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Teacher and student acceptability of academic interventions is an important factor for school- based consultants to consider in determining the use and effectiveness of academic interventions. This study compared the acceptability of 3 theoretically distinct mathematics interventions: a cognitive, a behavioral, and a traditional intervention. The study lasted 8 weeks. A total of 18 teacher-candidates (TCs) and 55 fourth grade students were exposed to 1 of 3 mathematical interventions and were asked to rate the acceptability of each intervention. Results showed that both TCs and students rated the interventions as equally acceptable. These findings, though useful to both school-based consultants and trainers, are in contrast with previous findings suggesting that teachers prefer cognitive and cooperative interventions over behavioral interventions (de Mesquita & Zollman, 1995).  相似文献   

These researchers explored ways of adapting instruction to individual students. In one experiment, as an incentive for focusing on more difficult learning tasks, they assigned more points to tasks predicted to be difficult for the student. In a second experiment, they varied both incentives and number of examples offered to demonstrate the tasks, again on the basis of pretest scores. Included is a discussion of how the findings-that both techniques are beneficial—can be applied in classroom instruction. The authors acknowledge the contribution of Duncan N. Hansen, who directed the research project involving performance of the present studies and participated in the writing of earlier drafts. Requests for reprints should be sent to Steven M. Ross, Foundations of Education, Memphis State University.  相似文献   

文章通过对苏北一所普通农村小学的实地调研,呈现了当前农村小学教师身份认同的现状,发现农村小学教师在自我身份认同上存在一个"U"型的发展曲线,在他者认同上遭遇到尴尬的困境。农村小学教师身上存在的这种状况已经产生了不少负面的影响,导致了教师职业倦怠、创新能力下降、社会责任分裂等很多不良后果。为此,有必要从国家政策层面、学校管理层面、教师自身调节层面等方面对教师身份认同情况进行干预,提高农村教师的身份认同度。  相似文献   

小学数学教师教学设计存在的问题及原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以小学数学教师教学设计能力构成模型为框架,对我国小学数学教师进行了系统调查,包括文献研究、问卷调查、访谈、教案分析,从中分析得出了我国小学数学教师教学设计的六个突出问题,之后结合我国现状,探究了产生这些问题的原因,包括教师自身、教师培训和学校管理三个方面,以对有关部门做出决策提供一些参考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to develop a model to examine teachers' instructional practice in secondary school mathematics in relationship to their underlying cognitions. The instructional practice and cognitions of seven experienced and seven beginning teachers of secondary school mathematics were examined as a basis for the creation of the model. To examine instructional practice a Phase-Dimension Framework for the Examination of Mathematics Teaching was developed. Data were obtained through observations, lesson plans, videotapes and audiotapes of structured interviews during the course of one semester. The value of the model lies in its usefulness as a guide for enabling teachers to reflect on their instructional practice and underlying cognitions in a structured, comprehensive manner.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文剖析学生数学心智技能的建构过程 ,并提出促进学生建构数学心智技能的教学策略  相似文献   

学业自我是自我人格系统的重要组成部分,是促进学生有效学习和健康发展的重要因素。虽然学业自我是在学生个人的学习行为和心理历程中形成的,但是学生作为未完成的人,还需要教师在教学中正确引导,以使学生的学业自我能够朝积极的方向发展。教师作为学生学习的主要合作人,可以从导定向、导激励、导运作、导反馈几个方面对学生的学业自我发展提供支持。  相似文献   

教学目标是通过某一具体的教学活动所要达到的某一具体的、可见的行为结果.数学课堂教学目标的实现很大程度上取决于"教学设计".职业学校的数学教学有自己的特殊性.职业学校数学课堂活动设计的关键点有:有效设问,注重知识与认知过程的有效联结,关注教学评价的功能.  相似文献   

This paper describes two high school teachers' conceptions of the cooperation and exploration components of a reform-oriented mathematics curriculum. Although the teachers appreciated the themes of cooperation and exploration in theory, their conceptions of these themes with respect to their implementations of the curriculum differed. One teacher viewed the curriculum's problems as open-ended and challenging for students, whereas the other teacher claimed that the problems were overly structured. Each teacher attributed difficulties with students' cooperative work to the amount of structure and direction (too little or too much) offered by the problems. Discussion of such similarities and differences in the teachers' conceptions emphasizes the dynamic, humanistic nature of curriculum implementation and gives rise to important implications for mathematics teacher development in the context of reform. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

剖析了学生数学心智技能的建构过程;并提出促进学生建构数学心智技能的教学策略.  相似文献   

Within a multitiered system of support (MTSS), students who struggle to learn mathematics often receive core instruction and supplemental intervention in different settings, with different teachers and different sets of curriculum materials, all of which can result in poor alignment. This curriculum crosswalk describes how three sets of materials commonly used to provide core instruction and intervention differ with regard to mathematics practices and vocabulary. The results indicate that there is little overlap among all three programs for the majority (n = 6) of the mathematics practices, and very little overlap in mathematics vocabulary (ranging from 6.3 to 24 percent). We also provide a set of research-based instructional recommendations intended to help teachers address gaps and improve alignment of core instruction and intervention.  相似文献   

