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一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 《艰难的抉择》(Dilemma)一文选自美国作家苏珊·埃洛伊塞·欣顿(Susan Eloise Hinton)1971年出版的小说《此一时,彼一时》(That Was Then,This Is Now)。本文选自该书的第十章。本刊上期已简要介绍了小说的故事梗概。本文讲述布里翁到医院看望女朋友卡西因吸毒而昏迷的弟弟M&M之后,深夜回到家里,发现马克还没有回家。身心疲惫的布里翁想抽支烟,却意外地从马克放香烟的床垫下面发现了许多毒品。眼前的一切令布里翁既吃惊又难过,他的心里充满了矛盾。面对着这些不知使多少人深受其害的毒品,又想到自己的好兄弟、好朋友马克,布里翁该怎么办呢?他将做出怎样的抉择呢?[第一段]  相似文献   

The inclusion of students with learning disabilities (LD) remains one of the more controversial issues in special education. Although research evidence seems to reveal that students with LD should spend most of the school day in the general education classroom, little data are available regarding the extent to which states are moving toward educating these students in less restrictive settings. This investigation was conducted to examine national and state data related to changes that occurred during the 1990s in educating students with LD in less restrictive settings. The results revealed that little change occurred across the United States as a whole, and that only 15 states moved toward educating students with LD in less restrictive settings during this time. The findings of this investigation further revealed that much of the apparent movement toward educating students with LD in general education classrooms is largely an illusion, explained primarily by the increasing identification rate for students with LD. The implications of these findings for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Increasingly, students with intensive educational needs are receiving special education services in general education classes. This level of heterogeneous grouping poses curricular and instructional adaptation challenges. Variations of the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem-Solving process are presented as methods for meeting the educational needs of diverse groups of students within general education activities. Specific examples are provided based on field testing in elementary schools. An evaluation component and future implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The articles written for this series, Consultation Models Revisited, are primarily about the practice of consultation in schools. We found many areas of commonality across the artides and have delineated 7 areas as critical to the understanding of school consultation. We also highlight some ideas presented in individual articles that contribute significantly to school consultation. The last part of this article addresses issues that were not discussed in the series but that we feel are important considerations for consultation in schools today.  相似文献   

随班就读是全球融合教育在中国的具体实践,随班就读教师究竟需要怎样的“支持”才能满足残疾儿童在普通班级中的特殊教育需要?基于信效度较好的随班就读教师课堂支持问卷调查与分析结果表明,随班就读教师在社会性支持上的得分显著高于在技术性支持上的得分;在社会性支持中,教师在融合教育氛围上得分显著高于在学校领导支持上的得分,而在学校领导支持上的得分又显著高于在同事支持上的得分;在技术性支持中,教师在物理环境调整上的得分显著高于在教辅教具配置上的得分;而在教辅教具配置上的得分又显著高于在专业人员指导上的得分。基于研究结果,建议加强随班就读教师所需支持研究,规范开展随班就读工作的教室建设,提升特殊教育学校教师专业化水平。  相似文献   

Federal regulations concerning the development and implementation of alternate assessments based on modified achievement standards include a set of safeguards intended to ensure that eligible students have access to grade-level general curriculum. These regulations concerning curricular access and opportunity to learn for students with disabilities may prove difficult for educational researchers and policymakers to operationalize and evaluate. This article provides a historical and policy context for efforts to ensure curricular access. In addition, this article reviews research on potential indicators of (or ways of measuring) access to the general curriculum and opportunity to learn. Finally, best practices for facilitating and evaluating access to the general curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the use of an emerging technology called augmented reality to teach science vocabulary words to college students with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders. One student with autism and three students with an intellectual disability participated in a multiple probe across behaviors (i.e., acquisition of science vocabulary words) design. Data were collected on each student's ability to define and label three sets of science vocabulary words (i.e., bones, organs, and plant cells). The results indicate that all students acquired definition and labeling knowledge for the new science vocabulary terms. Results are discussed in the context of applying universal design principles with emerging technologies to create authentic opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders to learn science vocabulary. (Keywords: augmented reality, autism, intellectual disability, science vocabulary, universal design for learning)  相似文献   

Middle school students with learning disabilities often struggle with reading and literacy skills, including vocabulary, and require support in content-area classes such as mathematics where weak vocabulary knowledge can negatively affect learning, achievement, and deep understanding. However, in general, middle school mathematics teachers do not receive training in literacy instruction, much less in explicit vocabulary instruction. Additionally, relatively few studies have examined content-area vocabulary instruction at the middle or secondary school level. This study addressed these gaps in the research by examining the effect of a performance feedback and coaching intervention on middle school mathematics teachers’ use of explicit mathematics vocabulary instruction. Results of the study indicate that performance feedback and coaching had moderately positive effects on teachers’ use and quality of explicit mathematics vocabulary instruction.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):357-375
A test designed with built-in modifications and covering the same grade-level mathematics content provided more precise measurement of mathematics achievement for lower performing students with disabilities. Fourth-grade students with disabilities took a test based on modified state curricular standards for their mandated statewide mathematics assessment. To link the modified test with the general test, a block of items was administered to students with and without disabilities who took the general mathematics assessment. Item difficulty and student mathematics ability parameters were estimated using item response theory (IRT) methodology. Results support the conclusion that a modified test, based on the same curricular objectives but providing a more targeted measurement of expected outcomes for lower achieving students, could be developed for this special population.  相似文献   

This article explores the key characteristics of postsecondary education programs that help youth and young adults with disabilities persist and remain in college. Student support factors include services that develop stronger self-determination skills, teach and support young adults' self-management skills, expose students to assistive technology, and promote career development by providing internships or other career-related experiences. In conjunction with student support services there are two professional development emphases for instructional faculty that contribute to the institutional support needed by college students with disabilities. Students benefit when faculty have an increased awareness and knowledge of the characteristics and needs of students with disabilities and when faculty incorporate concepts of universal design into their instruction and curriculum.  相似文献   

