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Authors and Open Access: Effective Ways to Achieve OA in China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Although there are effective methods available to authors for providing open access to their work, more than half are still not doing so and provision in China is poorer than in many other countries. There are a number of issues and concerns that dissuade authors from making their work open access : some are still unaware of the concept and of the increased visibility and impact that open access brings; many are unfamiliar with open access journals and how they work; many are uninformed about self-archiving and for some of those who are aware of the possibility of providing open access by this means, concerns about copyright and technical issues remain. Yet all these worries can be addressed with simple facts that reassure and encourage authors to adopt open access to benefit themselves, their research and their teaching. There is also a wealth of resources now available to authors that provide information and advice on open access and its effects. As institutions and research funders, both with a strong interest in maximising the visibility and impact of research they support, begin to develop formal policies on open access, models for its provision are emerging. The optimal model is a network of institution-based open access repositories from which content can be harvested by open access search engines ( the basic' no frills' variant) or by service providers who add functionality or selectivity to provide users with value-enhanced products.  相似文献   

Open Access and the Developing World   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Till about 15 years ago, almost all information exchange among scientists and scholars was mediated by print and even then researchers in the developing countries were at a great disadvantage as their libraries did not have the resources to subscribe in comparison with even a small fraction of journals libraries in advanced countries. But the Internet and the World Wide Web initially exacerbated the gap between the rich and the poor countries, as many poor countries were slow to acquire these technologies and the infrastructure (especially bandwidth). Soon it became clear that thanks to these technologies we now have the unprecedented opportunity of having a level playing field in the matter of accessing scientific and scholarly information. Transforming this opportunity into reality is entirely in the hands of the researchers themselves. Imagine a world where every scientist places his/ her research papers, which (s)he wants to give away so others can read and make use of, in a public archive. Anyone anywhere in the world, of course having an Internet connection, can access, download, and read those papers. This is a win-win situation for all: the reader gets to read what he wants to read at very little cost; the author gains greater visibility for his work and the work reported is likely to have greater impact than if it were to be made available only through a toll-access journal. Although the logic is so simple, in reality such archives were not coming up for a very long time. In spite of the fact that computer scientists and physicists had shown about 15 years ago the great advantages of such archives. Recent studies by Alma Swan and others have shown that a very large proportion of scientists are not aware of open access and therefore what we need is focused advocacy. Even among those who know of OA, many are not depositing their papers in archives but say they would if they are asked by their bosses or their funding agencies. Clearly the ball is in the court of scientists and policy makers. OA is especially advantageous to the developing countries as the current access to literatures is poorest in these countries.  相似文献   

介绍了美国科技信息研究所ISI出版的Web of Science学术信息资源数据库的结构、概况、检索功能与特点,并指出ISI凭借其独特的引文机制和强大的跨库检索能力,将全世界学术信息资源整合在一起,为科研人员和科研机构创造了一个科学研究的数字环境,促进了知识与技术的创新与发展。  相似文献   

Examining a comprehensive set of papers (n = 1837) that were accepted for publication by the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition (one of the prime chemistry journals in the world) or rejected by the journal but then published elsewhere, this study tested the extent to which the use of the freely available database Google Scholar (GS) can be expected to yield valid citation counts in the field of chemistry. Analyses of citations for the set of papers returned by three fee-based databases – Science Citation Index, Scopus, and Chemical Abstracts – were compared to the analysis of citations found using GS data. Whereas the analyses using citations returned by the three fee-based databases show very similar results, the results of the analysis using GS citation data differed greatly from the findings using citations from the fee-based databases. Our study therefore supports, on the one hand, the convergent validity of citation analyses based on data from the fee-based databases and, on the other hand, the lack of convergent validity of the citation analysis based on the GS data.  相似文献   

2013年国际开放获取实践进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过跟踪2013年世界重要科研资助机构、科研机构、政府部门、出版机构的开放获取政策、研究报告和动态消息,从开放获取政策、开放出版实践、开放获取知识库的发展趋势以及新的开放获取学术信息交流模式(如开放数据和开放获取图书)等方面总结2013年国际开放获取实践方面的具体进展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于STS的思路考察科学信息的开放获取模式,以多学科、多元化的视角分析其实现过程和相关问题。[方法/过程]从社会各界主体意识的觉醒、网络环境提供的技术支持以及政府部门的有力参与3个方面探索科学信息开放获取模式实现的动力机制,进而从科学信息的版权归属、科研论文的发表费用、科学知识的质量控制、开放期刊的社会认可度4个方面考察开放获取政策实施中的相关问题。[结果/结论]科学信息的开放获取为我国这样的发展中国家提供了打破既有利益格局的良好机遇,我们应该在增强政府作为的同时,积极发挥高校和科研机构、出版商、科技社团、科学共同体乃至社会公众的不同作用,以更好地推进我国的开放获取事业。  相似文献   

