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The premise underlying this paper is that one of the best ways of improving education in the United States, short of totally restructuring the public schools, is to teach pre-service teachers how to use systems approach principles and to work to insure that they employ those principles when they become teachers. The paper begins with a rationale for this premise and goes on to describe the systems approach principles likely to be most rel evant to teachers. A detailed examination of the real world of teacher planning and the factors likely to influence teachers' planning activities is also presented. In light of those factors, the authors suggest a number of steps that can be taken in order to increase the likelihood that future teachers will employ systems approach principles as they engage in instructional planning.  相似文献   

名师工程的重要性在于其实施有助于高校整体师资队伍建设以及高校教学质量提升。名师工程的中心与实施的落脚点在于“培养”二字。名师的培养是有阶段性的,各个阶段都有其培养的策略。  相似文献   

教师叙事研究:教师专业发展的一条有效路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为教育叙事研究重要内容的教师叙事对教师专业发展起着重要的作用,教师专业发展要求教师成为研究者,对实践进行自觉反思,要求教师以自己的经验为背景来建构对事物的理解。因此,教师叙事研究是教师专业发展的一条有效路径,它能促进教师向研究者的转型,促进教师问题意识的觉醒,促进教师对实践的不断反思,促进教师间的合作与交流。  相似文献   

Operating systems is an example of a subject that, with the right tools, can be taught in an applied manner, giving students the opportunity to understand, and hence appreciate, the fundamentals of commercial operating systems such as Unix and Windows. Not surprisingly, the tools needed in an operating systems course are, at a minimum, a hardware testbed and a programming language into which algorithms can be translated. This paper describes how many of the salient points concerning operating systems, such as concurrency and critical regions, can be covered in an applied manner using the PC, the C programming language, and extensions to C.  相似文献   

在青年教师只是熟悉教学常规和教学策略后,他们会在一定程度上提高其教学能力,但离经验丰富、教学有成的境界还是有一定的距离.要消除这一距离,还需要一个"质"的变化过程.  相似文献   

This paper, firstly, seeks to show why computer-based career guidance systems need to take on the educational role of helping people develop appropriate and effective ways of thinking about their career problems, rather than concentrating on the currently more orthodox role of trying to match people with occupational databases. Secondly, a computer program, called SELSTRA, which goes some way to developing in this educational direction is briefly described. The limitation of this alternative approach—its inability to identify and correct mistaken factual beliefs—is discussed. Finally a new generation of computer-based career guidance systems is anticipated which would synthesise the current approaches and transcend current weaknesses.  相似文献   

For the last ten years or so research workers and enterprising teachers have been on the look-out for ways and means of improving instruction. Though it is still too early to expect a drastic change in the educational scene resulting from their activities, considerable advances have been made in various fields and teachers have become aware of the potentialities of the new media. While it is true that programmed instruction proper can no longer be said to attract as much attention as was the case in the early sixties, the language laboratory has come to stay, and there is every reason to believe that ETV is on its way in. The same applies to other devices, and it is certainly not the teachers' fault if progress is not made as fast as would be desirable.  相似文献   

教学日志是指教师对自己的教学经历予以归纳、概括、反思和评价,从中觉察存在的问题,明示改进思路和措施。它是反思性教学最主要和最便利的形式。教学日志的内容不是预设的,而是经过教学实践和反思后生成的。教学日志的生成应遵循具体性、客观性、经常性和批判性原则。分析教学设计、回顾教学过程、观摩同行教学和反复教学实践,可使教学日志得以进一步丰富和升华。  相似文献   

高校教师激励机制的灵活运用是高校稳定队伍、吸引优秀人才的重要手段,学校应当以教师的需要为导向,深入分析教师需要的结构层次、特征,依据薪酬收入、环境保障、职业发展等方面的激励机理,更新观念、创新举措、塑造文化、建好生态,促使教师充分施展才能,最大限度地发挥人才在学校事业科学发展中的作用.  相似文献   

教师个人实践知识是教师专业发展的基础,对教师的专业发展具有重要意义。教师需要用教师个人实践知识来完善自身,这是教师实现专业化的一个发展路径。  相似文献   

许多混沌系统都可以转化为Lur’e系统。采用时滞反馈控制技术研究了一般时滞Lur’e系统的混沌同步问题,利用Lyapunov函数和线性矩阵不等式法得到了与时滞无关的线性矩阵不等(LMI)判据。最后,给出的例子阐明了所得到的结果。  相似文献   


The attitudes of education students toward themselves and others were measured before and after a course in human development. Large changes in attitudes were found to be associated with initial attitude positions, sex and the composition of individual sections of the course. Comparisons of this sample with others indicated that education students have initially more authoritarian attitudes than other college students, but that they change markedly when enrolled in a human development course.  相似文献   

A review is presented of the various attempts to devise courses to train teachers in the behavioural approach to classroom management. The early American studies and later British Studies are reviewed separately. The final section considers criticisms of the previous courses and brings together suggestions for an improved training model.  相似文献   

教师历来被赋予了崇高的内涵和神圣的使命。为了改变市场经济负面影响和功利主义的影响下出现的不良的师德现象,必须把师德建设的重点放在宣传,建立相应监督激励机制,将理论学习与丰富多彩的相关活动结合等。  相似文献   

Society requires that the engineer is thoroughly immersed in his field of technology at the time of graduation, even if such specialisation is necessarily narrow. In order to provide him with broader skills and with a background that does not swiftly become outdated, a set of systems subjects (systems theory, control engineering, etc.) is recommended as part of his curriculum. These subjects have a lasting relevance to practical application and can be combined successfully with studies of any kind of technology. There does not seem to be much space for a wide interdisciplinarity in the basic engineering exam, but since many engineers are involved with interdisciplinary problems in industry, a multidisciplinary team consisting of graduates of differing backgrounds provides efficient later training which may be supported by supplementary education given by non-academic institutions. Scientific, interdisciplinary research in universities is found to be especially fruitful, and experiences of a related research project are summarised as an example.  相似文献   

当前,高校教师培训存在着重专业知识培养,轻教学技能提高;培训手段落后,培训方式单一等问题,在一定程度上影响了高校教师的专业发展和教学水平的提高。微格教研这种新型的教研模式,以其鲜明的特点适应了高校教师教学技能培训的需要,值得推广。  相似文献   

本文从学校自身发展的经验出发,界定了"自主课题"的内涵,从可操作的角度提供了一种较为理想的适合中小学教师专业化发展的学习方式--自主课题研究,具有针对实用性、灵活可变性、小专短、持续反思性等特征.  相似文献   

This article utilizes Rogers ’ innovation‐decision process model (2003) and Beckman and Berry's innovation process model (2007) to create an innovative learning map that illustrates three learning methods (i.e., face‐to‐face learning, online learning, and blended learning) in two types of innovation (i.e., incremental innovation and radical innovation) that exhibits the behavior and dynamics on a two‐dimensional area of learning changes (i.e., change in learning model and change in technological infrastructure). The behavior and dynamics of face‐to‐face, online, and blended learning are depicted in the innovative learning map. Blended learning is identified as a radical innovative learning method in the innovative learning map. A course management system (CMS) is an information and communication technology (ICT) tool that can be used to facilitate and balance communication channel within a blended learning environment. Two propositions are proposed in this article: (1) CMS facilitates communication channel, enhances learning practice for learners and instructors, and is an enabler for blended learning; and (2) adopting CMS is suitable for blended learning practice. A case study to a college System Analysis and Design (SA&D) course reflects that the adoption of CMS in a blended learning environment is acceptable.  相似文献   

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