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研究教师话语对于改善教师课堂话语质量、提高课堂教育教学质量具有重要作用。文章以英语教师真实课堂为研究对象,对比分析了英语教师课堂话语及其产生的效果,提出了IR[I1R1(I2R2)]F英语课堂话语模式这一会话策略。  相似文献   

课堂教学过程本质上是一个会话过程,而话轮是会话的基本单位。话轮特征可以反映学生在课堂上的参与度,反映教师课堂教学效果。通过对八位小学英语实习教师课堂话轮特征的分析研究发现:实习教师课堂话轮数略低于学生话轮数,但教师话语量却远远高于学生话语量;实习教师控制着话轮的主动权,学生被动进行话轮交替:学生简单重复教师话语的话轮较多。实习教师可以藉此反思课堂教学,同时也为师范院校语言师资的培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

李春琦 《文教资料》2014,(15):185-186
话轮作为会话的基本结构和重要特点,影响会话的顺利进行。本文以大学商务英语课堂真实会话语篇为语料范本,探讨在以教师为主导、学生为主体参与的商务英语课堂会话中,教师如何运用保持话轮、出让话轮及恢复话轮等语用策略掌控话轮的有效更迭,保证会话语篇的顺利进行。  相似文献   

采用课堂教学录像分析的方法 ,在获得校级汉语教学(初级综合课)一等奖的教师中随机选取两位教师的教学实录光盘作样本进行个案研究,分别从话语量、话语构成、教师提问、教师反馈和话语模式等方面对教师的课堂话语进行定量分析。结果显示:两位汉语教师课堂话语存在教师话语量比重低、讲解性话语少、操练性话语比例高、教师角色多元化、积极性反馈多以及有一些IRFR和IR[I1R1(I2R2)]F的话语结构模式等优点和长处,但也存在一些问题和不足。  相似文献   

教师话语是英语课堂会话中的重要构成部分,对课堂会话质量及学生的语言输出影响极大。该文从会话分析中的话轮转换角度分析课堂会话录音文本,发现话轮转换不顺畅会导致课堂师生会话产生长时间的空白停顿,进而阻碍学生的有效语言输出。因此,教师应当扮演好话轮分配者的角色,使用多样化的话轮转换技巧提高英语课堂会话的流畅性及有效性,充分利用教师话语提高课堂的教学质量。  相似文献   

该文基于行动研究,通过课堂录音、问卷调查等方式,探讨学生提问式教学的可行性。研究显示学生提问式课堂具有多方优势。课堂话语分析表明学生启动话语会诱发高频率、多话轮的学生口语输出,话语构架复杂,更符合真实语境中的话语构架和话轮转换;此外学生还获得了话语评价者的角色。问卷调查亦显示学生高度认可学生提问式教学。  相似文献   

以辛克莱为首的伯明翰学派对课堂会话进行了深入的研究,把课堂话语结构分为五个阶层:课、课段、回合、话步、话目.教师与学生的会话有一个框架和一个焦点.教师与学生的回合中包含诱发、回答和反馈.  相似文献   

罗曼芸 《海外英语》2024,(7):60-62+78
教师反馈语是教师话语的重要组成部分,在英语课堂教学中发挥着重要的作用。教师反馈语的使用对英语课堂互动有着重要的影响。如何提升教师恰当有效地使用课堂反馈语的能力及意识,提升英语课堂教学互动的有效性仍受到广泛关注。文章以一节口语及词汇课程的录像为研究对象,通过课堂教学观察的研究方法,分析并评价了教师在“I—R—F”(提问-回答-反馈)结构这一典型的课堂话语交际模式中的反馈语及反馈策略,旨在研究教师反馈语对英语课堂互动的作用。  相似文献   

在外语教学课堂上,教师的问话技巧与学生应答的机能与话轮转换机制有关,需要从语用学的角度来分析会话的话语模式,运用话轮转换规则增加师生的互动,让学生掌握操纵话轮的语用策略,使会话活动利于自己,最终实现自己的交际目标和意图。  相似文献   

英语课堂是教师利用话语交际活动培养学生语言能力的重要场所。课堂教学过程本质上是一个会话过程。会话的基本单位是话轮。本文从话轮的数量,话轮中的话语质与量以及话轮转换等三个角度分析话轮对学生语言习得的影响,进而提出英语课堂教学应关注师生互动、生师互动和生生互动,让学生在互动中理解语言,运用语言,掌握语言。  相似文献   

马克思主义信仰是中国社会的主导信仰.但是在复杂的国际国内环境下,中国正面临比较严重的马克思主义信仰危机,其中思想政治理论课教师的信仰危机不容忽视.思想政治理论课教师的马克思主义信仰危机是导致思想政治理论课教学效果不理想的重要原因之一.本文拟将就思想政治理论课教师的马克思主义信仰危机作详细分析并提出重塑信仰的路径选择,以期改善思想政治理论课的教学效果.  相似文献   

