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学习科学视域下的案例推理机制为案例教学带来了新的行动方向,其核心思想是"类似的问题有类似的解决方案"。文章通过梳理五种案例推理认知模型后,建构了案例推理学习模型,研发了基于案例推理的学习模型以及供学习者自主学习的游戏化学习平台。学习结果分析表明,基于案例推理的学习模型是以学习者为中心,关注学习过程,可以促进学习者主动推理反思,实现知识迁移,探索复杂多变的现实问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

基于问题式学习(PBL)的设计   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
基于问题式学习(PBL——problem-based learning)是一种教学方式或教学策略,它强调把学习设置到有意义的问题情境中,通过让学习组织团队解决实际问题,让学习获自主学习与协作学习的能力和高效解决问题的技能。问题、学习和教师(辅助)是基于问题式学习的三要素。本主要讨论基于问题式学习的设计策略与实施步骤。  相似文献   

要想实现深度学习的主动性,要求教师引导学生主动提出有深度的问题,引发思考。深度思考引发深度碰撞,学生或为自己的观点辩护或对同伴的观点提出质疑批判,以此生成深度认知,从而发生深度学习。在深度问题-深度思考-深度碰撞-深度学习这样一个递进的链条中,质疑说理是最有效的推动力,说理课堂实现深度学习。  相似文献   

网络环境下问题解决学习的课堂教学设计的实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的发展,网络为教育带来了新的生机与活力。问题解决学习模式(PBL)是一种与建构主义学习理论及其教学原则非常吻合的教学模式。但在目前的教育实践中,网络环境下的问题解决学习模式还很少得到具体的实践研究。我们采取个案研究的方法,进行了网络环境下问题解决学习的课堂教学设计的实践研究,旨在探索出在网络环境下PBL与地理教学的可操作性强的整合模式。  相似文献   

Applying knowledge from one context to another is a notoriously difficult problem, both for children and adults, but lies at the heart of educational endeavors. Analogical reasoning is a cognitive underpinning of the ability to notice and draw similarities across contexts. Reasoning by analogy is especially challenging for students, who must transfer in the context‐rich and often high‐pressure settings of classrooms. In this brief article, we explore how best to facilitate children's analogical reasoning, with the aim of providing practical suggestions for classroom instruction. We first discuss what is known about the development and neurological underpinnings of analogical reasoning, and then review research directly relevant to supporting analogical reasoning in classroom contexts. We conclude with concrete suggestions for educators that may foster their students' spontaneous analogical reasoning and thereby enhance scholastic achievement.  相似文献   

基于问题的学习(PBL)在教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过一则案例详细介绍了目前流行欧美的一种新颖的上课方式”PBL”(基于问题的学习,Prob-lem—based learning)。通过对“问题导向学习评量表”的分析研究,得出“PBL”能够激发学生的创新精神,提高学习能动性。PBL能够启发我们打破学科间的狭隘界限,全面地看问题。这种新的教学模式给传统的教学方式带来挑战:对于教师不仅要精通本专业,并要掌握许多相关课题;而学生要学会从各种信息中查询所需的内容,并独立思考、参与合作。  相似文献   

We have developed an interactive case-based online network (ICON) that provides a new learning environment and integrates the student's thinking across the different concentration tracks of one of Harvard's interfaculty science initiatives. ICON takes advantage of this cross-disciplinary, undergraduate curriculum as a model system to bring a compelling, integrative focus to bear on reshaping how Harvard students learn neuroscience. ICON contains 9 learning modules specific to each case: Case, Working Papers, Blackboard, Neuroimaging, Research Programs and Trials, Decision Tree, Learning Objectives, Virtual Contact, and Brainstorm. Modules allow the student to get away from interpreting vast amounts of available information, move toward selecting useful information, recognize discriminating findings, and build a conceptual understanding of real and meaningful problems in neuroscience. The result is that ICON introduces a new landscape within the academic curriculum where the active participation of faculty and students effectively intersects and captures an immediate, integrative learning experience for the student. The benchmark of ICON is the time spent by students and faculty to create a user-defined learning network that engages faculty to participate in the students' learning and transforms the way the student thinks.  相似文献   

