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中晚唐女冠诗人李冶和鱼玄机虽然出身背景和时代大致相同,也同样有着丰富的感情经历和众多的异性诗友,创作了不少情爱诗与酬唱诗,但是由于她们的人生经历不同,以及对待生活的态度和追求也不完全相同,因此她们诗作的意境并不完全相似。情爱诗,鱼玄机多爱欲求托身,李冶多伤感求真情;酬唱诗,李冶多友情与明志,鱼玄机则多暧昧与诱惑。  相似文献   

唐代是我国诗歌发展的鼎盛时期,社会文化空前繁荣。在唐代文化圈内,女冠诗人是特殊的女性文人创作群体,以李冶、薛涛、鱼玄机等为代表。她们身世离奇、性情豁达、才华横溢、感情大胆诚挚。她们关注女性意识,诗作意象万千,形神不拘,独具特色,在中国女性文学史上占有一席之地。本文主要从女冠诗本身、宗教、时代三方面,全方位地探究唐代女冠诗人特殊的人生境遇和世俗化人生。  相似文献   

在唐代女性文化圈内,女冠占擅一代诗坛风骚,这种颇为奇特的现象,在中国女性文学史上也属罕见.从李冶、薛涛、鱼玄机这三位女冠诗人诗作的艺术特色,可看到当时道教的盛行对诗歌创作的影响.  相似文献   

鱼玄机是唐代著名的女冠诗人,她的排律在诗歌体裁方面有着深远的影响和不容忽视的地位。鱼玄机的排律在内容上吐露了她的一腔真情,表现了细腻又率真的诗风。鱼玄机在排律的创作中克服了平仄、对仗、用韵等章法上的困难,留下了唐宋二代五、七言排律诗的压轴之卷,为排律体诗的发展做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

唐朝社会,人才济济,就是在此背景下,鱼玄机和李冶却以其诗名傲然于唐代诗坛,她们诗作的价值绝不亚于男子。作为唐朝颇富声名的女诗人,她们的爱情生活却十分不幸,屡次遭弃,被弃之后生活难以为继,被迫选择入冠,因而她们的诗篇中渗透着浓浓的闺怨情结。但是二人的闺怨情结又有所区别,对比之下发现,鱼玄机诗作中的闺怨情结比之李冶更为丰富,表达方式也更为多变。  相似文献   

唐代是道教发展的重要阶段,也是女冠独立的关键时期,女冠法服是这一现象最直观的外在表现之一。透过女冠法服的演变,可清晰看到道教自身的发展轨迹,以及在此过程中,当世政治对道教的深刻影响。有唐一代,女冠法服大体经历了三次变化:初期形制基本确定;中期被赋予思想寓意,呈现教义化;后期思想固化为身体表演,出现了授法服仪式。这一演变轨迹不仅是道教内部通过构建日常秩序强化对女冠认同控制的过程,同时也是现实政治诸如中期女冠管理机构改变及后期中央权威下降等与道教的互动之路。  相似文献   

唐代著名女冠诗人鱼玄机生命短暂.现存诗歌50首,数量虽然有限,但特点鲜明:取材较为广泛,内容比较丰富,具有有利于研究古代妇女史,有利于了解唐代社会生活,有利于进一步认知鱼玄机的积极作用和较高史料价值。  相似文献   

唐代作为我国古代诗歌最为繁盛的时期,诗人群体汹涌庞大,而女性诗人的女性意识也开始散发出蓬勃的生命力。其中以薛涛和鱼玄机为代表,她们凭借自身独特的情感体验和审美方式,展现出爱情中女性细腻的生活图景,为后世女性意识的发展产生巨大影响。女性意识的觉醒引发了女性诗人自主抒发爱情的社会契机和自身要求,薛涛和鱼玄机的爱情诗创作中蕴含着二人不同的女性意识,表现了唐代女性诗人爱情诗中女性意识的觉醒和转换。  相似文献   

唐代女冠是特殊而又带神秘色彩一群。她们广泛自由的社会交往、风流浪漫的生活,使人们自然而然地把她们与妓女联系起来,于是便流行着“唐代女冠似妓”的说法。这一说法的产生有着复杂而深刻的社会原因,与唐代的历史文化、社会心理以及女冠的生活方式、文学创作有着密切的关系。唐代女冠是唐代特定历史文化的产物。  相似文献   