数学能力是基础性的认知能力,包括数量、空间和逻辑推理等认知能力。早期数学教育有助于在儿童发育和发展的关键期为儿童奠定认知和神经基础,从而培养儿童抽象而精确的数学思维能力与问题解决能力。脑与认知科学研究表明,儿童生来具有数的概念,体现在两个独立的数的核心表征系统,一是大数系统,模糊估计、粗略表征物体的数量幅度;二是小数系统,精确计数、清晰表征每一个物体。早期数学教育可以借鉴当前丰富的脑与认知科学研究成果,将科学理论和教学实践相结合,利用儿童先天具备的数学潜质,逐渐深入而广泛地培养儿童的数学技能。培养儿童的早期数学能力需要家庭、学校和社会的共同努力。  相似文献   

初中生社会性学习目标的表现及对教师动机激发的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用团体访谈的形式对初中生的社会性学习目标进行调查,得出以下结论:(1)初中生在成就情境中,除了掌握目标和表现目标之外,还普遍存在社会性学习目标;(2)就社会性学习目标的表现而言,可归纳为社会连带目标、社会赞许目标、社会关系目标、社会贡献目标和社会地位目标五大类别;(3)社会性学习目标对学生的影响可能体现在学业成绩、情感体验、学习行为等方面;(4)不同类型社会性学习目标对个体而言的意义不同,对学生的影响也存在差异.研究结果为教师激发学生学习动机提供了全新的理论视角及教学启示.  相似文献   

In the last ten years, a number of innovations, mainly inspired by constructivist notions of learning, have been introduced at various levels of the Dutch educational system. However, constructivist learning environments are rarely implemented. Teachers tend to stick to expository and structured learning environments. This consistent finding requires research in order to gain insight into teachers' preferences for learning environments and to determine the factors that support and impede the realization of these learning environments. Regarding the influence of social backgrounds on student learning, is it also important to take stock of parental views on learning environments.This study is focused on teachers' preferences for learning environments, their reported teaching behavior, and how these match with parents' preferences. Three parallel questionnaires were developed for teachers (n = 285), students (n = 951), and parents (n = 636) to measure preferences and behavior at different levels of education, for three types of learning environments: direct instruction; discovery learning; and authentic pedagogy. The results show that teachers often prefer direct instruction, and seldom promote discovery learning. While teachers sometimes realize authentic pedagogy, constructive learning tasks are seldom used. Teachers' reported practice and parents' preferences for their children appear to correspond reasonably.Results of multiple regression analyses show that the use of the three types of learning environments yield different predictors. For the use of discovery learning and authentic pedagogy, confidence in students' regulative skills is an important predictor. In predicting the use of direct instruction, the teacher's own conception of learning turns out to be an important predictor.  相似文献   

This article summarizes research linking alcohol abuse to poor academic performance, decreased student retention, and problems for the campus community. It provides an overview of 3 theoretical perspectives on reducing problematic alcohol consumption, discusses brief interventions as the treatment of choice, and offers suggestions to college counselors for alcohol prevention programming on their campuses.  相似文献   

目的 :通过调查研究,探讨初中生数学学习策略、数学焦虑对数学成绩的影响.方法 :采用数学学习策略问卷、数学焦虑问卷对1650名初中生进行施测.结果 :初中生数学学习资源管理策略运用水平显著高于认知策略、元认知策略(F=52.55,P<0.01);男生的数学焦虑、数学成绩显著低于女生(t=-3.35、-2.69,P<0.01);数学学习策略、数学焦虑与数学成绩之间显著相关(r=0.18~0.39,P<0.01);数学学习策略可以正向显著预测数学成绩(β=0.19,P<0.01);数学焦虑可以负向显著预测数学成绩(β=-0.36,P<0.01);数学学习策略对数学成绩不仅具有直接预测作用,而且可以通过数学焦虑的中介作用间接预测数学成绩(中介效应比例为35.5%).结论 :初中生数学学习策略掌握程度越好,数学焦虑水平越低,其数学成绩就会越高.  相似文献   

试论数学建构教学策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对认知建构教学原理的探讨,提出了“学建构,教建构;建构地学,建构地教”这一数学教学策略。以及相应的教学原则体系。  相似文献   

词块是构建学术语篇的语言基石,有效使用词块有助于提升学术写作流利性与准确性。中国学习者在论文写作中存在词块滥用、少用与误用等问题。基于此,在英语学术写作教学中,应开展显性词块教学,培养学习者通用学术英语与专业学术英语词块意识,并结合学术写作训练,提高学习者论文写作词块产出质量。  相似文献   

教学学术理念的核心在于扩大了学术的内涵和外延,把教学纳入到学术的范畴,使高校教学成为一种学术活动.教学学术理念的更新能够使高校教师深入对高校教学和学术的认识,加强高校教学学术研究,从而有效提升高校教师的教学水平,不断提高高等教育人才培养的质量.  相似文献   

数学教师开展教学反思的四个"着眼点"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在开放的课堂,教师的精心“预设”并不一定都能获得理想的“生成”效果,教师要从“成功点”、“失误点”、“创意点”和“后续点”反思教学行为与过程,促使“预设”尽可能多地“生成”,减少“预设未生成”的不良后果,并力争有“非预设生成”的意外收获。  相似文献   

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