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The National Grid for Learning (NGfL) not only represents the most ambitious educational computing initiative to date but also heralds one of the largest public/private education policy partnerships the UK has even seen. In reflecting the growing influence of market and technological forces the NGfL should, therefore, be treated as a significant education signpost for the new century. Before the initiative reaches full operation a major step in the 'construction' of the Learning Grid has been its formation within government and official discourse. This discursive construction is important inasmuch as it makes an 'ethereal' initiative a tangible concern, shaping expectations among both the education and business communities and consequently influencing the future effectiveness of the NGfL. From this basis, the present article examines how the National Grid for Learning is being discursively constructed by government and official actors at a macro level through policy and advisory documents, official statements and other rhetoric. In doing so the article highlights how the NGfL is being shaped within a restrictive technocratic and determinist discourse, thus conforming to traditional narratives of society and technology. The paper then aims to show how such construction negates crucial social and economic elements of the initiative and threatens, ultimately, to restrict the eventual educational effectiveness of the Grid.  相似文献   

戏剧表演对人类社会生活的影响力一直是多学科关注的焦点。然而,当前国内对澳大利亚著名剧作家戴维·威廉森及其戏剧作品的研究还集中在戏剧文本分析层面,很少论及戏剧舞台表演及其社会影响。鉴于此,本文受界面研究的启发,从人类语言学和话语分析的视角,分析观众对《搬迁者》舞台表演的历时语境重构情况,探讨它在澳大利亚国家认同构建中的作用,分析发现:《搬迁者》的舞台表演(特别是其中的奥克幽默)为澳大利亚国家认同的构建提供了丰富的社会符号资源。  相似文献   

Adopting the Critical Discourse Analysis approach,this paper sets out to analyze the underlying reasons that cause the differences between two Chinese newspapers--Qianjiang Evening News and China Daily,both of which are concerning the Chinese player Wu Peng’s winning the 200-meter butterfly at the World Short-course Championship.The identity of both the newspaper itself and its readership will be analyzed to explore the relationship between identity and reporting strategies.  相似文献   

少数民族教科书是增进少数民族儿童国家认同的重要途径,能够有效地加强民族理解和对话,繁荣民族文化,塑造新时代国民。少数民族教科书应把少数民族置于中华民族大家庭中,重点叙述各民族之间的交流与融合,构建少数民族教科书的实践知识体系,在实践中印证理论知识。同时,可以编订乡土教科书,由爱乡到爱国,形成国家认同的基本理念。  相似文献   

少数民族地区基础教育师资力量较为薄弱,建立基于远程教育环境下的多语平行资源库,对于帮助少数民族教师不断提高自己的专业水平和汉语水平具有现实意义。文中探讨了构建多语平行资源库的必要性、可行性及构建的基本思路,分析了面临的主要问题,提出了解决方法,指出利用农村中小学远程教育工程传递多语教学资源,是提高少数民族地区农村中小学现代远程教育工程应用效益的一条途径。  相似文献   

尤金·奥尼尔后期作品显示其已经超越时代权力话语所规定的阶级意义。他解构阶级而使用阶层身份叙事:阶层是话语与社会实践的构建,与先在的本质和本体无关。充当文化意义的能动者,奥尼尔具有由社会所决定的行动能力和创新能力。《迭冰的人来了》(1939)描述酒吧里醉生梦死的人曾拥有不同的社会财富、享受不同的社会地位,或者说,他们属于不同的“阶级”;如今,他们失去昔日的辉煌,沦落到贫困、无助、茫然的境地,共有的文化价值观—相信明天会不同—让他们持有新的主体立场,形成新“阶层”。  相似文献   

从传统国家向现代国家转型的过程中,人们必须重新建立自己的国家认同。网络大发展背景下公民国家认同的构建更需要重视,因此我们应通过加强政府引导、重视公民教育、强化宣传效果、健全法律体系等手段,来促进网络大发展背景之下的公民国家认同培育。  相似文献   

对教授在报纸与微博中集体身份的批评性话语分析后发现:第一,尽管报刊与微博在建构"教授"社会职能时存在差异性,但二者均通过"职业身份"和"社会身份"的积极一面建构其集体身份;第二,报刊与微博皆采用积极刻板印象形成的话语策略构建"教授"积极集体身份,但微博对消极刻板印象的使用数量多于报刊;第三,国家政策环境和社会传统是形成媒体中"教授"积极集体身份的主要社会因素。  相似文献   

东北亚地区各国意识形态不同、制度模式各异、经济社会发展水平参差不齐,而其中的安全问题更是影响着国际社会的稳定。本文从传统安全与非传统安全的角度对当前东北亚安全问题进行梳理,从国际关系理论即新现实主义、新自由主义、建构主义的角度对造成目前区域安全问题的原因予以剖析,最终以建构主义“身份——利益”观对于中国国家身份与国家利益建构提出自己的认识。  相似文献   

苏格兰民族服装世界上最著名的民族服装之一便是苏格兰的民族服装,即苏格兰褶裥短裙。不过有些人认为苏格兰褶裥短裙并不像一些人所说的那样传统悠久。但不管它的历史是长是短,人们肯定是把它连同威士忌和羊肉杂碎布丁与苏格兰联系在一起的。有些人认为,穿一件不属于自家的格子呢褶裥短裙会遭厄运。只是提醒你,假如你什么时候游览苏格兰——男子不是穿裙子(skirts)——而是穿褶裥短裙(kilts)——千万别忘了!  相似文献   

