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Teaching behavior impacts student psychopathology. This study explored the associations between teaching behavior types and depressive symptoms in students. The Teaching Behavior Questionnaire (TBQ) and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES‐D) were completed by 763 middle and 976 high school students from private Catholic schools. In the middle school sample, a confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the four‐factor structure of the TBQ previously found in public high schools. As predicted, a two‐level hierarchical linear model (HLM) analysis with the high school sample found that only the Negative Teaching Behavior scale of the TBQ was positively related to CES‐D scores, (p < .05). A separate two‐level HLM analysis with middle school students found the Instructional Behavior scale was negatively related to CES‐D scores (p < .05) and the Organizational Behavior scale was positively related to the CES‐D scores (p < .01). Implications of the findings for school personnel are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate possible interactive links between theory of mind (ToM), moral disengagement and relational aggression, using a moderated mediation analysis, with gender as a moderator, in a sample of 120 Greek preadolescents. Results indicated that relational aggression was significantly positively associated with moral disengagement and negatively with ToM. Moderated mediation analyses indicated that boys with deficient ToM were more likely to morally disengage from their actions which in turn resulted in relational aggression, while poor ToM was directly linked to relational aggression only for preadolescent girls. Moral disengagement had a direct effect on relational aggression only for boys, while ToM was found to partially mediate the relationship between moral disengagement and relational aggression only for girls. The results emphasize that the co‐morbid effects of socio‐cognitive factors should be taken into consideration when relational aggression is explored.  相似文献   

For nearly 50 years, leaders in American industry, military, education, and politics have focused considerable attention on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education. Given the increased societal demand for STEM careers, the relationships among classroom climate, self-efficacy, and achievement in undergraduate mathematics needed to be examined. A purposeful sample of college algebra instructors (n = 15), employed at public 4-year universities in various states (n = 10) across the nation, was administered the Principles of Adult Learning Scale at the beginning of the semester to assess classroom climate. At the end of the course semester, their college algebra students (n = 326) were administered the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale-Revised and final college algebra examinations. The results of the multi-level analysis indicated: (a) students having higher mathematics self-efficacy also had higher mathematics achievement, (b) teacher-centered classroom climates had greater mathematics self-efficacy levels, (c) classroom climate was not a significant predictor of mathematics achievement, (c) classroom climate did not moderate the relationship between mathematics self-efficacy and achievement, and (d) although boys reported higher mathematics self-efficacy than girls, gender differences were not found to exist in regard to mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

笔者阐述了团队环境中员工的自我效能感和集体效能感概念,分析了二者之间的关系;影响员工效能感的信息源主要有:自己的成败经历、他人的替代经验、口头劝说和他人的评价;团队环境中员工的效能感常常通过工作满意感、工作任务、工作目标等中间变量影响个体或者团队工作绩效的高低。  相似文献   

In Sweden radio and television programs for educational purposes are produced by a special unit within Sveriges Radio (SR), but there is also a production unit outside the organization SR producing educational programs, in the first place for adults (TRU). In the near future these two units are to be joined into one. In the Educational Program Department of SR there is a special group concerned with research and development questions. For the time being there are four full‐time posts as researchers, and within the framework of the budget of the program department the research group has it's own budget for research and evaluation of radio and television in instruction. The aim of this internal research ‐‐ exemplified in this paper ‐ is to give producers such experience as can be of value both for the assessment of individual products and for production work in the long run.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the School Anxiety Inventory (SAI) using a sample of 646 Slovenian adolescents (48% boys), ranging in age from 12 to 19 years. Single confirmatory factor analyses replicated the correlated four‐factor structure of scores on the SAI for anxiety‐provoking school situations (Anxiety about School Failure and Punishment, Anxiety about Aggression, Anxiety about Social Evaluation, and Anxiety about Academic Evaluation), and the three‐factor structure of the anxiety response systems (Physiological Anxiety, Cognitive Anxiety, and Behavioral Anxiety). Equality of factor structures was compared using multigroup confirmatory factor analyses. Measurement invariance for the four‐ and three‐factor models was obtained across gender and school‐level samples. The scores of the instrument showed high internal reliability and adequate test–retest reliability. The concurrent validity of the SAI scores was also examined through its relationship with the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SASA) scores and the Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties for Adolescents (QIDA) scores. Correlations of the SAI scores with scores on the SASA and the QIDA were of low to moderate effect sizes.  相似文献   

翻转课堂作为一种新的教学方法,提升了学生在学习中的主体地位,但同时使课堂教学效果在更大程度上受到学生学习行为的影响.文章着眼于翻转课堂常用的分组教学这一组织形式,从社会心理学的视角研究考察学习小组中的社会懈怠和社会助长现象,并借助有关群体影响的研究,探索提高翻转课堂教学效果的有效组织形式.  相似文献   