As emerging technologies become increasingly inexpensive and robust, there is an exciting opportunity to move beyond general purpose computing platforms to realize a new generation of K-12 technology-based learning environments. Mixed-reality technologies integrate real world components with interactive digital media to offer new potential to combine best practices in traditional science learning with the powerful affordances of audio/visual simulations. This paper introduces the realization of a learning environment called SMALLab, the Situated Multimedia Arts Learning Laboratory. We present a recent teaching experiment for high school chemistry students. A mix of qualitative and quantitative research documents the efficacy of this approach for students and teachers. We conclude that mixed-reality learning is viable in mainstream high school classrooms and that students can achieve significant learning gains when this technology is co-designed with educators.  相似文献   

Scientific knowledge often appears to contradict many students' religious beliefs. Indeed, the assumptions of science appear contradictory to the metaphysical claims of many religions. This conflict is most evident in discussions of biological evolution. Teachers, in attempts to limit the controversy, often avoid this topic or teach it superficially. Recently, there has been a political effort to teach to the controversy—which some see as a way of introducing religious explanations for biological diversity into science classrooms. Many science educators reject this approach, insisting that teachers limit classroom discussions to science alone. This science only approach leaves the negotiation of alternative knowledge frameworks to students, who are often ill-prepared for such epistemological comparisons. To support students' understanding of science while maintaining their religious commitments, this article explores the utility of emphasizing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and the need to support students in their comparison of contradictory knowledge frameworks.  相似文献   

We analyze our method of teaching with primary historical sources within the context of theoretical frameworks for the role of history in teaching mathematics developed by Barbin, Fried, Jahnke, Jankvist, and Kjeldsen and Blomhøj, and more generally from the perspective of Sfard’s theory of learning as communication. We present case studies for two of our guided student modules that are built around sequences of primary sources and are intended for learning core curricular material, one on logical implication, the other on the concept of a group. Additionally, we propose some conclusions about the advantages and challenges of using primary sources in teaching mathematics.  相似文献   

The 1990 national curriculum of Thai education and educational reform states that, at primary and secondary educational levels, schools must prepare the child to become a smart, good and a happy individual in the Thai learning society. Teaching and learning must emphasise learning to think, to do and to solve problems. A study into integrating assessment and learning as a single activity was conducted by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction Development to demonstrate that good assessment is an integral part of good instruction. Three major elements of science education are learning science, learning about science and doing science. In the assessment of science, the teacher assesses knowledge and recall of scientific facts, the application of scientific knowledge, processes of science and scientific skills and, of course, attitudes and habits of mind acquired through science education. The assessment procedures are in the form of open-ended paper-and-pencil tests, practical tests, students' work and reports, teacher observation of practical work during the semester, and parents' and peers' comment and criticism. The assessment is a continuous activity in parallel with learning activity.  相似文献   

In this intervention study, we investigated the effects of physical activities that were integrated into a geography task on preschool children's learning performance and enjoyment. Eight childcare centers with 87 four‐to‐five‐year‐old children were randomly assigned across an integrated physical activity condition, an unintegrated physical activity condition, and a control condition without physical activity. Children learned the names and a typical animal from each of the six continents using a floor‐mounted world map with soft toy animals. Both learning conditions with physical activities showed higher performance than the learning condition without physical activities on an immediate retention test, and on a delayed retention test administered five weeks later. In addition, children in the physical activity conditions (integrated and nonintegrated) enjoyed their learning method the most. Infusing task‐relevant physical activities into the classroom and the learning task is discussed as a promising way to improve children's learning, enjoyment, and health.  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) was originally introduced in medical education programs as a form of small-group learning, but its use has now spread to large undergraduate classrooms in various other disciplines. Introduction of new teaching techniques, including PBL-based methods, needs to be justified by demonstrating the benefits of such techniques over classical teaching styles. Previously, we demonstrated that introduction of tutor-less PBL in a large third-year biochemistry undergraduate class increased student satisfaction and attendance. The current study assessed the generic problem-solving abilities of students from the same class at the beginning and end of the term, and compared student scores with similar data obtained in three classes not using PBL. Two generic problem-solving tests of equal difficulty were administered such that students took different tests at the beginning and the end of the term. Blinded marking showed a statistically significant 13% increase in the test scores of the biochemistry students exposed to PBL, while no trend toward significant change in scores was observed in any of the control groups not using PBL. Our study is among the first to demonstrate that use of tutor-less PBL in a large classroom leads to statistically significant improvement in generic problem-solving skills of students.  相似文献   

