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In the introduction to the preceding article on the cooperative work of CERI, we mentioned the report of the Dutch project, which is headed by Dr. J.M.F. Theunissen of the State University of Utrecht. It describes the multidimensional approach taken in the Netherlands to improve the educational opportunities of socially disadvantaged children. Of particular interest to American readers are the systematic efforts to influence the families of these children to change their habits of child-rearing. (The report states that the Dutch have the impression that too little is done on that score in the United States.) It will further interest readers to note the comparisons drawn between the linguistic development of Dutch and American children, with some references to the Bereiter-Engelmann system.  相似文献   

印度发展学前补偿教育项目的经验主要包括:重视学前教育在个体和社会发展中的重要价值;通过法律和法规的形式确定学前补偿教育项目的地位和实施;不断扩大对学前补偿教育项目的财政投入;各级政府积极承担和履行管理学前补偿教育项目的责任;提高学前补偿教育项目工作人员的素质和待遇。这些经验对于我国发展农村学前教育具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

For the past 35 years, Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act has been the largest and most important federal resource for reforming high-poverty schools. Drawing on recent research, this article documents what we know about Title I's overall effectiveness and discusses how it may become a more effective intervention. The author concludes by making 3 policy recommendations for fostering better research and better programs: implement a rigorous and uniform national accountability system; support continued research and development of replicable programs and methods for improving schooling for disadvantaged children; and encourage large-scale randomized experiments of promising programs and practices.  相似文献   

教师评价对于促进教师专业发展有重要作用。以霍伊学校结构理论为基础,研究对比中美两套代表性教师评价方案在规则设计和权力结构两大维度的运作效果发现:中国方案更具备阻滞型学校结构的特征,美国方案更倾向于促进型学校结构的特征。我国中小学教师评价方案应实现以下几个转变:评价目的从"加强管理"转向"促进教学",制度安排从"依附嵌套"转向"独立自主",教师与评价者的关系从"对立被动"转向"双边互动",评价结果从用于"量化排名"转向利于教师"专业发展",制度设计从"基于经验"转向"专业科学"。  相似文献   


This article links the divisive education policies of the early 1990s, pursued by New Labour after 1997, with the continued reproduction of a class structure relatively unchanged despite the economic, political and cultural transformation of post-industrial England. It briefly overviews New Labour's education policies, including a list of Acts, Reports and initiatives 1997-2000 in an Appendix. It notes the divisive effects on class structures of an emerging hierarchy of schools and the relationship of class to the economy. It describes the continued reproduction of upper and some middle class groups via private schooling, the strategies of other middle and aspirant groups in their jockeying for positional advantage in education, and reviews the prospects for the poor under a government that preached inclusion but pursued exclusionary policies. The article suggests that theories of social reproduction have to take into account the ruthless determination of privileged and aspirant social groups to maximise the reproduction of their own class advantages.  相似文献   


The study examined relations between ethclass group membership, the achievement syndrome of families, and the cognitive performance of 850 11-year-old Australian children from six ethclass groups. A semi- structured interview schedule was constructed to assess parents’ achievement orientations, press for English, press for dependence, educational and occupational aspirations, and individualistic-collectivistic value orientations. Standardized tests were used to measure children’s intelligence and performance in mathematics, word knowledge, and word comprehension. The results support the proposition that if children from different cultural groups are found to be characterized by distinct patterns of cognitive scores, then the groups are characterized by distinct patterns of family learning environments. Also, the findings suggest that some of the achievement syndrome measures may act as threshold variables so that until certain levels of particular environment measures are attained, other family processes may have limited associations with children’s cognitive performance.  相似文献   

The article reviews the general context of the situation that has arisen in Russian education after the new provisions of the Federal Law of 29 December 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” went into effect. The law has been enacted in response to the need to develop a new concept of teacher education. Currently, about 270 institutions of higher education, about 30 percent of Russian universities, are implementing programs in the field of teacher education, and the proportion is growing. The author presents the main results of monitoring the activities of teacher training institutions in Russia and notes the new content and organizational challenges facing the project of modernizing teacher education.  相似文献   

