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This field study examined a model of attrition in young Mexican American women at a community college. It was hypothesized that those who achieved low academic performance would drop out in response to a series ofpsychosocial and sociocultural barriers in education. The model in vestigated a process by which Mexican American women matriculate into the community college system and either bring with them or encounter for the first time a set of well‐documented barriers to education. At this juncture, they either possess or do not possess the personality characteristics and background that help them overcome the consequences of the barriers. If the students are able to sustain themselves through the difficulty posed by the barriers, they are more likely to experience depression, which may manifest as somatic symptoms. To the extent that a student succumbs to depression, her academic performance would fall and she would opt to leave school. The results of this study suggest that the greatest impact of educational barriers was not on academic performance directly but on the psychological and emotional well‐being of the student. This study found no significant relationship between academic performance and depression. The relationship between somatization and depression in this population was corroborated.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代,美国共产主义运动进入了新的阶段,国内的经济危机和国际法西斯主义的威胁,为美国共产党争取工人群众创造了有利时机。但是,共产党在劳工阶层中开展的工作却没有收到良好的效果。从1929到1939年二战前的10年间,大多数美国工人对共产主义运动和共产党为仍然持排斥和拒绝态度。  相似文献   

This paper describes results of a five‐year statewide follow‐up study of first‐time, full‐time community college students and documents the academic and career progress of these students from first entry into college to subsequent experiences after leaving the community college. Results detail students’ success in reaching their personal, academic, and career objectives and describe the variables affecting progress in achieving those objectives. Over 75% had achieved their original educational objective and, if starting again, 80% would attend the same community college. Lack of funds, change in life‐style, or a change in goals were most often cited as the reasons for not achieving educational objectives. One surprising finding was that 27% of respondents transferred from one Kansas community college to another during the course of the study. Additional studies are indicated to identify continuing educational pursuits of students who formerly may have been assumed to be community college dropouts.  相似文献   

To ascertain the satisfaction of women full‐time community college faculty with their employment in the community college, an open‐ended questionnaire was sent to over 100 women faculty in the Chicago City Colleges. Although the low response rate precludes much generalizability, the responses indicate that most women in the study found employment in the community college to be ideal for them. The employment enabled them to find professional fulfillment without the pressure to publish and with sufficient time for family responsibilities. Reservations about how “ideal” employment in the community college is for women stemmed from concerns about the institution's negative image. University researchers who decry teaching in the community college as marginalization of women as faculty are diminishing the achievements of the many women who find teaching in the community college to be ideal employment.  相似文献   

新政时期美国政府进行了大规模的社会福利改革,政府不仅承担起社会救济责任,并制定和实施了一系列保护性立法和社会保障法。对失业工人、妇女、老年人、残疾人和其他弱势群体提供救济与保障。女性在新政时期的社会福利改革中起了重要作用,奠定了美国现代福利国家的基础。  相似文献   

Returning women students over 50, although growing in number, have been largely ignored as a unique group by both educational gerontologists and scholars interested in non‐traditional women students.

Matched groups (N = 106) of student (outwardly oriented) and non‐student (home oriented) women (mean age = 55.67, s.d. = 5.25) were compared on measures of subjective age and attitudes toward age, perceived happiness and satisfaction, perceived physical health, number and severity of depressive symptoms, self‐esteem and autonomy. The student group was found to report better health, fewer and less severe depressive symptoms and higher autonomy.

Psychological transitions facing mid‐life women are discussed. Possibilities of educational participation as preventive of mid‐life depression for women are discussed. Future longitudinal, cohort‐sequential research should focus on mid‐life and older women students as a unique group.  相似文献   

This article reports on the crucial role of education in the Social Health Outreach Program (SHOP), a social network intervention designed to treat clinically depressed older women. The role of education in current psychological and medical therapies for depression is discussed, as is the educator's view that education is interventionist by nature and indispensable in transformative programs that aim to strengthen personal, economic, and social resources. The evolution of the role of education in SHOP'S social therapy is outlined, and its modalities—information‐sharing, skills training, and intellectual stimulation—are described. We show how, as a result of participant demand, the educational content of SHOP has gradually expanded during the program's four‐year history. We point out that, in SHOP, education functions as a tool for perspective transformation, during which participants are sensitized to “blame‐the‐victim” biases inherent in psychological and medical approaches to treating depression. Participants learn they are not the problem; rather, they suffer from a role‐determined, social identity deficit. SHOP'S current format is described, and the program is recommended to adult educators for use in a variety of settings. We conclude that, though not therapeutic in and of itself, education acts as an “enabling tool,” playing a crucial role in implementing SHOP'S social‐change therapy.  相似文献   

