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In a dominant Western tradition that reveres cerebral learning, embodied learning approaches have received limited research attention – and less in education than other disciplines. This paper draws on previously reported empirical data from a five-year Creative Partnerships study to argue that psycho-physical theatre practice can promote embodied cognition, has particular value for young people with learning disabilities in special schools and has potential for inclusive education in mainstream schools. The paper describes a psycho-physical actor training process developed with, and for, actors with learning disabilities. Its application within special educational contexts, which we call ‘mimetics’, has focused more keenly upon physicalised interaction as the core communication. In this form of communication, reading, interpreting and responding to the individuality of others happen through the development of non-verbal dialogue. This focus has illuminated the importance of an intuited or ‘felt’ understanding which is generated by and recognises such communications. In special education settings, being different is inherent, and physicalised interaction more routine, so ways of working different from the mainstream are required. The paper suggests that such settings are rich sites for research to develop, value and recognise the significance of embodied cognition and realise its potential for special and inclusive education.  相似文献   

在推进教育现代化进程中,人的因素具有举足轻重的地位。要实现人的成长,学习的意义非凡。受到主观因素与客观因素的影响,个体在学习过程中存在着阻抗现象,表现为“非学习”状态。具身认知强调学习者的心智、身体、大脑与环境四位一体,在具身认知视角观照下,沉浸式学习的主体表现出身心合一、自我导向、自得其乐、知情相契、最优体验等特征。产生学习意愿,炼制合宜之知,设计任务活动,创设达化之境,提供沉浸式学习范例,五个方面综合作用有助于沉浸式学习的发生,从而促使越来越多的学习主体由终身学习发展为终身热爱学习进而实现终身成长,为建设学习强国提供人的要素支撑。  相似文献   

高职教育越来越重视礼仪课程的教学,传统的教学模式已不能适应培养技能型人才的要求。针对礼仪课程实用性强、应用性强的特点,以应聘礼仪教学设计及其运用为例,阐述了教学做一体化模式、多种教学方法和教学手段在礼仪教学中的运用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the result of an extensive study funded by HEFCE HEFCE is UK government Higher Education Funding Council for England. and the European Commission (EC) for Broadening the Learning in University Environment: Process Reengineering through Information and Networking Technologies (BLUEPRINT 2000) model. In comparison to other existing models which are merely focusing on stand-alone computer-based learning environment, this paper describes a complete model covering all aspects of tertiary education, not only servicing but also administering in an all virtual and electronic manner. The model considers an asynchronous and synchronous part. The asynchronous part deals with the discovery of learning material, course work, institution, course and institution brokerage. It also describes learning material and course development tools, administration and tutorship. The synchronous part of the model focuses on the intercommunication between virtual university members to ensure that isolation of learners is prevented as much as technology is able to help. The aim of this paper is to establish a commercial operation for administering, operating, marketing, delivering and supporting online and all electronic higher education, using information and communication technologies (ICT). The system would eliminate student's techno phobia across the range of organizations and disciplines by ‘total immersion’ using groupware, desktop videoconferencing with application sharing and access to resources via the Internet. Furthermore, the system will enable a high degree of online interactions from student-to-student, student-to-tutor, tutor-to-tutor, administrator-to-administrator and institution-to-institution both on one-to-one and forum basis. The BLUEPRINT 2000 model develops new and cost-effective methodologies for teaching dynamic subjects whilst improving the quality of student support in general. The system will lead to a potentially global club of life-long learners with access to the ‘first and best’ sources of education. In addition, it supports dynamic role assignment, that is a student of one subject can be a lecturer or tutor of another subject. It therefore utilizes resources and allows knowledge sharing in an optimal way on both individual and institutional basis. Hence it offers significant commercial benefits to all partners involved in the venture. The business case allows modular implementation based on pilots which will both generate revenues in the short term but also instigate the setting up of a dedicated IT infrastructure to support many new telematics services thus the implementation would be low risk in respect of financial and administrative operations.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of adult skills-based learning, adult education researchers continue to ignore effective interdisciplinary skills-based methods. Prominent researchers dismiss empirically supported teaching guidelines, preferring situational, emancipatory methods with no demonstrable effect on skilled performance or reproducible expertise. This paper presents findings showing empirically supported best bet practices for adult skills-based learning. These findings are synthesised into seven guidelines for skills-based teaching. Educators may use these practices to inform practice and structure learner-centred adaptive training programmes.  相似文献   

