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分配正义是基于正义的立场和视角对社会利益分配关系的伦理反思和价值追问,其核心内涵也是随着社会生产关系的变化而嬗变的,人们对分配正义的理解也存在着不同的学科视野和价值立场。在当代中国,实践分配正义需遵循三个原则,即满足基本经济需求的"平等原则"、按劳分配的"应得原则"和有利于最少受惠者的"差别原则"。同时要警惕"粗陋的共产主义"、"市场原教旨主义"和"权贵资本主义"的分配价值立场。  相似文献   

迄今,教师专业发展的实践形态表现出较为典型的外生性取向,即外部力量主导并介入教师专业发展过程.外生性谋划的教师专业发展拥有两个理论预设,即发展意味着结果的状态、专业发展的结果状态可以和专业实践相分离,由此引发出如何理解发展、如何处理专业发展与专业实践的关系以及专业发展作为构成性概念的有效实现路径等理论难题.从作为过程的发展观出发,教师专业发展的理论逻辑要求它必须依附于其专业实践.因此,需要建构一种外生与内生相融合的专业发展理念,以外生性发展唤醒教师专业发展的内在自觉,以积极的实践来促进教师的专业成长,以指导和帮助教师解决专业实践问题来实现教师发展.  相似文献   

国家课程文化自觉的实践策略,是课程文化走向自觉的最核心、最重要的部分.课程政策的先进文化引导、课程标准的整体文化价值建构、课程管理的弹性文化约束、课程实施中的自主文化创新,是国家课程走向文化自觉的基本策略.  相似文献   

The Bridge Program is an innovative orientation program for new MSW students of color. The primary purpose of the program is to provide an early opportunity for new students to develop supportive and sustaining relationships with other minority students, faculty, and community practitioners. Providing social and informational support may help to mediate the impact of role, family, and job conflict mentioned by students as obstacles to completing their degree program. This paper describes a two year pilot of the Bridge Program goals, structure, and content, including formative assessment data. The paper concludes with a discussion of the lessons learned in creating the Bridge Program and suggestions for adapting the program model to other settings.  相似文献   

Using an established university level internship program, this article discusses the issues of socialization and acculturation of interns into the workplace, motivation of student employees, and the relationships between education and training/workplace and academy. Evaluations by students and their supervisors reveal the significance of these issues for positive experiential learning.  相似文献   

After a brief historical overview of how interest and its role in learning had been conceptualized, the focus of the paper shifts to the specific relationship between interest and reading. The issues considered are the effect of interest on readers' comprehension and learning, the variables that determine readers' interests, and the specific processes such as attention that may mediate the effect of interest on learning. It is suggested that to allow researchers a better understanding of the mediating variables, dynamic measures of interest are needed in addition to the more traditional self-reports and questionnaires. In the final section of the paper the author discusses the importance of utilizing students' interest in classrooms.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Preventing challenging behavior in young children is a national priority. The number of young children with behavioral problems is on the rise. Discipline policies can help early childhood programs build an infrastructure that promotes social and academic success. This study sought to document the extent to which existing early childhood program discipline policies implement the essential features for developing high-quality, system-wide (viz., program- and school-wide) discipline policies. Using the Early Childhood Discipline Policy Essentials Checklist, investigators assessed the quality of 65 discipline policies from state-licensed early childhood care and education programs. Practice or Policy: Results revealed that early childhood program discipline policies, for the most part, fail to sufficiently address those essential features known to contribute to reducing challenging behavior and promoting prosocial behavior in young children.  相似文献   

美国独立学院委员会在其公布的《独立学院委员会成员发展战略规划报告》中,对目前独立学院发展面临的困难和挑战进行了剖析,并对其未来发展方向相应作出了战略规划。我国独立学院发展历史较短,与美国独立学院有很大不同但也有一定相似之处。分析美国独立学院所面临的挑战和应对的战略对我国独立学院的发展有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article reports an evaluation of a GeroRich effort to increase age-specific content throughout bachelor and master-level social work curricula. A total of 426 students (128 BSWs and 298 MSWs) completed pre and posttests in 2004–2005, self-rating their aging competency using the Social Work with Aging Skill Competency Scale II (New York Academy of Medicine, 2005 New York Academy of Medicine . ( 2005 ). Practicum Partnership Program Geriatric Social Work Competency Scale II . Retrieved July 7, 2005, from New York Academy of Medicine Geriatric Practicum Partnership Program Web site:http://socialwork.nyam.org/pdf/GSWCompetencyScaleII.d  [Google Scholar]). Additional outcome questions were included to assess elements of the specific strategy. Findings indicate that both groups showed improved aging competency, but policy and human behavior courses were key to competency for BSW students, while practice and field classes predicted competency for MSWs.  相似文献   

