   

性教育的价值和必要性巳为国内外大量研究所证实,开展性教育的途径主要有家庭、学校和社会。学校性教育的重要地位已得到广泛的认可,而课堂教学又是学校实施性教育的主要途径,有调查表明:中学生最希望通过课堂学习来获得性知识。生物课因其教学内容与性教育内容之间有着密切的联系而在性教育的开展上拥有独特优势。但目前在借助生物课堂进行性教育的相关研究中,多集中于性生理知识的传授,  相似文献   

采用问卷对769名中学生进行无记名调查,分析不同背景中学生性羞耻感状况及其产生的可能原因,提出消除性羞耻感的教育措施。结果显示存在性羞耻现象的学生占比39.1%,女生明显高于男生。性羞耻感的学生对性学名词的了解程度明显较低。学生支持学校性教育、了解性健康教育、较早开展性教育和家长对性的开明态度会减少中学生性羞耻感的产生,而是否独生子女、长辈是否传授过性知识、家长文化程度和是否参加过性教育活动并不影响学生性羞耻感的产生。学校应通过多种形式加强性健康教育,促进家庭、学校、社会性教育协调发展。  相似文献   

目的:考察了中学生消极完美主义在人口学变量上的特点。方法:应用中学生消极完美主义量表对乌鲁木齐市1107位中学生进行施测,采用多因素变异数分析法,检验中学生消极完美主义在性别、学校类型(重点中学、普通中学)与年级(初、高中六个年级)三个变量上的差异。结果:中学生消极完美主义在性别上的差异统计边缘显著(F=3.979,P〈.05),学校类型与年级存在交互作用(F=4.033。P〈.001)。在中学生消极完美主义六个维度上,除“对外貌的过度在意”无显著差异,其它各维度都在不同程度上表现出性别上的差异统计显著,或学校类型与年级间的交互作用。结论:针对不同性别、不同学校、不同年级的中学生,在学校心理辅导工作中应有不同的侧重,以降低消极完美主义的不良影响。  相似文献   

Conclusion The high school can be seen both as an environment for the playing out of previously acquired and anticipatory sex roles and as an active facilitator in the process of adjustment to stereotyped sex roles. In terms of academic achievement and occupational choice, students behave in ways consistent with the perpetuation of the extant sex structure. On the other hand they are encouraged in these behaviors in the classroom and by guidance personnel.  相似文献   

The sex and minority status of 355 students referred for psychological services from a random sample of schools in an urban school system were examined in relation to the frequency of referral, type of problem, and the nature of subsequent psychological services. A significantly higher percentage of both minority students and males were referred for psychological services; males were referred approximately twice as often as females. When referral problems were categorized as either academic or behavior problems, there were no differences between majority and minority students nor between males and females on percentage referred for each type of problem. Parent contacts were made significantly more often for majority students and for females, and recommendations to parents of majority students were more varied than those made to parents of minority students. Special Education resource services were recommended significantly more often for minority students. Possible reasons and implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

School readiness has been measured in many ways; chronological age, sex, and developmental age all have been used, with varying success, to predict young children's readiness for school. One hundred and fifty-two children were classified by birthdate and sex, and compared on their performances on the Gesell Screening Test, the Gesell School Readiness Test (GSRT), and the Stanford Achievement Test. The Gesell measures were sensitive to the different birthdate groups; however, these differences diminished as the children aged. There were no significant differences between birthdate groups on the Stanford Achievement Test. Females scored higher than males on the GSRT at the end of kindergarten, but no interactions between birthdate and sex were found. Implications of the varying ways to determine school readiness are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on young men's views on the school sex education they have received, the influence of this sex education on their intended or actual behaviour, and the extent to which other sources of information complement or supplement school sex education. Thirty‐five in‐depth interviews and eight group discussions were conducted with male pupils from six schools in the east of Scotland. Most of those interviewed did cite school as a useful source in learning about sex. The most commonly named highlights were learning more about what girls think about sexual matters and learning how to use a condom. Nine described how something they had learned in school sex education had changed the way they had behaved in a sexual encounter. A further eight, who had not experienced sexual intercourse, talked about how they thought sex education would influence their behaviour in a positive way in the future. The most common criticism of sex education was that it was not explicit enough. Although friends and/or television were named by the majority of young men as useful, for most young men school sex education appeared to be the only substantive source of information they had received on sexual matters.  相似文献   

性教育是初中生物教学永恒的课题,是初中生物教师义不容辞的责任。下面结合笔数年实践略抒己见,与广大同仁共同探讨。  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that children who enter school at a relatively early age do less well on standard measures of school achievement than do their older peers. One hundred fifty-two children born in 1970 and attending grades one through six in an upper-middle-class, suburban school district were studied. In general, it was found that children born in the later quarters of the year did, in fact, perform less well than children in the same grade born earlier through grades one to four. Analyses of covariance yielded a main effect for birth quartile (p < .05) in most cases. A significant main effect for sex was found for language scores at grades two and three. Implications of these findings for age of school entry, educational programming, and screening procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationships among locus of control, academic program, and sex of grade 9 secondary school students were investigated. Two hundred sixty-seven high school students from advanced, general, and basic level programs were administered the modified forms of the Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale for Children and the Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Questionnaire. As hypothesized, students in the advanced level program were more internally controlled than either general or basic level students. As well, advanced level students were more internally responsible for their intellectual-academic failures than general level students. Sex differences as they relate to specific expectancies in intellectual achievement situations are also discussed.  相似文献   

冯艳 《生物学教学》2010,35(1):61-62
本文对高中生物学教材中与性别有关的知识点进行了归纳,包括性别决定、性别分化、伴性遗传和从性遗传等。  相似文献   

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