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美国类型电影观念在中国的传播大致可分三个阶段:觉醒期(1986—1994)、震荡期(1995—2001)、深化期(2002至今)。其传播过程中主要发生如下变异或问题:两国类型电影产生、生存与发展的背景被忽略;类型电影概念被无限泛化;用电影的本土化、民族化问题取代了电影的国际化属性;类型电影研究热在一定程度上忽略了对电影叙事一般规则的研究;研究缺乏第一手外文文献资料;研究视角单一;未能正确理解类型电影重复与创新的有机关系。  相似文献   

在根本性的生产机制上,大众传媒与传统悲剧文化是难以兼容的,有时甚至是背道而驰的。这是社会体制、文化属性、现代技术在大众媒介身上聚焦的后果之一。本文从信息扩大再生产、个人主义立场的反思性特征、信息的即时传送技术和复制技术等具体问题出发,讨论了大众媒介"去悲剧"的特性。  相似文献   

面对共同的发展与挑战,我国公共图书馆界也需利用战略管理工具。运用文本分析法对20份美国公共图书馆战略规划进行分析,从中提出应从体例、内容、制定主体、保障方式、评估体系等方面借鉴美国成功经验,构建中国式战略规划的核心体系。  相似文献   

美国黑人图书馆事业在整个美国图书馆事业中占有重要的地位。在黑人馆藏、黑人图书馆员及其教育、独立黑人图书馆、黑人图书馆专业组织及黑人图书馆事业研究等方面要素的推动下,美国黑人图书馆事业大致经历了萌芽、奠基、发展、转折和今天的繁荣时期,黑人图书馆事业的发展历程反映了美国不同历史时期社会对待种族问题的态度,是美国社会民主进程的一个缩影。  相似文献   

A recent American Library Association (ALA) report has shown that less than 1% of credentialed librarians are African American males. This article discusses possible reasons for this dearth; and, in an effort to inform future LIS recruiting and marketing campaigns, the included study attempted to discover which factors lead African American males to choose to pursue a graduate degree in library and information science (LIS) and practice LIS as a career. The study also canvassed African American male librarians’ views on gender advantage in LIS, their career goals, perceived triumphs and challenges in LIS, and level of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Data from 60 qualitative interviews reveal the presence of racial tensions in 21st-century United States. Black participants expressed experiencing racial prejudice while operating automobiles. White passengers also reported witnessing instances of driving while Black (DWB) while riding with Black drivers. Specifically, White participants reported instances of profiling, where they witnessed Black drivers pulled over by police officers, although no traffic violation occurred. Two themes emerged for Black participants: (a) fear that they would be pulled over, and (b) motivation to “survive” the law enforcement encounter. Participants’ experiences insinuate a continued racial tension between Black citizens and White law enforcement officers. While the United States has made valuable strides, we still have prejudices to overcome.  相似文献   

美国总统政治具有社会化表演的特征,随着网络媒介的兴起和"后真相"政治的蔓延,这种特征在当代显得格外突出。本文通过对美国总统政治网络媒介叙述文本的符号叙述学分析,综合媒介情境论、话语理论,明确了相关叙述文本的纪实叙述类型,并对其叙述内容中的"台词设计"进行辨析。同时,本文从否定性、肯定性两个向度出发,对美国总统政治的媒介话语策略及其隐含的权力关系进行分析,并强调作为解释社群的民众对叙述事件的意义解读决定着媒介叙述文本的类型、内容和叙述技巧。由此提出,对"后真相"时代美国总统政治的研究应当以关注其民众的接受状况为基本出发点。  相似文献   

