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精神分析学家弗洛伊德认为,作家的创作与精神病的白日梦有着相同的心理机制,都是潜意识的显像、是现实生活缺失的补偿。运用精神分析理论来解读庄周梦蝶这一寓言,我们可以发现庄子哲学对生死、生命、宇宙的思考,表面上似乎已经达到逍遥洒脱、天人合一的境界,而深层心理上却流露出对人生有待、生死无常、生命不能达到自由本真发展的无奈.借梦中物化的形式加以宣泄和补偿。  相似文献   

适应是生物界中普遍存在的一种现象,无论是植物、动物还是微生物,无论是生物的形态结构、生理机能还是行为习性,无一例外。但是,这种适应是相对的,而不是绝对的。同时,生物体在对环境的适应过程中本身也在改变着环境。  相似文献   

达尔文生物进化论认为:物种是地球本身自然产生的,是一个简单到复杂,由低级到高级自然进化结果,进化是渐近的线性过程,是通过自然选择和遗传变异逐渐实现的。这个观点面对自然界生物诸多的现象显得矛盾重重,150多年来质疑之声此起彼伏,特别是近年来分子生物学的迅猛发展,物种基因被大量破译,生物进化论的观点已经不符时宜。我们在"宇宙胚种论"基础上首次提出"生物分化论"观点:地球生命是在环境诱导下一级一级分化出来的,物种起源于地球以外的"宇宙文明","文明种子"随彗星来到地球,地球物种都来自于同一祖先,物种按照"宇宙文明"预设基因程序不断分化,根据不同环境形成千千万万个物种。所有物种都遵循"生死法则、生存技能平衡法则、种群纯正法则、物种可分化法则"。人类是宇宙文明的继承者。  相似文献   

Although Piaget characterized young children as precausal until about 7-8 years of age, recent work indicates that preschoolers do honor fundamental principles of causality. This literature has mainly focused on general principles invoked in reasoning about mechanical events. By contrast, the present study examined whether children differentiate between the causal mechanisms appropriate for different conceptual domains. The results of 3 preliminary investigations and 1 main experiment suggested that preschoolers prefer natural mechanisms for color inheritance in biological kinds, particularly when causal substrates resemble their consequences. By contrast, the same children recognized the importance of human intentions in producing the color of an artifact, and also judged that mechanical mechanisms serve to mediate between intentions and outcomes. The results are relevant to recent studies on the development of biological thought, and overall suggest that early causal reasoning reflects both domain-specific and domain-general principles.  相似文献   

在人类居住的“地球村”里,生存着千百万种生物,他们之间存在着各种奇妙的关系。有的生物互为友邻,相得益彰,谐和共处,生死与共;有的却彼此排斥,格格不入,甚至穷争恶斗而成为不共戴天的“仇敌”。这些生物在生长发育过程中表现出的互相促进或抑制现象,在生物学上统称为共生现象。生物共生是生命世界、生态系统中的普遍联系和关系。生物共生关系的深入探讨。在生物进化、生态平衡、农业生产、工业生产和医药卫生等多个领域,乃至在促进人类社会生态系统持续发展诸方面,有着重大的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether intuitive, naive conceptions of “living things” based on objects’ mobility (movement = alive) persist into adolescence and affect 10th graders’ accuracy of responses and reaction times during object classification. Most of the 58 students classified the test objects correctly as living/nonliving, yet they demonstrated significantly longer reaction times for classifying plants compared to animals and for classifying dynamic objects compared to static inanimate objects. Findings indicated that, despite prior learning in biology, the intuitive conception of living things persists up to age 15–16 years, affecting related reasoning processes. Consideration of these findings may help educators in their decisions about the nature of examples they use in their classrooms.  相似文献   

生物多样性是人类赖以生存的基础 ,由于人为因素致使自然环境加速破坏 ,物种和种群日趋减少 .为保护生物多样性 ,减少人为因素对环境的破坏 ,我们必须采取一系列有效措施 .  相似文献   