课堂提问对大学英语"教-学"耦合系统范式的实践验证结果表明:教师课堂提问中的展示性问题明显多于参考性问题;四种课堂提问策略中,自我解释和重复使用率高,但激励和诱导成功率最高;在IRF,IRFR,I1R1(InRn)F和IR1F1(RnFn)四种课堂互动模式中,IRF模式是主导模式;正面反馈在教师反馈的三种模式中居支配地位;学生课堂提问的作用日益凸显。优化大学英语课堂提问的互动策略、机制与模式,是大学英语理论界和实践界肩负的时代使命。  相似文献   

In this text, which was originally delivered as a speech, I discuss the massive critique of teachers in the public discourse on education in Sweden over the last decade. I speak in defence of teachers, and since I am a teacher I speak in defence of myself. The critique of teachers, schooling, and teacher education has been so overbearing that a purely rational response is simply not possible. Therefore, my response is rhetorical in tone. In highlighting the passion of teaching, I lift something central for teachers, which is seldom or never taught about teaching in teacher education. Neither is the passion of teaching present in the public discourse on education. Passion, I argue in the article, is that which adds excess or an overflow of meaning that cannot be contained within the order of discourse and which therefore puts this discourse out of balance. Finally, I discuss a new balance beyond this order in the context of a classroom. In a concluding section, I highlight the struggle over borders which define who can speak and think in “good” order and who cannot.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue for redesigned preservice teacher education courses that provide opportunities for teaching students to read the discourse of school reform, especially in terms of how that discourse both restricts and builds capacity for the kinds of teachers they want to become. Drawing from the experiences of three preservice teachers who opted out of teaching, I attempt to show how their experiences intersected with my own journey from experimentalist training into critical hermeneutic work and, more recently, into policy and editorial arenas to produce sites in which to explore the discourse of current reform efforts in literacy education in the United States.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课改革的几个认识问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
加强和改进高校“思想政治理论课”,要准确把握高等学校思想政治理论课是大学生思想政治教育的主渠道,是大学生的必修课,体现了社会主义大学的本质要求的认识定位;要科学认识“思想政治理论课”与“专业课”的辩证关系,摒弃“对立论”、“无用论”、“接轨论”等错误认识,努力提升对“思想政治理论课”的课程认知水平;要强化“思想政治理论课”学科建设意识,在学科建设的视域中推进“思想政治理论课”的学科化发展。  相似文献   

教学是一门艺术。高校“两课”的教学目标及当前教学对象、教学环境的变化,迫切要求重视“两课”教学艺术的研究与实践。本文探讨了关于提高“两课”教学艺术的思路,强调进行“两课”教学艺术的实践探索,是提高“两课”教学实效性的重要途径。  相似文献   

This article explores how teachers might address controversial identity issues in their classrooms, using the 2016 North Carolina House Bill 2 that raised the issue of transgender bathroom rights to the forefront of societal discourse as an example. I analyze the issue using the three most commonly cited criteria for determining the openness of controversial issues: epistemic, political, and politically authentic. I then discuss the challenges teachers face when confronted with issues that are epistemically settled but publicly open and implicate students' identities. I conclude by arguing that in those cases in which there exists a clear empirical justification for teaching a controversial identity issue as settled, doing so may be prudent even if it limits democratic discourse or presents an inherent risk for teachers.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore a case study of the special education referral process as an institutional site of exploring the intersection of power, discourse and subjectivities. I engage with critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (Fairclough, Critical Discourse Analysis: the critical study of language , New York, Longman, 1995; Language and Power , London, Longman, 1989) as an analytic and social tool to uncover the webs of discursive practices involved in institutional decision-making. I focus on the process through which identities are constructed through discourse. I present three different interpretations from the beginning of the referral process: (1) the classroom teacher, (2) the remedial reading teacher, and (3) the parent of the child who was referred. In juxtaposing these interview texts I demonstrate how the teachers and June Treader, the parent, perceive the intention of the referral process differently. The school views the referral process as definitive while the mother views the referral as exploratory, to learn more about her daughter. I call on CDA--particularly the domains of discourse and style--as a means to explore and explain the differences in assumptions at the beginning of the referral process. This analysis demonstrates that despite the differences in interpretation at the beginning of the process there is remarkable similarity between the three participants around the values, beliefs and assumptions of 'schooled literacy'. This research suggests the need to expand on frameworks that conceptualize 'conflict' between discourse practices to consider the consequences of alignment.  相似文献   

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