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The Nonnative English Speaking Teachers(NNETs)Scheme has been in place for over 20 years in the colleges in China and yet Native English Speaking Teachers(NETs)have appeared in the colleges in recent years.In such a condition,this article reports a comparative study of NETs’and NNETs’interaction in college English class from the students’perspective.Data were collected from two postgraduate classes who were both taught by the NET and the NNET in Tianjin Foreign Studies University in China with the methods of interviews.Results showed that the NET’s interaction makes the students more active and relaxed in the class.  相似文献   

提高英语口语表达能力,首先必须彻底理解口头表达的重要性;其次要弄清楚说与写之间的关系;第三要时刻注意着文化的因素;第四要善于应用修辞手段;第五要分析失败者的原因及成功者的方法。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have documented the decoding difficulties of adult basic education (ABE) students in the United States. However, the native speakers of English (NSE) and nonnative speakers of English (NNSE) in ABE classes present different reading behaviors. To explore this, 90 low-intermediate readers (45 NSE and 45 NNSE) were matched on pseudoword reading (Woodcock Reading Mastery Test-Revised; Woodcock, 1987). Their substitution errors in word recognition (Diagnostic Assessments of Reading; Roswell & Chall, 1992) were then classified as phonetically plausible, phonetically implausible, or real words. Both groups made similar numbers of phonetically implausible errors. However, although both possessed comparable pseudoword decoding skills, NSE made more real-word substitutions than NNSE, and NNSE made more phonetically plausible substitutions than NSE. This suggests that ABE teachers should not only be aware of how much decoding students know but also to what extent they actually use that knowledge when reading.  相似文献   

This response to Mayo’s book emphasizes its Gramscian aspects and explores two dimensions not addressed in the original. The first is Cornel West’s attempt to racialize Gramsci and examine how his ideas might serve the interests of African-Americans. The second is Michael Newman and Ian Baptiste’s exploration of the partisan, directive role of adult educators confronting situations of conflict.  相似文献   

从施工队伍的资质审查、评估、选择、人员培训、现场监督管理等方面探讨了对外来施工单位的安全管理经验,并以实际例子证明只要加强对外来施工单位的严格管理,安全是可以保证的。  相似文献   

Using autobiographical experiences as a framework for inquiry, this article sets out to question the often unexamined assumptions that surround the definition of ‘proficiency’ in second/foreign languages. In so doing, it opens up possibilities of inquiry into the power-laden relationships between speaker agency, cultural belonging and self-expression that are equally relevant to intra-linguistic contexts. Recasting our linguistic identities as performative acts that respond to a number of personal and social agendas, the article concludes by considering some general implications of speaker agency and the emotional stakes inherent in language use for the teacher of English in the multilingual classroom.  相似文献   

In recent years, much concern has been expressed about the quality of instruction provided by foreign teaching assistants (TAs) in higher education. Critiques of the use of foreign TAs generally argue that they often impede the learning process because of language barriers. The present study examines the effect that nonnative English-speaking TAs had on student performance over five semesters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Multiple ordinary least squares regression is used to analyze the relationship between student grades and nonnative English-speaking TAs. Subsamples based on a TA's geographic region of origin and instructional area are also analyzed. In addition, course drop rates and the impact of TA training programs are examined to determine possible influence on the results. The results of the analysis consistently indicate slightlybetter performance in sections conducted by nonnative English-speaking TAs.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors investigate the impact of authoring hypermedia on English as a second language sixth- and seventh-grade students' academic English vocabulary and underlying-concept development. Analysis of data showed that students participating in hypermedia projects, as opposed to traditional science or social science curriculum, were better able to acquire content-specific concept terms. Interview data revealed that students found projects worthwhile because they allowed students to personalize their learning and accomplishments.  相似文献   

In “When the Teacher is a Non-native Speaker,” Medgyes examines the differences in teaching behavior between native and non-native teachers of English, and then specifies the causes of those differences. The aim of the discussion is to raise the awareness of both groups of teachers to their respective strengths and weaknesses, and thus help them become better teachers.  相似文献   

