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In this article we propose that in order to advance our understanding of motivation in collaborative learning we should move beyond the cognitive–situative epistemological divide and combine individual and social processes. Our claim is that although recent research has recognized the importance of social aspects in emerging and sustained motivation in collaborative learning activities, the social is mainly conceived as a unidirectional source of influence on individual motivation. In the article we examine the significance of motivation in research on collaborative learning. We discuss two characterizations of the role of the social in conceptualizations of motivation, namely, social influence and social construction, and outline our case for moving beyond the cognitive–situative divide and combining individual and social processes in research on motivation. Finally, we present illustrations from recent research on motivation in collaborative learning that has attempted to bridge the cognitive–situative divide across theoretical perspectives or using different methods.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue for a change in how researchers study motivation to learn. We believe that research can provide better explanations of the origins and outcomes of behavior, and thus be more useful, if we focus on how motivation develops and why it changes. We suggest reframing motivation research in education by extending the current focus on beliefs to studying the transactions among persons engaged in specific classroom activities over time. We present one approach from developmental psychology—Rogoff's three planes—that attempts to account for this transaction. We then present examples of current motivation research to illustrate how this approach has been applied. We believe that using this framework can produce new results that are meaningful for both researchers and practitioners who want to understand and foster motivation in education.  相似文献   

This study aimed to design a teaching sequence for science education that enabled lower secondary school students to enhance their motivation towards science. Further, it looked to examine the way the designed teaching sequence affected students with different motivational profiles. Industry site visits, with embodied theory-based motivational features were included as part of the designed teaching sequence. The sequence was implemented in Finland and Greece with 54 participants, 27 from each country. Quantitative data was collected using the Evaluation of Science Inquiry Activities Questionnaire, based on the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory but did not map the expected outcomes. Interviews, however, showed that students with different motivational profiles found aspects within the module that met their psychological needs as explained by Self-Determination Theory. The results offer a perspective to adolescents’ psychological needs along with some insights into how students mediate the way they value an activity in the context of science education.  相似文献   

One purpose of teacher education is to help future teachers develop the necessary knowledge, abilities, and skill for good teaching. A second purpose is to develop the commitment to use this knowledge, ability, and skill when trainees graduate from the training program and begin their teaching careers. There is evidence to suggest that teacher education programs can successfully achieve the first purpose, but success in the development of commitment to good teaching has not yet been demonstrated. By applying Becker's conception of commitment, a two-step plan for developing commitment in teacher education is proposed. The first step is to identify and assess commitment, the second step is to record behavioral indicators of commitment and to use these records to help future teachers develop commitment. In physical education, the improvement of teaching is vital to the future of the field; thus it is critical that teacher education programs help their students develop commitment to good teaching as well as develop effective teaching skills  相似文献   

The study focused on academic staff in a post‐1987 university, that is, a former college of advanced education which had been awarded university status as a result of the Australian Government's decision to have a Unified National System of universities. The focus of attention was motivation and self‐efficacy for teaching and research. The effect of faculty of affiliation, level of appointment, gender, qualifications, and research productivity on staff's self‐reported attributions for teaching and research were examined. Tutors, staff with bachelor degrees, academics with low research productivity, and women had higher teaching motivation. One faculty was lower in both research motivation and self‐efficacy, and associate professors and professors had high levels of research efficacy. Men and women had the same level of research motivation and self‐efficacy. Staff with higher degrees and greater research productivity were more motivated and self‐efficacious about research. The results suggest the need to understand more clearly how each individual's research motivation and self‐efficacy is constructed and to determine the best method of increasing motivation and self‐efficacy for teaching and research.  相似文献   

刘永莉 《双语学习》2007,(9M):187-188
Machiavelli was a controversial political thinker. His ideas of morality and politics created a new chapter of western ideal and also created a great stir in history. His Prince presented all his ideas and hopes, all had its present meaning in modern time.  相似文献   

From preschool age, humans tend to imitate causally irrelevant actions—they over-imitate. This study investigated whether children over-imitate even when they know a more efficient task solution and whether they imitate irrelevant actions equally from a human compared to a robot model. Five-to-six-year-olds (N = 107) watched either a robot or human retrieve a reward from a puzzle box. First a model demonstrated an inefficient (Trial 1), then an efficient (Trial 2), then again the inefficient strategy (Trial 3). Subsequent to each demonstration, children copied whichever strategy had been demonstrated regardless of whether the model was a human or a robot. Results indicate that over-imitation can be socially motivated, and that humanoid robots and humans are equally likely to elicit this behavior.  相似文献   

Brain studies have revealed that 2 neurological systems, one for “wanting” and one for “liking,” are responsible for many instances of motivated behavior. If wanting and liking are fundamental elements of motivation, then we should also expect to see them represented in educational models of motivation for learning. However, it has not yet been established whether this is the case. Situated instances of motivation, such as when a student feels motivated to immediately engage in learning, can potentially be informed by education constructs such as curiosity, situational interest, intrinsic motivation, achievement emotions, and flow. The purpose of this article is to investigate whether the two elements, wanting and liking, can be identified in each of these constructs. The analysis revealed that the education constructs could be inferred to include wanting and liking. It is proposed that a focus on these fundamental elements might aid our understanding of motivation in educational settings.  相似文献   