Identity is the crucial characteristic to people, as it is the defining factors of what they are and what they are not. It concludes lots of things, and among which, the national identity and regional identity are the most important ones; though they are often confused in some occasions. Therefore, this essay discusses the question of the relationship of these two identities with the examples of two British films— Bloody Sunday and Kes. From the discussion, it concludes that though on some degree the region...  相似文献   

从宪法角度解读国家认同有三个维度:认同主体、运行机理和认同客体。公民是国家认同的主体,其公民身份是国家认同的起点,国籍是现代公民的静态标准,独立自主与平等参与是其实质内涵;认同是联系公民与国家的纽带,其运行机理是国家认同的关键。认同的本质是对人际关系的认知、选择和赞同,包括自我认同、集体选择以及赞同与奉献国家三个面相。现代政治国家是国家认同的客体,它是区别于古代国家的现代国家和区别于民族国家的政治国家的统一体。  相似文献   

This study explored the formation and expression of gender identity among 19 self-identified transgender individuals through the use of qualitative, in-depth interviews. Through the lens of the Communication Theory of Identity (CTI), we examined how trans* individuals form and perform gender identity, the tensions produced between identity frames, and the discursive strategies used to navigate those tensions. We identified the manifestation of three specific identity gaps: personal-enacted, personal-relational, and enacted-relational. Furthermore, we discovered four discursive strategies previously recognized for navigating tensions that emerge from identity gaps: closeted enactment, passing, disengagement, and label changing, and we identified a fifth discursive strategy—hyper-engagement—used to navigate these tensions. Results revealed that these identity layers and discursive strategies collaboratively manifest and coalesce in response to specific communicative contexts. Our results are discussed within the resounding call for greater understanding of trans* identity formation and expression.  相似文献   

This paper compares the narratives on the Famine in Irish and Ukrainian history textbooks and examines to what extent these narratives are coloured by a nationalist discourse. It argues that the story of the Famine in Irish history textbooks has changed from nationalist propaganda to a more balanced narrative, and that this change was brought about by the social transformations in the 1960s. The paper further observes that the current Ukrainian textbooks display quite a variation in the selection and interpretation of events relating to the Famine. Whereas some show a considerable nationalist bias, others present more moderate views. The trajectory of Irish narratives lends support to a theory that relates politicized historiography to the age of a state and to the consolidation of democracy. The diverse pattern of Ukrainian narratives, however, is difficult to reconcile with theories linking historiography to the wider social and political context. This pattern suggests that young states and/or states emerging from authoritarian rule need not automatically entertain uniformly nationalist or otherwise ideologically coloured discourses in the immediate post‐independence period.  相似文献   

米歇尔·图尼埃的《礼拜五》是对笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》的创造性改写。图尼埃摒弃了18世纪开拓征服殖民地的鲁滨逊,转而构建一个试图逃离现代文明和物质生活的元素化鲁滨逊。面对人性与兽性,有性与无性,灵与肉,人与自然之间的挣扎博弈,图尼埃笔下的鲁滨逊依次经历了"水、土、气、火"四大元素阶段。后殖民时代,图尼埃以一个现代文明人鲁滨逊的身份建构深入探索人类实现精神救赎之路,体现出作家对现代人生存困境的思考。  相似文献   

新时期国家认同感的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家认同感是指个人承认和接受自己的民族文化和政治身份,并产生归属感。新形势下各种浪潮对我国国家认同感的形成和培养带来了极大影响,这决定了新时期国家认同感培养应处于动态的平衡:既基于传统的培养,又寻求政治诉求以及面向全球化的培养。  相似文献   

国家认同的建构——从边疆民族跨国流动视角的讨论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在多民族国家,各民族的国家认同问题是关系国家团结统一的重要基础。而边疆民族因其居住地属于国家边缘地带和其族群属于非主体民族而形成了民族认同与国家认同之间的张力,在国家认同问题上存在着一定的模糊性并具有选择的地缘条件和社会条件。为此,必须高度重视边疆民族的国家认同建构,而且应从边疆各民族主体出发,以工具理性和价值理性相统一并以文化价值为目标的原则进行国家认同的建构。  相似文献   

为了探究苗族大学生对本民族文化和主流文化的认同情况,采用外来情绪Simon任务(extrinsic affectiveSimon task,EAST),对30名苗族大学生进行测查.结果发现:(1)在反应时指标上,苗族大学生在主流文化上的EAST分数显著高于苗族文化;(2)在错误率指标上,主流文化和苗族文化没有显著性差异.结论:苗族大学生对主流文化认同态度更积极,在文化适应过程中可能采用了同化的适应策略.  相似文献   

语言具有社会交际工具与民族文化和身份认同的双重功能。在多语社会或国家,通常是通用语言承担较多社会交际工具功能,而少数民族语言承担较多文化认同功能,二者互相补充又互相不可替代。因此在语言的工具认同和文化认同意义上,我国国家通用语言和少数民族语言没有根本的冲突。在少数民族语言内部,由于存在强势语言和弱势语言、主体民族语言和非主体民族语言、简单语言环境语言和复杂语言环境语言、保持母语程度不同等复杂情况,所以对于不同民族语言来说,语言的民族认同也存在较大的区别。  相似文献   

台湾民众对“一个中国”的认同趋于减少,引起了学界的高度关注.在分析台湾民众国家认同危机产生和变化的原因后,梳理出这是由于台湾在解除戒严后形成独特的政治生态环境并通过政治社会化的方式造成的结果.尝试提出通过政治社会化的再建构来化解台湾民众在国家认同上的异化,建构两岸民众共同的国家认同,推动两岸的和平统一.  相似文献   

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