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Whileworkingonacruiseship熏amagicianperformedthesametrickseachweeksincehealwayshadanewaudience.一个魔术师在一艘观光船上工作,因为每周有不同的观众,他总是表演着同样的魔术。Problemwas熏thecaptainhadaparrotwhosaweachshowandhadfiguredouthowthemagiciandidhistricks.问题是船长有一只鹦鹉,它看了每一场表演,也看明白了魔术师是怎么表演魔术的。Theyfloatedfordayswithoututteringaworduntilfinallytheparrotturnedtothemagician.“Okay.Igiveup.”Itsaid.“Whatdidyoudowiththeship芽”他们一起漂流了好几天都没说一句话,最…  相似文献   

The best way of learning a language is by using it.The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible.Sometimes you will get your words mixed up(混淆) and people will not understand you.  相似文献   

Teachers,guiding students in the acquisition of knowledge and in the develo-pment of high ideas,provide valuable and unique service to the nation.The des-tiny of a nation lies in the hands of those who guide its youth.Effective teaching has an important bearing on the students,so teachingmethods becomes a prime target of research.Especially for beginning teachers ofEnglish it is very important for you to have some knowledge of effective methodsand techniques of teaching.  相似文献   

I hope I’ll have more chances to speak English in class,because we can learn English well only by using it.However,we have no such a chance at home.I hope the teacher will arrange all kinds of activities in class,such as dialogues,short plays,reading contests and so on.I don’t think it good for the teacher to talk all the time while the students take notes only.I think it necessary to learn some grammar.But we shouldn’t study grammatical rules in  相似文献   

实现人生的追求,是每一个人的梦想。然而你是否想过,你最想要的是什么呢?名?利?健康?希望?友谊?幸福?成功还是其他什么呢? You've heard it said that the best things in life aren't things.This truth is illustrated well by Andrea Jaeger. At age 14 Andrea __1__ her first professional tennis tournament.At 18,she reached the finals of Wimbledon.But at age 19,a shoulder in- jury __2__ her career to an end.  相似文献   

年纪一年年增长。Brad却越老越有精神。他跟夫人Wendy一起出游,呼朋唤友叙旧,还跟中国的学生们通信,日子过得有声有色。出乎他意料的是。在与中国学生的通信过程中,他获益匪浅。那就是,他发现了一个全新的世界,而那个世界充满着无限的可能……  相似文献   

"唧喳口语角"与大家见面了!这里是同学们用英语交流的大舞台,这里为提高你的口语水平创造好机会,这里还为即将参加口语考试的伙伴们提供实战指导。欢迎将你的"唧喳口语角"练习制成录音带、录像带或DV寄给《英语大王》!  相似文献   

This study responds to a question that people working in the field of learning sciences get asked regularly: What do learning scientists do? Earlier attempts to answer this question came from a need to define a new field of educational research. Now that the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) has grown into a robust and productive society, it is time to gain a more nuanced understanding of learning sciences research and practices—including where it takes place, for whom, and in what form—as defined by members of the learning sciences community. Here we report on the responses of 253 ISLS members to a survey conducted in 2014. We discuss implications of the findings in terms of the type of impact learning scientists have. We also discuss how these results might be used to advise prospective students and to create a vision for our future.  相似文献   

冬天来了,我们可队和冰雪来个亲密接触。看看下面哪样运动最适合你!  相似文献   

“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,Ling 种下了诚实,所以收获了国王的信赖,并成为国王的继承人。“H onesty is the best policy.”(诚实至上)应成为人人所遵奉的基本原则。  相似文献   

“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,Ling种下了诚实,所以收获了国王的信赖,并成为国王的继承人。“Honesty is the bestpolicy.”(诚实至上)应成为人人所遵奉的基本原则。[编者按]  相似文献   

This article examines the practice of studying texts in secondary school English lessons as a particular type of reading experience. Through a critical stylistic analysis of a popular edition of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the article explores how reading the text is framed by educational editions, and how this might present the purpose of studying fiction to students. The article draws on two cognitive linguistic concepts – figure/ground configuration and narrative schemas – in order to explore how ‘discourse about a text’ can potentially influence how students read and engage with a text. Building on a previous article, the notion of pre-figuring is developed to offer an account of how a reader’s attention can be directed to particular elements of a text, thus privileging some interpretations and downplaying others. The article then reflects more widely on the perceived purposes of studying fiction with young people, exploring in particular the recent rise of support within the profession in England for Hirsch’s ‘cultural literacy’ model, which sees knowledge about texts as more valuable than authentic reading and personal response.  相似文献   

上一讲,我们谈了提高口语水平的一种练习形式——扩展练习。这个练习的目的是帮助学生扩大口头表达的语言单位,提高我们驾御英语的能力,使表达连贯、充分、而又丰满。语言形式在实际使用中变化万千;同样的一个意思往往因人、因情景、因内容、因对象等的不同而需以不同的方式、句式、和音调来表达。若不论什么情况都使用规律演绎出的单调的形式或近似的形式,讲话的目的非但达不到,还会传递  相似文献   

Do You Know     

Do You Know     
1.Hey,man,good to see you.嗨,幸会。2.We finally made it.我们终于做到了。3.I’ve done my best.我已尽力了。I’m broke.我身无分文。Dig in.别客气,开吃吧![第一段]  相似文献   

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