全面建成小康社会是实现"第一个一百年奋斗目标"的重要标志,全面建成小康社会具有丰富的内涵:"全面"是重点惠及全体人民与覆盖各领域的全面,"建成"是复兴中国梦的阶段性目标,"小康社会"是关乎微观的生活水平。当前全面建成小康社会不仅体现以人民为中心的服务宗旨,更彰显了社会主义制度的优越性。通过提高精准扶贫的能力和水平,转变经济发展方式的理念引领社会发展,为全面建成小康社会提供了现实路径。  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - STEM achievement gaps between Latinx and their non-Hispanic White (NHW) counterparts emerge in early childhood and persist through adulthood....  相似文献   

近年来随着脑科学的发展,认知神经科学对学生学习脑机制的探索取得了诸多成就。认真汲取认知神经科学的研究成果,积极推进教学神经学研究,是当前教学论科学化道路上又一重要研究任务。作为一门新兴的交叉学科,教学神经学是将认知神经学、学习心理学和教学论整合起来,研究基于学生学习脑机制,优化教学行为并科学引导学生有效学习的一门教学论分支学科。在研究对象上,教学神经学研究域主要包括学生学习机制、教学变量验证、教学艺术形成策略;在研究方法上,课堂生态研究法是教学神经学的主要研究方法。当前,开展教学神经学研究具有重大理论和实践意义。它既是教学论学科发展的新的理论生长点,又有利于实践中基于证据实施教学,破除教学中的"神经神话",科学提高学生学习效益与教师教学质量。教学神经学的学科建设需要政策层面自上而下引导支持,加大跨学科人才培养力度,积极开展跨学科研究,提升教学神经学理论与应用科学化水平。  相似文献   

人脸识别技术作为人工智能的前沿科技,已成为各国争夺的新兴技术战略高地。但与丰富的实践相比,理论相对滞后。通过对人脸识别技术的现实考量,我们发现人脸识别技术适用存在非法采集、过度分析、信息泄露问题。在此,以案例引入方式从理论上思考公权力主体、私主体使用人脸识别技术存在的理论问题。提出从公权力主体、私主体及信息主体三方面来规范人脸识别技术使用的纾解进路。  相似文献   

资源环境与城乡规划管理专业实践教学体系探索与实践   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章根据实践教学的特点及其对人才培养的作用,结合资源环境与城乡规划管理专业人才培养的目标和要求,提出资源环境与城乡规划管理专业实践教学建设的方案与设想,构建了包括课程实践、社会实践、专业集中实践和综合实践模块构成的本专业实践教学体系。  相似文献   

推行课后服务是破解“三点半难题”的主要途径,课后服务治理是实现高质量的课后服务、推动义务教育质量均衡、促进教育公平的重要举措,是加快推进教育治理现代化的应然要求。但当今开展课后服务面临着责任主体意愿低下、管理制度乏力、监督体系不完善、人财物保障不足等现实境遇。其实践路径以构建课后服务治理长效机制为切入点,从完善顶层设计、强化过程实施、完善支持体系、注重文化建设等方面着手,全面提升课后服务质量,完善课后服务治理体系和治理能力。  相似文献   

Assessments labeled as formative have been offered as a means to improve student achievement. But labels can be a powerful way to miscommunicate. For an assessment use to be appropriately labeled "formative," both empirical evidence and reasoned arguments must be offered to support the claim that improvements in student achievement can be linked to the use of assessment information. Our goal in this article is to support the construction of such an argument by offering a framework within which to consider evidence-based claims that assessment information can be used to improve student achievement. We describe this framework and then illustrate its use with an example of one-on-one tutoring. Finally, we explore the framework's implications for understanding when the use of assessment information is likely to improve student achievement and for advising test developers on how to develop assessments that are intended to offer information that can be used to improve student achievement.  相似文献   

"素养"是过去半个多世纪里世界教育领域的重要概念,本世纪初生成"核心素养"理念并成为教育改革潮流,最近5年多来经过本土化成为我国当前课程改革的主导性教学目标思想。中国学生发展核心素养框架于2016发布,新的课程方案和各学科课程标准具象了该框架。在推进课程改革逐步深化的过程中,以更广阔的时空背景去认识核心素养,可以促进新课程观的建构,推动"核心素养落地"。  相似文献   

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - Integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curricula have taken center stage in the recent education reforms....  相似文献   

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