Learners’ self-regulation, which includes motivational variables, is influenced by personal variables within learners themselves, as well as by contextual factors. A great deal of research has focused on personal variables in learners that influence their self-regulated behaviours; yet contextual influences that operate outside of formal schooling of township school learners, although generally acknowledged, remain under-researched. The research presented in this paper explored 14 secondary township school teachers’ perceptions of the factors that influence learners’ motivation to achieve academic success. A better understanding of contextual motivational factors could influence teaching and learning, as well as provide the needed support that ultimately will enhance the academic achievement of South African township school learners. Participants perceived autonomy-supportive, extrinsic motivation, schools as positive learning environments, study and job opportunities, community projects, friends and peers, poverty, and encouragement from the local community as strong sources of motivation.  相似文献   

Instructional practices in schools have been constantly changing over the years, and educators’ knowledge about these practices is an important factor that influences their effective use. This paper presents an examination of teachers’ knowledge and perception of 24 instructional practices commonly used in the field of education, especially in the field of technology-based teaching and learning. Data from 162 experienced teachers who had enrolled in teacher education courses in two universities were collected from 2005 to 2007. Consistent with the literature, findings suggest that teachers with higher degrees and more teaching experience are aware of and understand more about educational practices. A predictive model was developed from this study.  相似文献   

Beyond Grammar     
BeyondGrammarXiongFanLanguageentailstheformulationofideas.Howapersonthinkslargelvdeterminesthewayheuseshislanguage.Thus,inord...  相似文献   

There are a wide range of student emotions in academic settings, but apart from emotions such as interest and well-being, disgust is a negative emotion which might be relevant in biology education, for instance, during dissection or when encountering living animals. This paper addresses the issue of situational disgust during a course at the university using living animals and prepared mounts. The course covers a wide range of organisms from protists (e.g. Paramecium) through invertebrates to vertebrates and uses many methods (e.g. microscopy, dissection, and behavioral observations) and specific content (anatomy, structure, and behavior). The dissection of the trout was rated as most disgusting, followed by working with living woodlice, living earthworms, and living snails. The least disgusting lessons were those dealing with microscopy, mammalian skulls, honeybee dance, and bird flight. Based on animals, macro-invertebrates were rated as most disgusting and mammals as least disgusting. Concerning methods, observing through a microscope was perceived as being least disgusting, followed by experiments without animals, then followed by experiments with living animals and, most disgusting, dissection. Disgust was correlated negatively with interest, well-being, and competence but positively with pressure and boredom. Thus, low disgust is related to high interest, well-being, and competence, while higher disgust is related to higher pressure and boredom. The results show a need for measuring situational disgust in addition to survey studies. They also suggest that perceived disgust negatively affects intrinsic motivation. This has implications for biology teaching, because carrying out dissections or experiencing living animals in the classroom may have a detrimental effect on motivation.  相似文献   

Affective factors play a positive role in English study and motivation is the most important.Higher motivation predicts better second language acquisition.The types of motivation are mainly divided into two:extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation.Teachers should study their students as well as the teaching materials and then select scientific methods and make good use of them to reinforce their students'motivation.  相似文献   

The Role of Parents in Adolescents’ Reading Motivation and Activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parent support for reading is one of the many elements that may play a role in the development and sustainment of children’s reading motivation; to date, however, research has focused much more on the role that parents play in their preschool and primary-grade children’s reading than in their older children’s reading. Thus, this paper examines the findings and methodology of empirical studies concerning the ways and extent to which parent support for reading relates to the reading motivations and habits of students in the fourth through 12th grades. The review includes discussion of extant quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method studies, theoretical models from the reading domain applicable to the socialization of reading practices, and extensive recommendations for future research. The dual purpose of this review is to present a sketch of the role of parents’ in adolescents’ reading motivation based on extant work and to encourage research that will help develop this sketch into a fuller portrait.  相似文献   

Beyond Myself     
程小芳 《成长》2005,(2):46-49
2004年的夏天,和往年一样,北京的温度依然居高不下。我的心情却随着创业失败,找工作奔波于各大人才市场累累碰壁和气温形成鲜明的对比,一个字:冷。一次又一次地在901路公共汽车上往返于学校和人才市场,我认识这路车的每一个售票员。每交出一份简历,我都有一丝兴奋,可是雀跃之后,只有无声无息的等待。直到我终于收到了一封去面试实习记者的信,之后的4个月.我才能够好好地静下心来回想那过去的16个月。  相似文献   

Foreign language learning is a complex process and its success is determined by a variety of factors. The prime one of them is motivation ,which, as everyone knows, could be controlled by external forc...  相似文献   

Whyaresomestudentssuccessfulatlanguagelearningwhiletheothersarenot ?ThejobofteachingandlearningEnglishwouldbequiteeasyifwecouldworkouttheanswertothequestion .Wecan’tHowever ,wecanfigureouttheanswertosomefactorswhichseemtohaveastrongeffectonastudent’ssuc…  相似文献   

Some commonly held erroneous notions about the terms laws, hypotheses and theories are pointed out with specific examples from different branches of science.  相似文献   

Science describes the world of phenomena in terms of scientific “laws”, “hypotheses” and “theories”. There appears to be a widespread confusion about the precise meaning and significance of the three terms. This article attempts to ascertain the meanings of the terms by examining their actual use in scientific literature.  相似文献   

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