The Web continues to rapidly evolve as a medium of information exchange. One major area where the Web is now playing a definitive role is in increasing consumer accessibility to health information for personal health and disease-related questions. The comprehensiveness of health information on the Web has the potential to empower consumers when making critical health-related decisions. Conversely, the myriad of information resources presents an array of challenges when seeking specific, credible, and timely health information. As the United States health care system continues to change, community concerns about the quantity, quality, and broad nature of information has become critical. In particular, the Web can play a vital role in health awareness and promotion by disseminating health information for traditionally underrepresented groups, particularly African Americans. Increased accessibility for this group has not always been the focus of attention; however, the growth of the Web coupled with heightened awareness of public health initiatives brings to the forefront numerous opportunities to provide tools that promote essential health information literacy.  相似文献   

Objective: To challenge norms of rhetorical invention by examining and enacting African American communication patterns

Course: Basic Course, Public Speaking, Argumentation, Intercultural Communication, African American Rhetoric  相似文献   

African American and European American participants were interviewed about two syndicated comic strips written by and featuring African Americans: Jump Start, a comic strip that portrays African Americans in a normative middle-class family narrative and focuses only occasionally on racial issues, and The Boondocks, a comic strip that focuses frequently on racial issues. The African American groups interpreted the comic strips through the terministic screen of race cognizance, through which racial politics and oppression were highly relevant. Almost all of the European American participants, however, interpreted the comic strips through the terministic screen of Whiteness, through which racial politics and oppression were not relevant.  相似文献   

This study uses discourse analysis to examine the representation of violence against African American women in local TV news coverage of Freaknik, an annual “spring break” ritual that drew African American college students from throughout the country to Atlanta, Georgia in the 1990s. It draws on Black feminist theory in its examination of the ways that gender, race, and class intersected to shape the representation of the victims, the perpetrators, and the violence. The results indicate that the convergence of gender, race, and class oppressions minimized the seriousness of the violence, portrayed most of its victims as stereotypic Jezebels whose lewd behavior provoked assault, and absolved the perpetrators of responsibility. Coverage also reinforced race and class stereotypes by representing locals as underclass troublemakers prone to crime while students were linked to law‐abiding, middle class values and norms. In demonstrating the utility of addressing the intersectionality of gender, race, and class, this study argues that such an approach is necessary to the study of representation.  相似文献   

The increasing use of light‐complexioned black models with Caucasian features in ads has been roundly criticized. This study was designed to test if black female models with Caucasian features are more effective in ads than black models with “classical” features. A 2×2 factorial design was used with two models (mixed‐race and “classical” black) and two products (beauty‐related and beauty‐unrelated). MANOVA tests showed that regardless of the type of product, the type of model did not make a significant difference on the measures of advertising effectiveness. Neither were the interaction effects significant.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, text recycling (TR; AKA ‘self‐plagiarism’) has become a visible and somewhat contentious practice, particularly in the realm of journal articles. While growing numbers of publishers are writing editorials and formulating guidelines on TR, little is known about how editors view the practice or how they respond to it. We present results from an interview‐based study of 21 North American journal editors from a broad range of academic disciplines. Our findings show that editors' beliefs and practices are quite individualized rather than being tied to disciplinary or other structural parameters. While none of our participants supported the use of large amounts of recycled material from one journal article to another, some editors were staunchly against any use of recycled material, while others were accepting of the practice in certain circumstances. Issues of originality, the challenges of rewriting text, the varied circulation of texts, and abiding by copyright law were prominent themes as editors discussed their approaches to TR. Overall, the interviews showed that many editors have not thought systematically about the practice of TR, and they sometimes have trouble aligning their beliefs and practices.  相似文献   


The rise of “digital humanities” and the “spatial turn” in the humanities has generated many new insights in the study of culture, history, literature, and arts. Within this research trend, the library's geospatial service can play an active role by introducing spatial information literacy and technology. In this article, we use the information literacy framework to explore the library's role in supporting digital humanities by introducing a successful collaboration involving a librarian and history and education researchers in hosting a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)-funded summer institute for school teachers. Our results suggest that the framework has opened a new way to facilitate collaborations between librarians and multidisciplinary researchers.  相似文献   

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