The Way to Open Access - French Strategies to Move Forward   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In France, the movement in favour of open access to scientific research output is getting increasingly coordinated and supported at the political level. The CNRS, a leading research organization in Europe and signatory of the Berlin Declaration, has an evident strategic role to play in this development. Various initiatives that have emerged in the French academic world in recent years have led, for example, in early 2005 to the joint announcement, by four major research institutions, of a common policy to promote open access to published material and other types of digital resources, and to set up institutional archives. The article highlights some key issues of this policy, gives an overview of the current and past CNRS involvement in open access and describes the principal functions, as well as the related challenges, of the future institutional repositories.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以国家自然科学基金基础知识库建设为例,为国内资助与研究机构建设开放获取知识库提供参考经验。[方法/过程] 全面调研国内外开放获取知识库平台技术、功能、服务与发展,详细介绍项目建设平台选型、架构设计、关键技术实现、界面设计、元数据标准、数据清洗、运行情况等研究成果与实践经验。[结果/结论] 总结项目建设经验,为资助与研究机构建设开放获取知识库提供有价值的研究与建设参考经验,推动公共资助机构投资所产生的知识普惠社会,促进社会创新发展。  相似文献   

国外学术交流开放存取发展综述   总被引:70,自引:1,他引:69  
介绍开放存取的含义、基本特征、发展背景,说明其对传统学术交流过程的变革、与信息资源共享的关系,并对国外学术交流开放存取的发展过程予以梳理,最后分析开放存取对我国学术交流的启示。  相似文献   

Using data from Web of Science, this research investigates how physical science researchers funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research complied with its open access policy, and compares the citation counts of articles published through gold and green models.It was found that, for articles published between 2008 and 2015, 9% were available through gold open access routes and 13% were available through green routes; most were not openly accessible. Citation rates were comparable for green open access and non-open access articles, but citation rates for gold open access articles were lower. After controlling for publication year, citation rates of gold, green, and non-open access articles were comparable. Among gold open access articles, citation rates were highest for open access journals with article processing charges, but after controlling for publication year, articles published in hybrid journals, followed by those in open access journals with article processing charges, achieved the highest citation rates. Articles published in free open access journals had the lowest citation rates. The results suggest that green open access is the most economical approach to comply with open access policies, and that it provides researchers with at least as much research impact as gold open access.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过跟踪全球开放获取发展态势,以期为我国的开放获取实践提供参考借鉴。[方法/过程]以2015年1月到2016年12月为时间窗口,通过网络调研和归纳研究的方法,从开放获取知识库、开放出版、开放数据和开放科学四个方面分析和总结全球开放获取相关政策和实践进展,并对开放获取发展趋势和所面临的挑战进行了归纳。[结果/结论]全球开放获取知识库从重点关注资源存储向资源利用转变;开放出版由通过政策促进规模出版转向价格和质量控制;开放数据关注重点从行业领域上升到国家发展战略的高度,发展重点由基础设施建设转向数据存储和利用等政策的制定;开放科学从制定理想规划和落实方案到不确定的阶段。  相似文献   

科技会议文献开放获取资源库研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在论述文献资源开放获取现状的基础上,分析科技会议文献的特点、国家对 开放获取的政策支持、开放获取的版权问题、国家科技基础条件平台的建设内容以及开 放获取资源库的建设步骤,提出建立中国科技会议文献开放获取资源库的构想,并从中 国科学院现有的优势、开放获取机构政策、软件系统、资源质量、资源收集渠道和管理 方式等方面具体探讨率先建立中国科学院科技会议文献资源库并最终纳入国家科技基础 条件平台的可行性。  相似文献   

开放获取的发展与推动因素   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
初景利 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(6):238-242
开放获取发展的历史不长,但显示出强劲的发展势头,得到了学术界、高等院校、专业团体、图书馆、基金会、国际组织、以及期刊出版商和有关方面的热情关注和广泛支持。这些不同方面的因素在推动开放获取中发挥着不同的作用,共同促进了开放获取的发展。文章总结分析了这些不同的方面在推动开放获取方面所发挥的促进作用和所产生的积极影响。  相似文献   

开放获取学术信息资源:逼近“主流化”转折点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
总结开放获取期刊和开放获取论文迅速增长的发展趋势,分析开放获取期刊影响力快速提升的原因,介绍SCOAP3和PLoS等出版商积极介入开放获取出版的情况及在开放出版模式上的创新及其影响,指出科研人员和资助者已采取更为积极的支持态度和措施,开放获取学术资源正成为主流学术信息资源,研究图书馆面对这一颠覆性发展趋势,应做好充分准备。  相似文献   

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