The South Carolina Advanced Technological (SC ATE) Center of Excellence is establishing a model for postsecondary reform of mathematics, science, engineering technology, and communications education through its mission of increasing the quantity, quality, and diversity of engineering technology graduates from two-year technical colleges. An integrated, problem-based curriculum, collaborative teaching strategies, and extensive active learning techniques - together with faculty and student teams - form the cornerstone of the SC ATE approach. Two major instructional components have been developed: Technology Gateway, also known as pre-engineering technology, and the first-year engineering technology core (ET Core). Just-in-time delivery of mathematics concepts and other subject matter is an important component of the integrated curriculum. The SC ATE approach to technician education is greatly improving student retention in challenging engineering technology programs. Student confidence in mathematical ability is increasing, along with student capabilities in working in teams in an integrated curriculum setting. SC ATE is partially funded by the National Science Foundation and the South Carolina State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education.  相似文献   

笔者采用自编的大学生网络成瘩量表对内蒙古在校本科大学生进行问卷调查,结果显示:男生的网络成瘾量表总分显著高于女生;理工科大学生的网络成瘾量表总分显著高于文科大学生;大学生网络成癌量表总分在年级上存在显著差异,事后比较得知大一学生得分最高,且显著高于大三学生和大四学生,大二学生得分显著高于大三学生;大学生网络成瘾群体在心理健康水平的10个维度上的得分均显著高于正常群体;大学生网络成瘾得分和心理健康水平的10个维度上的得分存在显著相关。最后得出结论:大学生网络使用正常群体的心理健康水平明显好于成瘾群体。  相似文献   

An examination of the statistics indicates that Turkish women have made great strides with respect to their recruitment to positions at all levels in the higher education institutions of their country, particularly in such fields as medicine, the hard sciences, and engineering in which women in very many countries are usually thought to be underrepresented. The author attributes this achievement to the Republican ideology of post‐1923 Turkey, the opportunities which were opened to élite women by the correspondence of the latter with the developmental needs of the country, the availability of domestic service provided by non‐elite women, and the existence of family solidarity networks. Women, however, have not been so well represented in such fields as law and political science which, were traditionally close to the loci of political power. In recent years, however, with the expansion of the higher education system, competition between men and women for posts has greatly increased, and economic change and urbanization have dried up the supply of inexpensive domestic help and have stymied family solidarity networks. Thus academic women are increasingly beset by conflicts between their professional and their family roles. This new situation has caused Turkish women to lose ground with regard to recruitment to prestigious positions in higher education and to seek conservative Islamic solutions to the conflicts in question. Reforms based on a renewed Republican ideal are needed to improve the situation and to enable Turkish women academics to build on their past achievements.  相似文献   

Community college counselors need to assess depressive symptoms in students and to differentiate depressive symptoms from anxiety symptoms to help them implement crisis intervention strategies. Two instruments available to the community college counselor are the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the Inventory to Diagnose Depression (IDD). This article, which is based on the published literature, reports on and discusses the construct and discriminant validities of the BDI-II and IDD so that community college counselors may use them with knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of each instrument. Although results should be interpreted with caution, both instruments are useful in measuring the presence or absence of depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

民族地区大学生SCL-90评定分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解少数民族地区大学生心理健康状况,采用SCL-90临床症状自评量表,对河池学院591名学生进行测试,研究结果表明:少数民族地区大学生心理健康水平低并不是由所属民族自身的特点造成的,而是与所处的地理位置有关。  相似文献   

This is a summary, written for CEPES, of the background paper prepared for the study conference “Women and Higher Education” organized by the Study Centre OTO, October 29‐30 1980 in Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.

The article summarizes the principal currents of discussion in the Netherlands pertaining to the question of women in higher education, and draws an analytical picture of major obstacles encountered by women in Dutch higher education.  相似文献   

Until the recent radical transformations got underway in the former Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, the USSR as a whole was making important strides in favour of the facilitating of scientific and research‐oriented careers for women. Because the economic dislocation of the current period has induced male scientists in particular to leave the academic world for commercial enterprises or to emigrate to foreign countries, the feminization of higher education and higher education‐related research seems to be all the more increased. The Russian government, so far as it is specifically concerned, is committed to improving the working and professional conditions of scientific workers of both sexes.  相似文献   

Research has identified a strong relationship between depression and demographic factors such as income and widowed status. Prior studies have also linked common cognitive “slips” to depressive symptomatology. However, very little research has investigated these relationships with respect to the older adult population, particularly within ethnic minorities. To address this gap in the literature, the present study examined the contribution of demographic and cognitive factors to depressive symptomatology among 228 noninstitutionalized women (60 years of age or older) from diverse ethnic backgrounds. The findings identified a significant relationship between depressive symptomatology and cognitive failure, low income, and Middle-Eastern or American-Indian descent.  相似文献   

白壁德的《文学与美国的大学》对十九世纪晚期以来美国大学盛行的“各种各样的潮流都自由地进行了批判”。该书因此可以看成是一篇文化战争宣言。宣言公开出版于1908年,当时白壁德已经43岁,与他同龄的同事大都早已成为教授,而他虽然在哈佛教了十四年的书,却仍只是一位讲师,依旧在为谋求终身教职抗争。  相似文献   

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