西安交通大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学,其前身是1896年创建于上海的南洋公学,1921年改称为交通大学。1956年为了国家建设的需要,国务院决定交通大学主体迁往西安,1959年正式定名为“西安交通大学”。西安交通大学经国家“七五”、“八五”重点建设和“211工程”重点建设,各项事业有了很大的发展,是规模最大的教育部直属重点大学之一;1999年又被国家教育部列入“21世纪教育振兴行动计划”重点建设单位,成为国家重点建设的几所“世界知名高水平”大学之一。为了建设“世界知名高水平”大学的需要,经国务…  相似文献   

The Improving America's Schools Act legislation of 1994 greatly increased the responsibility and requirements for parental involvement activities in Title I schools. Though the requirements for annual meetings and involvement of parents in planning, review, and implementation of projects remain from the old Chapter 1 wording, expansion of the parental involvement role signifies its importance. Because schools have so much to learn following the changes to Title I, the school-parent compact has often been at the center for parental involvement activities as the new legislation is implemented. Many compacts have been generic to entire districts or buildings. Some model designs have gone from general school concepts to concepts specific to each child and family. Those with some explicit points, where parents and/or guardians and school staff can demonstrate the action, seem to have the greatest effect. It is important to note that the legislation talks about shared responsibility, not just what more a parent should do. Of further interest is the denotation of the involvement of the "entire school staff" and not just the Title I staff. Though it is not a requirement, many schools have also delineated a portion of the compact for the child to develop and/or sign. Meaningful partnership between home and school can only strengthen the support for learners to achieve high state standards.  相似文献   

开放教育在现代信息技术的支持下,有利于提升师范类专业办学资源的利用效度,而当前高校也已不同程度地开展开放教育形式,但其中还存在如部分课程的设置重复,彼此统筹不足;校际之间优质教学资源共享不足;学生选择课程的自由度不足等问题。对此,文章根据师范类专业提升教育资源利用效度的现实需要,以及当前各高校发展开放教育所存在的客观问题提出,一方面要提高对该问题的认识水平;另一方面要在行动上有所作为,对校际之间及校内各师范类专业之间进行必要的统筹。  相似文献   

编者按: 国务院日前批转了教育部《2003-2007年教育振兴行动计划》.这一计划是在充分总结1998-2002年《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》实施以来教育工作取得的丰硕成果和宝贵经验基础上制定的,是教育系统进一步落实科教兴国战略和人才强国战略、加快今后教育改革与发展的基本蓝图.  相似文献   

绘本的图画形式多样,风格各异,被认为是儿童的艺术博物馆。许多学龄前儿童通过绘本第一次接触到经典艺术作品,绘本可以在学龄前儿童美术教育中发挥重要作用。从技法层面讲,绘本引导学龄前儿童掌握绘画的媒介、技法和原则;从鉴赏层面讲,绘本给孩子提供了一个理解艺术作品的切入点。绘本消解了艺术的神秘色彩,帮助孩子将自己和美术经典作品联系在一起,从而理解艺术的语言和结构;从美育层面讲,绘本以游戏的形式,帮助儿童感性和理性获得均衡发展,建立完美和谐的人格。  相似文献   

2003-2007年教育振兴行动计划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Although they face many obstacles in common with other at-risk communities, Native Americans encounter other obstacles specific to their sociohistorical context. North American national policies imposed on Indian communities have resulted in political, social, and economic subjugation of a wholesegment of the national population. The historical context of this relationship continues to influence contemporary classrooms through institutionalized social relations, educational practices, and goals, all of which may be at odds with those of Native American communities and their perceived educational needs. The geographical and social isolation of many Native American reservation communities hinders recruitment and retention of competent teachers and administrators. Communication is impeded by both subtle and profound cultural differences between school personnel and the families they purport to serve. Native American leaders work to make teaching methods and curricula responsive to local tribal situations. Often, tribal efforts, expectations, and needs are at cross-purposes to national professional organizations, educational standards, and accreditation agencies that strive to achieve and maintain national uniformity in education practice. These obstacles are mountainous, but some guidelines for success are discernible; we have a map of the territory, and although there are no smooth roads across it as yet, we know how the land lies. For the obstacles, and for means of overcoming them, specific examples are drawn from our work in the Pueblo of Zuni in New Mexico.  相似文献   

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