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This paper explores language discrimination and discusses the possible critical pedagogy in language education against discrimination. The paper talks about language discrimination consisting of three stages. The first one is institutional discrimination. The second stage is group discrimination. And the last one is individual discrimination. Then it moves to the analysis of critical pedagogy in ESL education. In the end the paper tries to discuss the possibility of anti-language discrimination education.  相似文献   

Globally, the need for development of a competent workforce to serve the burgeoning older population is well documented. Persons with degrees in gerontology are prepared to fill positions in this labor market, yet they are not in demand. This research explores the path of professionalization of gerontologists in Canada as a means of increasing their contribution to the aging services workforce. A cross-sectional online survey of aging-service administrators (n = 66) was conducted in Ontario, Canada, to ascertain their perceptions of gerontologists as professionals in the service delivery to older persons. Aging-service administrators show low rates of hiring gerontologists and low knowledge of gerontological competencies. There was a significant (p < .05) relationship between the knowledge of gerontologist's competence and their rate of employment. The administrators expressed high interest in regulation and credentialing of gerontologists (63.6%). Credentialing of gerontologists is a means of professionalization that legitimizes the competence of this field as a profession. Education is needed—for governmental agencies and health and social service providers—on the role of gerontologists in meeting aging service workforce demands. Ultimately, regulatory policy considerations are needed.  相似文献   


A leading community-based film program, the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital, is described and lessons relevant to practitioners who wish to develop similar programs in other cities are presented.  相似文献   

思维方式与思维能力上的差异是造成语言差异的一个重要原因。一个人的写作能力是同其思维能力成正比的。要解决英语作文语篇连贯性问题,必须注重培养批判性思维能力与品质,把批判性思维的重要标准作为评价标准,在多维度的语言教学活动中对接受到的语言材料进行批判性分析。通过对三次写作测试结果进行数据收集与统计分析,整理出一套可供借鉴的侧重写作者思维能力培养、旨在提高语篇连贯性的英语写作教学实践策略与方法。  相似文献   

2005年以“超级女生”为代表的选秀类电视娱乐节目获得学界和业界广泛的关注。这类节目高扬“梦想”的旗帜,凸现自由平等、张扬个性等民主社会民众的追求理想。但机会的均等并不能带来现实的平等,所谓的个性也从丰富多样的存在蜕变为千篇一律地媒介批量生产,甚至是成就梦想者也面临被异化的危险。适量的电视选秀类娱乐节目的存在是有益的,但若过量,则于媒体、节目参与者乃至整个社会有害。  相似文献   

“肯定性行动计划(affirmative action)”是美国民权运动、反战运动等社会政治运动的产物,在美国高等教育发展史上具有里程碑的意义。“肯定性行动计划”的实施,扩大了少数民族的高等教育机会,推动了少数民族高等教育的发展,开启了少数民族高等教育援助政策的先河。该政策在促进政治稳定、经济繁荣、社会和谐等方面发挥了巨大作用。新的时代背景下,随着政策环境的变化,以及政策对不同利益群体的影响,“肯定性行动计划”在实践中面临重重阻力,步履维艰,美国少数民族高等教育的前景不容乐观。  相似文献   

Portfolios can serve as a means of collecting information that can be seen as evidence for evaluating the achievement of students in classrooms. The use of portfolios has a long history although their general use in classroom assessment is a recent phenomenon. Portfolios are not widely used in large‐scale assessments; they are a classroom‐based phenomenon in Canadian schools. In this paper, we explore three themes related to portfolio use in the Canadian context. First, we consider examples of policies and procedures as recommended by Ministries of Education to illustrate the range of statements provided. Next, we review surveys of portfolio use and acceptance by teachers and, to a lesser degree, administrators. Finally, we describe and discuss three studies that have begun to investigate the use and interpretation of portfolios.  相似文献   

汤熙 《海外英语》2013,(23):111-112
There is a large amount of evidence disclosing the positives of applying new technologies in language teaching,but other scholars at the same time pinpoint the limitations of the technology’s possibility of providing cost-and time-effective lever to help students improve their language proficiency.This paper attempts to discuss the use of new technologies in teaching ESOL from a macro perspective regarding its cost-and time-effectiveness in reference to previous studies.  相似文献   

本文基于全球化的视角,探析经济全球化背景下高等教育的社会批判功能所面临的冲击.新自由主义的理论基础使全球化内蕴市场意识形态,对经济领域和非经济领域都产生话语霸权.处于这一境域,高等教育的知识基础、知识分子素质和社会独立性不可避免地受到市场意识形态的渗透和影响,导致其社会批判功能受到削弱,对国家和社会产生深远危害.  相似文献   