高等职业教育承担着培养高素质技能人才、助推技能型社会建设的重要任务,人才培养质量是评价高等职业教育办学质量的核心标准。作为关注学生全面成长过程的评价模式,增值评价着眼于高职学生个体发展的动态变化,有助于推进高职院校人才供给与产业发展需求对接,提升高职院校办学质量。在实践中还需通过廓清相关理念、建构评价机制和创新评价技术三条路径,发挥增值评价的指引、激励作用,以现代化的学习质量评价方式赋能高质量的现代化高等职业教育建设。  相似文献   

As a result of multi-disciplinary research on learning, a consistent and comprehensive body of knowledge on effective learning environments is currently emerging (OECD 2010). While this evidence is increasingly influencing the academic and policy discourse on the improvement and innovation of schools, its impact on the design principles of effective initial teacher education has been limited so far. In this paper, the seven transversal learning principles published in the 2010 OECD publication The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice serve as a framework for systematic reflections on how learning research on effective learning environments can inform initial teacher education and how the seven transversal learning principles can contribute to greater coherence and alignment in initial teacher education programs. We consider the implications of The Nature of Learning and other research on teacher education, alongside international examples of next practice, concluding that initial teacher education should model effective student learning.  相似文献   

Studies relating to reflection and reflective practice in learning, specifically workplace learning, have gradually emerged from within the professional education literature. Evidence has seen a shift from an individualistic to a more collective approach to reflection, in an attempt to move away from viewing learning as an individual action. Simultaneously attention has been given to socio-cultural theories which view learning as social practice inherent in our everyday lives, including work. This paper aims to engage in the current debate regarding the polarised conceptualisations of reflective practice within the context of professional learning. Drawing on this debate, as well as on learning metaphors, this paper proposes that professionals should engage in collective reflective practice for both individual and organisational development within workplaces; locations which could be seen as increasingly ambiguous and unpredictable throughout individuals’ working lives. Hence, we need to rehabilitate and extend some of the key aspects of the traditional concept of reflective practice to accommodate the changing terrain of professional practice within an individual professional's lifelong learning.  相似文献   

The considerable increase in web-based knowledge networks in the past two decades is strongly influencing learning environments. Learning entails information retrieval, use, communication, and production, and is strongly enriched by socially mediated discussions, debates, and collaborative activities. It is becoming critical for educators to better understand and become skilled at utilizing online networks and their affordances to improve the quality of learning experiences for their students. Along the same lines, networked learning could be seen as an effort to respond to the advances in electronic networks by putting the focus on the students and paying close attention to their educational needs, learning preferences, and social interactions. The aim of this paper is to review and synthesize empirical research on networked learning for online higher education courses and offer suggestions for future studies based on the gaps found in the literature. Implications of networked learning for instructional design are also discussed.  相似文献   

具身德育针对传统的“离身”倾向和现象,明确了身体及其与周围环境的相互作用在德育中的不可替代性,能有效克服德育知行脱节现象.本文从具身道德的概念隐喻、具身道德情绪、具身道德情境三个方面论述具身道德领域的脑科学研究前沿成果,为具身德育新理念提供认知神经科学依据.  相似文献   


Employing Connelly and Xu’s (this issue) conceptualisation of reciprocal learning, the article explores the potential for reciprocal learning about pedagogy provided by a body of PISA-inspired literature on high-performing education systems. I argue that the opportunities for reciprocal learning provided by that body of literature is rather limited and problematic because of its uncritical acceptance of the OECD’s basic premises about PISA and because of its employment of the ‘best practices’ approach to policy borrowing. Using Singapore as a case, I contend that reciprocal learning needs to be informed by the cultural historical narratives behind the development of an education system and a theory of pedagogy that locates the practice of teaching within a broad social, institutional, and instructional context of schooling. I discuss lessons from and for Singapore concerning the purposes of schooling, institutional norms and arrangements, and pedagogical practice.  相似文献   

Despite a growing body of knowledge about what content, processes and arrangements for learning may result in more effective initial teacher education, there remains a problem with the variability of outcomes from teacher education programmes. This paper reports on a multi-perspective exploration of what influences learning to teach in valued ways during initial teacher education. Framed by complexity theory, which emphasises the non-linear nature of social phenomena, the paper presents an analysis of 76 maps of influences on learning to teach (made by teacher candidates, teacher educators, mentor teachers and policy makers), looking for differences and patterns that might point the way to explanations about teacher candidates’ varying ability to enact practice that improves outcomes for all learners.  相似文献   