论唐代女冠诗人的女性意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐代是道教发展较为充分的时代,这一时期几位著名的女诗人都是女冠。唐代统治者对道教的优惠政策和道教教义改变了入道女冠的生活和观念,女冠诗人表现出较为强烈的女性意识。其女性意识在争取情爱自由中得以回复,在对社会平等地位的期盼中、在对社会政治的评价中充分地展现出来。  相似文献   

在我国社会经济急速转型时期,由于社会政治、经济、文化、自然等多重因素的影响,出现了一个特殊的群体——“弱势群体”.家庭的弱势,对其子女的学习、品德及身心健康造成了严重的影响.在构建和谐社会、促进教育公平的今天,“弱势群体”的教育问题应该引起全社会的关注.  相似文献   

溶菌酶及其应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
溶菌酶的生物学功能是催化某些细菌细胞壁多糖的水解,从而溶解这些细菌的细胞壁。本文综述了溶菌酶的类型、生物学功能及溶菌酶的应用现状。  相似文献   

The present study examined the child-rearing attitudes of incest and nonincest child sexual abuse survivors and their perceptions of their own parents' behavior. From a sample of women with a history of child sexual abuse, 40 women with children completed questionnaires designed to assess their own and their parents' child-rearing behavior in terms of the dimensions of parental acceptance and control. The data indicated that women from incestuous backgrounds had more negative perceptions of their fathers and mothers in terms of acceptance and control than women abused by men who were not related to them. Moreover, incest victims who perceived their mothers negatively endorsed autonomy promotion in their own attitudes toward child rearing. The findings are discussed in terms of (1) the lack of positive parenting models when relations with both parents are experienced as negative, (2) incest survivors' conflicts about their own early maturity, and (3) the relation of these findings to the tendency for intergenerational repetition of father-daughter incest.  相似文献   

Too often there is far too large a gap between the sort of literature recommended by the English teacher and the normal reading tastes both of children and adults (W. Stewart, 1950).  相似文献   

对多数学生来说,写作是难事,写好作文则更不易,久而久之形成恐惧。克服恐惧感和提高写作信心的一些方法主要是细心观察,养成练笔的习惯,掌握正确的写作方法和技巧,培养写好作文兴趣。  相似文献   

This article reports on an Economic and Social Research Council‐funded study into secondary‐aged writers' compositional processes, both as observed in a naturalistic classroom setting and as gathered through post hoc reflections. The sample comprised 38 children drawn from Year 9 and Year 11 who were observed, using an annotated timeline, responding to a writing task in the classroom and were subsequently interviewed, using stimulated recall. The initial analysis of the pause and writing patterns observed during the writing task revealed different writing profiles for different writers, and subsequent analysis suggests tentatively that writers of different proficiency may present differing writing profiles. These patterns of composition are then illustrated further through use of the interview data, indicating the writers' awareness of their own composing processes. Finally, the article considers the pedagogic and theoretical implications of these findings, in particular the need for further confirmatory research.  相似文献   

The Images of Schools through Metaphor (ISM) was developed as a simple, economical questionnaire to allow school leaders and researchers to survey teachers' images of their school. The article describes briefly aspects of the development and validation of this questionnaire and its application in an investigation of relationships between teachers' images of their schools and their perceptions of its work environment as assessed by the School Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ). The sample used consisted of 162 teachers in 48 schools in Tasmania, Australia, each of whom completed both the ISM and the SLEQ. The various results revealed were generally of considerable statistical significance indicating a strong relationship between the images teachers have of their school and the perceptions they have of its work environment.  相似文献   

利用大学教育管理信息系统构建二级学院绩效评价系统,主要针对评价的基本要素,探讨普遍适应的评价方法,系统实现反映学院工作状态,具有综合评价、体现优势、诊断薄弱环节和改进评价方法等功能,并给出实例.  相似文献   

电子竞技运动的主体是青少年,其负面影响不容忽视。在对我国电子竞技运动概念及发展进行简要介绍的基础上,探讨了电子竞技运动的对青少年的负面影响,并提出了对策,以期促进电子竞技运动成为真正的阳光运动。  相似文献   

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