生物表型进化与分子进化的联系和差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在物种的系统演化中 ,自然选择学说和分子进化学说分别着眼于表型层次和分子层次的进化机制 ,自然选择学说从群体水平上阐明了生物进化的规律 ,而中性学说则揭示了生物在分子水平的进化不同于表型水平的进化 .笔者旨在阐述生物表型适应进化与分子中性进化在不同层次上所揭示的生物进化的机制和规律 .  相似文献   

This study assessed the causes ascribed by Israeli children and youth for the Arab-Israeli conflict and the relation of these attributions to their expectations and emotions. The results highlight basic contingencies between the form of attribution and the character of emotional response and future expectation, with marked developmental variations in both the strength and manner of this association. Overall, the findings suggest the utility of Bizman and Hoffman's attributional model as a heuristic for understanding children's perception and response to conflict, but underscore the need for developmental adaptation. Particular attention is drawn to the developing concept of mutuality and its implication for the application of attributional analyses in the young.  相似文献   

通过分析学生在生物实验学习过程中的心理活动规律及经常出现的心理问题,提出一些适应学生心理活动的实验教学策略,为学生创造安全的心理环境,从而提高实验教学的质量.  相似文献   

分析了生物实验教学中学生心理障碍产生的原因及表现 ,提出了针对性的疏导方式  相似文献   

With increasing numbers of students learning science through a second language in many school contexts, there is a need for research to focus on the impact language has on students’ understanding of science concepts. Like other countries, Brunei has adopted a bilingual system of education that incorporates two languages in imparting its curriculum. For the first three years of school, Brunei children are taught in Malay and then for the remainder of their education, instruction is in English. This research is concerned with the influence that this bilingual education system has on children’s learning of science. The purpose was to document the patterns of Brunei students’ developing understandings of the concepts of living and non-living things and examine the impact in the change in language as the medium of instruction. A cross-sectional case study design was used in one primary school. Data collection included an interview (n = 75), which consisted of forced-response and semi-structured interview questions, a categorisation task and classroom observation. Data were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results indicate that the transition from Malay to English as the language of instruction from Primary 4 onwards restricted the students’ ability to express their understandings about living things, to discuss related scientific concepts and to interpret and analyse scientific questions. From a social constructivist perspective these language factors will potentially impact on the students’ cognitive development by limiting the expected growth of the students’ understandings of the concepts of living and non-living things. A paper accepted by Research in Science Education, August, 2006.  相似文献   

在生物课堂教学中要从改革课堂教学方法,理论联系实际,教师的“情感投入”等方面入手,使师生获得教与学的愉快体验,实现愉快教学。  相似文献   

通过综合实践活动的形式生成《基于生物学实验的心理效应探秘与应用》校本课程,并在实践中充分发挥"益智、养德、创新"的教育效果。  相似文献   

文章从对名词的空间义与其他意义类型进行区分这个立足点出发,分析了现代汉语名词在主宾语位置上表达属性义时的形式与语义上的特点。文章认为,此时指"个"接近指"类"用法的个体量词,正是实体名词不指称实体而指称实体的"属性"事物的形式标记。并认为现代汉名词对属性义的表达,存在一个从主宾语位置,再到定语位置、谓语位置、再到"‘很’类副词+N"格式、状语位置这样一个发展过程与过渡阶段;这个阶段中的每一步,名词的指称功能在逐步消弱,名词的空间义在逐步消失,与形容词、区别词逐步接近,但名词表属性义时一定程度上还残留些空间义与弱指称功能,同时还具有主观性与模糊性特征。  相似文献   

文章从对名词的空间义与其他意义类型进行区分的立足点出发,分析了现代汉语名词对属性义的表达,讨论了名词在定语位置、谓语位置、“‘很’类副词+N”格式时,所分别陈述或指称属性意义时的各自形式与语义上的特点。认为现代汉名词对属性义的表达,存在一个从定语位置到谓语位置、然后再到“‘很’类副词+N”格式、状语位置这样一个发展过程与过渡阶段。’  相似文献   

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