素质教育是在开放教育内涵建设的一项重要内容。本文主要介绍了在《小学生心理健康教育》课程中将素质教育与开放教育紧密的结合在一起的几种教学方法,归纳提炼出了"四核心教学法":即以自主学习法为核心进行网络教学,以协作学习法为核心进行小组学习,以寻疑求悟法为核心进行面授辅导,以实践学习法为核心进行实践教学等四种教学方法。  相似文献   

The disembodiment of cognitive science has resulted in curricula with disembodied concepts and practice. The emergence of the embodied cognitive science provoked public reflections on the nature of the curriculum. This has elevated the body from the ‘peripheral’ position to the ‘central’ position, acting as the subject in action and becoming the bridge to experience transformations. Meanwhile, the nurturing role of the environment for the mind is attracting increasingly more attention, and the environment, the body, and the mind jointly constitute a dynamic system that prompts the transformation and restructuring of learners’ experience. The reshaping of the relationship between the body and education and the integration of physical experience and mind-building have led us to examine curriculum from a completely new perspective, and curriculum construction is thus transformed to the dynamic generation of interaction among the body, the mind, and the environment based on group experiences. To be precise, there are three basic dimensions in the construction of an embodied curriculum: (1) returning to the life-world and promoting the integration of the curriculum narrative framework and the student’s learning trajectory; (2) introducing the embodied experience and realizing the continuous interactions among the learner’s body, mind, and environment; and (3) integrating the functions of technologies to provide a powerful mediating tool for the construction of embodied curriculum.  相似文献   

职场学习作为有别于学校教育的学习形式,在提倡终身学习的时代背景下已经成为西方职业教育和学习研究广泛关注的议题。梳理和分析西方职场学习的概念界定、兴起动因和学习模式,对我国职场学习的理论研究和实践具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

具身认知理论是建立在反思与批判身心二元论的传统认知观基础之上的一种新型认知观。它在理论上突出强调身体参与认知活动的重要意义和价值。这一理论主张对开展有效教学的意义在于,一方面要倡导体验式学习,让学生在亲身参与中获得成长;另一方面可以创设教学情境,营造和谐宽松的学习氛围。此外,融创客教育理念于课堂教学之中,为有效教学的开展提供保障也是一条重要探索路径。  相似文献   

同一国度同一时期出现的"主体间指导学习"思想与"导学案教学"实践都倡导"导学",它们在针对"教师主导,学生主体"这一师生关系的理解方式以及由此而确认的教学观方面,无疑存在一定的默契。"主体间指导学习"思想不仅体现了主体间性所带来的认识论和生存论等的转向,揭示了指导学习以及系统导学中学习和教育的本真关系,而且蕴藏着更为深层和隐性的思维倾向和方法论的变革。导学案教学在取得一定成就的同时依然存在着错位与无位、雷同与机械、迷失与缺失等现实困境,基于"主体间指导学习"思想对"导学案教学"现实困境的理念从对象客体化的教学主体观、逐利重果的教学价值观、静态分化的课程观和导学混乱的教学过程观等方面进行反思,旨在寻求理论与实践的良性互动。  相似文献   

以技能人才职业能力分析为基础,提出以企业职位簇为线条,从划分工作域和工作要项入手,按等级对工作要项的知识、技能、素质要素进行分级分析,确定应掌握的知识、技能及职业素养,构建技能人才的KSA模型的策略,并以技能人才职业生涯发展为主轴设计结构化、清晰、完整的学习地图,给中职、高职及技能人才培养及职后培训提供系统化解决方案。  相似文献   

具身学习是根治教师教育效能低迷的一把利器,涉身性、情景性与生成性是教师具身学习的显著特征。相对离身学习而言,教师具身学习是实时感验、身体会话,是一个自然连续体与统一体。它的诞生开启了教师学习,包括动力、方式与机制在内的一次系统重构运动。动态地分析,教师具身学习是由情景压力驱动、身体感应发生、经验体验获致三个关键环节构成的一个链环。在具身学习理论框架中,"情景创设-身体卷入-互动交感-知觉反馈"将成为现代教师学习的新流程和新形态。  相似文献   

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