探索Tutorless PBL在高职《基础护理学》课程中的应用,通过前期设计及课堂质量控制顺利开展由一名导师实施的大班PBL教学,旨在让师生通过体验了解PBL的模式、程序,并在实践中有所收益,为以后的教育学习提供经验。  相似文献   

Archive-based, historical research of materials produced during the Golden Age of Geology (1788–1840) uncovered scientific caricatures (SCs) which may serve as a unique form of knowledge representation for students today. SCs played important roles in the past, stimulating critical inquiry among early geologists and fueling debates that addressed key theoretical issues. When historical SCs were utilized in a large-enrollment college Earth History course, student response was positive. Therefore, we offered SCs as an optional assessment tool. Paired t-tests that compared individual students’ performances with the SC option, as well as without the SC option, showed a significant positive difference favoring scientific caricatures (α = 0.05). Content analysis of anonymous student survey responses revealed three consistent findings: (a) students enjoyed expressing science content correctly but creatively through SCs, (b) development of SCs required deeper knowledge integration and understanding of the content than conventional test items, and (c) students appreciated having SC item options on their examinations, whether or not they took advantage of them. We think that incorporation of SCs during assessment may effectively expand the variety of methods for probing understanding, thereby increasing the mode validity of current geoscience tests.  相似文献   

根据研究南京医科大学双向整合案例(PBL)课程的应用情况,将PBL增设为一门课程,跨专业、多学科参与双向整合案例(PBL)课程学习,体现了临床医学专业在培养过程中通过早期接触临床、人文、公共卫生与预防医学等方面知识,培养学生自主学习、协作沟通、循证决策能力的重要性。  相似文献   

PBL和非PBL毕业生的综合能力比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
有报道说低年资医生在综合能力上存在不足,本文比较了从PBL和非PBL学校毕业的学生关于综合能力的看法,结果表明PBL学校在多个能力上培训得更充分,但PBL和非PBL学校的毕业生在综合能力上都存在不足,在将来的大学医学教育中应加强这些能力的培训。  相似文献   

随着我国现代化信息技术快速发展,各行各业的人都在信息化中享受其带来的便利,教育也不例外,尤其是应试教育方式无法与现代化的教育理念相符。所以,翻转课堂教学设计应运而生,这种模式的好评度极高,文章将对翻转课堂教学模式做出更深刻的分析与研究,为学生自主学习提出更多可实行的办法。  相似文献   

积极参与是学生自主学习的前提。在教学中引导趣学、乐学、志学,使之由被动参与者变为主动参与者。  相似文献   

This article describes Basil Bernstein's theory of the pedagogic device as applied to school music instruction. Showing that educational practices are not personal choices alone, but the result of socio-political mandates, the article traces how education functions as a vehicle for social reproduction. Bernstein called this process the recontextualization of knowledge: From its point of inception, originally conceived knowledge undergoes changes through selection and filtration processes, eventually becoming curriculum—a relay for certain social and cultural values. Gaps in the recontextualization process allow teachers to place their own individual stamp upon the learning and teaching that occur in their classroom. Teacher–pupil interactions, guided by school-internal processes, lead to school knowledge that is further reproduced by the pupils in particular ways. A teacher's awareness of socially conditioned and habitual patterns of preference and behavior (habitus) may be key to making socially inclusive and emancipatory instructional choices.  相似文献   

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