A sociocultural perspective for supervision practice uses the concepts of acculturation, apprenticeship, and reflective assessment to describe supervision in counselor education. Supervision can be viewed as an intersubjective process that revolves around solving ambiguous and unstructured problems; key features include the coconstruction of shared meaning, framed by a continuous cycle of reflection and action, and the emergence of a professional identity. Implications for research and practice are offered.  相似文献   

This conceptual paper contributes to the scholarship on life-long learning programs at public universities. It investigates the unique relationship between these institutions and their state, utilizing Ohio as an illustrative example. A review of several university mission statements illuminates the responsibility of these institutions to their older-learner programs. Particular emphasis is placed on Over-60 programs, a university course audit program found in many states. Older learners face many barriers and challenges on college campuses because institutions struggle with limited resources and support for older-learner programs. This paper further encourages dialogue about the benefits of older learner programs.  相似文献   

Literature reveals difficulties in preparing nurses to care for older people. This article reports a study that aimed to facilitate positive changes in gerontological education in an undergraduate nursing program by identifying barriers and effective actions. A critical research approach was applied to the study. Data were mainly collected through focus groups. A total of five barriers were identified in gerontological education in an undergraduate nursing program. Actions which may address these barriers were explored. Critical reflection on educational practice based on partnerships between education and service sectors has the potential of leading an educational reform in gerontological nursing.  相似文献   

我国关于教育公平的研究近年来成果颇丰,但是大多数仍然是宏观的政策理论研究,深入到弱势群体的微观实证研究成果还是缺乏。批判民族志主要用于理解和诠释研究对象的生活经历,并通过研究者与研究对象的互动着手改造教育不公平现象,因而可以为我国教育公平研究提供一个新的方法论和研究视角,促进我国教育公平研究的深入有效开展。  相似文献   

The anatomical sciences have always been regarded as an essential component of medical education. In Canada, the methodology and time dedicated to anatomy teaching are currently unknown. Two surveys were administered to course directors and discipline leaders to gain a comprehensive view of anatomical education in Canadian medical schools. Participants were queried about contact hours (classroom and laboratory), content delivery and assessment methods for gross anatomy, histology, and embryology. Twelve schools responded to both surveys, for an overall response rate of 64%. Overall, Canadian medical students spend 92.8 (± 45.4) hours (mean ± SD) studying gross anatomy, 25.2 (± 21.0) hours for histology, and 7.4 (± 4.3) hours for embryology. Gross anatomy contact hours statistically significantly exceeded those for histology and embryology. Results show that most content is delivered in the first year of medical school, as anatomy is a foundational building block for upper-year courses. Laboratory contact time for gross anatomy was 56.8 (± 30.7) hours, histology was 11.4 (± 16.2) hours, and embryology was 0.25 (± 0.6) hours. Additionally, 42% of programs predominantly used instructor/technician-made prosections, another 33% used a mix of dissection and prosections and 25% have their students complete cadaveric dissections. Teaching is either completely or partially integrated into all Canadian medical curricula. This integration trend in Canada parallels those of other medical schools around the world where programs have begun to decrease contact time in anatomy and increase integration of the anatomical sciences into other courses. Compared to published American data, Canadian schools offer less contact time. The reason for this gap is unknown. Further investigation is required to determine if the amount of anatomical science education within medical school affects students' performance in clerkship, residency and beyond.  相似文献   

从批判教育学看媒介素养教育目标及其实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐述批判教育学的基本理念和回顾媒介素养教育的发展历史基础上,提出从批判教育学和媒介素养教育的共同点入手来培养当代学生批判性和主体性思维的重要性,借用批判教育学中的对话式教学方法,彻底转变师生在教育中的角色,以实现媒介素养的教育目标。  相似文献   

On the point that, in practices of critical thinking, we respond spontaneously in concrete situations, this paper presents an account on behalf of Wittgenstein. I argue that the ‘seeing‐things‐aright’ model of Luntley's Wittgenstein is not adequate, since it pays insufficient attention to radically new circumstances, in which the content of norms is updated. While endorsing Bailin's emphasis on criteria of critical thinking, Wittgenstein would agree with Papastephanou and Angeli's demand to look behind criteriology. He maintains the primacy of the practical, and yet contends that a reasonable person lets rules of rationality compel her. These rules are not mere heuristics. I further examine Burbules' conception of communicative reason, and, among others, his interpretation of Wittgenstein's sign‐post example.  相似文献   

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