Disability laws in Saudi Arabia mandate that higher education institutions provide support for special needs learners in order to ensure educational opportunities equivalent to opportunities for their nondisabled peers. These institutions experience challenges, however, in providing the necessary support to undergraduate and postgraduate students with learning disabilities (LDs). We conducted an exploratory study to assess educational support requirements and affordances for undergraduate and postgraduate students with LDs attending institutions of higher education in Saudi Arabia. We completed semistructured interviews with 22 special needs learners diagnosed with a LD (16 undergraduate and six postgraduate). The findings suggest that additional support services are needed for undergraduate and postgraduate students with LDs attending Saudi institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

We examined the effectiveness of implementing team‐based learning (TBL) practices on content acquisition for 11th grade students with high‐incidence disabilities enrolled in general education social studies courses. TBL components focus on collaborative discourse within heterogeneous teams. TBL, which requires critical thinking and the application of content knowledge for problem‐solving, was implemented for three units of instruction. Results indicated no statistically significant differences between groups on a measure of content knowledge, although a moderate effect size was noted (ES = 0.50). Significant and large effects (ES = 1.01) favoring the TBL treatment were noted for items related to content‐area vocabulary. There were no significant differences on items measuring comprehension of historical events, facts, and issues (ES = 0.38). Practical implications for content‐area instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

Finding appropriate instructional settings in science for students with disabilities is challenging, and the range of services or placements used is currently unknown. This study identifies administrative structures, instructional settings, and special/general education teacher roles in teaching science to students with disabilities. A phone survey was conducted with special education coordinators of fifth graders in 137 districts in Texas. Survey data indicated that while nearly all districts reported special education settings for the instruction of science for students with disabilities, some districts provided only general education settings. Theoretical and practical implications for teacher preparation are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, Dr Emad M. Alghazo and Dr Eman El. Naggar Gaad, both assistant professors at the Department of Special Education in the United Arab Emirates University, report on their research into the attitudes of mainstream teachers towards the inclusion of students with disabilities. The research took place in the Emirate of Abu-Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, and set out to explore the extent to which general education teachers there accept the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream classrooms. The research process incorporated a questionnaire survey, analysed quantitatively, and a series of interviews with teachers to follow up on a range of issues. The analysis of the results takes account of a number of variables, including the gender of the respondents; number of years' experience as a teacher; and type of learner disability. Emad Alghazo and Eman Naggar Gaad report that there is more work to be done on the development of an 'inclusion culture' among teachers in the United Arab Emirates. They close their article by making a series of recommendations for future practice focusing on initial teacher education, continuing professional development and attitudinal change.  相似文献   

对我国当前残疾人高等教育教师队伍结构和研究现状进行分析,并以系统论作为研究视角,提出了残疾人高等教育院校教师队伍建设要坚持高等教育的质量目标,同时应具备共性结构要素和特性结构要素两个标准的思路.为了提升残疾高等教育教师队伍的整体素质,必须对目前我国残疾人高等教育教师队伍结构的缺失有针对性的优化,从而建立符合时代要求与当代残疾人高等教育规律的优秀教师队伍,实现提高我国残疾人高等教育的水平.  相似文献   

Students with disabilities must have a statement of transition service needs in their individualized education programs (IEPs) by age 14. Transition service needs must be based on students' needs, preferences, and interests. Transition assessment is an ongoing process that can help students with disabilities gain an understanding of their needs, interests, and preferences in relation to educational, vocational, and postschool environments. In addition, it can provide secondary personnel with a framework to meet the mandates for transition services in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997. The legislative foundation, purposes, and uses of transition assessment in the middle and high school years are discussed in relation to transition planning. In addition, the competencies needed by personnel involved in this assessment process are highlighted along with IEP team members who may be involved in transition planning activities.  相似文献   

数学教育贵在尚识   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
教学具有教育性,数学而言的“识”是指分析鉴别知识经融会贯通而获致个人见解的能力,包括预见力、判断力、鉴赏力、洞察力、看问题的能力、提问题的能力.尚识要兼顾“才、学、识”3者的关系,遵循识的生长的3个阶段,引导和培育学生的识.  相似文献   

Homework is an important activity in the lives of school‐aged children, including students with learning disabilities (LD). Characteristics often associated with LD (e.g., poor organizational skills) may adversely impact the rate and quality of homework completion. In this study, a multiple‐probe across‐students design (Horner & Baer, 1978) was used to evaluate the effects of instruction in a comprehensive, independent assignment completion strategy with regard to homework completion rates and the quality of products completed in response to assignments given in general education classrooms. Eight of nine students mastered use of the strategy, and their homework completion rates and the quality of their homework products improved. Associated with these improvements were increases in quarterly grades and teacher ratings of the quality of the assignments. Thus, direct instruction in a comprehensive strategy comprised of organizational behaviors can result in independent completion of more homework by students with LD. Nevertheless, instruction in organizational skills alone appears insufficient to produce a 100 percent submission rate: student motivation to complete assignments and mastery of the skills required, as well as the appropriateness of assignments for students, need to be addressed.  相似文献   

属成人高等教育性质的教育学院为我国的基础教育事业和教师教育事业做出了积极的贡献,然而,由于教育学院的生源下滑及体制限制等原因,教育学院的发展受到严重挑战。如何破解教育学院的发展难题,各地做法不尽相同,但根据各自的省情和院情,将教育学院改制为普通高校,不失为教育学院实现可持续发展的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

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