One item in the questionnaire inquired whether the participants thought the NEST or the non-NEST was a better teacher. While an approximately equal number of votes went for either option (27 percent for NESTs and 29 percent for nonNESTs), 44 percent inserted “both,” an alternative which had not even been supplied in the questionnaire. The proportion of participants who chose non-NESTs as their favorites is high, especially given their linguistic inferiority. It follows from this that non-NESTs should be in possession of certain unique features that NESTs Jack. But what are they? What gives non-NESTs their competitive edge? What assets enable them to make up for their linguistic handicap?  相似文献   

清代,由于外来移民的增多,在湖南境内经常发生土客冲突.这些冲突虽然不像其他省份那样激烈,但是对于湖南的社会文化和经济生活带来了很大的影响.发生土客冲突原因主要有三种:一是文化差异的冲突;二是土地资源的紧缺;三是经济利益的争夺.  相似文献   

Matlab作为目前最流行的功能强大的软件,可用于说话人识别。在介绍说话人识别基本概念和原理的基础上,通过一个具体实例,说明如何用matlab的simulink工具箱提取特征参数、通过编程来进行对说话人识别的过程。最后给出了识别结果。  相似文献   

This article racializes educational change by examining literature on the history of educational approaches to diversity in the United States and Ontario, Canada to demonstrate how their respective national myths for engaging with diversity—the melting pot and mosaic—have impacted their educational policies and practices over three definable eras of educational change. The educational policies and practices of the two countries are evaluated in relation to four significant and—within the existing literature—widely used political and educational strategies for responding to racial and ethnocultural diversity in schools. The paper cautions that the current era of curriculum standardization and high stakes assessments that reflects a melting pot approach to education reinstitutes and reinforces an inequitable vertical mosaic structure of schooling experiences and outcomes for diverse student populations. It urges policy makers to consider how the current movement toward post-standardization, which reflects a mosaic approach, is presently influencing educational policy and practice in international contexts and achieving more just and effective learning outcomes for diverse student groups.
Allison SkerrettEmail:

说话者意义是语用学研究的主要问题之一,说话者意义存在话语意义(或语境意义)与交际意义两个层面。对比句子意义,通过对说话者意义这两个层面的分析,探讨说话者意义在实现成功的交际活动中所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

通过对电声器课件进行教学设计,确立课件开发的指导思想,从而保证了课件的教学性和科学性;通过对传声器和扬声器进行具体的讯息设计,研究信息呈现和交互的方法,从而保证了课件的技术性和艺术性.  相似文献   

说话人识别可以看作语音识别的一种,本文研究了MFCC参数的提取方法,并对矢量量化VQ的识别模型进行了讨论,设计出了一种可行的识别方法,通过验证,这种方法对于文本有关的说话人识别,可达到较高的识别率.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Inspeakeridentification ,amajorproblemistoseekeffective parametersforcharacterizingindividualspeech .Nonlineardynamicsofairflowduringspeechproductionmayoftenresultinturbulence ,bothsmallandlarge[1,2 ] .Insomecasesthismulti scalestructureofturb…  相似文献   

Public speaking is a part of communication. Good public speaking can convey clear、persuasive ideas or opinions and also can become an effective bridge between the audience and the speaker. This paper is dealing with some skills of public speaking- from several different aspects that should be noticed in public speaking.  相似文献   

The time frame for infants' acquisition of language constancy was probed, using the phonetic variation in a rarely heard accent (South African English) or a frequently heard accent (American English). A total of 156 Australian infants were tested. Six‐month‐olds looked longer to Australian English than less commonly heard South African accent, but at 9 months, showed similar looking times. With the more frequently heard American accent, 3‐month‐olds looked longer to Australian and American English, whereas 6‐month‐olds looked equally. Together these results imply that in the 1st year, differential attention to native versus nonnative accents decreases as infants develop a sense of language constancy for the common native language. However, experience with the nonnative accent can expedite this process.  相似文献   

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