This research examined whether prospective teachers’ emotion regulation styles, dispositional empathy, and conceptions of competent student emotion and behavior were predictive of their attitudes about bullying and proposed responses to peer conflict. Overall, participants perceived physical bullying as more serious than verbal and relational bullying. Prospective teachers also expressed higher levels of sympathy for victims and a greater likelihood of intervention in response to physical bullying. Regression analyses demonstrated that valuing emotional competence and the role of teachers in supporting its development were meaningfully associated with expressed support for victims and with proposed responses to the perpetrators of this type of classroom aggression. Interestingly, those respondents who reported higher levels of situationally specific sympathy for victims (and not dispositional empathy) also reported that they would be more likely than their counterparts to intervene on their behalf. The emotional reactivity component of dispositional empathy was, however, positively associated with regulated responses to peer conflict involving a difficult child. The emotion regulation variables, although associated with the outcome measures in correlational analyses, were not unique predictors of prospective teachers’ bullying attitudes.  相似文献   

几十年来大学英语教学"费时低效",被一些业外人士形象地比喻为"一壶永远烧不开的水".究其原因'教学大纲、内容的滞后;全国统考导致的应试现象;社会环境、高校教育教学模式、师资问题等等.而其中重要的原因是缺乏科学合理、操作性强的课堂教学质量评价.针对其现状,逐一分析,在此基础上构建出大学英语课堂教学质量评价策略.  相似文献   

This study investigated relationships among leadership potential, social maturity, creativity, intelligence, and academic achievement among adolescents in the United States and Singapore. Results showed higher intelligence but lower leadership potential among Singapore students and a positive correlation in general between social maturity and intelligence, while creativity was found to be negatively correlated with both intelligence and academic achievement.  相似文献   

近年来,两岸三地的课程改革均将自主学习作为一项重要目标,试图培养和巩固学生的自主学习动机与策略。西方学者的许多研究表明,倡导学生中心的课堂环境有助于促进学生自主学习能力的发展,而偏重教师中心的课堂环境则不利于学生的自主学习。本研究基于香港中小学生对课堂环境观感和自主学习动机与策略的两项调查,发现教师中心的课堂环境对香港学生的自主学习同样具有促进作用,并依此分析了华人文化情境中课堂环境及学生自主学习的特征。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine, within an integrative predictive model, the relative contributions of sociodemographic variables, personal resources, and work wellbeing to teacher burnout. The research was conducted with special education teachers at Italian preschools—a context in which few previous studies have been carried out—and primary schools. A cross‐sectional survey‐based study with a sample of 194 kindergarten and primary school teachers was conducted. The results indicated that teachers’ happiness at school and job satisfaction incrementally predicted variance in personal, work‐related, and student‐related burnout, even after controlling for the effects of sociodemographic factors and personal resources. Furthermore, the final integrative predictive model was similar for both kindergarten and primary teachers.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONHelicobacterpyloriasoneofthemajorpathogenticfactorsinpepticulcerhadbeenidentified(NIH,1994).Morethan90%ofpatientswithduodenalulcerand85%ofpatientswithgastriculcerhadatthesametimeH.pyloriinfectioningastricantrumwhichleadstochronicactivegastritis(T…  相似文献   

The importance of the ethos or learning environment of a training institution is increasingly being appreciated in terms of its effect on learning process and outcome. This paper reports upon the development of an inventory to measure medical students’ perceptions of their learning environment and upon its pilot use to contrast their experiences in five British medical schools. Broad similarities were found between the medical schools upon some dimensions of the questionnaire, but a number of substantial differences are also reported. It is concluded that it is by no means difficult to develop an instrument which can identify important differences between institutions’ learning milieux. However, reservations are expressed about making other than tentative conclusions from the details of the findings of similarities and differences: the desirability of conducting a more comprehensive study is emphasised.  相似文献   

A sample of 802 adolescents between the ages of fifteen and sixteen years completed an Anglicized form of the Dommert revision of the Rokeach Dogmatism Scale and the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity, together with the Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory. The data demonstrate that attitude toward Christianity and dogmatism are unrelated constructs, although both are related, in different ways, to Eysenck's major dimensions of personality.  相似文献   

论述了产学研合作办学对高等学校的宏观意义和微观意义。认为:产学研合作办学有利于高校管理体制、人才培养模式和教育教学等改革,有利于高校学科专业、师资队伍和实践基地建设,有利于高校科研工作的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

The day-to-day business of being a science or mathematics teacher involves the continuous assessment of students. This, in turn, is an inherently discursive process. The aim of the present study is to examine some of the specific discursive practices through which science and mathematics knowing is jointly produced through classroom interaction. In particular, we examine the coproduced nature of two students’ not knowing—one in an outdoor elementary school science lesson and the other in an elementary school mathematics lesson. Our analysis is based on ideas in discursive psychology and challenges conventional interpretations of students’ academic performance in school science and mathematics.  相似文献   

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